The Forever One Podcast

Rekindle The Flame: The Forever One Marriage Conference

March 01, 2024 Team Wade
Rekindle The Flame: The Forever One Marriage Conference
The Forever One Podcast
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The Forever One Podcast
Rekindle The Flame: The Forever One Marriage Conference
Mar 01, 2024
Team Wade

We are Rekindling The Fire! Drawing from Ephesians 5, we delve into the profound roles and responsibilities of husbands and wives, highlighting the call for wives to adapt and husbands to love sacrificially. As we wrapped up our Forever One conference with heartfelt gratitude, we shared insights on the spiritual battles marriages face and the strength found in unity and agreement. Our personal journey has been a testament to these principles, and we believe they have the power to fortify your relationship too.

Understanding and nurturing your spouse emerges as a central theme in our discussions, where we emphasize the importance of becoming intricately attuned to your partner's emotional landscape. We address the delicate balance of influence and respect in a marriage, advocating for communication that builds up rather than tears down. Through anecdotes and biblical wisdom, we reveal the impact of contentious behavior on a spouse's value and respect, and how turning to prayer can bring about the desired change in a relationship. The art of influence, when wielded with love and empathy, has the potential to shape a marriage into a beacon of growth and unity.

We culminate with a heartfelt blessing and prayer for all married couples, hoping to ignite a spark of transformation in relationships. Our prayer is that your love may deepen, unity may prevail, and the mutual submission showcased in your bond inspires others. As we bid farewell to our listeners, we leave you with the anticipation of continued growth, joy, and fellowship within your marriages and our Divine Life Church community. May our conversation inspire you on your own journey towards a more intimate, God-centered marriage.

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We are Rekindling The Fire! Drawing from Ephesians 5, we delve into the profound roles and responsibilities of husbands and wives, highlighting the call for wives to adapt and husbands to love sacrificially. As we wrapped up our Forever One conference with heartfelt gratitude, we shared insights on the spiritual battles marriages face and the strength found in unity and agreement. Our personal journey has been a testament to these principles, and we believe they have the power to fortify your relationship too.

Understanding and nurturing your spouse emerges as a central theme in our discussions, where we emphasize the importance of becoming intricately attuned to your partner's emotional landscape. We address the delicate balance of influence and respect in a marriage, advocating for communication that builds up rather than tears down. Through anecdotes and biblical wisdom, we reveal the impact of contentious behavior on a spouse's value and respect, and how turning to prayer can bring about the desired change in a relationship. The art of influence, when wielded with love and empathy, has the potential to shape a marriage into a beacon of growth and unity.

We culminate with a heartfelt blessing and prayer for all married couples, hoping to ignite a spark of transformation in relationships. Our prayer is that your love may deepen, unity may prevail, and the mutual submission showcased in your bond inspires others. As we bid farewell to our listeners, we leave you with the anticipation of continued growth, joy, and fellowship within your marriages and our Divine Life Church community. May our conversation inspire you on your own journey towards a more intimate, God-centered marriage.

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Speaker 1:

Did everyone have a great time in their breakout classes. Praise God, thank God for each of our facilitators that facilitated each of those discussions. That is such a blessing. We're so grateful for each of you being at our Forever One conference this year. Really appreciate you all being a part of this. You know how many of you know marriage and family is so important and the enemy attacks marriage and he attacks families and that's what is. As soon as you get married, you can live in shacked up and he's not going to attack. As soon as you get married, it's a different ball game and a lot of you will be like man. We didn't have he's problem even when we live together. That's because you're not one. As soon as you get in, the will of God, the enemy wants to fight that and so.

Speaker 2:

But we're really excited about this discussion here we want to talk about Before we do, okay, before we get started, can you guys give us a thumbs up that everybody is out of the Banquet Hall? You guys sit here, okay, all sessions, okay. And then, secondly, I've been given instructions to have you guys that are posting your pictures and shouting out the Forever One Conference to tag Team Wade Inc. In that. So make sure you guys do that. And if you already posted, to go back and tag so we can have all of you guys on social media. So take a full advantage of the selfie booth but tag us in that.

Speaker 1:

Amen. Now let's go ahead and talk about our discussion here. We want to talk about the power of position and the power of agreement, and so God himself have given each of us the roles that we have in family. So if your wife, god made you that, if your husband, god made you that, and he also has made it clear in his word what our roles are and what we should be doing, and so we want to look at a little of that you got yours. You want to start with communication first, or do you want to deal with? I want to start with the position of scripture and Ephesians 5.

Speaker 1:

Ephesians 5, beginning at verse 22. But can you put it in the amplified version? Amplified version, it's the one that just really blessed my life.

Speaker 2:

Am I.

Speaker 1:

No, it blessed my life because it blessed your life.

Speaker 2:

So what you're saying is because I got that revelation. It really helped you.

Speaker 1:

That's exactly what I'm saying. When she got this revelation and she began to live this revelation, my life turned into a whole different life.

Speaker 2:

Yes, so remember we were talking about the power of position, right Position and knowing your position in a marriage, and the power of agreement. Okay, so now we can go forth in that scripture.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, get you your scripture Beginning at verse 22. Don't jump down to 25. Go, start right at 22. Amplify and read.

Speaker 2:

So amplify says wives. If I say wives, wives be subject Con parentheses, meaning be submissive and adapt yourselves.

Speaker 1:

Oh boy, that's good right there.

Speaker 2:

So he didn't tell the husbands to adapt himself. But why is? We are to adapt ourselves. So that's what being submissive means.

Speaker 2:

To make that adjustment to adapt to the listen, to adapt to the position of submissiveness that's a whole lot of whole lot. To adapt to the position that God has given you to be submissive, right so? Because when you were single, you were your own person, you didn't have to submit to anybody. Then there comes this marriage and covenant, biblically speaking. Then you have to adapt to come under, which is not a bad thing, it's a great thing, because I enjoy being covered. I don't know about y'all, I enjoy being covered.

Speaker 1:

Did you have that revelation early?

Speaker 2:

on. I did not have that revelation early on, did?

Speaker 1:

you feel the same way. You feel right now, early on.

Speaker 2:

I did not feel that way early on.

Speaker 1:

You had to allow the maturation process to take place.

Speaker 2:

Yes, I had to mature and I had to get a personal revelation. And I had to mature.

Speaker 1:

Yes, Because you enjoy being covered by me now, but you didn't enjoy being covered by me earlier in our marriage.

Speaker 2:

Right. Because of your immaturity and your leadership and his position, it made it difficult for me to submit to his leadership.

Speaker 1:

But it did make it right. It still don't exempt you from doing what God is asking you to do, even though I'm not where I'm supposed to be at that time.

Speaker 2:

That's exactly right, and so thank God for maturity, hallelujah. So why?

Speaker 1:

Because that's not just going to go on. Let's not just skate over maturity. No, because we got to look at how does maturity take place. See, a lot of you know how. You've heard people say time heals all wounds. Is that true? No, no, it's not true. Because what do you do in time? See, if you're doing the same things, nothing is going to change just because time went by. That's exactly right. That's what you do in time that creates change.

Speaker 1:

So when you identify that I am immature, when you identify I'm lacking in my leadership or I'm lacking in my submission, and then God reveals see, this is what this conference is about. You're gaining information. Well, it don't matter how much information you get. If you don't make a decision that when I hear truth, that I am going to do truth, it's not going to change anything. So it doesn't matter.

Speaker 1:

We can tell our story. People sitting next to you can tell their story. If you don't choose to apply to your life the truths that you hear is still going to be the same, and another year can go by, another month, 10 years, 15 years. So when you got a revelation and I got a revelation, we went into application mode, application mode, and now we sit here different because of application. So it's not just the information, it's the applied information. Everybody get it. Okay, so we're going to deal with a lot here, and so she got that revelation. It was a blessing to me. But me getting my revelation was a blessing to her. But most of us, we selfish, we only want what we want, but we're not willing to give anything. So you can go ahead and finish.

Speaker 2:

So why is the subject? Be submissive and adapt yourself to your own husbands as a service to the Lord.

Speaker 1:

Wow. To the Lord, a service to the Lord. We're doing this for the Lord.

Speaker 2:

For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church himself. The savior of his body as a church is subject to Christ. So let wives also be subject in everything to their husbands. Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her that he might sanctify her, having cleansed her by the washing of water with the word that he might present the church to himself in glorious splendor, without spot or wrinkle or any such things, that she might be holy and faultless. Even so, husbands should love their wives as being, in a sense, their own bodies. See, who loves his own wife loves himself, but no man ever hated his own flesh, but nourishes it and carefully protects and cherishes it as Christ does the church.

Speaker 1:

How are we doing that? Nourishing, cherishing, protecting your wife as if it's your own body, as if it's your own body? She really got quiet in this Presbyterian Lutheran Pentecostal Baptist of the Soto County, shelby County Church. So it really comes down to sac official love and most times and I can say as a young man they got married at 23,. Coming out of dealing with many different women when I got married, I never had to be in a real relationship where I had to give myself. All the ladies catered to me and so if I had all these different women, if I got mad at one I would go over to another until she get herself together and I would do that with all the girls. So what did that put me in a position as that? I never had to deal with me because I was never the problem.

Speaker 1:

And so, men, if we don't ever go through a metamorphosis in our own mind, we can bring those thought patterns into a marriage. And then we're still self-centered, everything is about catering to us and it's never about giving to that wife, but even the anatomy of our bodies. We're not built as receivers, we're built as givers. So your wife don't come into you, you go into her. So we naturally are givers, but many of us, because of our lack of maturity and our selfishness guess what we do? We always want to receive, we want the wife to cater to us, but we're the head, we're the ones that have to look at making it better for our wives first, and then we begin to reap what we sowed.

Speaker 1:

That's what he was talking about. When you wash your wife with the wash of the water, by the word, then you present her back to yourself, you begin to reap from what you sowed into, and so it's really important that we understand. And once I got that revelation, yes, god needed to deal with her because she had her own little stuff going on and I told you, man, how that was working out, because she would come at me a certain way and that wasn't going and I was breaking her down. But I needed to build her up, because I won but I lost, because I ruined that battle, but I was losing the war.

Speaker 2:

Husbands. Your wife's look and how she carried herself or what her emotional position is or state is is truly a reflection the majority of the time of you and what you've done to build into your wife. So when he talks about the washing of the water by the word of God, then what that means you have to know what that looks like for you and your marriage. What does that look like? How do you nourish your wife like you nourish your own body, because it looks different for each and every couple. But you got to know exactly what that means. What nourishes her, what speaks, what touches her emotions, what is it that causes her to connect fully with you and open fully up to you? So you got to learn and dwell with your wives according to knowledge. You truly got to be intentional about it and not just haphazardly. If that gets revealed to you, it happens.

Speaker 1:

So you got to become a student of your wife. You got to study her. You got to know what she like and what she don't like. You got to know what bothers her and what doesn't bother her. So that means you got to pay attention. But see what happens many times we don't even pay attention to our wives. We so engulfed in our own world that we don't pay attention to our wives.

Speaker 1:

But this is the thing If you're going to thrive, because, remember, god Himself said it is not good for man to be alone, so I am going to give him a helper that is suitable for him. So if you're not treating the help properly, how can you properly receive the help you need? Because if God Himself was the one that said it's not good for you to be alone, that mean, if it's not good, you cannot reach the levels or the potential you should reach without this helper in your life. And so many of us, as husbands, we're trying to ascend to a place that you leave in your help out. Because that helper has something that could allow you to go into another solar system if you learn how to tap into her. But we so busy coding our own world and fighting against what God sent into our life, because we don't have the revelation of the value.

Speaker 1:

And I know what that's like because I was there and even in my mind I was saying stuff like man, I married the wrong one. Now this is the same woman sitting here with me today that I said I married the wrong one. This is the same woman. I didn't get a new wife. This is the same woman. But how did it go from? I married the right one to Lord. I thank you. I married the wrong one to Lord, thank you. Look at what I have now. It's all about perspective. It's all about dwelling with understanding, not looking at her as an enemy to me, but just because she won't agree with every little thing I say and do, which she didn't need to. I'm not talking about challenging from a standpoint of creating divisiveness, but challenging to make you become better, to not let you settle for something that's not acceptable and that takes a wisdom to do that, and you can talk more to that.

Speaker 2:

Well, we talked about this earlier, ladies the wisdom of how to talk to your husband. Never to talk down to your husband, never to tear your house down with your own hands, but learning how to build your husband up, to get him to the place that you're wanting him to display, the behaviors that you're wanting him to display. Ultimately, holy Spirit is the only author of change. So we can't change our husbands, we can't change them, but we do have influence.

Speaker 1:

Come on, we can influence them. It is right there.

Speaker 2:

And so we are to use that influence in a wise way and not in our own manipulative way, not in Jezebel's way, not like Jezebel, but in a wise way.

Speaker 1:

Because how is it? This is how powerful that influence is, the influence so powerful that Eve was able to convince Adam to go against God. That's some power. That is some power that God then showed you and he then told you now here's this woman here, eat this fruit. And she convinced him to go against God. So that's how powerful your influence is, wives, but you got to know how to use it. You got to know how to move your man without him knowing you moving him.

Speaker 1:

Boy, I felt something right there. Boy, I want to give myself an offering. I'm gonna sow a seed into their revelation right there. That was so good to me.

Speaker 1:

Listen, I'm telling you, you got to move him in such a way that he don't even know you moving him, and it's not in a manipulative way, but you know he's moving in a wrong way. But you influence him to be where he should be. Yeah, come on. Come on, because your influence see, none of our position should be about selfishness. See me, leading my wife should never only be about benefiting me, it should benefit us. Her influencing me should never be about her just influencing me for her own benefit. It should be about the whole. So if I'm leading her, I'm leading because all of us gonna be in a better position. If she influencing me, it's because we all gonna be in a better position. But the moment that is selfish is when it's gonna be a problem, when we're gonna have a breakdown, when somebody is gonna be lacking something, when it becomes self-centered. None of anything that we do should be out of selfishness. It should be about the whole. That it's gonna put us in a better position.

Speaker 1:

So, wise, when you learn to influence him and it don't take much for us as men, listen, hint, hint. Ladies, we have what's called the male ego. Oh, yes, we all wanna be the king. And if you talk to him right, you treat him right, it ain't nothing he gonna do. Baby, it look like you lost a little weight. Wait what she said. What now? You been working out? Yeah, I just started the other day. Girl, baby, you so strong, she here, try to pick up the whole house Now through his back, out and everything.

Speaker 2:

Oh, girl, you're a mamie, throw my back out, baby, that foster hadn't dripped since you turned it off. Just turned it off, but guess what that makes him feel good.

Speaker 1:

That builds that ego. You sure better believe it. Listen when my wife said I didn't do something great, listen what you say. Say it again, baby. What you say, yep, it works, but what usually happens is a lot of our wives. You use your influence wrong, your voice. You allow your voice to get placed in a category.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

You allow your voice to get placed into a category where it loses its potency. Oh my God, I feel like preaching right now. I can't sit down on stuff like that. See, when your voice so powerful, your voice got to be so powerful that it shouldn't be linked to everything. Every word, every situation shouldn't warrant a response from you. I'm finna help you. Look, let's look at it. Now you can go back to New King James for this one. Let's look at it, because this is why some of your influence with your husband is not there, because you nag with your voice. You don't know how to influence with your voice, because what you get frustrated by is your husband that move when you want him to move. So then you just go overboard with your talking. Okay, let's look at this. Proverbs 27, 15. I'm gonna let you look at it for yourself.

Speaker 1:

Come on, let's look at the scripture. They're gonna get it up there in a minute. There it is A what. What does continuum mean? Non-stop Dripping in a very rainy day and a Contentious woman are alike? How do you like when the rain just over and over again, you're hitting that thing, hitting that same spot over and over? How do you feel about that. Well, that's what he said. A contentious woman is like that you just the same thing, you own that same thing. Okay, babe, I'm gonna take care of that. Hey, I thought you said you got Okay. So let me show you what happens to your influence. Let's look at Proverbs 25 and 24. And is that in New King James? Make sure we're in New King James, proverbs 25 and 24. It is what Y'all. Come on, y'all say it like you mean it is better to do what Did it say on the rooftop or the corner of the rooftop. So you're like I don't even need the whole roof, I'd rather be in a corner on the roof, then been with a brawling woman in a oh my God, that mean we got a 24,000 square foot house. I'd rather go take a piece of a corner of the roof of the house than to be in the house with you.

Speaker 1:

Now one of you women, or a couple of you, wanted to say why your husband would rather be at work than be at home with you. See, part of that may be you're being contentious, you're not being influential, so now your voice is losing value because your voice is not building and speaking to his ego. Listen, wives, I want you to hear me, because when we were young in our marriage and my wife nagged and I don't want to hear all that stuff I heard what you said. I am going to do it because now you're beginning to communicate to me as if I'm your child. I am the head of this house, even though I'm not acting like it. Your voice is now creating a problem for me that now just to be in your presence is a problem.

Speaker 1:

Oh boy, come on, wives, don't get quiet Now. Husband, boy, they smiling inside, they ain't going to smile. They said keep on going, man of God, we coming back to you too. Husband, don't think this one-sided, but I want to help you, wives, because you have great influence that God has given you and you are of value to your husband, and I want you to know how to wield that power that he's given you. I don't want you to lose your power because you think your voice don't count, you just not knowing how to use it. Right, that's right. You want to talk more?

Speaker 2:

on that. Well, I mean, you're being influential one way or the other, and so on. The negative bit your influence is cost, is repelling your husband from valuing your voice when you're constantly nagging and you're constantly negative, so you're repelling him, so he doesn't value that voice, and so in times when he needs to value the wisdom that you do have, he'll shut it out because it's already set a precedence of your much naggingness, and so it's important to use wisdom on how to communicate with what it is you need to be, need to get done in your household, and learning to be patient and learning to understand that God, as we talked about earlier, ladies, God is your source Ultimately the.

Speaker 2:

Lord is your source. When I got that revelation, I quit putting so much pressure on him to change and I started turning my attention upward, to the Lord, and inward, and I saw change happen before I knew it.

Speaker 1:

And then I'm gonna tell you she got to going in that prayer closet talking to the Lord, and I can feel the snitch when I hear him, Because I could feel God would start convicting me, which would force me to get in my rightful place. Because what did God say? When we don't dwell with our wives, according to knowledge that it won't be well with us, that God would begin to hinder our prayers. So what happens? You got somebody in authority. How do you deal with that authority? It's going to take a greater authority to deal with them. It can't take somebody under the authority to deal with the authority. It takes a greater than to deal with what God is, the greater than.

Speaker 1:

So we as husband think we can just do whatever we want, but what God does is okay. Since you don't wanna listen to your wife or to me, I know how to get your attention. Nothing you do with prosper. I'm gonna back you in a corner. I'm gonna make sure I position you that you gonna get some acrobat about you. So what we gotta look at as husbands that you know your wife been asking you to do this and you not making it a priority.

Speaker 1:

So that's a problem all by itself. And then you feel some kind of way when she don't want you to touch you. You feel some kind of way when she walking around looking upside your head, when the reality is you're not being a good leader to her, you abusing your power and your authority as a leader, and now God gotta step in and check you of how you doing his daughter. So, husband, we can't abuse our authority just because we quick the thought well, I'm the man, I'm the hood, I'm the head. You can't be. No, that's not right, that's not being fair and just that's leading selfishly, it's not leading that. The whole benefit, you getting all the privileges and I get nothing. So, husband, we can't do that. So, just like you want her to be of value to you where you want her to feel protected when she submits to your covering, you want her to feel like I am going to end up where I'm supposed to, following you, yes, yes, but a lot of times there's not even a glimpse of hope.

Speaker 2:

And that's really important for us as ladies husbands we gotta be able to trust you that you're going to take us in a direction that you said we were gonna go in. We want to be able to trust that fact, and so it's important for you to set a good precedent. So we won't struggle to trust you, so we won't struggle to trust your word, so we won't struggle to submit to you. Make it easy for us, yeah.

Speaker 1:

Because if you taking care of her, she's gonna want to follow and to submit. And then we gotta also think say history, history. See, each of us have a history. Because if you've been in any other relationship, what if her history of following a man end up in a dead end and an abuse? Now she's following you but she's bringing her history to you. What if that man been abused and rejected by a woman or abused with her mouth? So say history. So we gotta always understand. That's why that metamorphosis takes time. We gotta know what we're dealing with as it relates to having that successful marriage. And that's why the work is required Knowing what part I need to play in having a successful marriage, cause I want her to be have the best.

Speaker 1:

What brings me joy is the smile and the laughter that comes from my wife. That brings me joy. I'm good, I'm cool as a fan. Baby, what you want for Christmas, what you want for your birthday, what you want. The joy for me is to know my wife is okay and my children okay. That's it for me. I'm good, I got. If I need something for me, I go get it myself. I don't need her to have to do that for me. My joy is to bring joy to her. That's when I feel good.

Speaker 1:

But see, sometimes some of us me and we so self centered. We don't think like that. We only think for ourselves. But if I keep investing in someone, in her, I can't do nothing but reap the harvest. That's just natural. I understand the principle of sowing and reaping, so I sowing to her and so I don't have any problems when I need her to do things for me. I don't have to be like baby, you don't cook for me, you do. No, she gonna want to want to do that. See, I don't want nobody that I gotta force you to do anything. I want you to want to want to Because you see the benefit of it. That's how we have to think as husbands.

Speaker 1:

I was gonna say something that I forgot. You forgot what it was. Come on, you better think of it quick, cause we running out of time. We not gonna get anywhere close to the rest of the things we want to talk about. But I want to deal with this.

Speaker 1:

Let's look at Colossians 3,19. Cause I want to make sure that we deal with any bitter husbands Colossians 3 and 19. What does it say? Come on, let's read that Husbands love your wives and be not bitter against them. Okay, we can go back. Notice husbands love your wives and be not bitter.

Speaker 1:

What are symptoms of bitterness toward your wife? You become harsh, angry your tone. How you do things or you don't want to be around them, you don't want to say things or do things. He said we can't be bitter toward them. So that mean you gotta forgive, you gotta let those things out, because something she hasn't done or that she did do that make you feel some kind of way and you won't let it go. So how you gonna properly love her if you bitter toward her? You're not gonna be able to do that, but you gotta let God deal with that Cause. When you're bitter you always harsh, you talk hard, you don't want to do the things that make her feel a certain way as a woman. You have that I don't care mindset when you're bitter, mm-hmm, check it out. Oh yeah, easy to check out.

Speaker 1:

How many you ever seen the movie years ago that Talopira did not easily broken? Y'all remember that movie when, when that Norris Chestnut, morris Chestnut and of Taraji P Henson, and you remember what happened there, how the mama, she let her mama talk, crazy her husband. She was talking crazy to her, she was embarrassing him when Bishop Jakes was in there and she got pulling out there a credit card and bouncing everywhere and and Embarrassing him, undermining his authority. How many you remember when, when he went down in the basement and started putting them headphones on, what? What is he doing? He's checking out. Why do men check out? Because they bitter, they processing, they, they you're not, you're not influencing them, right. So now they checking out, then what? What end up happening? Some other woman knew how to Influence him. She began to build them up, talking about what type of man he was, where she was talking about what he wasn't, and the mama. So you make your husband easy, pray, that's an easy lob right there, boom, I mean, I dunked that all day. You put it right in the front of the room and so she, she didn't have a clue. And so you, you got to make sure that you don't put your husband in a position but a husband. You got to get that bitterness out of you and you need to have Conversations with your wife. You need to let her know where the line is.

Speaker 1:

You cannot say that to me. Oh, let me say that again. You cannot say that to me. What you just said to me Challenge my manhood and you want me to be respectful toward you, but what you said, you said it in a way that challenges me. If another man said that to me, it would be some problems. There will be some furniture moving right now. So you cannot say that to me. I'm a man, I'm a husband. Is that how you talk to the head of the house? Would you talk to your boss like that? Wow, would you go talk to a pasta? Wait? Like that with what you just said to me. So you cannot talk to me like that. I hear what you're saying, but you can't say that to me like that. You can't use those words. That's disrespectful to me. See, these are conversations we have to have as husbands to let them know what is okay and what is not okay. And the same way for us husbands is Satan.

Speaker 1:

Certain words you shouldn't be saying to your wife Because those are damaging words, those are not life-building words that'll make her want to submit herself to you and make her want to open herself up to you. That's not okay. For you to call her out of her name like that, that's not okay. I Was just mad. I don't care how mad you are.

Speaker 1:

Do you not know that even when you over your madness, that she's still stuck with those words that you said to her, because in the back of her mind she's like is this how he feel about me? And you don't move on? Six months down the road she's still wondering Wow, well, I love the women, won't me you? You, on mesmerizing, make me have to go get up. So is he really contemplating even to get up with somebody else? So you, you got to communicate. What a okay communication and what is not okay. Because I've seen women, I've heard women say stuff and I'm like I'm cringing that she actually said that about her husband and then in front of other people, and I'm cringing like, oh, she just emasculated that man, just stripped him down In front of all them people. So I can imagine what, how she treating them when ain't nobody around, if you don't strip them down to his panties In front of somebody, because it would early on be like excuse me, who are you talking to? Excuse me, you know you don't talk to me like that.

Speaker 2:

So that's why, ladies, going back to Ephesians, chapter 5, it talks about, in the amplified version, what changed my life, because I got tired of you need go back over there.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so I got tired. Let's go back to Ephesians in the amplify five in the amplify. You all know about heart, yeah.

Speaker 2:

So I got tired of repenting and asking the Lord to forgive me for what I said or how I, how I Disrespected or dishonored my husband early on. After getting convicted over and over again, I really wanted to change. I didn't want that. And so which verse is it? Keep going, keep going on down. I'll tell you when to stop. Keep going, keep going.

Speaker 1:

You're down at verse 23 33.

Speaker 2:

Okay, go back up one.

Speaker 1:

No, we don't read into it. You want to get to the main pie. It's 33.

Speaker 2:

Okay, this okay. However, let each, however, let each man, each man of you, without exception, love his wife as being, in a sense, his very own Self and let the wife see that she respects mmm and Reverses her husband. Now, here it is. This is what respect, the reverence, mean. This is what I had to meditate, day and night, over and over again that she notices him, that she regards him, that she honors him, that she prefers him, that she venerates and esteems him and that she defers to him, that she praises him and and loves and admires him.

Speaker 1:

How Exceed that just show you how many issues we have as husband, that we need all that. We need all that.

Speaker 2:

We need all that description change my life in the amplified verse. I had read it so many times in the regular version, king Jane, but when I read all of that I had to take on that, renew my mind and see myself doing that for Him, to him being embodying that, and it changed the dynamics on my Relationship surely did.

Speaker 1:

That was. That was a game changer. Yep, that was a game changer. Well, I want to pray. We want to pray over each of the couples. So if you go ahead and come up to the altar and we want to pray for you.

Speaker 2:

Blessings over your marriage, your marriages. Y'all join hands as you come on.

Speaker 1:

Yes, lord, you, we all got to think about. We're not just standing here for ourselves. We standing here for, and we're representing generations. That many people, uh, depending on us. To make it Amen, let us pray.

Speaker 1:

Father, I thank you for every couple that is here today. I bind up every devil that has been assigned against their marriage, that has been trying to tear asunder what you have joined together. Father, you say you hate divorce and so, father, we come against that wicked spirit that would try to sow thoughts in their mind to try to tear up this purpose and this destiny, father, that the two of them that you have called them to do to bring glory and honor to your name. So, father, we pray and we decree and declare over every marriage that, father, these marriages are blessed, father, god, that their health will be blessed, that their sex life is blessed, that their finances is blessed, that their communication is blessed. We decree and declare that whatever they put their hands to it shall prosper. We bless their children, we bless their grandchildren, we bless their family lineage down to a thousand generations.

Speaker 1:

And, father, we decree and declare that, after this conference, their marriage will not be the same. Let your oil let your anointing, let your power, let your might, let them love like never before. Let them love each other like never before. Let them submit one to the other like never before. Let them build and be unified together like never before, and let nothing be withheld from them. Let every desire of their heart come to pass. Let them see the fruit of their unity, of their togetherness.

Speaker 1:

Father God, let every prayer, let every desire begin to manifest in their life and let them be a beacon of light for other marriages, that, when other couples see them, that they get blessed by seeing how they love one another, how they work together, how they build unity and they create change before many witnesses, in the mighty name of Jesus. So, father, we bless these couples, we bless them. We bless them. We bless them. We bless them now, in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen, amen, hallelujah, come on. Hallelujah, give God some glory. Thank you, jesus, hallelujah, hallelujah. God bless you all. We love you all. Have a wonderful rest of your weekend and, for those of you that at Divine Life Church, we'll see you tomorrow.

Marriage Position and Agreement Power
Understanding and Nurturing Your Spouse
Building Influence in Relationships
Husband's Role in Successful Marriage
Maintaining Respect and Communication in Marriage
Marriage Blessing and Unity Prayer