Cultural Sensitivity w. Jamie Elmasu | CONNECTED

CONNECTIONS HOUSE Season 2 Episode 5

Hello to all of our phenomenal viewers, listeners, and supporters. I am your host PodcastBri and I am so excited to be here. If you are a new audience member, we are so grateful to have you. Welcome to another episode of “CONNECTED,” where we discuss all things mental health, recovery, employment, and stories. Before we dive in, this episode is sponsored by Contra Costa Behavioral Health Services & John Muir. 
On our next five episodes, CONNECTED will be focused on the BIPOC Community sharing personal anecdotes, facts, and awareness from specialists around the Bay Area. 
Today’s guest Jamie, designs health equity strategies that focus on improving programming for underserved communities. Her 17 years’ of experience stem from working with a variety of community-based nonprofit organizations, hospitals, clinics and education systems. Jamie currently works with John Muir Health as the Director of Community Health Improvement, where she oversees community benefit programming, evaluation and system-wide reporting. Jamie holds an MPH from the University of California, Berkeley with a focus on Health and Social Behavior and a Bachelor’s degree in Cognitive Neuroscience also from the University of California, Berkeley.

For resources on Palestine, please see below:

Donate: Palestine Children’s Relief Fund (, Middle East Children’s Alliance (

Watch (films): 5 Broken Cameras; Paradise Now; Omar

Read: The Question of Palestine, by Edward Said;

IG: @eyeonpalestine, @ajplus, @denatakruri, @theimeu

Jamie Elmasu |

Connections House | 

Host Brianna Harris | 

Edited by Billy Gutierrez