The Moral Support Podcast

Season 2: Ep. 3 "The Path of the Brighteous"

May 04, 2024 Season 2 Episode 3
Season 2: Ep. 3 "The Path of the Brighteous"
The Moral Support Podcast
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The Moral Support Podcast
Season 2: Ep. 3 "The Path of the Brighteous"
May 04, 2024 Season 2 Episode 3

This episode is the live audio of our shared session on Saturday April 6 at Shine Ladies Conference 2024.

In this conversation, Shara and Ginger discuss the concept of walking the path of the righteous. They explore the idea that the path of the righteous is like the morning sun shining ever brighter, while the path of the wicked is like deep darkness. They emphasize that although the path of the righteous may have obstacles and challenges, it is important to be spirit-led and allow the light of God's word to guide the way. They also discuss the importance of setting boundaries, removing obstacles, and staying on the right path. The conversation concludes with the reminder that God's grace and mercy are always available to help us stay on the path of righteousness.


  • The path of the righteous is like the morning sun shining ever brighter, while the path of the wicked is like deep darkness.
  • The path of the righteous may have obstacles and challenges, but it is important to be spirit-led and allow the light of God's word to guide the way.
  • Setting boundaries and removing obstacles are essential for staying on the right path.
  • God's grace and mercy are always available to help us stay on the path of righteousness.


The Path of the Righteous

Being Spirit-Led on the Bright Path

Setting Boundaries and Removing Obstacles

Follow us on IG at MoralSupportPodcast or our personal social media accounts.

Show Notes Transcript

This episode is the live audio of our shared session on Saturday April 6 at Shine Ladies Conference 2024.

In this conversation, Shara and Ginger discuss the concept of walking the path of the righteous. They explore the idea that the path of the righteous is like the morning sun shining ever brighter, while the path of the wicked is like deep darkness. They emphasize that although the path of the righteous may have obstacles and challenges, it is important to be spirit-led and allow the light of God's word to guide the way. They also discuss the importance of setting boundaries, removing obstacles, and staying on the right path. The conversation concludes with the reminder that God's grace and mercy are always available to help us stay on the path of righteousness.


  • The path of the righteous is like the morning sun shining ever brighter, while the path of the wicked is like deep darkness.
  • The path of the righteous may have obstacles and challenges, but it is important to be spirit-led and allow the light of God's word to guide the way.
  • Setting boundaries and removing obstacles are essential for staying on the right path.
  • God's grace and mercy are always available to help us stay on the path of righteousness.


The Path of the Righteous

Being Spirit-Led on the Bright Path

Setting Boundaries and Removing Obstacles

Follow us on IG at MoralSupportPodcast or our personal social media accounts.

Shara McKee (00:28.942)
All right, so this class is called The Path of the Brighteous, which doesn't make any sense, because we made that up. It sounds like an 80s word, righteous, dude. But we were talking, we were FaceTiming and talking about our theme for this year, and shine bright like the sun. And our source text was Proverbs 4 .8. And if they have it, 

Shara McKee (00:58.734)
Again, there's nothing on the back, so that's a hint that I would like something to be on the back. Okay, good. Proper word, the path of the righteous. It is 18. It's what? It's 18? That's what that's. 

Shara McKee (01:14.446)
Well, I trust the word of God. The path I just left in one in there, we promise. Well, see how the next verse is 19? That's probably correct. 

Shara McKee (01:25.198)
See the... The path of the righteous is like the morning sun shining ever brighter till the full light of day. But the way of the wicked is like deep darkness. They do not know what makes them stumble. And I was like, wow, the path looks very different to two different people. 

Shara McKee (01:50.03)
The righteous, their path is getting brighter and brighter. It's progressively more clear. But the path of the wicked, they're stumbling, they're fumbling, and they don't even realize what it is that's making them stumble. They're oblivious to it. And so the path for the bright, the bright path, being righteous, or the righteous people have a brighter path. That's how we came. 

Shara McKee (02:19.822)
up with the word righteous, mostly just to help you remember. So when you're walking down the road, you ever get up in the middle of the night and stub your toe or your shin on the edge of the bed or something, or those demonic clothes on the chair that you rebuke because it looked like the shape of something? You know, like my cutout when you come around the corner. I've tried to throw it away so many times and it's just like, keeps coming back. 

Shara McKee (02:49.486)
Anyway, so we were talking about how those obstacles, when the lights are out, it's easy to stumble. It's easy to fall and hurt yourself because you don't know what is in your path, right? And so, but the, I'm not gonna say righteous, but. Well, let's back up. 

Shara McKee (03:07.214)
Just because your path is bright doesn't mean that there's not obstacles. Yes. Because there's no promise of an obstacle -less path. 100%. Get that out of your mind. There's not going to be a path that doesn't have obstacles, challenges, barriers, hurdles, twists and turns. Yep. And I also have to say the path of the righteous... 

Shara McKee (03:32.302)
is although we are on the straight and narrow, sometimes that path is curvy and there's a lot of detours. Sometimes we self -inflict those, but many times, and I'll even say most of the time, it's the Lord. Yeah. 

Shara McKee (03:45.454)
shaping us, processing us, getting us to where we can be the vessels that he needs us to be. Well, he leads us. We trust that he orders every step. Yes. So if our steps are led down a curvy path, I mean, she, Sister Sarah quoted it last night. Yay, though I walked through the valley of the shadow of death, I will feel okay. The shepherd is literally leading right through the valley of the shadow. That is definitely, you know, a path of the righteous. So we 

Shara McKee (04:15.408)
have to know that there will be obstacles. But when you're walking the path of the righteous, to me that implies that you're being Spirit led. Right. That you're allowing the light. What does the word say? Thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path. So we have to be searching the word of God being led by the Spirit. And if we're doing that, our path becomes lit up. And whenever the lights get turned on, you see what's really going on. 

Shara McKee (04:45.328)
Okay, so. 

Shara McKee (04:47.374)
One of the things, and I'm gonna talk about this in my general session, one of the most difficult things to do is to take a, all of you just were like, right, yes, amen. But do you know how to take that and put it into your life? Do you know how to do that? Are you just a knower or are you a doer? So what that looks, spirit led, that sounds so great. I've got the Holy Ghost. Yeah. I mean, is it a, 

Shara McKee (05:17.328)
A fire by night and a cloud by day. Where's my, you know, I know, right? Sometimes you don't feel lightning from the sky. It's a gentle leading. It's also just an acknowledgement of God that His presence is in you and with you every single moment of every day. I'm not making decisions without Him. I'm not worried. Don't forget what I'm going to say, but keep talking. Okay. Just stand by. 

Shara McKee (05:46.254)
Now I lost my train. Oh no! The train has derailed and there were no survivors. So sorry. 

Shara McKee (05:53.294)
No, but you just have to ignore. Being spirit led is not this, I live with my head in the clouds and I just walk and I can't even touch people because I'm so spiritual. Well, my thought that was, she kept saying the word acknowledge in that scripture, in all thy ways acknowledge him and he shall direct your path, that path, right? 

Shara McKee (06:18.222)
Smallest things acknowledge nailed it. So acknowledge that he is with you. You're not walking this alone. He is like your full time life coach, right? He's your guidance counselor that's always there. But a lot of times I feel like, you know, metaphorically or, you know, imaginary he's over there going like, ask me. Yeah, you're asking everybody else. You're going to Facebook. You're going to the news. You're texting people. He's like, hey. 

Shara McKee (06:47.63)
Well, I mean, we're told, seek first the kingdom. The kingdom and all these things. So whenever we're being spirit led, you know, cultivating that relationship, recognizing his voice, you know, somebody when she calls me and says, hey, I know it's her because we've communicated a lot. When my husband, his voice will cut through all the other noise in the room when he says, Sarah, I know. 

Shara McKee (07:14.926)
Do you want to know something else? Yeah. Okay, I have two daughters, 27 and 24. My 24 year old, I know when it's her texting me, and it's not because there's a special ring. She almost has a rhythm to her text. Oh, yeah. I know it's her just So does Sophia. Mom, mom, mom, mom, mom. 

Shara McKee (07:41.166)
But Ashlyn, Ashlyn will be like, she'll text something, but her brain is like, I promise you she has squirrels juggling knives up there, but she's. Sounds so familiar. She's so. Sorry. Yeah. Y get along real well, right? Yes. But I mean, she's like, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, 

Shara McKee (08:10.67)
that I believe Donna Linville is the one who spoke it to me many years ago and it stuck with me like for all these years and her statement was this, the closer you are to God, the more sensitive you are to sin. Just let that marinate for just a moment. The closer you are with God, the more intimate and constant and familiar your relationship is. 

Shara McKee (08:37.806)
knowing his nature, his preferences, what quenches the spirit, what invites the spirit, what grieves the spirit. The closer you are to God, the more sensitive you are to what would be considered sinful. You're more sensitive, you're like, I don't think he would like that. It's not necessarily a list of rules, black and white. It's a sensitivity based on relationship. That's awesome. Well, you think about it. So we're talking about a path. That was very good. 

Shara McKee (09:07.662)
I'm impressed. I need to put it in my book. Rewrite, edit. Volume two. So you think about it, we're talking about being on a path. The closer you are to God, the closer you are, the more sensitive. There's this verse where we are told to put off the weights. So maybe it's not even sin. 

Shara McKee (09:31.438)
where you've turned and walked the other, and now you're walking in darkness because sinning puts darkness in your life. But weight slow you down on your path. I talk about it at home when I teach and talk about this. Imagine being on the right path, but having a backpack on that's loaded with heavy rocks that you chose. 

Shara McKee (09:54.222)
You know, and it's cumbersome and it's weighty. I don't need that. I don't need that. It me of the early settlers or stories of people who didn't know what it was like to come to the frontier and they thought they could bring things and they had stoves on their back. One guy brought a piano in his... 

Shara McKee (10:10.542)
I thought you were going to say on his back. No, on his back, but in his coach, his little wagon, because they didn't have any idea how difficult the journey was. Or how far it was. How far it was. It's always going to take a little bit longer than you think. Some more obstacles and the more weights you have with you, the further you get down the road, you realize, I don't really need this. But the closer you get to God, I don't believe it is just sin. He starts saying, this is weighing you down. It may not be sin for you. I've used the example of 

Shara McKee (10:40.496)
credit cards. Now this is not a debt consolidation thing, but Cheryl just got the Holy Ghost. She teaches our financial fees or said the wind blows. Where are you? She's a rep and for Dave Ramsey over there. Right there. Yes. Yes. I was like, I couldn't find you in the sea of faces. So credit cards are not a sin, but if I have a spending problem, the Lord may convict me and say, you need to chop them up. Social media is not a sin. 

Shara McKee (11:06.734)
But if it's a problem for me, I need to chop it up. I mean, if I'm putting it in place, so he'll start revealing those things and say, hey, you're putting this first. You're putting this in the way. This is weighing you down. And those are things on the path of the righteous that are illuminated in your path. And as you progress down this path, did you notice it said it gets brighter and brighter? 

Shara McKee (11:34.35)
The further you walk down this path and walk with the Lord, you should be maturing. The same things that used to trip you up and you used to slip under the rug and bury and pretend they're not there. You should be more aggressive about confronting those things. It's like Donkey Kong. You level up. 

Shara McKee (11:53.358)
I'm an 80s girl. The first level is like a no -brainer, man. You're jumping that one barrel and you know, but then you get to level three and it's like, oh, I know where this is. I know where that is. I've seen this before. I've done. Just keep leveling up. Don't keep calling for Jesus. And you stop. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I like that. That was good. It worked. It's like stop punching holes in your own boat. Yeah. The company that you keep. 

Shara McKee (12:22.638)
Stop sabotaging yourself. The most expensive thing you will ever do is spend time with the wrong people. That's it. 

Shara McKee (12:30.798)
Stop self -sabotaging. You're running this race. The path is in front of you and you're like, oh, here's a big, nice boulder I'd like to put. I could probably, we don't think of it that way, but we should start thinking about it. Well, we make excuses. We say, well, I don't want to hurt their feelings. And what if I draw a line, if I, you know, boundaries, it's again, it's the big concept. Oh, that's great. They all just, amen to you. That's right. Spending time with the wrong people, but you're going to go home and you're going to continue. I'm not prophesying that, but the, 

Shara McKee (13:00.752)
Potential is there if you don't say you know what this is a drag on my walk I'm not cutting them off. It takes courage 

Shara McKee (13:10.478)
take to determination because the spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak and breaking habits and all those things are very difficult. If it's not uncomfortable, it's not real change. And we're talking about two very different paths here. And the one we're talking about is definitely the righteous is the right path, but it takes. 

Shara McKee (13:32.526)
tenacity and it takes wisdom and it takes just that determination that I'm this is my path. I'm not going that way. I may have stumbled, but I'm getting stronger. Now I have this little thing I want to read really quick as as people growing in the Lord and all these women that I'm looking at you're so beautiful and the fact that you're here tells me that you want to be on the right path and you're looking for strength and guidance to continue down that road. 

Shara McKee (14:01.038)
And so learning to remove obstacles, reroute, clearing the path, it's not just for you. Because when I clear a path, it makes it a lot easier for the people walking behind me. That's the truth. 

Shara McKee (14:19.31)
I want my children to have a better chance at staying on the path of the righteous because I helped to pave the way. Yes, they're gonna have their own obstacles, their own issues and things to remove and navigate, but I don't wanna pile on with my own issues and leaving things in their path that they're going to have to stumble over, set some things right, make some clear boundaries and clear the way so they know this is the straight and narrow. This is how it's done. 

Shara McKee (14:45.102)
And so that the people coming behind me can have a very clear direction. But a lot of times, this is the fact, I think I was gonna read, we keep falling into the same traps over and over. And as we begin to walk down the path with the Lord, as we said, it should get brighter and brighter, it should look something like this. And this is called an autobiography in five short chapters. Don't worry, it's short. I walk down the street. 

Shara McKee (15:11.278)
There's a deep hole in the sidewalk. I fall in, I'm lost, I'm helpless. It isn't my fault. It takes forever to find a way out. Chapter two, I walk down the same street. There's a deep hole in the sidewalk. I still don't see it and I fall in again. I cannot believe I'm in the same place. It isn't my fault. But it still takes a long time to get out. Chapter three, I walk down the same street. 

Shara McKee (15:38.286)
There's a deep hole in the sidewalk. I see it there. I still fall in. It's a habit. It's my fault. I know. Is this in? This is a tragic story. I know. It's the story of all of our lives. I'm getting a little anxious. It's a habit. Get up! There's a hole! Sorry. Dear Liza. It's a habit. It's my fault. I know where I am. I get out immediately. 

Shara McKee (16:07.95)
Chapter four, I walk down the same street. There's a deep hole in the sidewalk. I walk around it. 

Shara McKee (16:19.726)
down a different street. 

Shara McKee (16:38.254)
Why are we standing up? We can't handle it. 

Shara McKee (16:46.862)
Okay. That was good. Thank you. I liked that. I liked it too. I was tired of this person in the hole though. I know. Get That's reality. Y 'all. Get it. There's just so many things and I don't want to use any uncomfortable language, but habits online, in private. I get so sick of young people, adults, married, unmarried, falling into that same... 

Shara McKee (17:16.558)
Hole in the sidewalk. It's like you know it's there. 

Shara McKee (17:21.486)
You know it's there. And then you fall into condemnation. You know it's there. You fall in and you know it's your fault. And you get out and you come and pray through and you go right back home and walk down the same street. 

Shara McKee (17:35.278)
If you gotta go back to a flip phone. 

Shara McKee (17:40.27)
Get drink. 

Shara McKee (17:48.654)
Yep. Walk down a different street. What does the scripture say? It's better to go to heaven missing... maimed. I was gonna say... Yeah, absolutely. If you gotta... If your hand offends you, cut it off. It's better to be in heaven with one hand than in hell with two. That's what I was going for. Okay. That's all I'm gonna say about that. That was good. Thank you. Good. Thank you. I'm getting out of the hole. So... Walking down another street. But you know... 

Shara McKee (18:19.502)
Walking down the path of righteousness and making a decision requires the Lord will lead you and guide you, but he's not going to force you. You've got to use wisdom and set up some boundaries. Oh, that's what we're talking about. You know, I bowl really great. With bumpers? When the bumpers are up. Hey, fun fact. Yeah. A little trivia. I took bowling in college. 

Shara McKee (18:45.774)
Isn't that the dumbest? It is. Something dumber? I took tennis. 

Shara McKee (18:52.878)
was like, what is the easiest possible thing? That's what I took bowling for. Hey, you know what else I took? Off track rabbit trail, roller skating. Like I can't roller skate. I kill it on roller skates. I love to roll. We should go next year. Next year, after Burner, roller skating rink. 

Shara McKee (19:15.63)
I'm sorry. I am so sorry. I just had a vision of us turning the gym into a roller rink, but no. 

Shara McKee (19:25.998)
staff just went, oh. Don't put it past her is what they just thought. There's her staff over there. 

Shara McKee (19:35.598)
No, we need our vendors. So, okay, so what I was gonna say, bumpers, it's bumpers. You put up the guardrails to ensure that it stays on track, right? Because without them, you just go into the gutter. I mean, well, I'm aiming, right? I know what the goal is, but yet time after time, I get off track. I get in the gutter. And if it's left up to me, mm -hmm. 

Shara McKee (19:59.278)
And the flesh, you you can, I trust you, I trust the Lord, I trust your heart, but I do not trust your flesh. I do not trust the enemy. I'm not ignorant of his devices. And so the boundaries that I put up are not because I'm holy and I'm righteous. It's because I'm not. The flesh will always default to the flesh. 

Shara McKee (20:22.286)
If left to itself, the flesh will take the easy path. It's going to default to the flesh. It's going to go to its tendencies. You have to have something more powerful than the flesh to battle it. I need that help and that support. It's kind of like my stance on abstinence with like alcohol or drugs. You know, it's impossible to get addicted to something you've never tried. I don't need that. 

Shara McKee (20:47.438)
Opportunity, but if you have been addicted don't park your car in front of different street 

Shara McKee (20:59.278)
Welcome to lunchtime with Ginger and Shira. Those boundaries keep you on the right track. They're not meant to hinder you to take away. They're protection guards. They're protection. Rails. They keep you safe and they keep you on the right path. So put those boundaries into place and draw those lines when you're in your right mind. Because when you are weak in the flesh and you're under the moment of temptation, it's going to be easy to fall. 

Shara McKee (21:26.382)
So don't build your, what is it, your tent or camp out on the edge of a cliff. You roll over and have a bad day. Oops, it's over. But nice and safe. Not looking for holes in the fence, but snuggling up to the shepherd. You know, I don't snuggle up to or spend time with or stay close to the Lord because I'm afraid of the wolves. 

Shara McKee (21:47.47)
I do it because I, but does it keep me safe from the wolves? Yes. But that's not the reason why. Because this is the best life. It's the safest life. It's the most beautiful life filled with peace, power and promise. So if you're struggling, check your relationship. Absolutely. Check your path. Check your relationship. It's not that there's no obstacles, but if you're, there's an internal struggle. And I just, I, 

Shara McKee (22:15.47)
do a segway, not a segway, I want to do a little sidebar here. We are talking about what we've walked. 

Shara McKee (22:21.614)
This is not what we know, what we think about, what we think that you should know. These are things that we have had to implement in our own lives because we have hit up against darkness, obstacles, weights. We've walked through our own troublesome paths. This is not a perfect life trying to say, well, since your life is not perfect, we are all on equal ground when it comes to walking with the Lord. The choices that you make are going to build 

Shara McKee (22:51.568)
Tear down your relationship. So choosing that path, making sure that you have cleared the path with your relationship with God. If you are struggling internally, like you can go through a problem and still have peace. You can walk through the valley and still, but if there's no peace, what's missing? It's not him. He's always there. 

Shara McKee (23:19.278)
Is my faith lacking? It's not that you won't struggle, but sometimes when your faith starts to lack, you're told, build up your most holy faith. Right. Pray in the Spirit. Yes. So do the things that bring Him, bring you closer to Him, Him closer to you, in closer context with Him. I'm not, I don't want anybody to walk away and say, well, they said I shouldn't have any struggles. No, but if you are not at peace or there's no joy, 

Shara McKee (23:49.232)
or there's no comfort in your struggle, then there's something that, and it may be that he pulled back to draw you closer, but one thing you have to always know is lean into him. Don't lean away. 

Shara McKee (24:04.334)
You may not know anything else. You may not know the answers. You may not know what's behind door number three, door number two. You may not know what's around the next bend or curve or corner. But if you always lean into Him, He's going to get you where you need to go. Lean into Him through prayer and 

Shara McKee (24:25.038)
Jesus, I don't know where it's taken me. I don't know what the future holds, but I'm leaning into him. You won't go astray. Ever, ever, ever. It keeps going back to intentionality and making the practical changes. Because a lot of times we get caught up in the abstract. Right. I'm going to do better. What does that look like? Do an edit, an audit. 

Shara McKee (24:52.59)
of your time, your priorities. That'll hurt. It's painful. It's like looking at one of those zoom in mirrors. 

Shara McKee (25:03.342)
What? Why do they make these things? To like destroy your confidence. I don't know. You're like, I look pretty good. Oh dear God. What? Who dressed me today? Or it's just about, you know, like, yeah. I know. Or trying on swimsuits and fluorescent lighting. Why would you do that? Well, in the fitting room, there's fluorescent lighting. Yeah, it's terrible. So, but it's having the courage to face reality. 

Shara McKee (25:32.91)
And there's a book that I always talk about in a lot of my different teaching things is called Fierce Conversations. And one of the principles that she teaches, her name's Susan Scott, it's not a Christian based book, but the principles are definitely aligned with the word of God in many of them. And one of them is interrogating reality. Ground truth, not the story you tell yourself about yourself. 

Shara McKee (26:00.014)
but the truth, not the you that people see at church. And there's a statement that I say quite often that is very convicting. Don't ever believe you're as spiritual as other people think you are. That's the truth. 

Shara McKee (26:15.886)
Is this easy to put on? And because of your position or how you're dressed or some perception of you, you can buy your own press release and think you're good. But when do we get back to that soul searching that old song we used to sing? Search me, oh God. And no. 

Shara McKee (26:38.222)
It's like, try me, search me, see if there be any wicked way in me. Try me, search me, open every secret door that I try to keep locked and hidden, sweep the shadows of the corners of my soul and see God, is there anything I've done today or this week that's been offensive to you? What am I doing that may not be like you said, outright sin, but am I distracting people? Am I taking the glory? 

Shara McKee (27:09.742)
Did I keep some back for myself? People said good things about me this week. Did I collect them and keep it for myself because there's nothing good in me aside from him. I wanna collect, it's good we need affirmations, but at end of the day, God, I got all these wonderful encouragements today, but I give you glory for every good thing in my life. For every encouraging word, for anything I'm able to do. God, if 

Shara McKee (27:36.718)
to shine a light or be an encouragement, it's because you shine through me. If he isn't working through us, we're just in vain. It's just pointless. What is the, you just said something about truth. What was the statement? Something truth that is in the book. Oh, ground truth, interrogating reality, ground truth. Okay. 

Shara McKee (28:02.126)
I think that is key because where do you find truth? There's no alternate truth. There's no my truth, her truth, their truth. You have to know where to find truth. And you have to find it in the Word. Do not look for truth on social media. Now I'm not talking about, I'm not talking about. 

Shara McKee (28:23.95)
just somebody's opinion. I'm talking about those slides that somebody puts something that seems to sound like truth and it feels good to me. And I'm like, oh, Jesus just approves of my every whim and whimsy. And it's like, no, no. 

Shara McKee (28:43.726)
You need to know the truth about, I need him to search me. I need to know that, yes, he loves me and that will not change, it cannot change, but his love does not mean he approves of what I'm doing. His kindness. Yes. His kindness leads us to repentance. He loves us all. Yes. But it doesn't mean we're all right with him. It's a very complex topic that we maybe should save for another time for a podcast. 

Shara McKee (29:12.974)
But Jesus does love everybody. He also says, if you love me, keep my commandments. If you love me, it's like you with your kids, oh, you love me, huh? Do something I said. I want some obedience up in here, okay? Up in here. That's my house. I'm glad that you got me this or that. You said nice things, but the true. 

Shara McKee (29:39.566)
Or you only want to show up at Christmas when there's gifts. You only want the gifts. You want to live here free, room board, but you don't want to be a part of the family. That's not the way this works. But you have to be very careful what you digest, what you ingest, even the things that call themselves Christian. 

Shara McKee (30:00.91)
Because the enemy, the devil comes, the Bible says he appears as an angel of light. Y 'all, he's not showing up with a pitchfork. No, and horns. It's gonna be subtle. Yeah, it is. And it's gonna feel so much better. 

Shara McKee (30:15.534)
than it would if it's just truth, but it's not going to empower you. It's not going, I mean, what really feels good is when I know, I know the truth and I'm standing on the truth and I'm walking in the truth and I'm letting the truth affect my life. It's not just, well, I felt good when I read that and you you can feel good by, I mean. 

Shara McKee (30:39.214)
Yeah, inspired. Yeah, inspired. Yeah. One my favorite examples of ridiculous axioms and or quotes that people fall into. I can't even. I know where you're going. I stopped it with my girls when they were little. I read your mind. That's not Jesus. What are you going to say? Follow your heart. Oh, she had it right. Just follow your heart. 

Shara McKee (31:04.206)
The heart is so wicked. No, honey, you lead your heart to the altar and you let the Lord transform your weight. And you lead your children's heart to the altar. Yes. Oh, my word. Heart is deceitfully wicked. 

Shara McKee (31:19.342)
You're just gonna go down into the ditch, into the gutter if you follow your heart, trust that. Follow his heart. And stay on the path of the righteous. Hallelujah, I think our time is just about up. It's 10 .50. But I will say the beautiful thing about the path of the righteous is if you haven't heard about God's GPS rerouting system, it's impeccable. No matter how far you go down the wrong road, you can still reroute to get back on the right path. That's true. 

Shara McKee (31:49.358)
It is true. Because I'll be ignoring Map Siri. Turn left, 300 feet. I don't know how far 300 feet is. Apparently it was back there. Whoops. Rerouting. You should have seen us trying to get in the hotel parking lot yesterday. Hey, shh. So you know, it's not a perfect bath, but his grace and mercy, and he is so. 

Shara McKee (32:14.254)
for you. Oh my word. He wants you to make it more than you want to make it. Yes. You're not going to fall out of his will. You cannot just accidentally fall out of the will of God. Girl, I had a whole thing about falling. That we'll do it later. 

Shara McKee (32:31.982)
That was just funny. To me. You don't fall into adultery or fornication. You walk right into it one little wink at a time, one little DM at a time, one little flirtatious. Yeah. Back to boundaries. You spend too much time with somebody and you don't just fall. It's just automatic. Yeah. It's called science. Anyway. 

Shara McKee (32:57.134)
You've been like, oh, I've. 

Shara McKee (33:07.022)
same with backsliding. You see people all of sudden they're not at church anymore and it's like, wow, they just omit. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no 

Shara McKee (33:23.63)
You know, one my Make a plan to not backslide. Make a plan. to not backslide and start doing that. I'm a believer in that. I say this a lot. If you've been to any place where I've spoken, you might have heard me say something like, make a plan before you leave on what you're gonna do when you go home. Have a battle plan in And make a plan for when you blow that plan. There's that. What am I gonna do? I go over to ladies' car and say, I'm gonna pray three hours a day. Why did I say that? And then you live in Three minutes in, you're like - 

Shara McKee (33:53.646)
minutes. You know, you just make these lofty goals and it's, you know, it feels good. Because you're at a conference. Yeah, but you got to pace yourself. Small incremental changes over time make the greatest impact. Yes. 

Shara McKee (34:08.366)
form a heart and a mind and a life instantaneously. Us, not so much. The habits follow with the leading and the encouragement of the Holy Ghost and making wise choices and that's how you stay on the path of the righteous. And I think we're dismissed for this class, yes? Okay, let's all stand together.