REMS on the Air Podcast

After-Action Reviews and Reports

REMS TA Center Episode 20

Anne Gilligan (Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education) discusses the use and purpose of after-action reviews and reports as prevention tools that can help improve emergency operations plans. This discussion offers insights on challenges that state education agencies face in working with schools and school districts in developing after-action reports; the level of engagement that key partners, such as community stakeholders and families, have in report development; and tips and recommendations about the benefits of using after-action reviews and reports following emergency incidents and exercises. The REMS TA Center joins Gilligan to consider the following: 

  • What is an after-action report? 
  • How do after-action meetings, reviews, and reports fit into the bigger picture of school safety? 
  • Which faculty and staff members and community partners should be involved in the after-action review process? 
  • What did the COVID-19 pandemic teach us about after-action processes? 
  • What resources can schools consult for support in this area? 


REMS TA Center Resources 

After-Action Reports: Capturing Lessons Learned and Identifying Areas of Improvement (Fact Sheet) 

After-Action Reviews and Reports for K-12 Schools and School Districts (Online Course) 

Using a Six-Step Planning Process and Scenario-Based Planning to Support Emergency Operations Plan Development (Web Page)

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