The Forever One Podcast

Fighting Pride In Your Marriage

January 31, 2024 Team Wade
Fighting Pride In Your Marriage
The Forever One Podcast
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The Forever One Podcast
Fighting Pride In Your Marriage
Jan 31, 2024
Team Wade

Have you ever caught a glimpse of your reflection and realized the person staring back was wearing an unbecoming cloak of pride? Join us as we take a hard look at the stealthy role pride plays in marriage, derailing unity and fostering contention. We dissect the dark legacy left by Satan's rebellion, which serves as a stark reminder of the chaos pride can unleash within the sacred bond of matrimony. We'll guide you through the Biblical truths about the dangers of arrogance, and together we'll learn why humility isn't just a divine command but an essential strategy for inviting grace into your relationship.

This episode is not just a mirror to our flaws but a beacon of hope, illuminating the power of humility in the covenant of marriage. Whether you're stepping up as a leader or embracing the responsibility of submission, we explore how setting aside ego fortifies the bonds of love and respect. Remember, a humble spirit isn't a sign of weakness; it's akin to the Holy Spirit's role as our helper. So, I encourage you to seek the peace that comes from walking the humble path and discover how a legacy of love is built on the foundation of selfless unity.

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Have you ever caught a glimpse of your reflection and realized the person staring back was wearing an unbecoming cloak of pride? Join us as we take a hard look at the stealthy role pride plays in marriage, derailing unity and fostering contention. We dissect the dark legacy left by Satan's rebellion, which serves as a stark reminder of the chaos pride can unleash within the sacred bond of matrimony. We'll guide you through the Biblical truths about the dangers of arrogance, and together we'll learn why humility isn't just a divine command but an essential strategy for inviting grace into your relationship.

This episode is not just a mirror to our flaws but a beacon of hope, illuminating the power of humility in the covenant of marriage. Whether you're stepping up as a leader or embracing the responsibility of submission, we explore how setting aside ego fortifies the bonds of love and respect. Remember, a humble spirit isn't a sign of weakness; it's akin to the Holy Spirit's role as our helper. So, I encourage you to seek the peace that comes from walking the humble path and discover how a legacy of love is built on the foundation of selfless unity.

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Speaker 1:

What's going?

Speaker 2:

on everybody. Hello everybody, welcome to team Wade. We have a great topic for you today. We know it's gonna be a blessing to you. The title of this is Fighting fighting pride in your marriage, pride in your marriage, oh pride is. It's subtle. It's a very subtle thing because you can be in pride and not even know it. I heard somebody say pride is like bad breath Everybody else know you have it, but you, so it's sometimes it could be so so is it possible that pride is there in your marriage in certain areas, and that's the reason why certain things are not moving.

Speaker 2:

You're not able to work out situations, circumstances or any conflict that you've had, because Neither person want to move or there's pride there. So let's talk about what pride is.

Speaker 1:

Well, I'm gonna give you a definition that that Holy Spirit just illuminated for me, and I believe that pride is the importance of self at the expense of others. Oh, my goodness, say that again Pride is the importance of self at the expense of others.

Speaker 2:

Oh my gosh, that is so powerful the import, the importance of self, the importance of self at the expense, at the expense of others, of others, oh my gosh, that's a good definition.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

I like elaborate on on how that look, what that looks like in a marriage.

Speaker 1:

Well, I mean, let's first look at when pride originated. We know Satan himself originated pride. He said I will exalt myself, yeah, against the most high, against his kingdom, and all that. Everything was filled with I, I, I. And so it's the importance of self at the expense of others, and so what it looks like in a marriage? A marriage is a team game, you know, if it's not one person in a marriage is two people, and it's to becoming one Right. And so when you exalted it, your the importance of what you believe and what you think, at the expense of your, your spouse, and at the expense of the marriage, pride begins to ruin a marriage and it creates issues that you all never get the traction that you need or get to the place that you should, because yourself, at importance, takes over the whole marriage and what you said.

Speaker 2:

It exalts self. And then that second part, at the expense of someone else. Yeah so particularly we're talking about marriage at the expense of your spouse. So basically, it's selfishness. So, you're exalting your what it, what you want, what your wheel is what you feel is right, but then You're doing it at the expense of your spouse or at the expense of there being peace and unity in the marriage, that the marriage can progress. So pride is a stinking thing.

Speaker 1:

It surely is. And the Bible says that pride comes before the fall, and that's in Proverbs, pride goes before destruction. A hearty spirit before fall 16 and 18 and then what did God say that he would do with a proud person? He would resist him.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. He said, therefore, I resist the proud, but I'll give grace to the humble. Yeah, and so when you're humble, even though you may be tackling some things that you don't necessarily want to submit to, oh, but he says, when you submit to it, you choose to take down and calm down, offer your own selfishness and humble yourself. He says that's gonna be grace for you. Yeah, that's gonna be grace for you in that place of humility.

Speaker 1:

God got a fight for you. You'll fight for you. You you got to think about, especially when you think about the role that God called women to. The role of a wife is to submit to her husband.

Speaker 2:

Yes, we have caused me, so you are already in the under position. Right, and that's not a lowly position because. It's really the highest position. He really gave us the title of a helper. Yes, exactly. And the Bible talks about Holy Spirit is a helper.

Speaker 1:

Come on.

Speaker 2:

And so we know how important Holy Spirit is to our well-being.

Speaker 1:

In every area of our life.

Speaker 2:

In every area of our life. And so if the Lord equates us as wise, as being a helper for our spouses, that's a very important role, and so it's not a lowly place.

Speaker 1:

No, but see the part that I want to go into with that, that the wife is already in a submissive position, which is really a place of humility. Humility, yep and so, but the person that the husband and God called you to be the head, you better have humility, because the position you have could put you in a position that you walk in broad and think you can just do whatever you want and just tremble all over the one that's submitting to you.

Speaker 2:

That's a very dangerous thing.

Speaker 1:

It's very dangerous. But what God does, because what I see happen. If you have some heads that just run rough, shot all over someone, over their spouse, and just say I'm doing what I want, I don't care what you think, I don't care what you have to say, whatever, whatever, and you don't understand that God say, okay, i'ma hinder your prayers because you won't dwell with your wife, according to knowledge and understanding.

Speaker 2:

Or you don't honor her, or you don't cherish her the way the Lord cherishes. Listen, I realize that I am his daughter first. I am the father's daughter first. So that means that he's going to fight for me, he's going to seek after my well-being. And so, ladies wives, I want you to understand that, even when your husband is not utilizing his authority in a godly way, Yep and he's in pride.

Speaker 2:

He's in pride. God says you're his daughter first, so he cares about your well-being, and so I want you to be encouraged to know you stay humble, you stay in that place of submissiveness and watch the Lord step in and begin to fight for you.

Speaker 1:

And husband, if you're leading and your wife is not following, she's not submitting, she's not respecting and honoring you as being the head of that household and leading her. You have to keep doing it with a spirit of humility and you gotta trust God to be your vindicator Absolutely, Because one thing about it God fights for us, he does.

Speaker 2:

He fights for righteousness.

Speaker 1:

That's exactly right, the righteous standard. I love what he said in Proverbs 3. He talked about Uh. He was relating to Sarah submitting to Abraham and even calling him Lord. Uh, is that first Peter. Yeah, First. And he said uh, if you do what she did, whose daughters you would be, that's right, and I love this part right here. He said go ahead and do it without fear, Knowing that that who is he that will?

Speaker 2:

harm you if you are following.

Speaker 2:

If you are following that which is good that scripture helped me to humble myself and really submit to my husband in my earlier days, because I felt like submission was a curse word to me when I first got married. You talk about submit. You may as well cuss me out, that's just. That's just how strongly I felt, because I had a wrong revelation of what true submission really was. I felt like it was a domineering type of word because I had been, uh, hearing it wrong. I have been under wrong teaching or what I had been seeing in in relationships that were modeled before me was the woman being dominated and the wife being dominated and the husband you suffering his leadership and authority to dominate the wife, and so I wanted nothing to do with that.

Speaker 2:

So when I got saved and we talked about submission, I always felt like it was warped, it was unbalanced because I it wasn't there because I saw the wrong example of it but as you always teach in a, a true leader is worthy to be followed, and to be submitted to, because a true leader is not self serving. Right, it doesn't have that definition of pride.

Speaker 1:

No, no, because it's not about the person self. It's about see pride is self serving at the expense of others. But a true servant, jesus said the greatest among us serves. So a true leader, serve people through their leadership. That's right. There are benefits to being the leader, but more so it's a benefit to the follower when you have a real good leader. That's exactly right.

Speaker 2:

I have benefits to submitting to, to submitting to my husband, to the fact that I'm, I'm, I'm really spoiled and when he, when he doesn't do things that usually explores me, I feel some kind of weight. But it's a blessing to be able to submit comfortably to a good leader who, who, who, who leads in righteousness.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

And with a fear of the Lord that if I don't utilize my authority properly, oh God, get that. God would come down and step in. He gonna step in and I'm sorry, I didn't mean it.

Speaker 1:

No, that was good. Let me let me read that scripture, cause I want you, I want them to really be able to see this in first Peter three and we just going to jump to the part about verse five is for in this manner, in form of times. I love this. He said Holy women, holy women who trusted in God. See this this is where you got to trust in God. When someone is operating in pride in the marriage, that don't exclude you from doing what God told you to do because they operate in pride You're going to. This is where you're going to have to trust in God to to fight for you, and we're going to get back to that. He says the holy women who trusted in God also adorn themselves being submissive to their own husbands, as Sarah obeyed Abraham, calling him Lord she called him Lord.

Speaker 2:

That was an honor, that was a respect for her.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, whose daughters you are.

Speaker 2:

If what you do good and are not afraid of any terror, look at that.

Speaker 1:

What are you being afraid of? You're afraid I'm being taken advantage of because I'm looking at this pride monster, whether it's the wife or the husband that are being in pride and they not doing their part toward me. And so we're not just talking about a husband, or talking about a wife is either or spouse or even both. That's right so, but the key part was you trusting in God and that you do good because you have. You do good because you have a reverence for God. And so and then I want to jump on down a little further, the part I wanted to give with.

Speaker 1:

Oh, here it is in verse nine not returning evil for evil or reviling for reviling, but, on the contrary, blessings, knowing that you will call to this, that you may inherit a blessing. For he who would love life and seek good days, let him refrain his tongue from evil and his lip from speaking deceit. Let him turn away from evil and do good. Let him seek peace and pursue it, for the eyes of the Lord are over the righteous and his ears are open to their prayers. It's verse 13. But the face of the Lord is against those that do evil.

Speaker 2:

Then verse 13 is the part we want to read, Even in verse 13 it says and who is he who will harm you?

Speaker 1:

Oh, my God.

Speaker 2:

If you become followers of what is good.

Speaker 1:

So, in other words, you doing what's right. By you doing what's right, your spouse may not be doing what's right.

Speaker 2:

But look at verse 14, it says but even if you should suffer for righteousness, my God For righteousness.

Speaker 1:

Oh, my God.

Speaker 2:

You are blessed. That's the word of God.

Speaker 1:

Verse 14.

Speaker 2:

So, even if you suffer for right, even if you feel like you're suffering because they're not doing right, but you continue to stay doing what's right.

Speaker 1:

I'm loving her. Come on.

Speaker 2:

So even if you commit to stay in that place, of doing what's right he says, you are blessed. So God is always on the side of righteousness. God is never on the side of unrighteousness. So if you feel like your spouse is taking advantage of you, wanting to cause, you have some spouses, believe it, some saints, who will take advantage of what they know, that their spouse, that align, that they won't cross, and so they'll take advantage of it. So, for instance, if they know that their spouse is really forgiving, or if they're not going to go off, or you got some saints that'll take advantage of that.

Speaker 1:

They surely do.

Speaker 2:

And they'll try to, and God would have to step in and judge that matter. So we don't ever want to be on that side of unrighteousness. Not at all.

Speaker 1:

And so everything we do gotta be out of love and gotta be out of reverence and honor to the Lord and for what he's asked us to do. So I take it as a huge responsibility to love my wife as Christ loved the church. I don't take lightly any authority God has given me as being a leader, whether there's been a husband, a father, a pastor or any other authority. I don't just get to do what I want to do. You have to even lead out of humility, you have to lead out of submission to God first and allow Holy Spirit to lead you, guide you, and even when you're making decisions, you want to seek God to make sure you're making the right decision and that you're not hurting people and you're damaging God's people. Cause at the end of the day, god is the supreme being, he's the supreme authority, he's the head of all heads, he's the king of all kings and Lord of all lords, and you better fear him.

Speaker 2:

Come on now. And so team Wade, of course you all know been following us and listened to our podcast. You know that we are a ministry, a team, a couple who ministers to married couples, and we stand on biblical principles for our marriages. We're not pushing what the world's view is. We're not pushing the world's view, we're pushing a biblical world A kingdom, godly kingdom, worldview concerning your marriage.

Speaker 2:

So if you have submitted your marriage under the hand of the Lord, then you have to submit to how he say do things and how he say to operate in your marriage and you're going to be blessed for it. Amen.

Speaker 1:

Amen. So get humility in your life, husband. Get humility in your marriage, wife. Listen, I'm telling you, if you humble yourself under the mighty hand of God, he will exalt you in due time. You would have a successful marriage. You would create a legacy for generations to come when you kill that evil, wicked pride, because God say he resist the proud but he give his grace to the humble. So be humble in your marriage and get rid of that stinking pride.

Speaker 2:

Fight against pride in your marriage and watch God move. Don't exalt self at the expense of others. You say it a word.

Speaker 1:

We'll see you next time. And don't forget to like, share and follow continually everything that we're doing with team weight. Everything we do is about strengthening your marriage and to make it better.

Speaker 2:

And if you're watching this during this time, we are actually preparing for our forever one conference. So make sure you go to the website and make sure you go there and click to register. We love to have you here February the 9th and the 10th. We'll see you soon, all right?

Fighting Pride in Marriage
The Power of Humility in Marriage