Tried & True With A Dash of Woo

Inherent Worthiness with Christina L Woods

May 07, 2024 Renee Bowen
Inherent Worthiness with Christina L Woods
Tried & True With A Dash of Woo
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Tried & True With A Dash of Woo
Inherent Worthiness with Christina L Woods
May 07, 2024
Renee Bowen

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In this episode, I sit down with Christina L Woods, a renowned expert in rapid transformational therapy, clinical hypnotherapy, and energy healing. Together, we explore the pervasive issue of feeling 'not enough' and discuss transformative approaches to cultivating a deep sense of inherent worthiness.

What You'll Learn:

  • Understanding Worthiness: Christina explains why many of us struggle with feelings of inadequacy and how societal standards often exacerbate this issue. She emphasizes the importance of recognizing worthiness as an inherent quality, not something to be earned.
  • Tools for Inner Transformation: Dive into Christina’s toolbox of therapeutic techniques that help individuals break free from the shackles of past programming. Discover how hypnotherapy and rapid transformational therapy can unearth the root causes of self-doubt and reframe your mindset for greater self-acceptance.
  • The Role of Energy Healing: Learn about the significant role energy work, including Reiki and other forms of healing, play in aligning the mind, body, and spirit. Christina shares how these practices aid in overcoming emotional blocks and enhancing one's intuition.
  • Practical Steps to Self-Empowerment: Christina offers actionable advice and simple strategies that listeners can implement immediately to start feeling more deserving and capable. These include mindfulness exercises, journal prompts, and daily affirmations focused on self-worth.
  • Inspiring Real-Life Stories: Be motivated by stories from Christina’s coaching experience, where real people have made remarkable progress toward embracing their worthiness and living more authentically.
  • Quick Tips for Daily Practice: Christina provides quick, easy-to-implement tips for listeners to shift their energy and mindset throughout the day. 



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In this episode, I sit down with Christina L Woods, a renowned expert in rapid transformational therapy, clinical hypnotherapy, and energy healing. Together, we explore the pervasive issue of feeling 'not enough' and discuss transformative approaches to cultivating a deep sense of inherent worthiness.

What You'll Learn:

  • Understanding Worthiness: Christina explains why many of us struggle with feelings of inadequacy and how societal standards often exacerbate this issue. She emphasizes the importance of recognizing worthiness as an inherent quality, not something to be earned.
  • Tools for Inner Transformation: Dive into Christina’s toolbox of therapeutic techniques that help individuals break free from the shackles of past programming. Discover how hypnotherapy and rapid transformational therapy can unearth the root causes of self-doubt and reframe your mindset for greater self-acceptance.
  • The Role of Energy Healing: Learn about the significant role energy work, including Reiki and other forms of healing, play in aligning the mind, body, and spirit. Christina shares how these practices aid in overcoming emotional blocks and enhancing one's intuition.
  • Practical Steps to Self-Empowerment: Christina offers actionable advice and simple strategies that listeners can implement immediately to start feeling more deserving and capable. These include mindfulness exercises, journal prompts, and daily affirmations focused on self-worth.
  • Inspiring Real-Life Stories: Be motivated by stories from Christina’s coaching experience, where real people have made remarkable progress toward embracing their worthiness and living more authentically.
  • Quick Tips for Daily Practice: Christina provides quick, easy-to-implement tips for listeners to shift their energy and mindset throughout the day. 



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Speaker 1:

But you can say, all right, there's a gift in here that I'm ready to up-level and heal again, or that I'm ready for perhaps that I wasn't two, three years ago and it's going to make me even more resilient and strong and in my power and understanding and more compassionate for myself. I think we get frustrated. I already healed that. I already dealt with that.

Speaker 2:

I don't need to.

Speaker 1:

And that's not how energy works either. These mirrors back our opportunities and lessons, and so I think you know it's not like here we go again. It's actually a gift.

Speaker 2:

Welcome to tried and true with a dash of woo, where we blend rock solid tips with a little bit of magic. I'm Renee Bowen, your host, life and business coach and professional photographer at your service. We are all about getting creative, diving into your business and playing with manifestation over here. So are you ready to get inspired and have some fun? Let's dive in. Hey, hey, welcome back to Tried and True with a dash of woo. I hope you guys are having an amazing week. I am your host, renee Bowen, and every week I bring you guys either solo episodes or some amazing guests, and I have one of those for you guys today. Her name is Christina L Woods and we have a lot in common, Like we are certified in a lot of the same modalities and she's also a coach, so our conversation is centered all around this epidemic of not enoughness, self-worth, what you can do to change that and some really quick, quick ways to get out of those old programming beliefs.

Speaker 2:

Christine is a licensed rapid transformational therapist. She's also a clinical hypnotherapist, an empowerment coach and a Reiki master, and she combines her background in corporate leadership, along with her life experiences in dealing with trauma and abandonment, to empower other women to trust their own intuition and set themselves free of self-doubt. As the CEO and founder of Wise Woods Hypnotherapy and Coaching, christina has extensive experience working on complex challenges and pulling potential out of others so that they can become self-reliant individuals, and through this deep hypnotherapy and coaching work, she empowers women to shed old programming so they can live the life they deserve. She's been honing her intuition and spiritual energy practice throughout her entire life, and it is this experience, knowledge and wisdom that she brings to every client. During each session, christina wants everyone to stop looking outside for what they need and instead look inside themselves. She helps her clients step into their true, authentic self, free of self-sabotaging behavior, so they can live a life full of deep meaning and potential.

Speaker 2:

So she's pretty rad and, yeah, we would be BFFs. So I may have to go take a little trip down to Orange County and have some coffee with her, because we definitely have a lot in common. Like I said, we're both Reikis, we're both coaches, hypnotherapy, the whole deal. We really are very centered in that belief of our unconscious holding so many of the cards and how we can change those and how we can rewire all of that, and it doesn't have to take a long time. So grab a cup of coffee, have a seat and listen in on our conversation. Hey Christina, thank you so much for being here today. I'm super excited to chat with you. We have so much in common.

Speaker 1:

I know we really do. Thank you for having me. I'm excited to be here.

Speaker 2:

Yay. So for you guys that are listening, just side note, we both are certified in hypnosis and Reiki and we have a lot of the same interests. We're both coaches. She's got some other certifications that I don't, and vice versa. So this will be a really fun conversation and I really want to just kind of start off with and kind of focus on something I see a lot in my coaching that I know you probably see a lot of as well this like epidemic of I am not enoughness and you know why do you think in your opinion, what are your thoughts on why that seems to be so prevalent? I see it a lot in women, especially my female clients yeah.

Speaker 1:

You know, somewhere along the line and we can dig into the beliefs and find out the nitty gritties of the whys, but somewhere along the line we disconnect from ourself and our intuition and our voice. And when we do that and we stop trusting ourselves, our North Star however we want to refer to it that's when we start doing that comparison game and I don't know what to do. I don't know the answers. I need to go outside of myself. And then you're instantly in that I'm not enough. You know I'm not. I'm not thin enough, I'm not rich enough, I need another course, I need another this, I need another something, I need another diet.

Speaker 1:

But you know, I think at the core it's like we've just stopped trusting our intuition and our voice at some point. A disconnection from self and in many times, maybe a disconnection from a higher power, whatever it is that you believe in, whether that just be nature in the trees, a connection to something really that grounds you. Because when we, when we have that disconnection, that's something that fragments us. Yeah, we just stop listening to some. You know, we know, we know we have a guide within us.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I believe that for sure. And so much programming didn't even sign up for. Yeah.

Speaker 1:

And you know, I mean I'm not enough. A big part of it is, you know, as you know, is the core need for all of us is to be connected and not rejected, and I mean I don't want to be rejected as much as the next person. So, really understanding that is yeah, we seek to be connected, we seek to be part of a tribe, part of a group, and when we're doing that, constantly trying to get that validation from the outside, a lot of times what I'm doing with clients and I'm sure you are as well as like, let's remind you that you have all that approval already on the inside and, gosh, what an exhausting life to keep trying to seek validation on the outside, cause that, you know, burnout, burnout.

Speaker 2:

So yeah, it's not possible, it's just not feasible, know, burnout, so yeah it's not possible.

Speaker 2:

It's just not feasible and we get so reliant to, especially with social media and and you know it's really easy to fall prey I think too right To the scroll and consuming all of that.

Speaker 2:

You know it really is not just about like as far as like our wellbeing, like the kind of foods we eat, it's like what we're consuming for media energetically, yeah, all of that, and you know your energy is really affected by that. So I want to kind of talk a little bit about that, because I know that a lot of my listeners may not well, they may not really have kind of dove deep into energetics and like energy healing and Reiki and things like that. Alongside of, you know, the stuff that we think about right, like more stuff that we feel about. So I kind of want to take us there to talk about that and how shifting energy right With your clients. What are some of the things that you found that work really well for your clients? I mean, obviously everybody's different, but what works really well for your clients in terms of everybody's different, but what works really well for your clients in terms of cleaning up their energy, shifting their energy, getting in a higher vibration, that kind of thing?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, I think first, just even you know, being aware and looking at maybe even the scale of consciousness and looking at and saying, whoa, okay, when I'm down here, this is a lower vibration and up here we all know gratitude and love and all those things are really high vibration, but I get into shame or guilt or I get ticked off or we go up and down. But when we hang out there to really understand, all right, I'm a match. When I'm at a low vibration, then really understanding without shame or without saying you know cause, we can get a little bit. You know the, the energetic world can get a little bit like you're a, you're a mirror. Everything in your life is a mirror back to you, which can feel a little bit um, you know, not so good sometimes like, oh, all these bad things are happening to me because I'm a mirror and I attracted them back in. But so just being accountable for where we're at on the scale and knowing we go up and down, but what is the scale and what does it look like, and even clients that I work with that understand energy, just having that scale of consciousness and being aware, like, okay, I am down here, what do I need to do, to go up here, because when we're down in the funk, we don't even really feel it or see it. So I think awareness is first and foremost. Like I'm down here, I need to get up. But one of the best things is and someone taught me, and energy coach taught me this and it's kind of based in what's called the Sedona method, one of those, one of those methods out there that we've all learned and I'm sure it's been tweaked and changed a thousand times. But and it goes back to you know, you get more of what you feel, right, we get more of what we feel.

Speaker 1:

But when we're in a bad place and someone's saying, well, just think, you know, rainbows and butterflies start thinking happy thoughts, and you're like, yeah, right, whatever, I can't. I'm so mad right now I can't believe they said that, or my boss did this, or my kids lied. I had someone the other day saying, but she lied, she's in college across the country and she lied how can I trust her? Now it's hard to get out of that. So one of the ways is to think in the last 24 hours of the last few days where, let's say, you feel out of control or you feel unsafe or not approved of.

Speaker 1:

Think in the last day or so when you did feel that feeling, when you felt approved of or you felt in control, and just stop and it might. It's usually a moment with the dog or a walk I saw a butterfly, but pets are so good because it's like unconditional and it's easy. Like I looked at the cat they purred, it felt good and just let that moment kind of blow through you like a gentle breeze and it's such an easy pivot and really let that soak in, like, feel it in your cells, feel it in your bones, and just that exercise of that shifts your energy so quickly. And then think about okay, hold on, she's 18. Yeah, she lied, she's in college.

Speaker 1:

Maybe she didn't want me to reject her. Maybe I mean you have a different perspective. She didn't want me to reject her. Maybe I mean you have a different perspective. So that's a really good energy pivot shift to you know, pivot your energy and get you back into a different vibration. Cause I I think you know we all want to shift our energy. But I know I've had coaches and leaders and friends say, but you have so much to be grateful for, but when you're in that funk. It's like you know what I think I want to pour this glass of water in your face, come on.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah. No, that's a good point. It's so hard and I've heard that from so many people not just you know coaching clients, but just people in my life, you know my personal life and it's so hard for some people to, like you said, wrap their their head around that because it feels very like they already beat themselves up Right Like. So if someone's already self-sabotaging and already like has a lot of um inner saboteur, right Voices like you're not good enough, you suck, blah, blah, blah, all those things.

Speaker 2:

They already have a lot of that going on. And then that concept of you get what you are, you get what you give, et cetera. They're like, well, great, okay. Well, since I can't snap out of it, since I have no control over these thoughts and I am just really feeling crappy about my life, then that sucks. I guess I'm just going to keep attracting it and I don't know why. And so they stay in that they do, they do.

Speaker 1:

And one of the most common beliefs that feeds I'm not enough is a belief that what you just said is sort of like that's not available to me. So a lot of people will say you know, I make a lot of money, I have a lot of friends, but I just not one of those people that has love, like I'm just not going to find the love of my life, like that's not available to me. It's okay, cause I have all these other things. Or vice versa. I don't know about you, but I have a lot of clients that the first thing they say to me is I don't know why I'm not fulfilled.

Speaker 1:

I have so many things to be grateful for, but I'm just, it's just this thing, so it's probably not a big deal. Maybe I don't even need you because I've got eight things. I should not have 10 things, and so it's. It's this. Why not? Why? Why not? Why are we not good enough to have all these things? We're not worthy. But we have a belief, often like but that thing might not just be available to me, it's available to other people, but just not me, cause I got lucky and got the other things, but that's just a belief, yeah, and I mean the bottom line and I believe this fully is that we can be and have whatever we want, and guilt-free as well, because we are meant to be happy.

Speaker 2:

I mean, I really believe we came here to experience this place and that you know. Our perspective on that is what color? Is it a lot? But yeah, so many people will just say that you know, well, it must be nice for you because you have this or you have that, or you you know, and, yeah, there are some people who have had an upper hand, who have privilege, who have and I 100% recognize that, and in myself as well but we don't know everybody else's story.

Speaker 2:

You don't know exactly what that person has gone through, right, you don't know that they dealt with incredible loss or whatever it is. And it's so interesting to me when I see people who have had when I do hear their stories and they have had like incredibly difficult lives and I mean like trauma with a big T and they are like the most calm and like neutral observer, happy people in their lives because they've worked, you know, through that. That is so amazing to me, so I'm like, well, okay, explain that then, if you feel like you know what I mean, like it's like, look for proof, because you will find proof of whatever it is you're looking for?

Speaker 1:

Absolutely, yeah, and humans are. We're so resilient and, you know, back to that idea about life is a mirror back when you start healing the beliefs and really understanding energy. It's a mirror back because it's a gift to look at what those lessons are. And when you get to that place, you know and I'm definitely I have my days where I'm like, well, I feel a little in my victim mode for a moment, but I'm able to pivot out of it much, much quicker now, with energy and astrology and things going on. It's like, okay, here we go again. I'm healing this thing again. I thought it was done with it or whatever. It might be that childhood issue coming up again. But you can say, all right, there's a gift in here that I'm ready to up-level and heal again, or that I'm ready for perhaps that I wasn't two, three years ago and it's going to make me even more resilient and strong and, in my power and understanding, more compassionate for myself. I think we get frustrated, like I already healed that. I already dealt with that.

Speaker 1:

I don't need to, and you know that's not how energy works either. These mirrors back our opportunities and lessons, and so I think you know it's not like here we go again. It's actually a gift.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that's one of the things that I find myself saying a lot, not just to myself but to all my coaching students, is that you know this is an opportunity if you choose to look at it that way because it is, it is a choice.

Speaker 2:

You can look at it as an opportunity like, oh, that trigger, okay, you know it can take you down a different path if you allow it to. But if you look at it as an opportunity for growth, that's where the gold is and that's where you know I feel like so many people and I don't know. It depends on everyone's journey and it depends on so many, so many different things. When you do look at it through that lens, it tells a different story and there's, there's a lot to gather from that. If you're willing to sit with it and that's the other part of it is that in order to kind of move through it, like that awareness, like you were talking about awareness looking at it, recognizing it, seeing it OK, sitting with it and being OK with the fact that it does not feel great right now.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

That it is temporary, because everything is temporary, literally Right, right, right. It's not always going to feel this charged. You know, I was having this conversation with my son last night. I have a 25 year old son. He has autism and he he has a.

Speaker 2:

You know, he's come so so far and and he's a very big success story as far as you know, overcoming so many challenges in his life and he still deals with these situations that come up that you know, in social things. And you know, I think there was something that happened online because you know he spends a lot of time with his friends online and there was something that came up where he said something and, you know, didn't mean it to come out that way, but it kind of, you know, was misconstrued and so, right when that happened, he immediately took responsibility and said you know, I'm sorry, I didn't mean it to come across that way and tried to apologize and that person just blocked him and did not allow for him to have that apology and it's been eating him up for about a week now, and so he finally talked to me about it, of course, where our kid like I don't know about you, but you know, like my kids always just like lay things on me at like 11 o'clock at night.

Speaker 1:

I know and you're like, this is a moment, I'm going to stay awake as a mom, but boy, it's tired, I'm tired, I'm literally about to like not off.

Speaker 2:

And he's, you know he needs, he needs to get this off his chest and I'm like, okay, let's go there. And that's one of the things that I was talking about. I was like, you know, you can't control what someone else does with that, but you can, you know, take responsibility. It sounds like you did and you are, but the more you hold on to it, the only person suffering right now is you, and we are our worst critics. We are, you know, we're harder on ourselves than anybody else is. So let's figure out a way for you to kind of sit with this. Let it be uncomfortable for a second. Let's move through it, because you got to kind of make peace with it before you can deal with it. You know, running away from it just makes it bigger. This makes it stronger.

Speaker 1:

What a great lesson. What a great lesson, right, you know, and it's. I'm so glad you say that. I have a client I've been working with that, you know.

Speaker 1:

I think when we're doing this work, sometimes, especially in in the spiritual realm, you know, we believe in these synchronicities or these signs, and so often then we will lean on them instead of taking accountability. For what I was told one time is there's no divine timing without divine action, and I love that. It's like, yeah, you don't wait around for divine timing, you still take divine action and has to be aligned. And that's what divine timing is with divine action. And so you know she's this, this client is, you know, really owning her intuition, and then someone in her life that she's not sure she wants to be with would take an action that would kind of sway her to gosh, maybe is the right person, I'm not sure.

Speaker 1:

Sure, maybe it's the right person. You just did something nice and she's she's like, well, that was the universe telling me I should stay like, well, there's an. That's one way to look at it. There's another way to look at it. There's another way for the universe showing you come on, honey, you can stand in your power, you really can trust your intuition. That's another way to look at it. So you know.

Speaker 1:

so it's, it's really this opportunity we have. We have the answers within and, as you build that strength from within and that's why I love whether it's hypnotherapy, nlp, energy healing and mixing it all together, it's just so powerful because, even when we do subconscious work, if we have, you know, energy blocks and things weighing us down, just the combination is so powerful to to really lighten us and and feel empowered in our physical body and our energy body.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I agree as far as um, all of that like what does that look like for you when you're working with clients? I know that you work with people all over the world, like you know, like I do, and so do you have a specific like method or protocol, or do you just sort of individualize and intuitively connect you know with with that client? And maybe it looks like you know, do you do hypnosis tracks? You do it with them live, like how, how do you sort hypnosis tracks? You do it with them live, like how, how do you sort of navigate that it's I'm always so interested to hear how, how other people do that.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, it is, it is intuitive and it's it is individualized. So really just feeling you know where is someone. Um, I used to always start right away with hypnotherapy but what I found is, you know, let's really feel into it can be too jarring sometimes for a client, you know, to start there. So, depending on where someone is in their path, so I might do some other energy work or some coaching or parts work or inner child work or some of those things to really start to understand you know where they're at and how are they feeling. And, uh, I do theta healing. I'm an advanced theta healer, which is a great way Tell me about that.

Speaker 1:

That's really interesting. Um, it is also a hypnosis method, but it's really just taking a client into a theta brainwave but it is connecting with a creator of all. That is so a spiritual connection and witnessing a healing. So it's. It's there has to be a belief in a higher power and, um, and so taking client to, to a theta brainwave, connecting with a higher power, doing a body scan, and and then it's a lot of muscle testing. Yeah, so, a lot of muscle testing on beliefs.

Speaker 1:

Many of us have been to, maybe like a homeopathic doctor where they do the muscle testing with vitamins and minerals, but it's doing a lot of muscle testing with beliefs and it gets into ancestral beliefs, collective consciousness beliefs, soul level beliefs. So oftentimes I'll find, if I'm doing hypnotherapy and we're still finding something lingering, I'll find, okay, let's maybe go a little deeper into that belief. Might be, you know, certainly past life or other ancestral collective, a collective belief that you know these things. These things run deep. I mean you can walk the earth not very long and have some collective beliefs and not have any trauma. And we know, just being a woman or a man, there's plenty of collective conscious beliefs.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, especially now too, and like there's so much heaviness occurring on the daily, and so I don't, I feel like you know there's so many people who are so sensitive to that and they don't realize that they are like they're picking it up. They're literally just picking up all of that collective trauma and it's like you said, it's super easy to do that right now.

Speaker 1:

It is.

Speaker 2:

All you have to do is hop online for a second and you could get bombarded with it. And as soon as you interact with any of that content, you're going to get more of it, because the algorithm is like energy You're going to get exactly what you tell it, you want. It's so true, get exactly what you tell it you want, and so you have to curate all of it right.

Speaker 2:

Like you, you've got to curate your field in in really kind of, um, tell it what hygiene Exactly, exactly, yeah, um, one of the things that I always recommend to people who are really feeling that a lot and having a hard time, you know, grounding or kind of moving through that and just being super affected by the weight of the world, one of the things that I tell them they can do. That'll take like five minutes, like super easy, you can do it wherever is, to just kind of, you know, close your eyes for a second, take a couple of cleansing breaths and then imagine your energetic fields around you, just like right around you, and then go ahead and expand it and say, you know, expand my field by a mile. And then keep going, keep going, keep going, keep going, until you get to like 100,000 miles, 500,000 miles, and like, really, like, feel it. And I, when I do it, I see it. Oh, I love it. Yeah, I see it visually in my mind like um, like a cartoon, like it goes like you know what I mean Like.

Speaker 2:

It's like, oh yeah, your superpower, yeah yeah. And so if you can add a visualization to that or anything that's going to be more impactful and empower you know, like empower you to really feel into it, it works, especially if you're in a situation where you do feel disempowered or you feel like maybe, maybe you're in a relationship with someone who is consistently, you know, a little narcissistic and you're not understanding how to navigate that. That's a really good thing to do before you even, like, go into that.

Speaker 1:

You know it really is, yeah, and that, and zipping up energy, right. So I have a couple of clients that just that, that idea of like I'm zipping myself up, I'm really protected. You know when, when I'm doing sessions with people even because I work with a lot of sensitive people and they're just understanding how empathic they are and maybe they're not even in the spiritual world, they just know why am I so tired? When I'm around these people, I'm so exhausted, or you know, I'm just, you know I'm not, I'm not, they're not really, it's all new, it's all new to them. So, just sharing with them ways to recharge or giving them permission for self-care and understanding the value of it and the words for it.

Speaker 1:

So, you know, through hypnosis, finding out what those limiting beliefs are, but then using, um, you said kind of when and where do I use the energy healing? I might say, you know, let's do Reiki now and help you recharge your, you know your chakras might be not not in balance. Or, um, let's do some beta healing to. You know, go deeper with some of these beliefs. And so when you do muscle testing, it's such great evidence for people to see, wow, um, I can really feel it. So, um, it kind of yeah, it kind of weaves in and out, depending on you know, and some people are like you know, I don't want to have anything to do with that Reiki. So we don't go there and we just do coaching. We don't talk about it.

Speaker 2:

So yeah, I love that. Talk to me a little bit about the rapid transformational therapy, because I know a little bit about it, but I don't think that a lot of my listeners probably know a lot about that. Yeah.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I'm, I'm super interested in that. It's, it's amazing. So RTT rapid transformational therapy is created by Marissa peer and she is absolutely phenomenal and what I I love about it is and her philosophy is that, look, therapy and ways of improving our life does not need to take forever. If we're not feeling well and our foot's broken and we go to the doctor, they don't say come back in two weeks and let's talk about it every Friday at three o'clock. So when she created this and everyone said, yeah, but if you have trauma, it's going to take a long time, and she really kind of bucked the system and said, no, I've been doing this for 30 years, I created this new method. And no, you, actually it doesn't need to take that. And, with all due respect to anyone that it is taking longer than two sessions or three sessions, of course, and I'm one of those people I've I've done therapy and EMDR and I did have the big T trauma, so I understand that.

Speaker 1:

But it is sure nice when someone creates something new, and so RTT is a hypnotherapy that gets to the very root cause. So instead of just like affirmations and visuals and repetition, it's like all right, yes, we can do those things to help you stop smoking or feel better about yourself. But let's find out in the first place why you did it. What's the very, very root cause and reason? Just like we pull the weeds, we've got to go to the root, otherwise it's just going to grow right back. So, finding the root, interrupting it and there's some techniques to do that and then rewiring it with an audio recording like most, hypnosis has Very powerful visual words you listen to for about three weeks or more and it's very effective. Most people need maybe one to three sessions for each issue. I usually work with clients at least three months with that mixed in with coaching.

Speaker 2:

So Wow, I mean, the unconscious mind is so amazing, right Like it's so fascinating it's. That's the key to, to all the things Um, and you do have to be. I mean, obviously, if someone is seeking out, you know, healing in any kind of modality. Like you know, there's a reason. There's a reason why you're drawn to certain people, right, like there's a reason if you're listening to this episode. There's a reason why you found this episode.

Speaker 2:

There's a reason why, you know, you've maybe have never heard about these things and now you're hearing about it, and so it doesn't necessarily mean it's, you know, time for you to jump in right away. But there, you know, there's a reason why, and I'm a big believer that we are meant, you know, we find what is meant for us at the right time. And it might pan out right now for you to dive deeper into that and it might, you know, be a longer journey, and that's okay. But I also am always reminding people that you know, if something pops up on your radar and that rings a bell in your head and you feel it in your body and you, you really it, it it's a little like Ooh, that that's a sign right.

Speaker 2:

Like. That's an opportunity, like we were talking about before, and if you choose to look at it through that lens of an opportunity, there's some really cool stuff that can happen. On the other side of it. You do have to be brave because you have to sit with it and you've got to be willing to kind of go there, but I believe that if it dropped in, it's probably time to address it.

Speaker 1:

Absolutely. I mean, I didn't even know about hypnotherapy until I was almost 50 and completely changed a multi, six figure 30 year career to do this. That's how impactful and powerful it was. So you know, in my first my kids were like oh my gosh, mom, you're like the guy at the fair Cause.

Speaker 2:

they thought I did the stage. Thing.

Speaker 1:

So you know, there's so much more to it.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, no, tell me about that a little bit. Let's talk about real quick your, your journey through that, because, yeah, you had a completely different sort of background and it was like a, like a whole life, yeah, yeah, whole whole revamp.

Speaker 1:

So, you know, I, I did. I did what everybody kind of thinks they should do. I was, I did the good girl route and was very successful a VP, with, you know, a hundred people under me flying all around the country, a 30 year climb the ladder and and did very well until one day my health was falling apart. My marriage 25 year marriage was falling apart. I didn't see my kids enough and I was miserable. I wasn't happy. The bank account looked good, my house looked good, everything on the outside looked good.

Speaker 1:

But I had a spiritual awakening. I was outside in the backyard pulling weeds and I was like, okay, the boys didn't pick up the dog stuff. Here I'm just in my pajamas pulling weeds. And I literally heard a voice that said when are you going to stop worrying about what everybody else needs and focus on what you need? And it wasn't my intuition, it was literally a voice over here and it stopped me and I really had to think, wow, like what was that first? And I knew what it was and I had to think I need to make some changes.

Speaker 1:

And I had already known, unfortunately, that my marriage wasn't you know, was coming to an end. But I also knew that I wanted to really go deep inside and find out why I felt certain ways about myself that I knew in my soul weren't true. Why do you spend more money than you should on these silly things you don't need, or why do you eat those things when you don't want to? Why do you feel that way about yourself sometimes? So I did the deep dive and I did some therapy, I did the spiritual retreats and went within, and during that process I found things about myself that were never darn true and it completely transformed my life, and that's how I wanted to spend the rest of my life helping other people, and that's what I do now.

Speaker 2:

That's amazing. I think that's so cool because it's such a testament to, like you, you never know. First of all, you just never know, and you, you know, and it's also such a great reminder that you can pivot at any time. Oh, I know, yes, yes, and I feel like a lot of women especially don't really believe that Right, because it's hard to believe, especially as we are in our 40s and like I'm in my early 50s. You know, we have sort of been taught, like you said. You know we've been programmed and taught like this is what you do and and you know, I mean I've been an entrepreneur for a really long time. But I see a lot of of women especially deciding or wanting or feeling called to to either work for themselves or to, like you said, have a complete 180 in their life and change things up. And it's fascinating to me when I see that, because it can be done Like there is proof, absolutely, you know, you don't have to feel stuck it just you have to take that aligned action to have it happen.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I mean, I was single with kids in college, tuition, mortgage, the whole thing, and so and there is a calling. I think now women are realizing like I can still be safe, I can, I can without the guilt, like you said in the beginning, I can have these things without the guilt and, you know, it's just really really feels so good to be part of that awakening and that empowerment in any way. Whatever that looks like, you don't have to have, you know, leave all the things I did and change it to that degree. But even if it's just finding what fills you up and what lights you up, or giving yourself permission to take some time out for yourself or set some boundaries, you know, or or speak up for yourself, those are big deals.

Speaker 2:

They really are, and it's something that I wish that I had. You know, I'm not one for regret at all, but you know, now that I'm 53, like, okay, thinking about what would I tell my 23 year old self? Like you know what I mean? Yeah, so there's so many things, and I have a 23 year old daughter, I have a 23 year old son Yep, I have one of those two and a 25 year old, and so it's really cool to be able to. You know, yeah, they don't always listen, you know. You know they they learn by example more than you know the words. But in and when we live it, that's really the best gift, that's. The other thing, too is like a lot of parents don't realize that is that the best gift you can give your kids is just to live your life as fully and as in your fullest and highest expression as possible, because that is going to change their life more than you telling them what to do.

Speaker 1:

As a side note.

Speaker 2:

But you know, one of the things that I really want younger women especially to hear is that, you know, as you approach menopause I think it is I think that has a really big factor and I went through menopause really early, like at 42, and you know, health my health was not great and that was one of the things that happened, but it was kind of a gift and so on the other side of it, um, you don't care as much about stuff as you did in your twenties.

Speaker 1:

Oh, I know people that you're going to do what you're going to leave that great career and do. I'm sorry, what hypno? Is that even real? Yeah, yeah, like, yes, I am, and it's fantastic.

Speaker 2:

And I really don't care what you think, and if it doesn't work out?

Speaker 1:

I'll do something else.

Speaker 2:

Exactly, and I love that. It's so freeing, Like that's one of the gifts that I have seen of getting older. Is this perspective and this feeling of like freedom no, I don't have to like, I've never been really one to do what other people wanted me to do, but there were a lot of times where I did what was expected of me. You know, maybe in personal relationships and things like that, and maybe you know, definitely taking on too much work and that kind of stuff.

Speaker 2:

Yes, yes, that well, I'm a human design generator. So that you know, until I started learning about human design, you are as well. Yeah, and that was something that I just did, naturally.

Speaker 1:

Right, like I just oh.

Speaker 2:

I can do it, I can do it. And then, oh, I am so burnt out, yeah. So learning about human design as well just in the last few years has been such a huge eye-opener for me and giving myself that permission of being like, yeah, no, this, this is a no. My body says this is a no.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, exactly I'm not going to deny that anymore. I'm going to check my safe role here for a sec. For me, that's awesome, exactly.

Speaker 2:

Just as a little side note, because I always like to ask my guests. So you're a human design generator. What's your profile lines? One, three, one, three. Oh, I'm a. Two, four, um, and then what's your? What's your astrological big three?

Speaker 1:

Um, I am a Scorpio sun right Leo rising, and a cancer moon Ooh love, love, love, love. Yeah, Water fire, a little fire, but water and I funny thing is is my partner and I have this same birthday, so we're two Scorpios here, Um same day. Yeah, I know, yep, uh-huh, ooh, no sting, I know what to expect.

Speaker 2:

Wow, yeah, no, I I'm a Virgo, but I had this thing with Scorpio guys for literally most of my life, and I'm not even talking about just they sometimes had the same birthday. It was bizarre.

Speaker 1:

Oh, I had that. Actually, I had three boyfriends with the same birthday. They're all cancers.

Speaker 2:

And wow, those were some really big lessons in my twenties. We can have lunch, yeah, exactly, exactly. But no, it's one of those things where it's like, okay, well, you know Scorpio now. Now, when I hear Scorpio, I'm always like there's always like a, not women. Some of my, my best friends, are Scorpio women, so it's very different Scorpio men, very different for me.

Speaker 1:

So it's funny and my husband's an.

Speaker 2:

Aries, but he has a Scorpio moon, so that's, that's an interesting thing too. I was like, well, yeah, I couldn't get away with it from it completely Obviously. No, you couldn't Dancing around it for sure. Okay. So before we wrap up, this has been really fun.

Speaker 2:

I really hope that you guys, you know, take away what we've. You know that that whole idea of you are enough right now. You don't need to be, you know, anything more right. You don't have, to like, wait for permission to live your life and you are enough now and you can call in and decide whatever it is you want in your life and you can change things quickly. And change can happen really, really quickly. And that's kind of what I want to sort of wrap up with, because we danced around it a little bit, talking about hypnotherapy and RTT and how, you know, big changes can happen. I see it happen all the time with my clients. I'll tell them to listen to the hypnosis tracks and literally within like three weeks, they're like I don't know why, but I just don't really feel like that.

Speaker 1:

I'm like I know why, exactly, I don't feel. I don't feel it anymore. It's not bothering me as much, I don't notice it as much.

Speaker 2:

It's becoming who you are yes, it's really working and it works quick. And so what would you tell someone who is really not well-versed in, doesn't know a lot about hypnotherapy, thinks it's super weird, or whatever? What's one piece of advice you would give somebody who is a little, you know um averse to it or not willing to try it, but they are interested in it, like what you know it's.

Speaker 1:

It's just a natural process. It feels like you're listening or it when I'm, when we're talking. We're talking the whole time. I think that's a big shocker. We're talking the whole time and it feels like just a relaxed state, like you're in a meditation. And I think the big one is there's not like a switch. You don't go into this zombie-like state, you're just talking and you almost even think is this working?

Speaker 1:

I still hear the lawnmower outside and the dog barking. Yes, it's still working. And no matter who you are, where you live, we all have programs. We all have beliefs that aren't true about us. So those beliefs are worth finding out because they are the lens in which you look through and determine how you feel about yourself and how you feel about the world. And the more you peel those away, you get clarity and you get the truth about you. So, but hypnosis is not the big scary thing on Netflix. I mean, those shows are terrible, yeah exactly, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 2:

And again, like you know, I always tell people like, if you feel called to it and you feel it, you know you feel interested in it and it, and it isn't scary Like I had so many people like say, well, I feel. Like you know, it's just going to implant ideas against my will. No, no, no, you're not doing that. Going into a zombie trance, that is right. Well, that just happens in the movies. You're good, you're still in control of your faculties, like you know, and trance is a very natural state. I mean, like heck, you could be driving your car and get to your location and not remember getting there, like we go into trance all the time.

Speaker 1:

I don't know about you, but I pull in my driveway and go. Did I even stop at the light? There you go.

Speaker 2:

So Exactly Our body. It's natural, and so it's just about using it to its highest benefit and creating quick change. That's what I love about it is that it really just it can happen so fast. And it's kind of amazing when you see that in real time. It's like, and even just like, my personal life, just my own. You know, obviously, the reason why I believe in it so much is because I see it firsthand, like you, how it made such a huge difference in your life and it's like, oh, I just got to tell everybody about it.

Speaker 1:

It's awesome so, and I'm listening to an audio recording myself right now that I made myself.

Speaker 2:

So I do it all the time. I have those headphones, that sleep mask, with the little headphones, the Bluetooth, and I love to do that on like long haul flights, but sometimes I'll just put that on when I go to sleep. My husband's the same way. He will listen. We both have the same, we have matching sets of this, and he likes to listen as he wakes up, because he has severe ADHD and so getting up in the morning is really really hard for him, like he has to like set an alarm and then he has to give himself like 30 minutes, and so he uses that 30 minutes to listen to hypnosis and it's that's his day, like it sets the tone, which I think is fantastic.

Speaker 2:

Me, when I wake up, my alarm goes off. I'm up, I got to get up, my brain just starts moving, and I've tried doing it in the morning, but I'm a little too distracted. I like to do it at night, when I'm falling asleep, when I'm getting into theta and delta, and you know what I mean. So you got to find what works for you and experiments a little bit with it.

Speaker 1:

But yeah, and I love you can then do self-hypnosis, so I'm sure you teach your clients that too, and then if there's anything else going on in their lives, you learn it. It's very easy to learn it and it's another way to really just be empowered.

Speaker 2:

Exactly To have agency. I love that. Thank you so much for being here and chatting with me. I could literally talk about this all day long and we're not that far from each other. We'll probably, if I'm ever down in orange County, I will let you know, so we get some coffee. Tell people where to find you. Where do you like to connect with people? Most I'll put everything in the show notes, but what's your preferred method of people finding you? And all of that?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, thank you. So Instagram is a great one and my handle is at Christina, with a CH ChristinaLWoods, and my website's ChristinaLWoodscom, and there's free downloads, a hypno meditation and some things on there.

Speaker 2:

Perfect, awesome. Okay, I'll put all of that for you guys in the show notes and thank you so much for being here. This has been awesome. Thank you, renee. So many nuggets in this episode.

Speaker 2:

I know you guys are going to walk away with a lot. One of the things I definitely want to highlight is that change doesn't have to take a long time, and you know everybody has their own timing, so honor that for yourself. But if you are feeling called to do work, to work through this stuff right, these limiting beliefs beliefs and you're not enoughness, and maybe you have a lot of self-sabotaging behaviors that you're starting to notice, and so I just want you to know it doesn't have to be this lifelong journey of overcoming it. It really doesn't. There's so much proof out there that change can happen very quickly, especially with people who are certified in modalities that are going to help you get there faster. It really just depends on what kind of aligned action you really feel called to take. So don't wait is the bottom line. If you feel just even a little itch that something needs to shift, just lean into it. That's all you have to really do. Just look at it right Instead of like sort of pushing it under the rug and as soon as you look at it and are aware of what's going on, if the timing is right, more stuff is going to drop in and more opportunities for you to work through it are going to show up in your life.

Speaker 2:

Thank you, guys for tuning in again and for listening and for being such amazing um loyal followers of the show. If you guys haven't subscribed yet, please do follow us here and, of course, leave a review, leave a rating. Those are all so, so appreciated. You can do it super easy to just go to rate this podcastcom, slash Renee Bowen, and it'll pop up. For whatever platform you use, and even if you listen on YouTube, even if you watch us on YouTube, head over to Apple podcasts and leave us a quick review over there, because it actually makes a very, very big difference. So have an amazing week and I will see you guys next time. Love you Bye.

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