REMS on the Air Podcast

The Link Between Social-Emotional Learning and School Safety

REMS TA Center Episode 11

The REMS TA Center discusses the important role of social-emotional learning in school safety, security, emergency management, and preparedness. Drawing from the wisdom of Dr. Marlene Wong (University of Southern California) and Bronwyn Roberts (REMS TA Center Project Director), the REMS TA Center focuses on integrating a trauma-informed approach into planning and explores related concepts, including adverse childhood experiences and secondary trauma, which may impact students, educators, administrators, and other school personnel. This episode explores the following concepts:

  • What importance do social-emotional learning techniques have with the rise in online and hybrid learning models? 
  • What is the link between social-emotional learning and school safety? 
  • How can school leaders and community partners make schools and school districts safe places to be, teach, and learn? 
  • What is trauma, and how can we recognize signs of trauma and Adverse Childhood Experiences in students? 
  • What is secondary trauma, and where might it appear in our school communities? 


REMS TA Center Resources

The Role of School Mental Health Professionals in Supporting School Safety Efforts (Webinar)

Understanding the Role of School Psychologists in Supporting School Safety Before, During, and After an Emergency (Webinar)

Supporting Efforts to Create a Public Health, Medical, and Mental Health Annex as a Part of Your Emergency Operations Plan (Web Page) 

Trauma-Informed Care for Schools Before, During, and After Possible Emergency Events (Webinar)

Understanding Educator Resilience and Developing a Self-Care Plan (Training Package)

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