The Forever One Podcast

You're The Man

April 01, 2024 Team Wade
You're The Man
The Forever One Podcast
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The Forever One Podcast
You're The Man
Apr 01, 2024
Team Wade

Discover the transformative power of leadership in marriage as we explore the roles of husbands and wives from a traditional biblical perspective. We examine the metaphor of a husband as the 'thermostat' of the home, setting the atmosphere for the family while upholding a spirit of love and service. Join Team Wade in a candid discussion that challenges contemporary views and reaffirms the importance of divine order, aiming to unlock blessings and dispel confusion within the sacred bond of marriage.

This episode takes you on a journey through the tale of Adam and Eve, unraveling the complexities of their narrative and its relevance to modern marital dynamics. We investigate Adam's pivotal role in communicating God's commands and the resultant fall from grace, paralleling the story to current issues such as financial stewardship and resisting material temptations. As we sign off, we invite couples to participate in this wisdom-rich conversation and to join our community at Team Wade on social media, strengthening their marital foundations with each shared experience and insight.

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Discover the transformative power of leadership in marriage as we explore the roles of husbands and wives from a traditional biblical perspective. We examine the metaphor of a husband as the 'thermostat' of the home, setting the atmosphere for the family while upholding a spirit of love and service. Join Team Wade in a candid discussion that challenges contemporary views and reaffirms the importance of divine order, aiming to unlock blessings and dispel confusion within the sacred bond of marriage.

This episode takes you on a journey through the tale of Adam and Eve, unraveling the complexities of their narrative and its relevance to modern marital dynamics. We investigate Adam's pivotal role in communicating God's commands and the resultant fall from grace, paralleling the story to current issues such as financial stewardship and resisting material temptations. As we sign off, we invite couples to participate in this wisdom-rich conversation and to join our community at Team Wade on social media, strengthening their marital foundations with each shared experience and insight.

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Speaker 1:

Hello everybody, welcome to Team Wade.

Speaker 2:

What's happening? What's happening everybody.

Speaker 1:

Where we're giving you tools for a successful marriage and relationship. Today we have a wonderful topic that we're going to discuss for you, called You're the man. You're the man.

Speaker 2:

Let me put my glasses on, so I can really see you.

Speaker 1:

You are the man.

Speaker 2:

You're the man.

Speaker 1:

Of course we're talking about husbands. Uh, husbands, you're the man, you're the leader, you are the pace setter for your, your marriage and your family so I like to say you are the thermostat and not the thermometer.

Speaker 2:

Now, what is the difference? The thermometer reacts to the environment.

Speaker 1:

The thermostat sets the environment. It controls the temperature of the environment. Can you repeat that?

Speaker 2:

The thermometer responds to the environment. The thermostat sets the environment.

Speaker 1:

That's good.

Speaker 2:

You control the temperature, you control the atmosphere.

Speaker 1:

So the wives are in essence the thermometer, and the husband is, in essence, the thermostat, that is so good.

Speaker 2:

So when you say you're the man, we're talking about what God said he mandated us to be the head of our wife, and that's what the Bible says is that the husband is the head of the wife, just as Christ is the head of the church, and he didn't mix words. And so some of you may, right now, be struggling with the language that we're using right now because you have this modern way of believing and thinking, but hold on, don't, don't, don't jump off off this podcast, just listen, just listen to what we're going to say because we we're not going to come at you sideways, we're going to give you truth and if you allow this truth to come to you, it will make you free.

Speaker 1:

And it will bless you. Yes, and you will have the order of God operating in your household, operating in your home, operating in your marriage, and God blesses order.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Bible says that God is not the author of confusion, and so if your household is out of order, then chances are you're going to have a lot of confusion. Yeah, and so this podcast today is designed to help that order be established in your household so that there won't be any confusion.

Speaker 2:

And so when we say you're the man, that means you're the head, which means you are the responsible one. You are the responsible one.

Speaker 1:

You are the responsible one.

Speaker 2:

You're the one that is accountable, being held accountable for whatever goes down on your watch, because you're the head. It happened on your regime, it happened under your authority.

Speaker 1:

And so you're responsible for whatever happens, even if let me say this, even if you are not the one to make a decision that caused some chaos in the household.

Speaker 2:

But you let that decision happen.

Speaker 1:

But it happened on your watch, so you're responsible for making sure that the house can recover. That is so good, even though you didn't make the decision, for whatever reason that caused any chaos in the household. You are responsible for making sure that the house gets set back in order, and so that's really important.

Speaker 2:

Yes, it is.

Speaker 1:

So let's talk a little, let's go a little deeper to further help the men and the husbands in the households stand in their divine authority, being the man.

Speaker 2:

Now, let me. Let me say this with being the man, any leadership must lead from a place of love okay, and from a place of humility. So, even though we're using a strong title like I'm the man, that is not the attitude that you're going to have, because when you are the leader, you're leading from a place of love and you're coming from a place of humility but, also from a place of serving.

Speaker 2:

So if you walk in those three things as a man, it makes it easier for people to submit under your leadership, and so let's dig a little deeper into there, because God gave husbands the authority over their wives.

Speaker 1:

That's right.

Speaker 2:

And over their family. And so let's go back to the beginning, when God met with Adam and he began to create the garden. He put Adam in it, he formed them from the dust, dust of the ground, breathed into him the breath of life and man became a living soul, right? So it was just god and adam hanging out. He looking at the animals, he said okay, adam, what are you gonna name them? Adam names them. And then everything was good and great for adam. But then he said it is not good for you to be alone, so I'm gonna make a helper that is suitable for you and then the way I'm gonna make her, I'm gonna make her from you.

Speaker 2:

So he took the rib and he makes Eve from the rib of Adam. So now this is bone of his bone, flesh is his flesh, and the two become one. But the helper was there to assist, to help him to do what God wanted done, and she was tailor-made.

Speaker 2:

Tailor-made Specifically for Adam and she was his paraclete, the same word we get for Holy Spirit he is our helper, that's right. So it don't get no higher than that. So listen, ladies, being a helper is not a low role, it's a high role, and so this role is so high that Holy Spirit even said I don't even speak on my own authority, but what I hear, that is what I speak.

Speaker 1:

I love the fact that God used the same word that he gave Holy Spirit. Used the same word that he gave Holy Spirit.

Speaker 2:

He gave the wife that same role to be to their husband as Holy Spirit is to the body of Christ.

Speaker 1:

And I'm going to tell you this I don't want to live without Holy Spirit. I don't ever want to live without Holy. Spirit as my helper, and so you know you were going to say as wives. It's important for us to know our role.

Speaker 2:

Well, I don't want to deal with the wives in this podcast. I want to deal with the husband. Yes, so we'll just make mention of wives, but this is all about this husband here.

Speaker 1:

You, the man.

Speaker 2:

You're the man, I'm the man. So guess what? This is the thing I want you to look at. So then Eve, god gave Adam instructions. Eve didn't hear the instructions. Where did Eve get the instructions from? From Adam. She got them from Adam. So God had already given instruction even before Eve was made from his rib, and so he was to pass it it on. God gave him clear instructions that I'm placing you in the garden. All these trees are here. The tree of life is here, also the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Do not eat from that tree. You can eat from all the other trees, all the trees you are supposed to care for and to tend. Every tree you can eat from, except one, which is the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. So now they live in their life.

Speaker 2:

All of a sudden, satan shows up. He comes in the form of the serpent. At this time, you know the serpent could talk. The serpent was walking upright. You go back and read the bible. We don't want to get lost on that point. But the serpent is having a conversation with Eve and he's convincing her that you are going to become like God if you eat from this tree. God don't want you to be like him, that God is holding some from you. So she began to focus on the tree, and so Satan convinced her to eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Then what happened she then, after she realized what happened to her, because she died. She died spiritually, she was separated from God.

Speaker 2:

Then the Bible says she brought it to her husband and he ate it as well so this is the point I want to get to husbands you are the man, you are the head. You clearly know what God has said. You have clear instructions, whether it's through his word, whether you have heard God speak a word to you. Either way, how did you allow your wife to get you out of position? How did you allow her to convince you to go against what God said?

Speaker 2:

God gave you a plan for how you all going to get out of debt. God gave you a plan for how you're going to buy your first house. God gave you a plan for how you need to clear out some debt that you have. And so now she want a new dress, she want a new car, she want a new this and a new that, and now you done blew up the whole plan. Now, all of a sudden, god knew what was going to happen in the future. Now somebody got laid off on their job and, instead of you all having a nest egg and being in a good position, you're now not in a good position because you relinquish your authority to your wife when you should have been leading her and guiding her, because you're trying to make the whole better and not just one or two of us better.

Speaker 1:

Let's bring it home. It's tax season, so y'all have come together and y'all have made plans for what you're going to do with the refund.

Speaker 2:

But all of a sudden you know, and y'all have made plans for what you're going to do with the refund, but all of a sudden you know I want that vacation. I want that vacation, I want to go shopping.

Speaker 1:

Or I want a new designer bag. I want those new Christian Louboutin shoes. You know so all of a sudden, but you have to, as the man, you have to really stand and not allow you know your position to be compromised through, you know emotions or through frivolous spending or whatever.

Speaker 2:

But what usually happens now the Bible don't tell us what all Eve pulled on Adam to get him to do this Right. So you know it's not very clear what all happened. But knowing the Bible and what it teaches, and being married almost 32 years and counseling other marriages and dinner with women, so I know what probably happened, what probably happened the nagginess of the wife, what probably happened, the nagginess of the wife, what had happened, what had happened was the wife. You tell what happened.

Speaker 1:

She started becoming emotionally manipulative with her much nagging and whining. What, babe? You know everybody else got one or everybody, everybody else. My girlfriend went to France. Why can't we go? And? Take this money and you'll never let me have this you always tell me no and da-da-da-da-da, you know how we can get ladies.

Speaker 2:

So what I believe happened, that emotional manipulation began to happen, and it didn't happen just one time, it's a continual. The bible calls it like a dripping faucet. And so what I think happened the pressure of keep coming to you, and so, as a leader, you can't afford to get weary. You have to hold your position position.

Speaker 1:

I love that and I just, you know, went in my Holy Ghost imagination and I just wondered why did Adam, adam, why in the world would you see the state that she was in? She had just died.

Speaker 2:

She had just obeyed God and you know, obviously there was something different that happened. Yeah, she had just disobeyed Different looking eyes, everything.

Speaker 1:

So she had just disobeyed I guarantee you it was a different look in her eyes everything. So she had just disobeyed God. And so here it is. You have the opportunity to say no, god said, don't do that. But what was it that made him want to be in the state of his wife? What made him want to leave his position of still being one with God, creating an image and likeness of God not eyes open, not spiritually dead to go from that state to wanting to come over there with his wife?

Speaker 2:

Well, what I believe it was is that the Bible commands us to love our wives, as Christ loved the church. So the true love you want, love wants to give. Love wants the best for whoever it's giving, whatever it's giving to. So I believe it was out of that place of love. But that love is misplaced if it's not submitted to truth, if it's not submitted to God first, that love can be perverted and it becomes something else.

Speaker 1:

And it could have been anything Love. It also could have been fear of being alone, Because I don't know. You know?

Speaker 2:

I don't want to lose my. I was by myself and God said it's not good to be alone.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so I don't want to lose my companionship, so I'm going to come on over there with her. For whatever reason, he did not keep his stance, he did not remain in his position and he forfeited. And it cost him a lot. It cost. It cost him a lot.

Speaker 2:

It cost a a lot. It cost him a lot.

Speaker 1:

And so, men, in your marriages, you know, if you cannot afford to move from your position and move from your stance, it can cost you.

Speaker 2:

Yes, it could cost you all financially, which you don't know how long you're going to be in that financial roller coaster by not sticking to the plan. And so there are many instances. There are things that my wife wanted and she wanted it when she wanted it, and then I had to take a stand as being the head, and I'm sure in her mind it looks like it's not fair that he gets to make this decision. This is what I want to do, but if you got a husband that really loves and care about you and want your best interest, it's not that he's just saying no, but right now is not the time for us to be doing this and we're going to stick with the plan that we have agreed to and that this is the plan that's beneficial for all of us.

Speaker 2:

Absolutely and so, husbands, you got to put 10 toes down and you got to stand on business. You got to stand on the business. That, hey, as a leader, I got to make a difficult decision and it's not popular right now and it may be so unpopular that it may get hot up in here that she may not want to talk to you. She done turned her back on you in the bed all types of stuff.

Speaker 2:

You cannot allow any of those manipulative emotional tactics move you from the position of making the right decision that is so good.

Speaker 1:

So I hope this has really helped you. Men of God, remain in your position, Take your stand, Stand on the business of what is right and listen. Ladies, I want to encourage you also. You know the times that I, you know, was not able to get the desires of my heart at the time that I wanted them did not mean that God denied me.

Speaker 1:

I'm going to say that again, say that again the time that I did not get the desires of my heart at that particular time from my husband. God, at the appropriate time, at the right time, at the most Kairos moment, he provided and gave me the desires of my heart. And so I want to always tell the ladies quit looking to your husband as your primary source and change your focus to your father, your heavenly father, and he's the one that will bless you. And so, men, stand on business, stand on the order of the house, and God is going to bless that order.

Speaker 2:

Remember I'm the man, you are the man. Men, Stand firm, lead your family, lead with love, humility and lead with compassion and serving your spouse.

Speaker 1:

Amen. Well, Team Wade signing out. I hope you were blessed by this. Be sure to share this podcast with your friends. You got a married couple who could use some wisdom. We would love for them to tune in and follow us on all of our social media platforms at Team Wade.

Speaker 2:

Amen and love your wife as Christ loved the church Next time, god bless.

Roles in Marriage
Importance of Husband's Leadership in Marriage
Leading With Love and Humility