Starik Pollock's Works - Audiobook Format Podcast Artwork Image

Starik Pollock's Works - Audiobook Format

Starik Pollock

Sovereignty: After over two years and three publications, the first part of Starik Pollock's answer to the question of what Rusyns should strive for is complete. Sovereignty is a collection of the previous short works Our Vision, Duty and Sovereignty, and A Critique of Western Influence with some newly created content. Replacing previous introductions, this unified version has a new and exclusive preface explaining the book and its history in more detail. In addition, numerous grammatical, spelling, and formatting issues have been fixed to help make readers more engaged.

The New Rusyn Decade: Starik Pollock, the author of Sovereignty and Between Morality and Greatness, returns with another work on the subject of Rusyn intellectual development. Instead of commenting on why the creation of a national vision should occur like before, Starik went further and outlined a possible next decade of progress. To this end, he has also helped to crystalize a definition of who the Rusyn people are and what their interests could be in the form of a Carpathian Rusyn nation. This attempt at creating a monumental step forward is nothing like what has been seen before in the Rusyn world and it is needed now more than ever. 
