The Forever One Podcast

The Power of Position

March 15, 2024 Team Wade
The Power of Position
The Forever One Podcast
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The Forever One Podcast
The Power of Position
Mar 15, 2024
Team Wade

Discover the sacred architecture of a God-centered marriage, where the intertwining roles of husband and wife converge to create a fortified union. Our latest episode draws from the divine wisdom of scripture, inviting couples to strengthen their bond through understanding and embodying the roles that God has ordained for them. As we examine the heart of Ephesians 5:33 and 1 Peter 3, we delve into the essence of spousal leadership and support, revealing that these roles are not about hierarchy but about harmonious partnership and mutual edification.

Join us for a transformative conversation that seeks to illuminate the spiritual path for marital bliss, as we share our own intimate experiences and reflections on the power of biblical principles in relationship-building. We conclude with a powerful marriage blessing prayer, crafted to imbue your union with the strength, maturity, and righteousness required to honor the covenant you've made before God. Whether you're newlyweds or long-time partners, this episode is an invitation to invite divine guidance into your marriage and witness the blossoming of a relationship grounded in faith and love.

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Discover the sacred architecture of a God-centered marriage, where the intertwining roles of husband and wife converge to create a fortified union. Our latest episode draws from the divine wisdom of scripture, inviting couples to strengthen their bond through understanding and embodying the roles that God has ordained for them. As we examine the heart of Ephesians 5:33 and 1 Peter 3, we delve into the essence of spousal leadership and support, revealing that these roles are not about hierarchy but about harmonious partnership and mutual edification.

Join us for a transformative conversation that seeks to illuminate the spiritual path for marital bliss, as we share our own intimate experiences and reflections on the power of biblical principles in relationship-building. We conclude with a powerful marriage blessing prayer, crafted to imbue your union with the strength, maturity, and righteousness required to honor the covenant you've made before God. Whether you're newlyweds or long-time partners, this episode is an invitation to invite divine guidance into your marriage and witness the blossoming of a relationship grounded in faith and love.

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Speaker 1:

What's going on everybody?

Speaker 2:

Hi everybody, welcome to Team Wade. We hope you're doing well on today Want to give you guys some more tools so that you can have a successful marriage and successful family and relationship. So today we're going to be talking about the different roles and responsibilities of each spouse and we're going to go into some details about you know what's to be expected from the husband and what's to be expected from the wife, just in case you all don't know and understand what your roles are in the power of your position oh my god, there is power. In the position of a wife.

Speaker 1:

We have power and the power of the position of a husband. So we really want to do a quick excerpt of what we talked about in our forever one conference.

Speaker 2:

Which was amazing yeah rekindling the fire.

Speaker 1:

And so we, we got into a discussion and we really weren't able to finish because we got stuck. Holy Spirit fell on on the words that were coming out of our mouths and but this is the biggest thing that we want any of you that are watching us for the first time, team Wade we teach marriage from a biblical perspective. And so, god, marriage was God's idea. It wasn't man's idea, right, it was God's idea. It's God's idea. And so if it's a God idea, that means it has to be biblical.

Speaker 1:

There's a way God intended for marriage to be. It's just like buying a vehicle If it's a fuel charged vehicle, not like these EVs where you their electric vehicles but they're driven by some type of fossil fuel. So you got either unleaded gas or you have diesel fuel, where if you take and put diesel in an unleaded fueled vehicle, it is going to destroy it. And so a lot of times, people are trying to live marriage but not add a biblical principle and component and submit it under God and the way God wants it to be done. So we, we want to go and deal with that today, because it was so amazing to deal with the positions that God has established for each of us as husband and wives, and each of them are blessing to each other, to our families and to the world around us when we do it God's way.

Speaker 2:

When we do it God's way and when we understand the power of our positions. Yeah, so we talked about we always talk about how the husband, of course, is the head of the household. God has established that position. It's a divine position of leadership.

Speaker 1:

Yes, it is.

Speaker 2:

And so the husband needs to understand what that leadership looks like, what it is that he brings to the household, to the marriage, and stand in that leadership and understand the power of it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it has a great responsibility. One of the things every leader must understand just because you're a leader don't mean there's not a responsibility, nor an accountability, nor a fear or reverence toward God. See one thing that God said, that even though he said the husband is the head over that wife and over the family, it doesn't mean you get to do whatever you want, because a true leader, anyone that is doing their role properly or their position properly, should benefit the whole. It shouldn't just benefit one person, other or the other. It should benefit the whole. His beneficial for a wife to submit under your leadership and it should be a safe place, because submitting to you should make my life better, it should take me to a better place.

Speaker 1:

But a lot of times what has happened? Many of us as husbands, we hadn't properly learned what it means to lead a wife and lead a family and some of us don't even have a biblical perspective. We grew up watching the Mac and all that type stuff. If you were in my era now, you all have your own era of models of what relationship looks like. You even got people talking about throuples and all this crazy, foolish, wicked stuff. But when we go back to the biblical model of what a leader looks like. It is beneficial. God knew what he was doing when he said husbands, I want you to be the head of this wife. He knew what he said when he said, wife, I need you to be a helper, that it's not good for man to be alone, but I have a helper that is suitable for him.

Speaker 2:

I love what you said, that a good leader who understands the power of their leadership and the power of their position, understands that they cannot just use their leadership and their position just to benefit themselves. No, but you use that leadership and you use your position for the benefit of the whole. Yes, so that your leadership will cause those who follow you to want to follow you.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, willingly.

Speaker 2:

Willingly want to submit because your leadership is so impeccable not perfect, but yet yielded to God to where your wife, your family, see you as a great leader. See and understand your heart for the whole entire family to be operating and clicking on all cylinders and they want to follow you.

Speaker 1:

They want to submit to your leadership Because, when you think about it, by them following you, they end up in a great destination Better position.

Speaker 1:

Their life is better following you than without you. Come on, that's so good. And so, if you think about it and you talk about it from your perspective now, every leader has to grow in their leadership. That's correct. They have to get the wisdom of God, they have to grow in their knowledge and their understanding and they're gonna make mistakes, especially if they hadn't had a good model of a husband leader modeled before them and so, and if they've had a unrighteous image of what that leadership looked like, cause most time men have that player-player mind that said that hey, we use women, we don't make the wife or the woman better. We strip them down, we deplete them, we parasite them, we're parasites to them. No, that's not what a real biblical leader is. A biblical leader when you follow them. It makes you better, you rise, you go up higher. By following them because they invest in you. They make your life better.

Speaker 2:

And I can definitely attest to that. Being married to my husband for 31 years, I enjoy being covered. Now I said this in our forever one conference last week. It didn't start off where I was enjoying submitting to my husband. In fact, I hated it. I felt like it was.

Speaker 2:

I had this warp thinking that I was being dominated and that, and I had made a pact an ungodly pact in my mind, an ungodly covenant in my mind because of how I grew up and what I saw growing up in domestic violence that I would never let a man dominate me. I had made that pact and I had developed a stronghold around my thinking concerning what marriage looked like, what relationship looked like, and I was determined that no man would ever dominate me. So when I brought that thinking into our marriage relationship, it caused a problem. Because here it is, I have this strong leader of a husband that's very strong in standing in his position as a husband and as a leader, and then I have this mindset that I'm not gonna be dominated. So there was a recipe for two realms clashing, and so, therefore, we had turmoil in our marriage. But that was all because I had this covenant and some of you ladies that are watching. You probably have made a covenant in your mind of some things that you're not gonna do based on some experiences that you've had that were ungodly and unhealthy, and you brought that into your marriage relationship, and that could be the reason why you're clashing so hard with your husband and you're having a difficult time submitting to your husband, and so I want you to really think about that.

Speaker 2:

What covenants have you made that's causing a clash in your marriage? So once I got a true revelation of what true submission really is and you grew in your leadership as well listen, I don't wanna be all out here catching flights uncovered I'm gonna tell you all. The first time I realized I am spoiled and I love my husband, I love being covered was when I was traveling by myself and I had a carry on bag and I had to lift that carry on bag up and put it in the overhand. Being by myself, I realized I don't wanna be uncovered. That's just a small example of I love being covered. I love having my husband's strength, his leadership, Protection, His protection. I love it and I don't wanna be without it and so. But that all changed with my perception of the scripture, and so we wanna read the scripture.

Speaker 1:

Well, I'm gonna go back to that. I was gonna say this. You know, husbands, even the way God create us anatomy wise women are built to receive. Men are built to give.

Speaker 1:

Some of us have grown up, raised, spoiled by women. Some of our mothers and grandmothers and aunts, or whoever, have destroyed some of us as men. So when we become husbands, we bring an effeminate energy. I hate using that word, but we bring an effeminate type of perspective. When God created us to bring a testosterone, we have testosterone to break through and bust through things. But some of us, because we allow more estrogen the way we lead, we want to be a catered to you as opposed to being givers. Leadership is about giving, it's about leading, it's about serving and it benefits those that come under you, that follow you. It's beneficial for them. That's good, and so that is what began to happen as I got the revelation that it brings me joy to lead and make sure my wife is in a better position, that my children are in a better position, and even leading as a spiritual leader, anyone that's under my authority, that them following me, that life would end up in a better position.

Speaker 2:

That's really good.

Speaker 1:

By them following.

Speaker 2:

And so, in that leadership, he's had to make some hard decisions, oh God, some decisions that were not, that didn't cause him to be the most popular at the time, but having a righteous standard and having a revelation of their leadership, of that leadership, that's what's gonna cause you to make a righteous decision, to be able to stand regardless of all of the emotions.

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah.

Speaker 2:

That we, as ladies, can display to try to influence, use our leadership, or use our influence to try to sway a decision to our favor.

Speaker 1:

A true leader is able to stand even in the middle of all of that emotion and make a righteous decision and be okay with, be confident in their leadership that this is the best decision for the whole, even though she's throwing an emotional temper tantrum and trying to manipulate you for what she wants in that moment.

Speaker 1:

And then you, as a leader, you got to discern whether this is the right thing that needs to be said or done for the whole. And so your wife she get in her feelings and she want what she wants. And if she's not careful, and if you're not careful as a husband, as a leader, you would allow her to manipulate you and you submit and subcom to a decision you shouldn't have made. All to keep peace. So would you rather have temporary peace or longterm peace, longterm peace? So sometimes you got to sacrifice the short term peace for the longterm peace because she manipulated you through her emotions and you want to keep the peace. You just give in when you notice not the right decision that need to be made for the whole, and that's what comes with the territory of being a leader, strong leader and good leader, and you have to make decisions even when everybody else think your decision is wrong.

Speaker 1:

You got to still make the right decision because it's the decision that needs to be made and that come with growing and learning in your leadership. And I've been leading as a husband for 31 years and I've been leading as a spiritual leader for 20 some years and a pastor, now going on 19 years. So I've had a lot of times where dealing with making tough decisions and what I always say just let it play out, cause the fruit don't show you what it is. So I want to get back to what we was dealing with with the influence of a wife, because we dealt with the husband as being the head, but then the wife man see, that role of the wife is the role of Holy Spirit to the church.

Speaker 2:

That's right. That same word help her, per Was used Pericle. Pericle was used in the Bible when the Bible talked in Genesis how the wife was going to be a helper until Eve was going to be a helper until I help meet, until Adam. God used the same word to describe Holy Spirit when he gave us him, to us as the church. You were my pericle as a helper and so, as a helper, you really have to understand, as a wife, your role as a helper, what that looks like, and you were talking earlier about not as a leader, not succumbing to the emotions of the wife and making a righteous decision. Well, wives, we have to mature enough to get those emotions in check and not use our emotions as a form of manipulation.

Speaker 1:

So let's get into that, because when you think about God gave man the power of authority, but then he gave you all, as wives, the power of influence. So I want you to dig deeper into that influence and how powerful it is and how dangerous it could be if you don't properly utilize the influence that God has given you all as wives.

Speaker 2:

Absolutely so. Just like it was in the Bible when Eve was utilized her influence to cause Adam to get out of the will of God and cause the fall of the entire man, so that in and of itself is the example of how powerful our influence is with our spouses, with our husbands, as being a wife, and so you got to understand, like I said earlier, not to use that influence to manipulate your spouse to make the wrong decisions and throw emotional tantrums to give him to make a decision for your favor. That's exactly right, and so that is borderline witchcraft.

Speaker 1:

And Jezebel.

Speaker 2:

Exactly, and so you have to make sure that you don't step into that, because God is going to judge you. Let me say this you have to know that God is your father before your husband is your spouse. Say that again you need to look to God as your father, as your source.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

When it, when there's something that you desire to happen, stop looking to your spouse and putting pressure on your spouse to make a certain decision to manipulate and going over into manipulation where you can just go to your father. Go to your daddy who says I'll give you the desires of your heart and you trust God to be your source and he'll manifest it in his time. And so you just got to be patient.

Speaker 1:

So what really has to happen? Wives, you got to have a wisdom with the influence that God has given you for your husband, because think about this let's take your husband out of the husband category and let's put him as the king over a nation or president of a nation Anyone in authority and you have their ear, you have his ear and so you're part of that cabinet, you're part of the decision making team.

Speaker 1:

You, as a wise person, knowing you have the ear, you have to yield, or wield rather, that influence, that power you have with this king, with this authority, with a level of fear of the Lord and respect and honor for what you're about to say to them, knowing what you're about to say is going to influence them. So you can't have this selfishness or it's all about you. You got to make sure that when I influence them, that it got to be a good decision. It can't just be a decision that you're trying to influence them out of your feelings of something you want or having your way, especially if you come from that. I don't need a man, I don't want to submit. So you know how to manipulate and deceive through your influence of having your husband's ear, and that is totally wrong. But you're there to make him better because you are a helper. And so the Bible said a wise woman would build her house, but a foolish woman would tear down a house with her own hands. I've seen so many foolish wives that they got the mouthpiece and they using their influence with their husband the wrong way. But when, just like he said about the protocol not the protocol, but the Psalm 31 wife. When he talked about the virtuous woman said her husband safely trusting her.

Speaker 1:

See, some of you can't be trusted with your influence because your influence is foolish, is so self-serving that it don't benefit the whole. So you're not a helper to that man. You manipulate them just so you can get your way, so his heart can safely trust in you. Because I can't trust you because you only hear for what you can get out of it, not what we can get out of it. The whole family should benefit and so I just want to let you know why you don't want to use your influence in that way. And some of you need to be healed from childhood trauma. You need to be healed from abusive relationship where somebody abuse you, so now you don't know how to submit in a righteous, holy relationship because you got all of the. Your soul is so damaged and so we're teaching a balanced way from a biblical perspective, and some of you can't receive the biblical perspective, just like you started out showing talking about the covenant and the oath that you made because of your own brokenness. Some of you are dealing with that.

Speaker 2:

And so let me tell you how I got free. This scripture revolutionized my thinking, because I was a seeker of God. I saw his word and I truly wanted to change. I wanted to please the Lord. And so Ephesians, chapter five, verse 33, I'm gonna read it to you, ladies, out of an amplified version oh, my God.

Speaker 2:

It's a game changer for me and I pray it's a game changer for you. And here it is. Apostle Paul is talking to the church about marriages and how we should conduct ourselves in our marriage. And so here it is. He tells the wives, however, each man among you, without exception, is to love his wife as his very own self, with behavior worthy of respect Wow and a sting Worthy of respect, always seeking the best for her with an attitude of loving kindness. So there it is. We talked about that earlier, that a leader is to always seek the best of the whole for the whole. Thank you, thank you. And then he says and the wife must see to it that she respects and delights in her husband, that she notices him and prefers him and treats him with loving concern, treasured him, honoring him and holding him dear. So all of this.

Speaker 2:

Another translation said that she differs to her husband. So, before every decision that she makes, she's always deferring over to her husband, giving him the respect as a leader to get his wisdom and his approval before going off making decisions. So this, in essence, changed my thinking. I renewed my mind, I meditated this scripture until I embodied it and I started behaving because of the renewal of my mind. So I want to encourage you all to meditate these scriptures. Read the whole entire Ephesians, chapter five.

Speaker 1:

And first Peter, chapter three First Peter, chapter three.

Speaker 2:

Those are all of our go-to scriptures for couples, that Apostle Paul is giving instructions not only to just the wise but to the husbands.

Speaker 1:

And Colossians 319 for us husbands.

Speaker 1:

So it's so much that we can get, but we can cover it all in this podcast and we'll have other teachings on this.

Speaker 1:

But we just wanted to share some wisdom with you all and we hope that you all would sit together and listen, because one thing hear our heart on this. We're not taking sides of husband or wife. We're taking the side of righteousness and truth, because me being biased toward husbands is not gonna benefit your marriage. Her being biased toward wise is not gonna benefit your marriage. But giving truth to both of you all and each of you making a decision that you're going to live that is gonna benefit the whole, for your marriage and for your family and for your future generations, because you're fighting against that wicked divorce that God said he hates, that destroys family and destroys lineage. So we wanna encourage you go back over, listen to it and also share with your network so they can be blessed by this information. And if you don't already follow us, please follow us, share and like all the content we put out so others can be blessed by this will.

Speaker 2:

And I wanna just say a general prayer for you all, so that God can bless the leadership of the husband and the influence of the wife. So, father, in the name of Jesus, I pray for your couples, your married couples, right now. I ask, father, that you would strengthen that husband to be the strong and mature leader who is able to love his wife just like you love the church, lord Jesus. And I pray, father, for that wife, that she would use her influence, father, in the righteous way that, father, she would yield and submit willingly and respect and honor her husband, just like you have set forth in your word for her to do. I bless these marriages in the name of Jesus, amen.

Speaker 1:

God bless you, we'll see you all, next time on Teen Wave.

Roles and Responsibilities in Marriage
Seeking Wisdom in Marriage Relationships
Marriage Blessing Prayer