YMI Talking

S2E12: YMI Talking to Jas Bansal from Aman's Artisan Indian Cuisine

Jimi Honochick Season 2 Episode 12

The Bansal family has created one of the hottest restaurants in the Lehigh Valley with Aman's in Easton. We sit down with Jas Bansal to share a meal and discuss working in a family business, the importance of Easton, and to see who can endure the heat from Mom's Chili Chutney for longer!

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<b>Years ago, when we've gone into</b><b>hospitality, none of us studied</b><b>hospitality. We all</b><b>come from different</b><b>backgrounds. I studied film. My</b><b>brother, I believe he was an IT. So</b><b>he's an architect.</b><b>My sisters-in-law,</b><b>who are part of this business as</b><b>well, interior design, graphics,</b><b>animation, and accounting.</b><b>You had it all. The family together</b><b>is the perfect business.</b><b>And that's the thing. So we are all</b><b>doing different roles</b><b>within the business,</b><b>but when it comes to recipe</b><b>development and implementing</b><b>certain things, that's where we</b><b>have all different opinions and</b><b>everything. But we find what works</b><b>best for the restaurant,</b><b>again, going back to creating a</b><b>product that's sustainable.</b><b>I am joined, I was gonna say as</b><b>always, but as recently,</b><b>by Avery, thank you so much.</b><b>- The one, the</b><b>only, you're welcome.</b><b>- Avery Penell, am</b><b>I saying it right?</b><b>- Yes.</b><b>- Okay, good, good, I</b><b>panic with people's names.</b><b>- You do.</b><b>- I really do.</b><b>- But that's just because you care.</b><b>- It is, I wanna get</b><b>it right, that's true.</b><b>But then it gets in my head and it</b><b>spirals out of control.</b><b>So it's fun being me.</b><b>- It is, and you know</b><b>what, I wouldn't bug you</b><b>if you had said it wrong.</b><b>I would have just</b><b>let you live with that.</b><b>- That's right.</b><b>- One day,</b><b>randomly, I'll let you know.</b><b>- You just have to</b><b>live with the fact</b><b>that you were saying it wrong.</b><b>- Yes, thank you.</b><b>- You're welcome.</b><b>- We have an awesome one today.</b><b>It was already</b><b>recorded and how good was it?</b><b>- So, so good.</b><b>- So it is Amans,</b><b>which is how you say it.</b><b>I've been saying it wrong for years</b><b>and just brought in so much food.</b><b>- Which was so nice.</b><b>- So nice.</b><b>- Love that.</b><b>- Yeah, tip to future guests, even</b><b>the greatest food,</b><b>we're gonna be</b><b>very, very appreciative.</b><b>- And we automatically</b><b>will put you in our brain</b><b>as numero uno.</b><b>- Yes.</b><b>- Our favorite.</b><b>- Absolutely.</b><b>But the food is incredible.</b><b>The conversation, it was so much</b><b>fun talking to him.</b><b>- It was.</b><b>He just had such a</b><b>great outlook on life too.</b><b>I just felt so much</b><b>better after the episode.</b><b>I was like, man, I</b><b>gotta be better about,</b><b>you know, by perspective on things.</b><b>- Yeah, yeah.</b><b>If we could all be like Jess, we</b><b>would be better people.</b><b>- Agreed.</b><b>- Yes.</b><b>And then at the end, we</b><b>did a fun little segment</b><b>where we both ate really, really,</b><b>really hot spices.</b><b>- We both not making any.</b><b>- Not even anyone, no.</b><b>- I respectfully bowed out of that.</b><b>- It was smart in your part.</b><b>Thank you so much!</b><b>- It's mom's recipe.</b><b>- Yeah.</b><b>- And it was, whoo, whoo!</b><b>That's all I can say.</b><b>So I tried to push through, and I</b><b>think I did push through.</b><b>- You did.</b><b>- I'm very professional.</b><b>- You were bright red too.</b><b>(laughing) - Whatever color I am,</b><b>I'm gonna get through it.</b><b>But it was a lot of fun.</b><b>- It was.</b><b>- And he was a good</b><b>sport about the whole thing.</b><b>- Absolutely.</b><b>- So let's stop talking.</b><b>- Okay.</b><b>- And let's show</b><b>everyone how great he is,</b><b>and let's go to the podcast.</b><b>- Roll the clip.</b><b>- Go.</b><b>This is going to be</b><b>an incredible episode.</b><b>I'm super excited.</b><b>Our guest today is a</b><b>co-owner of Aman's,</b><b>which if you haven't been there,</b><b>I don't know what's wrong with you.</b><b>You need to go there.</b><b>He's also just an</b><b>incredible person,</b><b>and I've been truly dreaming,</b><b>like literally last night I was</b><b>dreaming about this episode.</b><b>I can't be more excited.</b><b>Jas Bansal, thank you</b><b>so much for coming on.</b><b>I can't wait to get into this.</b><b>- It's my pleasure being here.</b><b>Thank you so much for having me.</b><b>- Yeah, so let's start with,</b><b>I feel like I know you and Aman's</b><b>on a personal level.</b><b>And that comes from your social.</b><b>You guys do such a good job there.</b><b>How important is that?</b><b>Who's doing that?</b><b>Walk me through that.</b><b>- It's nice to say that you know</b><b>us on a personal level</b><b>because that's what we try to</b><b>exemplify on our socials,</b><b>which it's just our love of food</b><b>and sharing that</b><b>with the community.</b><b>- Yeah.</b><b>- What you see online is us and</b><b>what we love to do,</b><b>the recipes and all that stuff.</b><b>We've started doing</b><b>those little skits and stuff,</b><b>doing a little comedy</b><b>here and there as well.</b><b>Just to make people.</b><b>- It's fun.</b><b>- It's sharing who</b><b>we are, what we do.</b><b>We have this sort of model,</b><b>like in a good food, good company.</b><b>That's like our</b><b>main thing at Aman's</b><b>and that's what we</b><b>love sharing and doing.</b><b>- So is it as fun as it looks like?</b><b>Are we getting just a slice</b><b>or is it truly like that fun to</b><b>work with your family</b><b>and to be able to</b><b>have this business?</b><b>- Oh, there's drama all the time.</b><b>(all laughing) My brother always says,</b><b>he's like, oh, we should</b><b>have like hidden cameras</b><b>and like have like another show.</b><b>And that's with every family.</b><b>- It is, yeah.</b><b>- You have like</b><b>opinions and everything,</b><b>but what makes us</b><b>strong is we love what we do</b><b>and when we come together,</b><b>we come together and</b><b>focus and get it done.</b><b>And that's what</b><b>Aman's is all about.</b><b>We're coming up to five years.</b><b>Five years next month.</b><b>- Yeah, that's incredible.</b><b>- Downtown Easton.</b><b>So it's amazing to reflect back</b><b>and see how many</b><b>people we have served</b><b>and people have come</b><b>through from around the world</b><b>and everything.</b><b>And all that is amazing,</b><b>but that is also the</b><b>business side of things</b><b>where like with every business,</b><b>it comes and waves up and down all</b><b>the different stuff.</b><b>So you gotta make sure</b><b>that you build something</b><b>that's sustainable</b><b>and at the same time,</b><b>because it's food</b><b>related, that's consistent.</b><b>That's the biggest</b><b>thing for us is consistency.</b><b>You come have something now,</b><b>six months from</b><b>now, a year from now,</b><b>you come back, you go and come back</b><b>with the same taste.</b><b>- It was the best</b><b>butter chicken I ever had.</b><b>If I come back and it's different,</b><b>then that's a whole</b><b>different experience.</b><b>- You're so proud of the fact that</b><b>we have been consistent</b><b>the past five years.</b><b>There've been multiple challenges.</b><b>The biggest one was</b><b>the supply chain issues</b><b>during the pandemic and stuff.</b><b>And I remember like driving an</b><b>hour, hour and a half away</b><b>just to pick up one or two items.</b><b>So that is something</b><b>that we are really proud of.</b><b>But the thing is, I think one thing</b><b>I've also realized is</b><b>everyone is busy doing their,</b><b>when I talk about the</b><b>hospitality business,</b><b>everyone has their</b><b>own thing going on.</b><b>And I was of the opinion that,</b><b>oh, you know what, yeah, we keep</b><b>doing another thing</b><b>and it'll be fine.</b><b>But being a business owner,</b><b>I realized now you go</b><b>to teach your own horn,</b><b>I'd be like, hey,</b><b>this is who we are.</b><b>This is what we're</b><b>proud of, what we are.</b><b>So my aim now is to show online</b><b>through social media,</b><b>through what we do is,</b><b>hey, this is what we do.</b><b>This is the challenges we face,</b><b>this is how we will come them.</b><b>And it's all to</b><b>provide a good product,</b><b>a good service, a good experience.</b><b>- And I do wanna get</b><b>into the good product</b><b>because it's not</b><b>just us saying that,</b><b>like there are plenty</b><b>of people saying that.</b><b>But let's back up to the drama that</b><b>happens in the family.</b><b>Your brother Bali is not here.</b><b>- Yes.</b><b>- So we can say</b><b>whatever we want about him.</b><b>- You're gonna watch this.</b><b>- How is it working with a brother?</b><b>Like, do you guys get along?</b><b>Do you butt heads?</b><b>I couldn't imagine</b><b>working with my brother.</b><b>- No, we definitely butt</b><b>heads on certain issues,</b><b>but it's because</b><b>everyone sees different things</b><b>from their perspectives.</b><b>And I think it's healthy</b><b>because it makes you</b><b>think outside of the box.</b><b>I have a certain way of thinking</b><b>and doing things.</b><b>And he comes from a</b><b>different background.</b><b>My other brother</b><b>Sukjeet, he's also a part of</b><b>the whole us butting heads and</b><b>getting stuff done.</b><b>And that's because</b><b>of our experiences.</b><b>Five years ago when</b><b>we've gone into hospitality,</b><b>none of us studied hospitality.</b><b>I'll come from</b><b>different backgrounds.</b><b>I studied film.</b><b>My brother Bali was an</b><b>IT, so he's an architect.</b><b>My sisters-in-law who are part of</b><b>this business as well,</b><b>you know, interior</b><b>design, graphics,</b><b>animation and accounting.</b><b>- You had it all.</b><b>Like the family together is like</b><b>the perfect business.</b><b>- And that's the thing.</b><b>So that we are all doing</b><b>our own different roles</b><b>within the business, but when it</b><b>comes to recipe development</b><b>and implementing certain things,</b><b>that's where we have a whole</b><b>different opinions</b><b>and everything.</b><b>But we find what works</b><b>best for the restaurant,</b><b>again, going back to creating a</b><b>product that's sustainable,</b><b>that's also profitable.</b><b>We don't want to just make</b><b>something for the sake</b><b>of making it.</b><b>We want to make sure the customers</b><b>enjoy it as well.</b><b>And that's really, we have</b><b>differences of opinion</b><b>and everything, but</b><b>we work through that.</b><b>And I think it's</b><b>amazing to do that.</b><b>One thing's for sure,</b><b>no matter what happens,</b><b>at the end of the</b><b>day, family is family.</b><b>And that's huge for us.</b><b>And that's reflected in who we are,</b><b>whatever menu is,</b><b>developing the menu,</b><b>different recipes</b><b>and all the good stuff.</b><b>- And I think, so this is a</b><b>father-son business here</b><b>at YMI Insurance, and my dad and I</b><b>butt heads all the time.</b><b>And like you,</b><b>we're polar opposites.</b><b>I have a communication background</b><b>that was in TV for a while.</b><b>So I'm that side of the brain.</b><b>And he was an engineer by trade.</b><b>So he's that side of the brain.</b><b>But as long as our mission and our</b><b>drive is the same,</b><b>like we're working</b><b>towards the same thing.</b><b>We might have different opinions,</b><b>but it makes us</b><b>better because of that.</b><b>- Absolutely.</b><b>- Yeah. - Yeah.</b><b>- So how did your family, you know,</b><b>you all have these</b><b>different backgrounds.</b><b>Like what made you</b><b>guys come together</b><b>and decide to launch it?</b><b>- So a little backstory.</b><b>So we're actually born and raised</b><b>in Kenya, in east Africa.</b><b>- Yeah.</b><b>- So our grandparents moved there</b><b>when both India and Kenya were</b><b>British colonies.</b><b>So we never grew</b><b>up in India, never.</b><b>You know, at least most of us, we</b><b>were born in Africa,</b><b>but we are Indian Punjabi by</b><b>culture, religion, heritage,</b><b>all that.</b><b>So we grew up in the</b><b>diaspora, the Indian diaspora.</b><b>So India, Kenya was</b><b>such a huge influence</b><b>and is a huge</b><b>influence in the menu as well.</b><b>We have dishes that</b><b>have that little touch</b><b>of Indian African</b><b>cuisine within the menu.</b><b>So 26 years ago, we</b><b>had the opportunity</b><b>to move to the United States.</b><b>We come from humble beginnings.</b><b>You know, every</b><b>family has their stories.</b><b>Ours is very similar.</b><b>Mom and dad were in Kenya.</b><b>They have lived</b><b>there almost 40 years</b><b>and everything was all right.</b><b>Could have been better.</b><b>They tried, you know,</b><b>they were, dad was</b><b>trying to bring the family</b><b>to the next level, but it's just</b><b>luck and coincidences,</b><b>you know, tried</b><b>different businesses.</b><b>They didn't really</b><b>work out all that stuff.</b><b>They, we got an opportunity to move</b><b>to the United States</b><b>and we just took it up to them.</b><b>We're like, hey,</b><b>maybe we'll try again.</b><b>I want to talk about America.</b><b>This was in 1998.</b><b>We knew nothing</b><b>about the United States.</b><b>This is pre-Google.</b><b>- Right, right.</b><b>- All we knew.</b><b>- Hey Siri, tell me about the US.</b><b>- All we knew was New</b><b>York and California.</b><b>- Yeah.</b><b>- And nothing in between.</b><b>I have no idea.</b><b>- Yeah.</b><b>- And I was 11 years</b><b>old and I was the youngest</b><b>and we were like,</b><b>oh, like you could move</b><b>to anywhere in the</b><b>country, you know?</b><b>We were like, okay,</b><b>we're not going to California</b><b>and has earthquakes.</b><b>We'll go to New York.</b><b>That's how we ended up.</b><b>- Well, it's been live.</b><b>- Yeah.</b><b>So, and then we had a family friend</b><b>who had family in</b><b>Easton and they're like,</b><b>why don't you go to Easton and start</b><b>with them, you know?</b><b>And we came here,</b><b>stayed with them for a month</b><b>and then got a foundation set</b><b>and we've been in</b><b>East in ever since.</b><b>- Wow.</b><b>- So fast forward</b><b>the past 20 years then,</b><b>we got our education here.</b><b>- Where'd you guys</b><b>go to high school?</b><b>- We were in Wilson.</b><b>- Okay, yeah, yeah.</b><b>- So Wilson and then my brother</b><b>went to Penn State.</b><b>So he went to NAC.</b><b>I went to Penn State as well.</b><b>We got our degrees.</b><b>Everyone did their own thing.</b><b>But then, you know, logically was</b><b>the next step was,</b><b>how do we go to the next level?</b><b>And I think being an entrepreneur</b><b>and trying to do a</b><b>business on your own</b><b>is kind of the next</b><b>step in like, you know,</b><b>getting to the next</b><b>level, both financially</b><b>and growing your</b><b>family to the next level.</b><b>So, about six, seven years ago,</b><b>we had the opportunity to,</b><b>we were looking for a business</b><b>and we came across an opportunity</b><b>to get a grocery store.</b><b>One of the guys at the grocery</b><b>store also had a restaurant</b><b>and he was a</b><b>partner in a restaurant.</b><b>I was like, okay,</b><b>grocery store, yeah,</b><b>but we love eating, going out,</b><b>we're big friends, you know.</b><b>Even now, like</b><b>we're off on Mondays,</b><b>we're like, we drive</b><b>an hour after hour,</b><b>two and a half, hour days off,</b><b>sometimes to eat, you know.</b><b>So we're like, let's do,</b><b>ask him if the</b><b>restaurant's available.</b><b>And he was looking to sell</b><b>and we sort of took over</b><b>this small hole in a wall,</b><b>not a hole in a wall, but like a</b><b>smaller restaurant,</b><b>typical Indian restaurant.</b><b>And we started working with it,</b><b>but it wasn't really our thing.</b><b>- Yeah.</b><b>- And this was in</b><b>the suburbs of Easton.</b><b>- Yeah.</b><b>- Then--</b><b>- Like a strip mall here, right?</b><b>- Yeah, strip mall. - Yeah, yeah.</b><b>- Then we had the</b><b>opportunity where Sukjeeet spotted</b><b>the current location</b><b>that was in downtown Easton.</b><b>And it was like, you know what,</b><b>let's see if we can</b><b>move the restaurant area</b><b>in this business location.</b><b>I would be thinking</b><b>about the location.</b><b>- So I'm an insurance agent.</b><b>I look at the downside and the risk</b><b>and like the overhead of moving to</b><b>downtown Easton</b><b>is huge.</b><b>And I'm terrified for you right now</b><b>in this to your story.</b><b>- Oh, it gets worse.</b><b>So we found that opportunity</b><b>and we just, we were genuine and</b><b>honest about who we are,</b><b>what we are, what we want to do.</b><b>And it sort of</b><b>helped us tell the story</b><b>and we were able to</b><b>secure the location.</b><b>We went to the bank, we</b><b>were able to secure a loan</b><b>to build up the space.</b><b>And it was a challenge.</b><b>It was a challenge.</b><b>We moved the restaurant.</b><b>It took a little</b><b>bit extra to move it.</b><b>First time we were doing such a big</b><b>project in our lives,</b><b>a lot of lessons learned.</b><b>But this was seven months before</b><b>the first COVID shut down.</b><b>- Oh my God.</b><b>- So--</b><b>- Yeah.</b><b>- It all works.</b><b>- Oh my God.</b><b>- But here we are five years later</b><b>because we stuck to</b><b>who we are, what we do.</b><b>We stuck with that.</b><b>Making sure that we do not</b><b>compromise on our food,</b><b>our quality of service.</b><b>And that is why we are still here.</b><b>- Yeah.</b><b>- Five years later.</b><b>So when we're</b><b>absolutely thankful for that,</b><b>because yes, we can make</b><b>the best butter chicken,</b><b>but if no one's</b><b>come to eat it, then--</b><b>- Doesn't matter.</b><b>- This doesn't matter.</b><b>- Yeah.</b><b>That is the next level for us is</b><b>just growing this</b><b>and getting a bigger</b><b>reach, a bigger audience,</b><b>which is challenging because not</b><b>everyone knows Indian food,</b><b>but not everyone is</b><b>comfortable eating it.</b><b>And we have instances where this</b><b>happened at the Valley,</b><b>we had a 90 year old grandmother</b><b>come to the restaurant.</b><b>Had Indian food for the first time.</b><b>And you want what you told us?</b><b>- What?</b><b>- Where have I been my--</b><b>(laughing)</b><b>And it's amazing seeing people</b><b>trying Indian food</b><b>for the first time.</b><b>- Yeah.</b><b>- I was not Indian Punjabi with</b><b>that African twist.</b><b>- Right.</b><b>- That's, I'm on a</b><b>mission now to say,</b><b>hey, you know</b><b>what, try Indian food.</b><b>You don't be afraid of it.</b><b>Like, oh, they think</b><b>our Indian food is hot.</b><b>It's like, no, you're</b><b>confusing hot versus spicy.</b><b>- Right.</b><b>- You know, the spicy food, yeah.</b><b>Indian food is full of spices.</b><b>- Yes.</b><b>- That's what makes it delicious.</b><b>- Right.</b><b>- Columbus was finding India.</b><b>He was not finding America.</b><b>They wanted the spices.</b><b>- Yeah, yeah.</b><b>- So, so I'm like, don't be afraid</b><b>trying Indian food.</b><b>You never know</b><b>you're gonna love it.</b><b>- Yeah.</b><b>- Like 99% of the</b><b>people who come to Aman's,</b><b>just they fall in</b><b>love with the food.</b><b>They're like, this is amazing.</b><b>- Yeah.</b><b>- And I love seeing that.</b><b>And we love, you know, telling</b><b>people about the food.</b><b>And we're like, hey, try this, try</b><b>this next, you know.</b><b>Yeah.</b><b>- Well, that makes me think, what's</b><b>your favorite dish there?</b><b>Do you have a favorite dish?</b><b>- Yes, absolutely.</b><b>I love our Malayk.</b><b>- Okay.</b><b>- It is a vegetable</b><b>dumpling made with potatoes,</b><b>vegetables and paneer,</b><b>which is a soft curd cheese</b><b>in a very luscious....</b><b>- That makes two of us.</b><b>- I did bring it for you, by the way.</b><b>- Do you? - Yes.</b><b>- Can you, I think it's while we're</b><b>talking about it,</b><b>could you bring it out?</b><b>- Yeah.</b><b>- Let's try this.</b><b>- What's possible to</b><b>bring my favorite dish....</b><b>I heard somebody likes naan.</b><b>- Yes.</b><b>- I know, you know.</b><b>- I specifically requested extra,</b><b>and thank you so much.</b><b>- So this is the</b><b>Malai Kofta, you know.</b><b>So it is vegetable dumpling,</b><b>luscious cream sauce.</b><b>- Oh, no, we had this when my wife</b><b>and I just went there.</b><b>And it was hands</b><b>down my favorite thing.</b><b>- By the way, the</b><b>picture you put there,</b><b>I can see how much in love.</b><b>And you asked who</b><b>does the marketing,</b><b>I do the marketing as well,</b><b>and I held my phone back,</b><b>and that's why I asked her,</b><b>like, can I use this</b><b>picture at that point?</b><b>- It's such an experience, right?</b><b>Like the food, the</b><b>product is great,</b><b>but like it felt magical.</b><b>The two of us were sitting outside,</b><b>downtown Easton,</b><b>the sun is setting,</b><b>the staff was incredible.</b><b>It truly brought out</b><b>like the best in both of us</b><b>just being there.</b><b>- Absolutely, and that's what we</b><b>love about hospitality,</b><b>is everyone's there celebrating</b><b>different occasions.</b><b>Could be just like</b><b>a simple date night.</b><b>But food is what</b><b>brings everyone together.</b><b>- It is.</b><b>Even if you look at, you know,</b><b>like Anthony Bourdain,</b><b>and you even say something similar,</b><b>I don't remember</b><b>exactly what he said,</b><b>but you're sitting at a table</b><b>with people of different cultures,</b><b>different faiths.</b><b>When you break bread together,</b><b>that's like sustenance,</b><b>that sustenance right there.</b><b>That act of sitting</b><b>together and eating,</b><b>it's profound.</b><b>And just sharing a meal,</b><b>talking like what</b><b>we're about to do,</b><b>it's amazing.</b><b>You learn so much about each other,</b><b>you get this appreciation.</b><b>And I think it's just</b><b>one of those most simplest</b><b>and one of the most humblest things</b><b>that we can do as humans,</b><b>share a meal and talk.</b><b>- There's something</b><b>sacred about it, I agree.</b><b>I always try to get business</b><b>lunches with people.</b><b>And to me, it's</b><b>more than just meeting.</b><b>Like it is that breaking of bread.</b><b>I want to get to know</b><b>who you are as a person.</b><b>And there's something about eating</b><b>and sharing a meal that does that.</b><b>- Absolutely, absolutely.</b><b>So I'll make sure to try Malai Kofta,</b><b>this is my favorite dish,</b><b>so we're gonna make some noise over here....</b><b>(laughing)</b><b>- Let's do ASMR, yes.</b><b>So I don't know that we've ever</b><b>made anyone drool</b><b>on the podcast before,</b><b>but we are about to for sure.</b><b>- I wish have more</b><b>(laughing)</b><b>- I was the best one.</b><b>- I was like, "Oh my</b><b>gosh, I'm set for months."</b><b>- Yeah.</b><b>- So much!</b><b>- I wish Smells could</b><b>come through the microphone</b><b>because it's unreal in</b><b>here right now, isn't it?</b><b>- Oh my gosh, I am drooling</b><b>and I'm like waiting for my turn.</b><b>(laughing)</b><b>- Patiently, patiently.</b><b>I have to say, I like told my dad</b><b>that this was happening</b><b>and he was like, "You're gonna</b><b>bring some home, right?"</b><b>And I was like, "If there's</b><b>anything left over</b><b>and you're lucky maybe,</b><b>but I'm probably</b><b>gonna eat all of it."</b><b>- So how did the recipes work while</b><b>we're digging into these?</b><b>- So pretty much, so Indian cooking</b><b>is quite involved.</b><b>When you look at like the</b><b>preparation of the sauces</b><b>and cooking all the spices,</b><b>breaking all the aromatics</b><b>to get all the flavors in there.</b><b>So at home you can</b><b>spend 45 minutes to an hour</b><b>cooking a dish, right?</b><b>In the restaurant,</b><b>you can't do that.</b><b>People were yelling at us.</b><b>- Right, yeah, yeah.</b><b>- You know, if you're</b><b>like, "Oh, thank you."</b><b>- Yeah, it's your favorite.</b><b>(laughing)</b><b>- You know, if you're</b><b>sitting there and you're like,</b><b>"Oh, you know, what</b><b>do we, what do we..."</b><b>See, it allows my</b><b>train of thought in the....</b><b>(laughing)</b><b>- I cannot describe how good the</b><b>smell is, I'm dying.</b><b>- Yeah.</b><b>So, long story short, what an</b><b>Indian kitchen does</b><b>in the restaurant is reduce that</b><b>cook type, you know?</b><b>And how we do that is prepare</b><b>different types of sauces</b><b>with the base</b><b>ingredients, onions, tomatoes.</b><b>We have our own blend of spices,</b><b>our own masala sauce.</b><b>So we take that 45</b><b>minutes to an hour</b><b>and bring it down to 10</b><b>to 12, 15 minutes max.</b><b>And then you just multiply that</b><b>over how many dishes you have.</b><b>- Yeah.</b><b>- So that's</b><b>essentially what the process is</b><b>with cooking and everything.</b><b>We took the initiative,</b><b>because we eat food, you know,</b><b>we're Indian ourselves.</b><b>And I think number one,</b><b>because we go out to</b><b>eat is also Indian.</b><b>I love eating Indian.</b><b>- Yeah.</b><b>- It's just so</b><b>flavorful and everything.</b><b>But there's also this</b><b>thing where people have,</b><b>they're using</b><b>colors, food coloring,</b><b>and all that kind of stuff.</b><b>And we actually</b><b>took all of that out.</b><b>- Which is incredible,</b><b>because this is</b><b>beautiful to look at, right?</b><b>- It's all natural</b><b>colors from the turmeric,</b><b>from the spices and</b><b>everything, you know?</b><b>And even if you look at all of the</b><b>tandoori section,</b><b>all the barbecue meats,</b><b>you know, if you look at,</b><b>if you think of tandoori chicken,</b><b>you think of this bright red color.</b><b>That's a fake color.</b><b>- Yeah.</b><b>- I don't know why, I don't know</b><b>who started that,</b><b>the hey, who should put food</b><b>coloring in the chicken.</b><b>We have taken out</b><b>all the food coloring</b><b>and everything in over cooking.</b><b>- That's amazing.</b><b>- If you look at our butter chicken</b><b>and our chicken tikka masala,</b><b>they both have the same nice,</b><b>beautiful yellow,</b><b>because that's the</b><b>natural colors from the cream</b><b>and the turmeric</b><b>cooking within there.</b><b>- Yeah.</b><b>- And we distinguish it by putting</b><b>a little tomatoes</b><b>on the butter chicken,</b><b>because that's more</b><b>of a commitment sauce.</b><b>- Okay.</b><b>- Yeah.</b><b>- Yeah, yeah.</b><b>- And this is one of the things,</b><b>we just did it</b><b>because we know, hey,</b><b>we don't want to put any</b><b>artificial food coloring,</b><b>but we never talk about it.</b><b>I think I should</b><b>be talking about it.</b><b>I should say, people like</b><b>this is a natural thing.</b><b>- You should, yeah, absolutely.</b><b>- So Jimi, spread the word.</b><b>- All right.</b><b>I'm about to dig into this.</b><b>Let's, cheers.</b><b>Thank you.</b><b>- I'll give you a little tip,</b><b>as you get to taste it with this.</b><b>- Oh my God.</b><b>- You don't have to</b><b>tell me it's spicy.</b><b>- Oh, and also eat</b><b>with your hands, man.</b><b>That's like the best.</b><b>- Thank you so much.</b><b>- Yes.</b><b>- Awesome, thank you.</b><b>- I think if you want to test out</b><b>how good an Indian restaurant is,</b><b>you should order the malai kofta</b><b>and the garlic naan.</b><b>- That's the test.</b><b>- The reason for that is,</b><b>we live in a world where</b><b>everything is prepared,</b><b>in factories and stuff.</b><b>The malai kofta is a type of,</b><b>is done with dumpling that,</b><b>it's easy and</b><b>complicated, the same time can make.</b><b>This will tell you</b><b>how good a chef is,</b><b>how good the dumpling</b><b>is and the sauce is.</b><b>And the garlic naan on</b><b>the same point is also</b><b>how well the naan is made,</b><b>how much garlic is on it.</b><b>It shows you how good</b><b>the Indian restaurant is.</b><b>- This.</b><b>- That's my--</b><b>- Well, this one's pretty good.</b><b>- Yeah.</b><b>(laughing)</b><b>- Pretty good.</b><b>- This one's the best,</b><b>because I'm more</b><b>like, I tried everywhere.</b><b>No jokes, I'll look</b><b>in the camera and say,</b><b>I've been to India.</b><b>I've been to high-end restaurants.</b><b>I think we're one of</b><b>the best malai koftas.</b><b>- That's a bold statement.</b><b>- It's a bold statement,</b><b>is because I wanted to</b><b>check it out for myself.</b><b>I tried malai kofta in different</b><b>restaurants in the US,</b><b>in India, in the Punjab, in Delhi.</b><b>And I'm like, we are</b><b>up in the same level</b><b>as the big ones out there.</b><b>- I love that.</b><b>So who's</b><b>responsible for the recipe?</b><b>Is it everyone coming</b><b>together in the family?</b><b>And then who--</b><b>- It depends, yeah.</b><b>- Who's chef-ing it?</b><b>- So these are family recipes.</b><b>I am in charge of the kitchen,</b><b>so I oversee our team of cooks.</b><b>We don't necessarily,</b><b>we don't have an</b><b>executive chef of the kitchen.</b><b>So these are family</b><b>recipes developed,</b><b>and then we have a team</b><b>of amazing talented cooks</b><b>who are there, and they replicate.</b><b>We develop these things,</b><b>and then they replicate</b><b>this on a larger level</b><b>at the restaurant, and we'll try</b><b>and test different things.</b><b>I'll give you a</b><b>live example right now.</b><b>We are going to be introducing lamb</b><b>chops to the menu,</b><b>and we have been testing</b><b>it for the past two weeks.</b><b>So there are a couple of people--</b><b>- You guys need help</b><b>testing, I'm always....</b><b>- Definitely, definitely.</b><b>So that's what we're doing.</b><b>So last week we tested a couple</b><b>different recipes,</b><b>a couple different techniques.</b><b>Dad is the one that develops</b><b>most of the recipes</b><b>for the barbecue meats.</b><b>So the dad's mishkakis on the menu.</b><b>It has his name, dad's ... wings.</b><b>We give it his</b><b>name, it's his recipe.</b><b>He brings it in there.</b><b>So we develop these recipes,</b><b>and then try and make</b><b>sure we have the recipe down</b><b>in terms of quantity.</b><b>That if we're making a little bit,</b><b>times we need to make</b><b>enough for a whole shift,</b><b>it doesn't change.</b><b>The consistency doesn't change.</b><b>The spices that</b><b>are used in the....</b><b>they are scaled accordingly.</b><b>So that's the kind of development</b><b>we all do as a family.</b><b>My sister, she loves dessert,</b><b>so she has developed different</b><b>flavors of fusion ice creams.</b><b>- I'm gonna stop you there.</b><b>So I'm well known as</b><b>an ice cream addict.</b><b>And so when my wife and I go to</b><b>pronounce it for me,</b><b>because I've been</b><b>saying it wrong, Aman's?</b><b>- Aman's.</b><b>- Think almonds, drop the L.</b><b>- Aman's, thank you.</b><b>- But it's all good,</b><b>Aman's and almonds.</b><b>- And so we're going there,</b><b>and I'm like, well, Bank Street</b><b>Creamery is right there.</b><b>Like we'll get dessert afterwards.</b><b>Like, are you serious?</b><b>Like, why would we not</b><b>get the ice cream here?</b><b>I was like, well,</b><b>okay, we'll try it.</b><b>Unbelievable.</b><b>- Bank Street makes</b><b>the ice cream for us.</b><b>- Do they?</b><b>Ah, well, there you go, okay.</b><b>- We took like, you know, like--</b><b>- But what was the flavor?</b><b>I'm trying to</b><b>remember what flavors I had.</b><b>- Was it the ginger</b><b>globgum, or the carrot card?</b><b>- It must have</b><b>been the ginger then.</b><b>- Yeah, yeah, yeah.</b><b>- So we eat like the</b><b>globgum as we make an house</b><b>at the Indian dessert.</b><b>We make the ginger jam.</b><b>And Brooke's over at</b><b>Bank Street curns it for us.</b><b>- Okay.</b><b>- Because he's the</b><b>expert in making ice cream.</b><b>- Yeah.</b><b>- It was a thing, and he does it</b><b>for so many restaurants.</b><b>- What a partnership, yeah.</b><b>- So, come on.</b><b>- This is so good.</b><b>So you mentioned you're a foodie, the</b><b>family's foodies.</b><b>How cool, and you</b><b>guys are, you know,</b><b>kind of Easton</b><b>through and through,</b><b>how cool has it</b><b>been to see the rise</b><b>of the food scene in Easton, and</b><b>to be a part of it, right?</b><b>- Absolutely, it's absolutely</b><b>amazing, you know,</b><b>because I remember in</b><b>98 when he moved here,</b><b>I distinctly</b><b>remember someone telling us,</b><b>"Don't go to Easton at night.</b><b>Don't walk around</b><b>in Easton at night."</b><b>- I'm gonna share my Eastern story</b><b>that ties into that.</b><b>- And here we are, you know,</b><b>closing our business at a 11,</b><b>an Easton night,</b><b>but like, we're walking</b><b>around and having fun,</b><b>seeing that renaissance in Easton,</b><b>I think Mayor South</b><b>kind of has done an amazing job in</b><b>Easton, reviving the city.</b><b>We have a very good family friend</b><b>who actually have been</b><b>in the US for 50</b><b>years, similar story to us</b><b>in Africa to the US 50 years ago.</b><b>And he's seen Easton at its peak,</b><b>and then it's seen the downfall,</b><b>and it's renaissance again.</b><b>And it's absolutely amazing to see,</b><b>you know, that, hey,</b><b>things can turn</b><b>around and all this stuff.</b><b>- I don't think you thought of us</b><b>as being a part of that,</b><b>but we are in the heart of it.</b><b>So it's an honor to be a</b><b>part of that, you know?</b><b>If you look at the</b><b>Aman's logo, you know,</b><b>Easton is our hometown in the US.</b><b>This is this</b><b>country, the United States,</b><b>we talked about the American dream,</b><b>has set the</b><b>foundation for our family</b><b>and generation's of our</b><b>family to come, you know?</b><b>And to honor that, if you</b><b>look at the Aman's logo,</b><b>we have the Eden</b><b>Moravian star in our logo.</b><b>- Do you really? - Yeah.</b><b>If you look at the</b><b>fantastic star, you know?</b><b>So if you're keen on</b><b>history, you'll see the,</b><b>oh, the same star in</b><b>the flag of Easton</b><b>is also the same star in our logo.</b><b>- That's really cool.</b><b>- That's, you know,</b><b>it's our homage to the city</b><b>that has, that</b><b>took us in, you know,</b><b>to the community that took us in,</b><b>and we want to, you</b><b>know, just reflect that.</b><b>Hey, we're proud of who we are,</b><b>we're proud of Easton,</b><b>we're proud of big part</b><b>of the fabric of Eastern.</b><b>- Yeah, and the recognition that</b><b>Aman's has gotten</b><b>is so much greater</b><b>than Easton, right?</b><b>I mean, I'm looking at</b><b>the menu, I'm looking,</b><b>I think you guys</b><b>have a billboard on 22.</b><b>- Yes, yes, yes.</b><b>- And it's telling me,</b><b>like, I need the reminder,</b><b>like, all the awards</b><b>that you guys have won.</b><b>Talk about, you know,</b><b>kind of how those came about</b><b>and how important they are to you.</b><b>- Well, most of those awards are</b><b>would've gone by people,</b><b>which is absolutely</b><b>amazing, you know?</b><b>We, the TripAdvisor award was</b><b>actually fantastic</b><b>getting that.</b><b>- That's unbelievable.</b><b>- It's based on</b><b>reviews, people reviewing us</b><b>on TripAdvisor, and</b><b>in 2020, I believe,</b><b>most of the year</b><b>exactly, we were recognized</b><b>one of the top 10%</b><b>restaurants in the world.</b><b>- Wow.</b><b>- As in the review often enough</b><b>with positive reviews</b><b>under the top 10% in</b><b>all of TripAdvisor.</b><b>- So it's one thing for</b><b>you to come here and say,</b><b>you know, our dishes are some of</b><b>the best in the world,</b><b>but there's backing,</b><b>like, there's data on this.</b><b>- Absolutely, we're</b><b>listed on open table</b><b>for our reservations,</b><b>and we've consistently won</b><b>the Diners Choice</b><b>Award, and, you know,</b><b>it's amazing to see,</b><b>and what makes me happy</b><b>is that these are</b><b>awards that people actually,</b><b>based on the</b><b>reviews that people vote,</b><b>and one of the coolest</b><b>things that is very humbling</b><b>as well is that we won, you know,</b><b>it's one thing to say,</b><b>hey, we're an ethnic restaurant.</b><b>We serve Indian food.</b><b>We won Best Indian Food.</b><b>- Right.</b><b>- Amazing.</b><b>But the fact that we</b><b>not only won Best Indian,</b><b>two years in a row,</b><b>2022, 2023, morning call,</b><b>we won Best Easton Restaurant.</b><b>- That's awesome.</b><b>- And that was</b><b>amazing, and then it was like,</b><b>wow, it was like,</b><b>and Easton's vibrant.</b><b>- It is, we were just saying.</b><b>- All the food, everything.</b><b>You know, you stand,</b><b>you get out of Aman's,</b><b>you cross again, you</b><b>have a steak house,</b><b>and you have an oak</b><b>across the street,</b><b>you have a milli right</b><b>next to it, Mediterranean.</b><b>You know, you go into the farmer's</b><b>market across the street,</b><b>you can ramen,</b><b>fish, pizza, everything.</b><b>It's like a little mini culinary</b><b>journey right there.</b><b>I mean, recognized as the Best</b><b>Easton Restaurant</b><b>by people voting</b><b>online two years in a row,</b><b>that's just, you</b><b>know, it's so humbling,</b><b>and it's amazing.</b><b>- I'm, I'm jazzed</b><b>up just hearing that.</b><b>- Your bold statement</b><b>earlier isn't as bold.</b><b>(all chattering)</b><b>- Yeah, yeah.</b><b>So, you know, and</b><b>then, so we wanna make sure</b><b>that we continue that, you know,</b><b>continue that level of service,</b><b>continue that level</b><b>of delicious food,</b><b>keep bringing that to the people.</b><b>But five years since we opened,</b><b>we still love people</b><b>like, where are you?</b><b>Oh, we had no idea you existed.</b><b>I'm like, what?</b><b>(all laughing)</b><b>How do I tell you to come here?</b><b>- Yeah.</b><b>- Yeah, so that's a</b><b>challenge that every business</b><b>uses advertising yourself,</b><b>because people think</b><b>food, India's not the first.</b><b>- Right, yeah.</b><b>- They'll think twice, you know,</b><b>so we have a very small niche.</b><b>We're just trying to</b><b>be the loudest and say,</b><b>hey, come here, try and</b><b>give us a shot as well.</b><b>You never knew you'd like it.</b><b>- Yeah, absolutely.</b><b>I hate this, like I could keep</b><b>doing this all day.</b><b>- Yeah, it's been 30 minutes.</b><b>- It's been 30 minutes.</b><b>And I know we've got another thing</b><b>that we're doing later,</b><b>which I'm terrified for already.</b><b>Like, on a scale from 1 to 10,</b><b>what would you rate the spiciness</b><b>of the dish we just tried?</b><b>- We, what did you know here?</b><b>This is a medium.</b><b>- Okay, all right, all right.</b><b>- Mild is no, okay, so it's not</b><b>spicy, it's heat.</b><b>- Correct, yeah.</b><b>- It's the heat.</b><b>So we use dry red chili powder</b><b>to kick up the heat in the dishes.</b><b>So this is full of</b><b>spices, yes, but it's heat.</b><b>This is a medium-spiced heat left.</b><b>- Yeah, and just to tease it,</b><b>you and I are going to be eating,</b><b>is it Mom's recipe?</b><b>- Yeah, Mom's garlic chutney.</b><b>- Yes, yeah.</b><b>- It is--</b><b>- On the 1 to 10, where is it?</b><b>- 10 plus, I'm gonna say.</b><b>(laughing)</b><b>- Well, I'm</b><b>looking forward to that.</b><b>- That'll be good.</b><b>- We have a little challenger,</b><b>who's crying and who comes around.</b><b>Yeah, let's see how that goes.</b><b>- I was gonna say</b><b>that, but we're here,</b><b>so let's just, let's dive into it.</b><b>Let's do this challenge.</b><b>Also be great.</b><b>But I'd like everyone to know,</b><b>you also are not</b><b>particularly keen to spicy,</b><b>or to hot food.</b><b>- Very hot food.</b><b>I enjoy the nice medium.</b><b>I enjoy the balance</b><b>of flavor and heat.</b><b>I love that.</b><b>- Good.</b><b>- I'd rather not start</b><b>wiping tears as well.</b><b>- Am I gonna start wiping tears?</b><b>- I hope not.</b><b>- Yeah, I hope not too.</b><b>- So again, with this chutney,</b><b>it's this hot chutney,</b><b>it's actually to</b><b>complement the food as well.</b><b>It's not just heat</b><b>for the sake of heat.</b><b>You're gonna have a touch of</b><b>sweetness in the jaggery.</b><b>- Do you think I'm gonna get that</b><b>over the crying that I'm doing?</b><b>- We'll cry together.</b><b>We'll embareass ourselves together.</b><b>- Okay.</b><b>So what would you pair it with?</b><b>- So like if you,</b><b>now we're gonna do a spoonful.</b><b>If we were doing this,</b><b>we'll do a little knife.</b><b>- Okay, that's perfect.</b><b>- But like if you were eating this</b><b>with a Malai Kofta,</b><b>if you would like</b><b>put this on the side,</b><b>dip your naan in it a little bit,</b><b>so you have a little bit</b><b>of a layer of the naan,</b><b>have your food and eat that.</b><b>- That's awesome.</b><b>- That would be--</b><b>- That's how</b><b>normal people eat this.</b><b>- Yeah.</b><b>- Not with a knife like this.</b><b>- Yeah, it's not like something</b><b>that you would just,</b><b>grab a spoonful and start.</b><b>And then the other thing is that</b><b>if you want to kick up your curry,</b><b>you just take a little bit of it,</b><b>mix it in the entire curry itself.</b><b>- Okay, right.</b><b>- And then that's</b><b>how you would enjoy it.</b><b>- Okay, I'm gonna move this plant.</b><b>I just wanna, I'm</b><b>gonna put it on camera</b><b>so everyone can see</b><b>like it looks hot.</b><b>I just want.</b><b>- There it is.</b><b>- It looks hot.</b><b>I don't do spicy.</b><b>You barely do.</b><b>So this is gonna be fun.</b><b>- This is gonna be fun.</b><b>So how do we determine?</b><b>- Who wins?</b><b>I guess I've got water here.</b><b>You've got water there.</b><b>First person talking.</b><b>- We keep talking and</b><b>first person to drink.</b><b>- There's still segments I'm</b><b>supposed to do after this.</b><b>You might have to take over.</b><b>All right.</b><b>- Cheers.</b><b>- Why are you taking so much?</b><b>- I thought that's</b><b>a whole challenge.</b><b>- It is.</b><b>- It's gonna be a lot more.</b><b>You have a lot more.</b><b>- I'll take it.</b><b>All right, all right.</b><b>Cheers, here we go.</b><b>Up until this point,</b><b>I've assumed your mom</b><b>is a very nice person.</b><b>We'll see if my feelings change.</b><b>So far, it is a nice</b><b>flavor like you said.</b><b>It's a little.</b><b>- A little sweetness that hits you.</b><b>- I'm doing okay.</b><b>- Yeah.</b><b>- I'm doing okay.</b><b>I'm not crying yet.</b><b>I planned on fully</b><b>crying in front of everyone.</b><b>Oh, it's coming.</b><b>I can feel the wave.</b><b>- It hits the back of the mouth.</b><b>- It does.</b><b>- Seeing how smart</b><b>people would have mixed this</b><b>in the food and enjoyed it.</b><b>Not like us.</b><b>- No, not straight in.</b><b>What?</b><b>I'm trying to think right now.</b><b>I'm trying to do that.</b><b>What spices are in here?</b><b>Like what does she put in here?</b><b>- So these are green</b><b>chilies, fresh green chilies.</b><b>So it's almost like a relish.</b><b>We call it</b><b>mongchili garlic chutney.</b><b>So there's a huge, there's a</b><b>balance of a lot of garlic</b><b>and chilies.</b><b>- Yes.</b><b>I'm going back for more.</b><b>I'm gonna do it again.</b><b>- I'll join you.</b><b>- Yes.</b><b>- I will join you.</b><b>Yes.</b><b>So.</b><b>- The flavor is good.</b><b>- Then, yeah, we just</b><b>cook it down, break it down.</b><b>And then we actually</b><b>add some jaggery to it.</b><b>- Cheers.</b><b>- Yeah.</b><b>Oh my God.</b><b>(laughing)</b><b>- What did you add?</b><b>You said you add something.</b><b>- Jaggery is like an</b><b>Indian brown sugar.</b><b>- So that, well, you see this is a</b><b>tinge of sweetness.</b><b>- There is, yeah.</b><b>- Yeah.</b><b>(laughing) - That one got me.</b><b>- I'm already</b><b>carrying that over here.</b><b>- All right, so.</b><b>- Yeah.</b><b>- We are sponsored by Hocus Pocus,</b><b>who is probably gonna hate that I'm</b><b>doing the segment</b><b>while crying.</b><b>They do residential cleaning.</b><b>They do commercial cleaning.</b><b>I don't think they save you when</b><b>you're dying of spice.</b><b>But they're magical.</b><b>And so I ask all my guests,</b><b>if you could have</b><b>any magical ability,</b><b>what would it be?</b><b>- Wow.</b><b>- What would yours be?</b><b>Right now, mine would be to just</b><b>turn my tongue off</b><b>completely.</b><b>- Yeah.</b><b>And you can see the truth.</b><b>(laughing)</b><b>Wow, no one has</b><b>asked me the question.</b><b>That's,</b><b>shall we call it even?</b><b>- Yeah.</b><b>- Yes.</b><b>(laughing)</b><b>- Oh.</b><b>- A relief.</b><b>(laughing)</b><b>- Torey, really sad I</b><b>didn't join you in on that.</b><b>- You missed out, Avery.</b><b>- So.</b><b>- But before we go on,</b><b>the flavor is really good.</b><b>- Yeah.</b><b>- If you diluted that.</b><b>- If you, yeah, if you</b><b>compliment that food.</b><b>- Yeah.</b><b>- Mix it up and eat</b><b>it, it's really good.</b><b>- Yeah.</b><b>- Yeah.</b><b>- So.</b><b>- All right.</b><b>Your magical ability.</b><b>And I'm gonna keep</b><b>drinking water now that I can.</b><b>- You know what?</b><b>There's my marketing thing, I need</b><b>to post on Instagram.</b><b>(laughing)</b><b>- Avery commiserates.</b><b>(laughing)</b><b>- I don't have that, but I always</b><b>thought if I had a genie.</b><b>- Yeah.</b><b>- You know, give me a wish.</b><b>- Yeah.</b><b>- Would that count</b><b>as a magical thing?</b><b>- Right, yeah, yeah.</b><b>- My wish would be, not for like.</b><b>- I thought you were</b><b>wishing for a genie,</b><b>that would be awesome.</b><b>- That'd be awesome.</b><b>- Yeah.</b><b>- Still gonna do</b><b>three wishes, right?</b><b>- Yeah, yeah.</b><b>- My wish would be, I want to help</b><b>people in the world</b><b>with different things.</b><b>And I know money is</b><b>what helps people.</b><b>My wish would be that, hey, if</b><b>someone needs some help,</b><b>I was like, you know,</b><b>I need a hundred bucks.</b><b>I just put it in my</b><b>hand in my pocket.</b><b>- It's there.</b><b>- I know.</b><b>- I know.</b><b>- Yeah.</b><b>- We've had a</b><b>couple of people come on</b><b>and they have like altruistic,</b><b>like that's their magic</b><b>is to help other people.</b><b>I'm like, oh, I'm</b><b>not as good of a person</b><b>as I thought I was.</b><b>- That's part of who</b><b>we are now of faith,</b><b>as well as from the Sikh faith.</b><b>- Yeah.</b><b>- And giving back</b><b>is huge in our faith.</b><b>- Can you talk</b><b>about that a little bit?</b><b>- Absolutely, you</b><b>know, and it's, you know,</b><b>as it cries through it.</b><b>(laughing) I'm very emotional</b><b>talking about this.</b><b>- Yes.</b><b>- But we try and give</b><b>back as much of the community</b><b>as we can, you know, during COVID</b><b>we had groceries,</b><b>we were working with an</b><b>NGO called Calcite Aid,</b><b>providing groceries</b><b>to families in need.</b><b>And we've done package deals for</b><b>different charities</b><b>within the Lehigh Valley,</b><b>work with different organizations.</b><b>It's just, you know, like I said,</b><b>it goes back to</b><b>sharing the meal, you know,</b><b>food insecurity is</b><b>something that we have seen</b><b>in the world lives</b><b>as moms, you know.</b><b>I've seen, as a young</b><b>kid, I've seen my mom</b><b>and dad feeding us.</b><b>- Yeah.</b><b>- And then just eating</b><b>like bread and you know,</b><b>like a pickle or</b><b>something, you know.</b><b>Times are tough and for people,</b><b>times are tough now too,</b><b>you know, I'm not</b><b>emotional, it's just the spice.</b><b>(laughing)</b><b>But--</b><b>- I'm both.</b><b>(laughing)</b><b>- But we have seen</b><b>that in our lives</b><b>and we're just trying to give back</b><b>as much as we can,</b><b>you know.</b><b>- Are your parents incredibly proud</b><b>to have seen the</b><b>journey that they've been on?</b><b>- Absolutely, I mean,</b><b>I mean, like, you know,</b><b>they are very much a</b><b>part of what we're success.</b><b>- Yeah.</b><b>- With the values and</b><b>everything that taught us.</b><b>You know, we didn't</b><b>have much when we grew up</b><b>and now like all our</b><b>kids are here, you know,</b><b>I don't have any kids, no but my</b><b>nephews, my niece is here.</b><b>And it's a good feeling to say,</b><b>"Oh, can I get this?"</b><b>And we're like, "Yes, you can."</b><b>- Yeah.</b><b>- We don't have to</b><b>think about it twice.</b><b>We grew up thinking about it twice.</b><b>That you didn't even</b><b>ask mom or dad about this.</b><b>- Right.</b><b>- And because they</b><b>were providing for us.</b><b>We had food, we had</b><b>shelter and everything,</b><b>but you know, like it</b><b>was the extra things</b><b>that we could get</b><b>it once in a while,</b><b>not every single day, you know.</b><b>So living in a</b><b>situation where we were,</b><b>you know, like hand to mouth,</b><b>maybe we could do that, you know.</b><b>And coming here in this country</b><b>and building this little...</b><b>(all laughing)</b><b>- My tongue is still on fire.</b><b>- The napkin's back.</b><b>(all laughing)</b><b>- Yes, the napkins are all for me.</b><b>- So, you know, like</b><b>having lived through that</b><b>and you know, now we have the</b><b>ability to give back</b><b>and we just want to give back as</b><b>much as we can, you know.</b><b>- Yeah.</b><b>- With the five year</b><b>anniversary coming up,</b><b>part of our celebration is trying</b><b>and giving back, you know.</b><b>We've been doing these blood drives</b><b>with the Miller</b><b>Keystone Blood Center,</b><b>where we just say,</b><b>"Hey, you know what?</b><b>Give blood and we'll give you a $20</b><b>voucher to Aman's."</b><b>Just for giving blood.</b><b>- Wow.</b><b>- How important that is, you know.</b><b>- Yeah.</b><b>- So those kinds of things,</b><b>you want to just keep doing that,</b><b>giving back to the</b><b>community as much as we can.</b><b>- That's beautiful.</b><b>- Yeah.</b><b>- Yeah.</b><b>When is five years?</b><b>- July 10th.</b><b>- Oh, so it's really coming up?</b><b>- It's coming up.</b><b>- Wow, that's awesome.</b><b>Congrats to you guys.</b><b>- Thanks. - Absolutely amazing.</b><b>- Anything that we</b><b>didn't hit that we should hit,</b><b>anything you want to talk about</b><b>before we get you out of here?</b><b>- I would just say</b><b>for anyone who is,</b><b>perhaps who were trying Indian food,</b><b>or trying any type of food.</b><b>- Yeah.</b><b>- Different.</b><b>- Yep.</b><b>- Go give it a shot.</b><b>- Yeah.</b><b>- You know, as it won't kill you.</b><b>- Right.</b><b>- Unless you eat</b><b>that fish from the Simpsons</b><b>and the miscellaneous foods.</b><b>(laughing)</b><b>- That's what it's called.</b><b>But yeah, no, in all seriousness,</b><b>people put their heart and soul</b><b>into family-run restaurants.</b><b>Same like us, you know.</b><b>- Yeah.</b><b>- It's us, or it's the next door,</b><b>Mexican restaurant, or club,</b><b>whatever have you, you know, Thai.</b><b>Even like American</b><b>joints, you know,</b><b>people like small mom and pop</b><b>restaurants, you know.</b><b>We live in a day and age where it's</b><b>so easy to criticize.</b><b>- Yeah.</b><b>- It is so easy to criticize.</b><b>We get that as well, so much.</b><b>- Right.</b><b>- All day they do this, it's like,</b><b>we don't get up in</b><b>the morning to say,</b><b>you know what, I'm going to screw</b><b>this person right.</b><b>- Yeah, yeah.</b><b>- No one's perfect.</b><b>- Yeah.</b><b>- You know, stuff</b><b>happens sometimes,</b><b>but our goal is to</b><b>provide the best service</b><b>and the best</b><b>experience for everyone.</b><b>So give people a shot, you know.</b><b>The mom and pops, everyone,</b><b>different restaurants,</b><b>even retail businesses, you know.</b><b>Just give back to the community,</b><b>you know, that's all</b><b>I can say, you know.</b><b>- Yeah. - Yeah.</b><b>- But we're sitting here,</b><b>we're enjoying, you know,</b><b>some more food together.</b><b>And you brought up</b><b>a topic that I think</b><b>is important to the conversation,</b><b>so hit it for me.</b><b>- So big thing, you know,</b><b>we are one of the few restaurants,</b><b>well, I think we're the</b><b>only Indian restaurant</b><b>that does not give rice with the meal</b>

<b>are people are like:

oh, they're chargin for rice and everything</b><b>and I'm like, go to India,</b><b>you don't get rice in the meal.</b><b>- Really? - You know.</b><b>And the reason is because Indian</b><b>cuisine is so complex,</b><b>you know, certain</b><b>things go with rice,</b><b>like we just enjoy the Malai Kofta</b><b>with garlic naan,</b><b>you know, we have different types</b><b>of naans on the menu,</b><b>different types of</b><b>rice dishes on the menu</b><b>for plain bus,</b><b>we'll eat it different.</b><b>We don't want to put you in a boat</b><b>that every single</b><b>curry comes in plain rice.</b><b>That's akin to</b><b>saying that, you know,</b><b>every Italian dish comes with</b><b>spaghetti noodles.</b><b>- Right, yeah.</b><b>- It's just in the</b><b>US Indian cuisine,</b><b>when it got its moment in</b><b>the past 20 years or so,</b><b>it was just like people</b><b>like, how do you eat this?</b><b>And like, everyone knows rice,</b><b>we'll give rice with it.</b><b>- Right. - So that has been one</b><b>of the big things for us,</b><b>like, hey, we don't</b><b>give rice for free.</b><b>And 99% of the time</b><b>people don't care.</b><b>Because we're</b><b>telling them, hey, okay,</b><b>you want to pair</b><b>this with this and this,</b><b>and they enjoy their meal.</b><b>- And that's what we</b><b>did, we asked our waiter,</b><b>like, should we get rice with this?</b><b>And they have the recommendations</b><b>for what we should pair it with.</b><b>- Absolutely. - Yeah.</b><b>- And then the other</b><b>biggest thing is, you know,</b><b>I think is if you look at our name,</b><b>Aman's Artisan Indian cuisine,</b><b>- Yeah.</b><b>- We don't know the word authentic,</b><b>I think that's the</b><b>word. - That's interesting.</b><b>- Yeah.</b><b>- Who was the</b><b>judge of authenticity?</b><b>You know?</b><b>You know?</b><b>India is so diverse</b><b>in its food cultures,</b><b>from state to state.</b><b>- Yeah.</b><b>- Same like the US.</b><b>- Right.</b><b>- You know?</b><b>You think of Louisiana, down south,</b><b>you think of Cajun cuisine.</b><b>- Right.</b><b>- Up north, Chowder, you know?</b><b>Midwest, what is Midwest known for?</b><b>- That's so funny, Chowder was</b><b>exactly where my head went.</b><b>- Yeah. - So yes.</b><b>- And then, you know,</b><b>you have like the Tex-Mex</b><b>and the Texas, you know, like all</b><b>the barbecue scene</b><b>in Texas and the</b><b>Midwest, all that stuff.</b><b>It's different.</b><b>- Yeah.</b><b>- Similar for India, you know?</b><b>So when someone says,</b><b>oh, is this authentic?</b><b>I'm like, no.</b><b>I'm not gonna tell</b><b>you this is authentic.</b><b>- Right.</b><b>- This is Indian</b><b>food you're eating.</b><b>- Yeah.</b><b>- It's our take on it.</b><b>- Yeah.</b><b>- It's what we do, you know?</b><b>And come try it, you know?</b><b>If you like it, if</b><b>you don't, that's fine.</b><b>- It's not fine.</b><b>- Yeah.</b><b>So that's one thing.</b><b>And it goes back to</b><b>the thing of saying,</b><b>oh, everything comes with rice.</b><b>It's like, okay,</b><b>that's not authentic.</b><b>If you say no,</b><b>authentic Indian food,</b><b>because you go to</b><b>India, in the south,</b><b>yes, they rice with every meal.</b><b>In the north, no, they eat breads.</b><b>- Yeah.</b><b>- Every single dish</b><b>has its own complement,</b><b>its own side dish that</b><b>can be paired with it.</b><b>And that's what we</b><b>wanna do at Aman's</b><b>is give you that proper experience.</b><b>- I'll bet.</b><b>As long as rice helps with the</b><b>burning sensation</b><b>that's in my mouth,</b><b>then I'm gonna be</b><b>eating some rice right now.</b><b>(laughs)</b><b>Thank you so much</b><b>again for coming online</b><b>and for this little bonus section.</b><b>- Absolutely.</b><b>- All right.</b><b>I could tell</b><b>something good was coming.</b><b>Absolutely beautiful.</b><b>Just Bonzo from Almonds.</b><b>Did I say it right?</b><b>- Almonds.</b><b>- Yes, I cannot thank you enough.</b><b>I had high</b><b>expectations and you crushed them.</b><b>So thank you for coming here.</b><b>Thank you for the food.</b><b>Thanks for sharing a meal with us.</b><b>I loved it.</b><b>- Awesome.</b><b>- Awesome.</b>