How To Manage Isolation w John Coombs | CONNECTED

CONNECTIONS HOUSE Season 2 Episode 11

Hello to all of our phenomenal viewers, listeners, and supporters. Welcome to another episode of “CONNECTED,” where we discuss all things mental health, recovery, employment, and stories.

During this segment CONNECTED will be focused on relationships and how to navigate them while dealing with serious mental illness. We will be sharing personal anecdotes, facts, and awareness from specialists around the Bay Area. Today’s guest is a staple here at the clubhouse. From member to employee, he has overcome many obstacles to reach an everlasting journey of peace. After joining the Peace Corps and spending time at a monastery, John started to experience some mental health issues induced by isolation. This ultimately brought him back home, searching for answers. Having been a member for a decade, John has now made a world of difference within himself and the clubhouse.