Healing Family Traumas & Prevailing thru Cancer w. Gail Miller | CONNECTED

CONNECTIONS HOUSE Season 2 Episode 7

Hello to all of our phenomenal viewers, listeners, and supporters. I am your host PodcastBri and I am so excited to be here. If you are a new audience member, we are so grateful to have you. Welcome to another episode of “CONNECTED,” where we discuss all things mental health, recovery, employment, and stories. Before we dive in, this episode is sponsored by Contra Costa Behavioral Health Services & John Muir.
On our next three episodes, CONNECTED will be focused on the BIPOC Community sharing personal anecdotes, facts, and awareness from specialists around the Bay Area. Today’s very VERY special guest is an artist with a heart of gold. Cancer warrior, matriarch, mental health advocate and co-founder of, Gail Miller embodies her lived experience. Gail and the family dynamic was significantly impacted after one of her daughters was diagnosed with bipolar disorder. Gail then made it her mission to not only educate herself, but thousands of others alongside her partner. While struggling with depression herself, Gail uses her extraordinary artwork as an outlet for self expression. It is truly an honor to welcome my auntie Gail Miller.

Gail Miller:

Connections House | 

Host Brianna Harris | 

Edited by Billy Gutierrez