YMI Talking

S2E14: YMI Talking to Jeanie DiFulvio from Lehigh Valley Sports Turf (LVST)

• Jimi Honochick • Season 2 • Episode 14

🚀 Ready for a Deep Dive? 🚀

On this episode of YMI Talking, we sit down with Jeanie DiFulvio, the owner of Lehigh Valley Sports Turf (LVST). 

Jeanie discusses the evolution of LVST from a turf rental business to a hub for youth development and how they adapted during the pandemic with Virtual Learning. She also talks about building a strong team, finding the right staff, and recognizing the importance of childcare providers. 

This episode is full of insights on business growth and community impact. 🎧 

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We're like a one stop shop. Right. I know that was important to me. I could never. The reason I started LVST right, when we transitioned into, like, everything with childcare. I could never find a place, a daycare, that I was super excited to leave my child at. Like, I went to everyone. I think at the time when my kids were small and I would literally leave, I'm like, babe, I have a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach, like I'm not leaving my children here. I don’t care if it's affordable, I don't care what it is. And I just never found it. Even the best of the best procedures, places that I would go to and pay an arm and a leg for them, I just never found like I was getting 100% what I wanted. That's where I really wanted to merge. Like sports and, preschool. All right. Our guest today. I couldn't be more excited about. I have been to her business multiple times and I've always had a great time, but my kids have had the time of their lives. Jeanie DiFulvio from Lehigh Valley Sports Turf Thank you so much for coming on. Thank you for having me. This is a wonderful studio and we're very happy to be here. Well, thank you. I you multiple people have told me I should have you on here. And so I'm finally glad that we made this work. Oh. That's nice. Tell us about Lehigh Valley Sports Turf. All right. Lehigh Valley sports turf. we are pretty much the hub for all things children. anywhere from ages three to I would say eight is, like, kind of our big community. Yeah. we have our preschool program. We do open plays, special open play days where characters come, where the parents can just come in and just hang out for like an hour and a half with their kids. We do children's birthday parties where the whole space is just for you and your guests. and we do our youth, school soccer program, and we also have our youth six and eight soccer teams. And we also do turf rentals. If you want to come out and train on our turf with your team or just your kid. Yeah. so, yeah, we do a lot. We do everything for, again, that age group and for our community is is really important to me as a mom. So that's kind of how it all started. And it's funny. So I think of it just I've been there for birthday parties, but it's so much more than that, right? Yeah. Like you said, you have soccer teams. So yeah, that's actually something new. We just started so so our family is really being into soccer. My husband played his whole entire life. He coached he's been on different boards of different soccer clubs in the area. So soccer is really big in our children's life. So that was kind of how LVST started. It actually wasn't, always what it is today, how it started. It was something completely different business plan, but it evolved into what it is today. And we kind of, you know, everything revolves around sports and children. How did you get started with it. Like to me I'm always I'm in insurance. Right. So I'm scared of everything. Like launching a business like this terrifies me. So how did you decide? You know what? This is what I want to do. So in 2018 is when we started Lehigh Valley Sports Turf or essentially the LLC. Right. We kind of piloted, this business inside of another business inside of the South Mall, off Lehigh street. Okay. So we knew someone who was starting up like a gym, pretty big. I think it was like 15,000ft²his like, facilities. Yeah. And at that time, my husband was a coach, and there was a big need for, turf rental space in the valley. At that time, it was really hard to find. And him being a coach in the winter months, you know, the rain season and rainy season, it was essentially super hard to find. So my husband was talking about and I was like, hey, let's start our own LLC. Let's pilot it inside of his business. We'll give him a percentage of, you know, our square footage, and it'll kind of work out for both. Yeah. because I know he was struggling, just starting and trying to build up his business, and it was really expensive to rent, and that's kind of where it all started. my husband has a lot of connects in the soccer world, so we were easily renting it out. And I was like, wow, this is wonderful. Yeah. Then when are we, by the way? Right now this is in 2018, 2018 okay. Yeah. So essentially it was just going to be like a like a turf rental business. It's kind of more of a passive income. We both had jobs at that time and we just wanted something more or less passive kind of ran itself. Right. and this is after I started my photo and video business. So for me, I had a little bit of the background. So I wasn't scared to jump into something else. Like I wanted to, like I had like that itch for like, business at that point. So we we piloted it there. It was super successful. You know, I want to say about a year in and he winds up having to close his door. So we had to rip out everything. And we put in a good like turf high end turf isn't cheap. So we had to rip it all out and put it into storage and kind of decide what we wanted to do from there. And then I would say in 2020, 2019 and we found a space. It was actually the space we're in now is the old morning call building. So that's where they used to. So when we first saw the space, I mean, it was just newspapers galore. Yeah, it's totally different than how it looks now. And we found this space. And from there again, our business model was still more or less rentals. We wanted to do a couple other things, but it actually wasn't until the pandemic where it changed. Our entire business plan is what we have today. Walk me through that, because I've got to imagine that was a really hard challenge for you guys. Like a lot of industries were hit. But I mean, news is very much, you know, face to face loss of activity. I it's I about it now because I feel like I know a lot of people were hit hard by the pandemic, but I feel like this was our saving grace. And if it wasn't for the pandemic, we would have never, you know, changed our business plan into what it is today. I don't think we would have been as successful, successful as we are today. So basically, we opened February of 2020 on this big high and excitement is grand opening. And then March, it was like the whole world shut down. Yeah. And you know, after our grand opening, we had we were starting to book all these birthday parties. Like that was one of the aspects we were doing. We were still doing kids birthday parties. I knew that was something I wanted to do, just because I wasn't happy with any of the places in the valley to bring my own children. Right? Yeah, yeah. And it was just like everything was shut down. So it was shocking. And but I'm always up for a challenge. So for me, failure wasn't an option, like, it just wasn't. We actually had two silent partners at the time, and, I just didn't want to let anyone down. So I kind of went full force, like, what can we do? So that's when we got, you know, our childcare license and we started this virtual learning program. There were so many people in need, a lot of teachers especially that still had to teach, but they still had their own kids at home. Right. So now we have the ability to have the kids in our facility have our own teachers there. And they were actually leading virtual learning, programs with their own children and their and their and their teachers. Yeah. So we became popular off of that. And then from there we started our preschool program, our preschool pre-K program, which we call pre sport. And it kind of combines sports and education equally. Yeah. And you know, kind of from there it just kind of took off with everything the soccer and the birthdays and just everyone just loved like our space and how clean it was and our staff. And it just skyrocketed from there. So we were really fortunate that what could have been a disaster actually really catapulted us into success. Yeah, yeah. And you just hit on something that I wanted to bring up, which is your staff. You guys, when I've been there, the friendliest people and like, so willing to help. Like, how do you go about, you know, sourcing the right talent and making sure it kind of fits the LVST mold? Yeah. So we are very fortunate. I know in the beginning I hand picked every person in that place because, again, my children were attending there and I was a very particular person. And, you know, I needed to make sure we were hitting everything, especially if I was leaving my kids there all day, too. So I think that was very important. you know, I think for me and every aspect, when I was working, like after college or in college, I never really had that mentor or leadership where I can really say, like, wow, I love my job. I love working for so-and-so. And I knew for me it was really important to be that for my staff. So I feel like for all my employees, there's a balance, right? You need to be their boss. But I feel like it's also important to be a friend and be able to listen. And I feel like all the girls, a lot of them we have we have about 25 employees at LVST, about four of which are full. All the rest are part timers. And, you know, a lot of the younger staff, like they are like my children too, like, they've came to me, they've cried to me, I hugged them, I consoled them, you know, I just have that connection with them. I want to be a good role model. I have two daughters, you know, we're primarily female staff. There. So, I mean, they all come from great families. They come from youth sports. And I think we all have that same goal in mind, which is the kids and being successful. And I think once you get that all together, I mean, you just continue. They stay. I mean, a lot of the girls there have been there since we opened. Yeah. What's interesting is you are such a leader. Let's say they're like, you really are. And you sound like someone who's sort of blazed their own path, whether it was, you know, the photo and video or now with this business. But it's interesting, you say, like there wasn't a role model or mentor for you. So where do you feel like that that comes from? That leadership ability comes from? Well, I feel like in the professional world there wasn't. Personally, I had my older brother Rich, and there's also my husband, Eric. they have been like a really guiding force throughout, I think I've been with my husband for 20 years. Yeah, my hope, my brother's been there my entire life, and I looked up to him for everything. You know, the younger sister, I wanted to do everything that he wanted to do. So having those two, like, strong minded male figures in my life, I always went to them for everything. Like, I want to do that for school, I want to do this for business. And they were always like, on my side, like, you can do this. Like so I think for me, professionally, maybe I never had that maybe, maybe 1 or 2 people in the professional field, like I was like, wow, they're great. And I want to like, you know, be like that. Yeah. But it was hard. I never really had that. I just felt like you were never appreciated. And I know for me, I wanted that boost of being appreciated, especially when you're working really hard. So I think that's just really important within your employees and making sure they're recognized for like, their achievements. Yeah, yeah. No it's great. Let's talk about Jeanie where you come from. Like how do you get to Lehigh Valley Sports Turf? So we got that part. But like how did we get there. Yeah. So it was a long road. Long road. So originally I'm from Queens, New York okay. I lived there for, you know, since I was born. grew up in Queens and Manhattan. Like, that was kind of where I was raised. So definitely different, you know, Lehigh Valley, when we were about 2021, my husband's family at the time wanted to sell their homes, and they wanted to move out to Pennsylvania. And they were like, Eric, you can come with or you can stay here. And I was kind of with him for years at that point. So I was kind of like, we should go. Like, yeah, we both. I think we're done with our area and we wanted more. We wanted to finish school and a lot of our friends and stuff. At that time, they were just not where we were. So I think getting away was something we both really wanted. And when we had the opportunity, we ran with it and we were like, we're with you. And we moved out here with his parents. And it's funny because it's two different worlds. Like when I was moving out here, I wasn't very familiar with Pennsylvania at the time. Like I grew up in New York, so different, different world out there. And I just remember, like all my friends being like, you're going to live with like, cows and chickens, like, I don't understand. And I'm like, I don't know. But now when we moved here, I'm like, this is different. This isn't what I thought. Like the Lehigh Valley was not what it is now. And in 2006, like, the casino didn't exist and like, no, it was definitely different. But working in and out of Easton kind of felt a lot like New York a little bit to me, like a smaller city. So yeah, that's kind of where we came from. And then fast forward to school, like I went to DeSales actually went for media studies, TV, film. Oh wow. I did that for a little bit. And then I just went to a study buddies, by the way. Oh yeah, that's what I did. Yeah. Oh, and now I'm in insurance, so you never know what I was going to take. Yeah, you never know. But I think having the background is amazing because I still love filming and photographing about my own stuff. Yeah, absolutely. I love having that background just with websites and just social media and everything. So yeah, I love that field. And I did it for a little bit, but I just knew for me I needed to work for myself. And that's where my first business started and the opportunity with the turf. And then we actually own another business called Forward Thinking Technology Solutions that my husband primary works. But we started all of those and it's been great. I think, you know, once you start business, it's really hard to go backwards. And people always say, you know. How do you own your business? Like, I always feel like when I started my own business services like a stigma around it. Right? Right. I always felt like, oh, how's business going? You know, it's like, what do you want me to say? Like it sucks. No, it's like it's doing great. Like, I was fortunate, like, when I started my photo and video business, it was successful. I was shooting 50 weddings a year. Like, I was working 70 hours a day doing everything, wearing all the hats. But I think that pushed me, especially when you have a small child. At the time, which I did at a two year old two year old getting married and starting my business, it was a big leap, but I don't think I would have it any other way. Like I'm an overachiever. I'm a competitor. Like failure is not an option for me. I think that's why all my businesses have been successful. My husband and I, we just. There's no other option. Yeah, yeah. How do you guys balance it? Because you're right. Eric has successful business. You have successful business. You have two kids. Like, how do you guys find the time to be able to make it all happen? So that's a great question. So being a mom right. And a business owner and just being a control freak as I am, which, you know, sometimes doesn't play in your favor. It took it took me a while to actually like relinquish jobs and just ask for help because I just wanted to do it all. I felt like it was only me that would get the job done right and like the way it should be done. But when you can finally let go, I think that's a huge thing in business. You have to find the right people and you have to let them succeed. And what they do. Yeah. and I think once I started utilizing that tool in the businesses and within my whole life, whether it just be like having someone help cleaning or prepping food or something, because, I mean, I don't know for men, but I know for women, it's really hard sometimes to ask for help. You just want to do it all and you're angry all the time. And it's like, who wants to be angry over time because you're wearing all the hats? Yeah. So, you know, asking for help. You know, once you grow and you're able to find other people to help, I think that's really important. And I think that's, you know, where our success is today. I know I could not do what I was doing four years ago today. Right? Yeah. Absolutely not. And I I've it's taken me some time to figure that out too. Like, I know how I do it and and do it the right way and this is how I want it done. But I can't do that for every one of our clients. Right? Like, you have to rely on your staff and lean on your staff and yeah, give them the tools to succeed. Yeah. and I think it goes back to, you know, finding the right people. And it sounds like you guys have done a great job of that. Yeah. So what do you feel like is next for you? are you content where you are? Do you think there's there's another chapter coming? I. Yeah. You don't strike me as the kind of person was like, yeah, I know I did it. I'm good here now. I'm never content. Actually, my husband tells me that all the time. It's like you're never satisfied, ever. I'm like, I don't know. I just feel like there's always more out there. Like there's so much more I want to do. Like. Yeah. I think as you get older, too, you know, you want to do more like I don't I don't want to leave this world with not doing more, whether it be giving back in some type of way or helping or starting another business, or maybe one day someone would buy and take over and, you know, that's their journey and their story. So for me, no, there's always something. we actually we are thinking about multiple locations for LVST and rebranding. Right. So we've got a lot of customers that are like can you please open this up in our area, we have nothing like this in our area. So that's been what I've been on the hunt for for about the last year trying to make that, but yeah, there's always something, you guys are in the country right now, right? Yeah. And how has that back? Yeah. How has that location been for you? Amazing. Yeah. Amazing. We have a great location. Hands down. Yeah. For sure. Yeah. And the Lehigh Valley in general. So I kind of interrupted your story you were talking about, you know, you moved from Queens to here. How have you found the Valley? It sounds like you've you've embraced it and really kind of made it your own at this point. How have I found it? Yeah. How do you enjoy the Valley? Like, talk to me a little bit about the Lehigh Valley. so I love the Valley. Like I said, I don't like leaving the valley. I don't like going back to New York. Like, I think there's something about the valley. When I moved here in 2006, coming from New York, I remember going to the supermarket. It's just a little fun story. Yeah, I think it was why supermarket was right near our house. And I remember checking out and this guy or the cashier was like, can I help you to the cart grocery bag that doesn't have anything. And I was like, I was so caught off guard. And I was like, no, I can do it. I was just like, this is wild. Like, people are so friendly here. New York is a whole different breed, right? It's like, it's like a love hate, like anger relationship. People understand line in New York, but it's no one's going to ask you for help to the car. I mean, you'll be lucky if you get a door help somebody. But so. So I love that right away. I just felt like there was like, this loving, caring community in the valley like that you don't really get. It's kind of almost like, I don't know if this makes sense, but it's like where, like Allentown, Bethlehem, Easton has come today. It's kind of almost like a big city, but it's like that small city vibe that I really love. You know, in New York. I like the five boroughs. I don't even think I've been to all five. And I lived there for 21 years, you know what I mean? But I can go around, you know, Allentown. Bethlehem. Is that, like all the time and, yeah, different restaurants and meet different people. Man, I know so many people and it's it's amazing. And I just I really, truly love the Valley. It's a great place to live. Yeah. I love that about it too. Did you guys start at Easton? Did you make I feel like I heard that. Did you start in Easton? And no, we actually came right to Allentown. So like this or our field area, South Whitehall Township. But I used to work in hospitality when I was in college, so I used to work at a lot of high end restaurants, one of which was like for Valentia years and years ago that was in the circle. So I commute there a lot back and forth. Yeah, 25 minutes. So yeah. And you feel like that background, you know, kind of gave you the customer experience, experience that you needed. Oh for sure. I think I was always like a people person. I was never the person that can sit behind the desk. I needed to be doing multiple things all the time. Like, you know, when I graduated an intern and I was an editor, and I just sat behind the computer all day long, I just. It wasn't for me. It didn't last long. Yeah. You know, so I like wearing multiple hats all the time. and with your current job, like LVST What hats are you wearing? Are you wearing truly all of them still? Or have you been able to kind of hand off some of it? I have been able to hand off. So the beginning I was wearing all of them. I would say today I am just owner, owner, and I guide my staff, but we have our, our childcare director, Danielle. She runs all of our childcare programs or summer camp or preschool. We have Jacqueline Cruz is in the office right now. It's our Jaclyn. She's our program marketing director. So she runs and organizes all of our programs, which is a lot. It's a daunting task. Like, you know, you need someone to do all that, you can't do it all. And, do it right. You need to have help and the right professionals in place. And we do. And now we have our teachers. And, you know, they're amazing. I mean, people don't understand, for the most part, child care. Like, I'm not saying we are a daycare by any means. You know, we have a childcare license, we have our preschool program, we have our summer camp program. But children, to be in that business, you really have to have a huge heart. You have to be patient. You have to be loving. You have to be caring. And I feel like even a mom myself, when I was a working mom and I had to take my children to daycare, I didn't appreciate it as much as now owning a place and seeing a day in and day out. Yeah. And you know, you know, you always get people like daycares too expensive or that or this or that, but it's like they don't get enough in my eyes. It's like they don't it's insane. It's it is it's insane because they do so much and I see it with my own two eyes every day. Just a hug. Just, you know, a booboo. You know, a hug makes it better. Like, you know, these teachers are with them every day. And you have to really appreciate them. I know my kids in school, I get into their teachers as much as I can. Hey, it's hard. It's not an easy profession and we need that. We need them in these children's lives. Absolutely. Yeah. about, you know, running the daycare and the preschool. What separates you guys? Do you, you know, interact with the sports side and give that to the kids? Like, what makes you guys unique there? I think, like I said, we're like a one stop shop, right? I know that was important to me. I could never the reason I started LVST right when we transitioned into, like, everything with childcare, I could never find a place, a daycare, that I was super excited to leave my child like. I went to everyone. I think at the time when my kids were small and I would literally leave them like them. I have a bad feeling, the pit of my stomach, like I'm not leaving my children here. I care if it's affordable. I don't care what it is, and I just never found it. Even the best of the best prestigious places that I would go to and pay an arm and a leg for them, I just never found like I was getting 100% what I wanted. That's where I really wanted to merge, like sports and, preschool. I felt like a lot of the preschools, it's either daycare or you going to preschool, or you're leaving your kid two hours a day. It's not enough time to make a Starbucks run and come back, and you have to pick every kid like, I can't get any work done. And being a working professional, it was really important to me to be able to have options, right? So that's what I love about LVST So we kind of just merged everything. So it's like you can come for half a day for a preschool, you can come for a full day, you can pick your days 1 to 5 days. They're also getting, yeah. Sports involved. It just comes. It's called, sport of the month. So every month they learn a sport, whether it be soccer or volleyball. Golf, I mean, they're getting exposure to all of these every single day. Yeah. We have, our yoga teacher, Jenna. She's amazing. She comes in and does, like, mindfulness with them. The kids love her. Every Tuesday, Tuesdays book out the quickest because they know she will be there. She's amazing. She's been with us for the last 3 or 4 years. So. And then it's like, if you want to celebrate your child's birthday, they're familiar with the space or like, this is our school. Like, we love this. And then it's like you have the whole space to yourself. I cringe sometimes going to my kid's birthday parties because there's just so many people around or, you know, they're strangers next day and you can't find your kid, like here. It's just like you come in, it's your friends and family, the people you know, it's not overly crowded. You can have your guests, you have your time, sort you leave. We help you with everything. Yeah. And then it's like, you know, when you're children and use of the space. And then it's like they want to get involved in soccer. Well, we can take care of that too. And then they start from three up. And then if you graduate from that you go to our teams, you get that exposure and we can kind of guide you if you want to go to travel or rec or whatever that case may be. Yeah. So I just think it's a lot of options. And when parents are used to the facility and used to the employees, it's just makes it a lot easier. And it's not scary, right? Yeah. It's scary. Like I am fortunate my husband knows all about soccer and who to talk to, but not every parent has that exposure, right? If I was on my own, I wouldn't know where to look. I would just be like, okay, where's like soccer today? Good. Soccer. Yeah. Yeah, Google helped me. So yeah, I think that's really important. I know when we were looking at preschools and early education, like play is such an important part in the research shows that, you know, it's great for development and it's just natural for you guys. Like that's a whole part of it, right? Yeah. so I think you guys really have, you know, something unique there that helps out, how does it work when you know, there's preschool going on? Can you have a birthday party at the same time? Is there enough space there or. No, no. So preschool is Monday through Friday. 9 to 1 or 9 to 3. Yeah. And then we only do birthday parties on Friday, Saturday, Sunday. Okay. Typically no one celebrates her birthday during the week. Yeah. we just always book our Friday, Saturday, Sundays. And that's when we do our soccer programs or birthday parties and any time of open place we have. So primarily during the week it's just preschool and then summer camp. And then usually winter hours after preschool, go right into the rentals. Gotcha. Yeah. Okay, cool, I hate this. I know that we're coming up on time. I got a couple things still, though, before we wrap up. So our sponsor is Hocus Pocus Cleaning Services. I know Rosie, I do. She's the best. Yeah. and Hocus Pocus is as well. And they do this witching hour where they come in and they'll, like, reorganize your closet or something. And basically this magical experience. And so I ask everyone who comes on, if you could have any magical ability, what would it be? Ooh. And magical. Can I duplicate myself into multiple people? Yes, I would choose that. That would be awesome. So all of those hats are now all in one person, which is perfect. Or time travel. Time travel's a good one, that is. Yeah. I would love to see younger Jeanie and just kind of be like, listen to. Younger Jimi would be shocked to see me right now. Oh yeah. Yeah, do the same thing. Know it's, media production. We go on a different route. Yeah. but yeah. No, that's that's good. And roles in the team there, it's it's incredible. What they do there. Yeah. They came for us. We love it. Yeah. Cool. So then is there anything that we haven't hit that you think we should hit? Anything anyone should know about Jeanie or about LVST? That's a big, loaded question. It really does get me a little nervous. anything? drawing a blank. That's fine, that's fine. Drawing a blank. I mean, when it comes to LVST I can talk all day about it because I love it so much, and I'm just so passionate about what we do there. I mean, we're the only one that is doing what we are doing. I mean, bar none. I mean, no one's incorporating all the things that we are. I mean, there's a couple copycats, but they're still not doing what we're doing. with the whole preschool and the sports, it's it's either one or the other. So I just think if people have the chance to come check us out and if they're on the search, because I know we do still get a lot of people like we didn't know existed. This is amazing. You should totally come check us out because I think we do it all. We do it all right, and their kids would just love it. And I can attest to that. Their kids will love it. I mean, certainly have. Where do you get new people from? Is it word of mouth? Is it Facebook? Like where do you I think a lot of it is word of mouth. And I always say like, that's the best marketing you can have. Like, it is right if if you ask, you know, your friend Joe, like, do you know a tile guy? Do you know, like a guy that knows you're gonna 95% go with their recommendation because they use them already? Yeah. So I think, you know, we just got such great feedback, from all the parents that come into our facility, I think that's probably one of our number one. yeah. Recommendations. we are on social media where we just started TikTok, so check that out. We're trying to get more followers on the app or on Instagram. Facebook. it's really all the marketing we do. Yeah. you're seeing the Jacqueline. How nice it is that you guys have, you know, fun content that you can post. Insurance doesn't work well on social media, but new content is great. Like it is really good. And if people aren't following you, where can they follow you? Lehigh Valley sports turf. if you go to our Facebook page or if you just Google us, it'll literally bring you to everything. Yeah, yeah. And marketing and branding must be a big part because I'm looking at these colors here, like your colors and your fonts. I'm guessing you spent time figuring those out because they really pop. They really kind of set the mood. Yeah, I think a lot of it had to do with growing up in Queens and having that like urban environment. Yeah. So I just wanted it to be fun and kid like, yeah. And just a welcoming place for like the kids like inspirational. We have like a lot of inspirational like quotes on the wall just to like, strive to be the best you can be. You know, it's really important for kids. That makes me think if you guys had a motto like, what would the motto of LVST be? The motto of LVST? Wow, I'm really putting that on the spot here. But you know, just be who you are. And I think that's the most important thing. I mean, it's what I tell my own kids, right? Just do what you think is right. Be the best you can be at everything you strive to do, and you won't have any regrets. Be a good person, right? Yeah. And that's really all you can do. And I listen to myself in my own adulthood and do that too, because everyone likes to, you know, go to bed at night and be able to close their eyes and sleep well. And I think if you're just an overall good person, yeah, good things will come your way for sure. I love that and that's how we're going to close it. Hey, this has been incredible. We have our support staff is one of the kind in the area and they do great things. So thank you for all that you do and thank you for coming by. Thank you for having us. Wonderful. Awesome. Thank you.