The Confident Coach Academy Podcast

Manifesting Fundamentals - Part 1

April 24, 2023 Kushla Chadwick Episode 2
Manifesting Fundamentals - Part 1
The Confident Coach Academy Podcast
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The Confident Coach Academy Podcast
Manifesting Fundamentals - Part 1
Apr 24, 2023 Episode 2
Kushla Chadwick

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If you want to harness the power of manifesting it's so helpful to understand a little bit of the science behind it and it works - not just 'what' to do.

In today's episode, I share 3 fundamentals of Manifesting from a little bit of a science perspective.


If you want to become a 6-figure or 7 figure Coach, come on over and connect with Kushla:

- on Instagram, you'll find her @KushlaChadwickOfficial

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If you want to harness the power of manifesting it's so helpful to understand a little bit of the science behind it and it works - not just 'what' to do.

In today's episode, I share 3 fundamentals of Manifesting from a little bit of a science perspective.


If you want to become a 6-figure or 7 figure Coach, come on over and connect with Kushla:

- on Instagram, you'll find her @KushlaChadwickOfficial

- on Facebook, come join our community here: Community

- To book a free $100k Roadmap Session or go on the waiting list for one, go here:

Hey friends, how are you? 

I’m pretty awesome. I recently had my second language immersion trip to Korea with one of my daughters, Darrah and her friend Amy, who also happens to be my language learning buddy and we had a fabulous time.

And best of all, I spoke more Korean more confidently which I felt very good about.

We also did something very challenging while we were there. We climbed the steepest trail to the summit of the highest mountain in South Korea - Mt Hallasan.

It was very very hard at times. And beautiful. And humbling, particularly when you have all these elderly people speeding past you.

And for me personally, it was also down-right scary at times. On the descent down, we went down the other trail. 

There are 2 trails that go up to the summit. So we went up the steep one and came down the other one and there was ice across the entire width of, I’d say path, but they are not paths.

Basically all these huge uneven rocks and that was for about 2 hours of our descent down, so when I was telling people about the climb down, I said it was treacherous. That was truly what I thought.

And I was having to managing my thinking and my feelings for most of that part of the hike.

Now, Darrah says it was fun. She loved it.  And Amy says the last part of the descent was ankle breaking. It wasn’t, but she did limp out. 

And she literally had to hold back her tears, when I told her I could see the end of the trail and the car park.

So that’s a little of what I’ve been up to lately.

Oh and since we’ve been back in the country, I’ve enjoyed some family time. My brother Daniel, brought my Mum down from Melbourne ,where they live, to visit the family here. 

That was lovely and we got to enjoy a big get together at my house and I spent some time in reflection over Easter, have fun!

I always feel like I love Jesus, so Easter is a special time for me.

Now having said that - I will tell you, there is never a day I don’t think of you.

Just like how I’m a Wife and a Mum and it’s impossible for me not to think about my husband or my children at different points in my day … I can’t help but think about you too sometimes through out my day. 

And one of the things I know about you, is that you don’t want to settle. 

You have chosen to create a business and life you love, even though it feels hard sometimes. 

3:35  Probably sometimes you even want to give up. Or maybe you’re not that way! Maybe you’re like me and you very rarely if ever think about quitting. And you know you just don’t want to settle.

So as I was thinking about you, and I decided it would be helpful to talk about something, which is just so normal for me to talk about but not necessarily normal for everyone else to talk about and that’s Manifesting.

4:00 Now, when we think about and talk about ‘Manifesting’ we often find it hard to describe or talk about it, to someone who doesn’t know anything about it and sometimes resort to talking about specific tools and methods that can be a part of what we call manifesting.

But Today I am NOT going to talk about the tools or specific methods or anything like that.

I want this episode to be short and sweet. 

I just want to look at manifesting kind of through the lens of science. Well not kind of. I definitely do and I’m also definitely am not going to go deep into any of it. I don’t think that would be helpful to you, but I do want to touch base on a few things that I think are fundamental. At least from my perspective. 

4: 52 Now, If you are wondering whyyy I am doing this, like I said - I’ve had you on my mind. I personally think it’s fantastic to have multiple ways to talk about one thing, so you’ve got a greater capacity to see it through multiple lens and then communicate or talk about it with more people. It’s also amazing at just helping you to get better, faster results and this stuff is life changing.

Ok, so anyway, you might be familiar with the experience of having a conversation with someone about a topic and maybe it’s your first time at hearing about the topic and at first you follow along and then somewhere along the way you realise you don’t understand a darn thing they’re saying. 

I’m going to try not to do that today! Which is why I said I’m not going to go deep. We’re gonna keep it short and sweet. I’m just gonna share 3 things to pay attention to from my perspective, as we talk about this. And then that’s that. Then tomorrow, I’m going to go into the application of it. 

But I still think it’s important to pay attention to some of these fundamentals that I’m going to share today. 

6: 00 Ok, so I feel like most of my audience know a thing or two about energy, about manifesting, about the law of attraction and quantum physics. So thoughts I’ll share with you today, I’m intending they will still be clarifying for you. That is what my hope is. 

And if you don’t really know anything about Manifesting yet, don’t worry, I think you’ll find my take on it helpful anyway. 

So, what I want to do is just briefly brief description of quantum physics because I truly do believe that understanding Manifesting through the lens of quantum physics adds power to your ability to Manifest or quantum manifest. Often like I said, people learn what to do, but they don’t really have that background understanding of Quantum Physics.  So I think me talking about both of them today will be clarifying for some of you and helpful

7: 06 So anyway let’s just dive in and firstly what is Manifesting? 

The basic premise of Manifesting is that you can Create Your Life By Design. It is the act of creating a desired result through deliberate intention and using your thoughts, feelings and actions to bring a desired result into physical reality. 

From a coaching perspective that makes perfect sense right. In the Confident Coach Academy, I teach a Coaching Framework that I know many other coaches use. I add some nuances to it, but basically it’s you are experiencing a circumstance now which is a result of past thoughts, feelings and actions. and now you want a new result. And thoughts, lead to feelings, lead to actions, which lead to results.

Now sometimes, it will be a feeling, leads to a thought, which leads to more feelings, which leads to actions and then a result.

Or sometimes it’s an action, that leads to a thought then to a feeling then to more action and then a result.

But you can see - the focus is on thoughts/feelings/actions, so sometimes coaches hear these and they take their experience or expertise in their specific area and kind of think that’s it - that’s what there is to manifesting!

8: 21 But I’ll say, the concepts we use in manifesting and coaching can be the same, so I feel like this is something that is going to come to coaches who’ve been in the game a while, but haven’t looked at it through the lens of manifesting or quantum physics or any of that stuff.

Put simply - what manifesting is, is you can intentionally create more and more of the life you desire. Even if you’re experiencing something awful, or if it’s really hard (whatever you’re going for)  or if your experience has been traumatic. All of that is in the past and even if that past was last week or yesterday or 10 seconds ago … You are not a victim of circumstance and you still have the power to create a life you will LOVE. Ok

Having said that - This episode is not to try and convince anyone of the validity of manifesting.

I actually think the best way and the most fun way to be convinced is to decide you want to be convinced and then go do the things that are a part of manifesting.

Now, when you choose to intentionally manifest something into your life,

This is where a very basic understanding of Quantum Physics is very helpful.

9:42 So, I’m going to give a description of quantum physics from Dominic Walliman who is a Quantum physicists. I love the way he describes it….

“Quantum physics is the description of the smallest things in our universe. So zoom right down to the scale of molecules, atoms and the things they are made up of - subatomic particles, protons, neutrons, electrons. 

Quantum physics describes how they all work and how they interact with light.

And the interesting thing about quantum physics is it’s like the fundamental rules of the universe, and yet the things that happen there are so very strange.”

I love how he wraps it up by talking about how it’s the fundamental rules of the universe yet the things that happen there are so very strange. That’s just so on point and so true.

If I’m going to put it even more simply than that - because I’m not going to talk about the protons and neutrons - ah, I may talk about sub-atomic particles today? But anyway to put it simply, it’s the physics that explains how everything in the universe works.

So you can imagine - if you have a BIG DREAM or a MASSIVE GOAL or something you are struggling through and you are 100% committed to changing it, then knowing how the Universe is working in your favour is incredibly powerful. It’s actually life changing. 

And just a quick side-note too, while I’m mentioning the Universe, because this comes up sometimes and I actually even had a client, who is a member of the same church as myself, just this week asking about my take on some things to do with this topic. 

So I will say - since I just mentioned how the Universe is working in your favour, I would just add this quick side note. Because like I said, I’ve got clients who are Christian like myself, some are also not Christian and some are specifically a part of The Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter Day Saints, like myself, so I want to be crystal clear… 

That I’m not using the word universe as a supplement for the word God. 

My perspective is that there is a creator of this Universe and that creator is a God and God abides by Universal Laws of creation and some of them we know. I’m sure there are many we don’t know yet. 

I started learning about Quantum Physics and the quantum field, I would say about 16 years ago and when I think of Quantum Physics and Manifesting or Quantum Manifesting, I think of a few key ingredients.

#1 - Quantum physics proves that everything is made up of energy. That energy vibrates at different frequencies and moves in different waves.

Energy is through everything. There is no space that energy is not through. Energy is in physical things like your desk, your clothes, the food you eat, your body. 

It’s also in your thoughts and feelings.

In fact, there is something called the Hertz Frequency Scale, that shows the specific frequency your emotions emit. 

When you look at it, you’ll see lower on the scale, 

Shame is at 20, fear is at 100, anger is at 150, neutrality is at 250, love is at 500. And there are ones that are above love. 

Basically, the higher the frequency the higher the quality of our perception of truth and light. 

What that does, is it helps us to be more in tune  with inspiration and more intuitive.

14:06 So suddenly we’re putting something out there and we’re getting inspiration and we’re like ok - you just follow through on the inspiration. 

I know for me, I just did this last year actually. I always think of this one little time where I was like - “oh I should message this person” and ended up from that one act of inspiration making nearly $70k. 

And that’s just one little example. But things like that happen all the time. 

 So anyway - frequencies … they are measurable and we are emitting them with our thoughts and our feelings. And energy is indeed through everything.

14: 50 So we want to live as often as possible in the frequency of love or above. And you heard me mention love on the frequency thing is at 500. Now, you’re not walking around with a machine attached to you, that measures the frequency of what you’re thinking and feeling, but you begin to get in and play around with this and you get an idea of how high you are basically vibrating at. Ok.

So that’s point number 1 that I just wanted to touch on. I think it’s fundamental to know that. 

15:26 The second thing I wanted to chat about or bring up is what I personally think about, or when I think about quantum physics, I actually think about a sub-atomic particle called a Quark. And a Quark is in and through everything

It’s the smallest measurable sub-atomic particle, so it’s a part of energy and it is responsive to the observer. This is where things that seem impossible to orchestrate can be orchestrated. 

And if you combine what we know about quarks with what we know about frequency and being in the energy of love or above than you get to do some really cool things.

Not because you’re a master scientist or because you have an amazingly high i.q, or because you have control of all these things outside of you, but because you are choosing to deliberately emit thoughts and feelings that can create change on a sub-atomic level.

I’ll give you an example. As you think of this, obviously I want you to think about you applying this for yourself. I’m going to use an example of me using my knowledge to do some work on someone else. 

So,  years ago I did a session for someone who couldn’t really blink...

What would happen is she would feel the pressure in her head build up and usually after about 90 minutes, sometimes a little longer … the pressure would build up in her head enough that she could somehow force her eyes to close or blink. 

This had gone on for over a year and she also hadn’t been able to cry for about 6 months. 

She had a scheduled surgery coming up and was feeling afraid of what might happen. So I visited her. 

As it turned out, she was about to remarry her ex-husband and she had a whole lot of low-frequency thoughts and fears that she had been burying and not dealing with.

So, I did some work on reframing those thoughts and feelings, using some humour to bring them up to a higher frequency while talking to her and talking to her eyes, because remember - there’s quarks everywhere, including in her eyes …

And within 20 minutes she was blinking normally and cried for the first time in 6 months.

Now - what did I do? I don’t know anything about the eyes really? I can tell you where our pupils are and maybe a coupe of other things, because I don’t have that much of a knowledge base around the eyes. 

These changes happened in the quantum field and then they showed in physical reality.

I didn’t do anything special. I think we all have special gifts and talents, but you know, I’m ordinary. And I didn’t do anything special. I didn’t go and operate or do any kind of physical manipulation of her eyes. She would have been in trouble if I did, lol. It’s just that I know God has created a perfectly ordered Universe and even though we don’t know everything …

And lots of what we think we know is probably wrong …

We do know enough about how to get into the creative process in such a way that we can co-create and do way more than we often believe is possible. And I think that takes me to the third point …

19:55 The third thing I think about when it coming to Quantum manifesting or manifesting or creating in the quantum field is creating alignment or coherence with thoughts and feelings. 

Now, this is often why people have problems when they try and use affirmations. 

They might say something like, “I’m in the best health of my life” over and over again. I’ve heard many people pull out there recordings and they have this affirmation over and over and over. 

They are trying to send a signal out with their mind using something like affirmations and affirmations can be great. And that sends off this electrical charge into the quantum field …

But their feelings aren’t aligned. And feelings are like the magnetic charge that attracts something back. 

The old self will fight for all our old beliefs, our habits, our perceptions. But when we are in alignment with our thoughts and feelings, change can happen quickly.

They create a fast change in the quantum field. But when they aren’t in alignment and there’s not that heart, brain, heart, mind coherence, then it’s like they cancel each other out. 

So you want to make sure there’s coherence. 

Think of it this way. I’m going to give you a very practical coaching, client, from the business side of things, example.

Lets say, I teach 2 different clients how to do an enrollment conversation. They are both on the same call, go through the exact same training. Both clients have leads already. I’ve helped them both create an offer that is let’s just sau is $10k. 

One believes ahead of time that the people in her community are going to love this opportunity to work with her in this way, because she takes care of her community and she loves them, even with her free stuff. 

She KNOWS that some of the people will buy, even though she’s never sold a high-ticket offer in her life before (and I’m actually thinking of a particular client here and she did amazing. She sold within a couple of days of us putting together this Offer, and me showing her how to sell, nearly $90k in sales.)

So she just believed. She knew. 

She just needed to learn the structure. 

Now, lets say the other client, learns it. She’s also very loving, has amazing skills, and she THINKS that clients might buy her program. But she doesn’t feel it.

Which one do you think will enrol more clients? 

You instinctively know, that when our thoughts and feelings are in an aligned state, you will attract more opportunities, synchronicities, the resources you need. Things just come to you faster. Not because you are controlling all of these external forces. 

There’s not much at all that we DO control.

What you can control is our perception and our response.

Now it’s fantastic when I get to work with a client who is already in that coherent state in relation to the goal she’s going after, but often that’s not the case. We have to play around with her perception, so we can get alignment.

And when the alignment comes and we send out these clear thoughts and feelings … the things you get back can be amazing. You can’t physically create those results, but you can create in the quantum field.

So for example - these clients when I teach them to do the enrollment call, let’s just say they get into alignment, and their thoughts and feelings about their clients they are going to be enrolling are coherent they can’t actually go make someone sign up, in terms of like, pulling out their credit card and make them pay!

You’re not out there controlling the physical word. You’re in the quantum field doing this work.  I hope this was helpful and clarifying. 

So that’s a little science class from Kushla, lol. 

I want you to know you can take what I’ve talked about today and apply it to any area of your life! 

And now that we’ve covered some of the fundamentals, on the next episode we’re going to dive into the practical application of manifesting.

I think it’s going to be fun!

Make sure you tune in.

And if you loved this episode I would love and appreciate it if you could go on over and give it a 5 star rating. That would be so encouraging and helpful for me and help me to reach more and more people.

Annnnd if you have a question you would like me to answer on a future episode of the Podcast, go on over to and you’ll see on that page 2 little buttons sitting side-by-side, where you can go and send me your question!

Alright my love, I hope to speak to you soon. 

Lots and lots and lots of love and sunshine. Talk to you soon

Intro and climbing Mt Hallasan
Manifesting and talking about it in different ways
So what is Manifesting?
Manifesting and Quantum Physics
Universe is not a supplement for God
#1 Quantum Physics proves everything is energy
Perception and Increasing Your Intuition and ability to take inspired action
#2 Understand quarks and orchestrating the impossible
An example: the woman who couldn't blink
#3 Quantum manifesting requires alignment and coherence
An example: 2 coaches doing enrolment calls
What we can control
Ask your questions