The Confident Coach Academy Podcast

Why Your Roadmap To 6 Figures Isn't Working Yet

May 16, 2023 Kushla Chadwick Episode 4
Why Your Roadmap To 6 Figures Isn't Working Yet
The Confident Coach Academy Podcast
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The Confident Coach Academy Podcast
Why Your Roadmap To 6 Figures Isn't Working Yet
May 16, 2023 Episode 4
Kushla Chadwick

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I often speak to coaches who have been trying to hit the '6-figure' milestone for years. In this episode, I'm going to break down why your 6 figure Roadmap probably hasn't worked yet and what to do about it!

I walk you through 3 things to pay attention from a strategic point of view.

If you want to become a 6-figure or 7 figure Coach, come on over and connect with Kushla:

- on Instagram, you'll find her @KushlaChadwickOfficial

- on Facebook, come join our community here: Community

- To book a free $100k Roadmap Session or go on the waiting list for one, go here:

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I often speak to coaches who have been trying to hit the '6-figure' milestone for years. In this episode, I'm going to break down why your 6 figure Roadmap probably hasn't worked yet and what to do about it!

I walk you through 3 things to pay attention from a strategic point of view.

If you want to become a 6-figure or 7 figure Coach, come on over and connect with Kushla:

- on Instagram, you'll find her @KushlaChadwickOfficial

- on Facebook, come join our community here: Community

- To book a free $100k Roadmap Session or go on the waiting list for one, go here:

This is Episode 4 and today we're going to have a look at why your six figure plans aren't working. Ouch. 

Hey, my love. How are you today? I hope you're doing amazing. I just finished my walk and, I'm ready to dig in to today's episode, "The reason why your roadmap to six figures hasn't worked yet". 

Now, I want to kind of take a big sigh, but I'm laughing instead. Because I know this is gonna sound harsh. And honestly, I don't mean it to please, please, know, this comes from a place of love...

But honestly, part of the reason many of your plans to hit six figures haven't worked yet, is simply because you don't have one!

So many of you don't have a strategic plan of how you intend to hit six figures or beyond. It's like, say a pilot saying that they're going to fly you from Paris to here in Australia, and not having any kind of guidance system, or map about how to get here.

I mean, good luck with that. Can you imagine being the passenger on that plane, I do not want to imagine that. 

But that's exactly how so many of you are running your coaching businesses and you're finding yourselves under earning every single month, month after month, year after year, you will be amazed at how many women I interview because I do interview my audience, my communities from time to time, so that I know that I know I'm connecting with you and how you think they feel and staying up to date with all the stuff right? 

And it's, it's amazing how many of you have been running your coaching businesses for like 2,3,5, even 10 years, and still haven't hit the six figure mark yet. Okay. 

And part of the reason is you don't have a clear plan. Okay, obviously, some of you do. And I will tell you from the woman that I have worked with, and I've helped many, many amazing women who have come to me initially and not had a clear strategic plan about what to do. 

And that's cool - I will help them create this clear strategic plan and implement the clear strategic plan and help them hit six figures, right. So that's fine. It's normal. But I will tell you, for those clients who do have a clear strategic plan that come to work with me ...

like they already have the thing that they know that they're going to work on and implement. And I want help and support with that. Let's just say it's a webinar funnel or something like that. They already have a clear idea, but they just know where they need support. 

Those are the coaches who are already so close to hitting six figures, or it's like just inevitable because of the traction that they're getting that six figures is gonna happen for them very soon, or they've passed it already. Okay. So the first challenge for you is you've actually got to create a plan or get a plan, and not try to Frankenstein or jigsaw puzzle or hack your way to six figures. 

And I'm definitely not saying you need to know every step of the way. Because honestly, I think you're going to make plans and I've done this before ...

Everyone I know who's like, you know, worked in this industry has done this. We make plans, and things don't ever go exactly to plan. I mean, because you're just not controlling all the things.

You can definitely create outcomes, and I've spoken about this like kind of in the quantum field, right! But then we've got to let go and allow and often what comes to us is so much better!

So sometimes we like have a goal, say to hit six figures, like $100k, you might hit $150k, you might hit $250k, or, maybe your goal smaller, maybe it's like your first five figure month, or your first $5k in sales and you make $7.5k in sales, or $20,000 in sales or whatever, right. But regardless of where you are in your business, each each stage of your business to get to six figures and I've broken it down into three stages...

By the way, actually talking about the three stages if you want to get the toolbox for whatever stage you're in, you can go for that the quiz. So you go to, and then fill that out and you'll get a toolbox for whatever stage you're in. 

So there's three stages which I break down and you want to know what stage you're in and be able to create a plan, right? So that's the first thing is you've got to come up with a plan. That's why your plans not working is because you don't have one. Okay? So if that's you go fill out the quiz. And like, let's start planning together. 

Okay. Also, for those of you who have plans, often, another problem that I see is you're making plans based on what you see other people doing. Maybe other people in the industry, maybe there's another coach who works in the same field, as you maybe it's someone really big, I often see people trying to implement the same things and they haven't even hit their first, $10k. And they're trying to, I don't know, do the same things and say, Brendon Burchard, or some other big names out there, which is fantastic...

I mean, we've all got to start everyone, everyone started at the beginning. Like none of the successful coaches out there, making really great money started, you know, like, we all started the beginning. 

But the thing is, you can't run your business, and you can't make strategic plans as if you're at that stage already. Because you're not at that stage yet.  You need to have strategic plans for where you are now.  

So if you're just starting your coaching business, it's likely that one of the first strategies you're not going to do is Facebook ads. And the reason you're probably not going to do Facebook ads straightaway, is because there's a few things you need clarity on first, like, who your ideal client is, what are your offers, and therefore, what is your market messaging all about? 

And you want to put that messaging out there, make sure that it does draw in and attract in the clients that you most want to work with, that you most can help, and that you're going to love working with. 

And you know, what it means on Facebook ad isn't necessarily going to be the first thing that a coach is going to do. In any case. So yeah, the first problem is, maybe you don't have a plan. 

The second problem is, you might be making a plan based on someone else's journey, not where you are in your stage of business, and it needs to be customized for where you are right now. 

And then the third thing is, knowing your numbers. Now, I know, I know, I know. I know, there are many of you who don't like to think about the numbers. 

Some of you even say things like, you know, it's not about the money for me, it's about I want to serve people and help people. And I'm when I say numbers, I'm speaking about more than the money metrics. 

In fact, there are so there are not so many, but there are a few other things that are equally important to track and plan with that are not about dollars. Okay. But anyway, there are so many of you who are like, it's not about the money. And I'm like, it is about the money. 

It's a business and businesses by the definition, are profit generating entities. That's part of what they're meant to do. Otherwise, you've just got an expensive hobby. And that's totally cool if you want to do that. But just claim it as a hobby. Don't say that it's a business, because businesses are meant to generate profit. 

So, for sure you want to make sure you know your numbers, and there are a few numbers that I recommend you need to know. Okay, so what are the numbers? 

The first numbers that I recommend you get clear on what I call your profit plan numbers. So your profit plan numbers consist of a few details, you will need to know obviously, what your goal is, what is your profit goal? 

Also, you'll want to know what are the price points for your different offers, and this is whether it's for private coaching, group coaching, an online program, a mastermind retreat, whatever. Okay, so what are your price points? 

And have a look at all your price points? And then and then or then it will be like, how many clients do you want to enroll based on those two things? 

So I'll give you an example. Just to make it super simple, right? So let's just say that your profit goal for the year is $100,000. And you have maybe it's your first time doing coaching and you've got you're offering private coaching at $5,000. Okay, so $5,000 to work with you to get an awesome result. You're really happy about it. You really confident about what you can offer your clients, and you know the work you're going to do together. 

And so $100,000 $100,000 Go $5,000 price point. And let's just say that's the main thing you want to focus on. And if you just focus on using that price point, then that would be 20 clients for the year. 

Okay. Now, the reason it's important to know that because strategically, what you do to get 20 clients in a year is different from say what you do to get five clients in a year, which is different from what you do to get 500 clients in a year, obviously, depending on what your price points are, and what your goal is, and how you intend to deliver it. 

So that's one example. Now, let's just say you've got a program, it's a, it's a group program, that $2,000, and you want to have a combination of plants go into your private coaching, and you want to have some of the clients going to your group coaching, because you're ready to start scaling. And you know, you want to be able to get your time back. 

So you've got the framework, you know, that it works, whether your clients are going through private coaching with you or in a group program. 

And so let's just say for the ease of it, excuse me, you're going to do 10 clients in private coaching, and the rest of them are going to go through your group coaching program. So that's 10 clients private, and then $50,000 worth of clients going through the group coaching. So if it's $2,000, let me just do some math, I should have done this beforehand. 25 clients. So altogether, that's 25 plus 10, that's 35 clients now that you're looking at getting. And you might, you might have specific plans, like you want to get all of those clients say in their first half of the year. 

So you know that strategically over the next three to five months, maybe you are going to be focusing on getting like calls booked and you need to close. So you don't want to just get 35 calls, because you want 35 enrollments, and it's going to depend on your conversion rates on the calls and stuff like that. But you know, you want 35 yeses, and so let's just say for numbers sake, and this is, the next thing is you'll want to like initially, you're gonna have to guess what your conversion rate is going to be on the enrollment conversation...

But let's just say you're like, okay, that and you hit 50%. So that means if you want 35 clients that say yes, well, then you know that you're going to want to book 70 calls, okay? So you really can reverse engineer the numbers. And it's important, not because you want to or have to exactly hit those numbers, because you probably you're not going to!  It's probably going to be something quite different that you end up hitting. But the rate the reason is, because it starts giving you clarity on like, what is the highest priority, and the actions to take place to help you to start moving towards hitting those numbers. 

Now, I'll give you another example. Just to help clarify this even more. Maybe you're like, really sold on the idea of like a passive, like, like coaching business. And, you know, you want to work 10 hours or less, or whatever, like and that's the dream for you. Because maybe unknown, maybe you've got a lot of children, maybe you homeschool, like I used to homeschool and stuff like that. 

And you've got like low ticket offers. And some people just really, like feel like they want to do low ticket offers. And I've done my ticket offers and I still do low ticket offers. But that for sure I will always recommend if you do coaching that you have, that you're open to high ticket coaching as well. Anyway, so low ticket offers, let's just say you're like, I really want to, you know, fill up with my program. It's an evergreen program. And it's like $500...

So, you pull out a calculator, and I'm literally going to pull out my calculator right now, guys. So let me just do this. Okay, so $100,000 What did I say the price for it was? Oh, 500. That's really easy, isn't it? So that means 200 clients. Now, here's, here's why this is important. Obviously, let's just say again, the conversion rate for calls is 50% for you. That would mean larger conversations. So there's a lot of conversations for one person to have. But the other thing is I I would never recommend someone do enrollment conversations or have that be the the enrollment strategy for a program that costs $500. 

That's a heck of a lot of work. And it's unnecessary. Now, that means that the focus would be on having some kind of marketing where you can enroll people directly to your program. And that's a like, and again, the strategies are going to be different for doing that. 

So the profit plan numbers are crucial for you to know.  Again, not because everything needs to turn out exactly as you plan because it won't. But you need to get clear on what your plans and actions are, what your priorities are, where your focus can be, and where your focus is not!  So that is that first set of numbers that I recommend you get clear on.

The second set of numbers are really about helping you to see what's working well for you, and what you need to tweak and keep improving, so that you can hit your sales goals, right? 

And keep enrolling clients obviously in keep helping your clients, right. Remember, if you aren't enrolling your clients, you're not working with them, and you're not changing their lives again. So super important. Okay, so these numbers are what I call your conversion numbers. 

And basically, you're just seeing how whichever strategy you're using is converting. And then if you need to change something, and honestly, conversion numbers can be used in anything. So as you get along in your business, maybe you're doing email marketing, you can have a look at conversions of your headlines, you know, clue clicks, clicks, clicks in your emails, or thinking links as well. Anyway, there's all sorts of things you can track. 

But when you're looking at getting to six figures, usually it's about enrollment conversations primarily. 

So you'll want to track how many calls did you have each week? And of those calls how many said 'yes' to working with you? Like it's pretty basic, right? You don't need to complicate this. 

I mean, there are a whole bunch of other things, I said that you could look at tracking, and you will want to track them, they will be important for you as your business grows. And as you kind of expand your skill base in terms of the strategies that you can use, of course. 

But honestly, even as you expand your skill base, these numbers are still super important to track, right, these enrollment conversations. So and by the way, if you don't do enrollment conversations live, you also might do enrollment conversation, that sounds a bit weird, but through messenger. I enroll clients who pay me five figures, both through conversation and through messaging, okay, so you'll want to track however it is you're enrolling your clients, and you should know whatever the industry standard is, or that and what you personally what your personal goal is, right?

So for example, I remember, at one stage, the industry standard for enrollment conversations was like 30% of people should say yes, and if it's, if you've got someone else doing your calls for you, which I have had that in the past, but I really love doing my calls I do, I do all my calls, right.

But then when I did have someone else doing my calls that my team did great, actually. But again, I just felt like I didn't feel as connected to my tribe and my audience. So I did them, but anyway, to the point of what I'm talking about, is the industry standard when someone else is doing a course is meant to be like 20%. Now, I personally think that that's too low. 

And for me, I expect the standard, personally of 80% of the people who I speak to, within a period of time will say yes to me. And you know, that's the standard that I have, if I have team members, it's not going to be as high, but it's certainly not going to be down at 20%. 

So you just need to figure out what what's the conversion rate you're looking for. 

And obviously, if you're still learning this skill, you're not necessarily going to say something like 100%, right, or 90%. But you have a look at what the industry standard is. And maybe your goal is to get up to the industry standard. Okay. And there are industry standards for all the things, all the metrics, okay, but as I said, I totally recommend at least knowing your numbers, how many leads you're getting coming in per week. So you're you're seen. Firstly, you need leads, right? 

So your visibility is meant to lead to leads. People actually give you their information and who you know, like really vibing with what you're giving out there and interested in getting the kind of help that you give and they give you some kind of details. Maybe it's an email address. And then you're taking those leads to the next step, and having an enrollment conversation. 

And you want to know like, yeah, how many people did you speak to? How many people said yes. Really, really simple. You want to know your conversion stats. And like I said, you can have a look at different conversion stats for a bunch of different things. Maybe you're like doing a master class or a webinar or something. Maybe you're selling from a workshop, you know, or you're doing a seminar of some kind, you know, there's all sorts of different metrics for different strategies. 

Again, you'll want to know what they are for the particular strategy you're using, and then see what you want for yourself. But you've got to watch it, because in part, it's like what you focus on expands, right. So if you're watching them, a lot of people get worried about the whole numbers thing. They're like, Oh, I'm gonna feel like a loser because no one said yes. Well, you know what? It's okay, that no one said yes. Because then you, get to have a look and break down what happened, and see, like, we'll make some changes, and then we'll have a look again, and then if it's if it's gotten better, great!

And we'll see how else can we improve it, you know, you start taking action, and you start seeing where you can make the improvements, make the tweaks till you get the result that you want, okay. But if you're not watching it, you're kind of just hoping and you're not really mindful of what's really happening in your business.

You've got to be mindful, you've got to be intentional about the growth of your business if you want to hit six figures and beyond. Okay, anyway, so those are a couple of things that I recommend, if you are wondering why you haven't hit six figures yet. And you you know, you've been at this for a while, you've probably learned honestly a lot of strategies, but you're still kind of like I said, jigsaw, puzzling, or frankensteining your way to work, kind of using hope marketing, you've got to get clear, you've got to get strategic.

I talk about something called the SES principle. So that's the Strategy, the Energy and the Structure. All of them are important to bring together, okay. But make sure you're clear on those couple of things that I mentioned today. 

Okay. So, number one, making sure that you actually have a plan, you put a plan in place. 

Number two, make sure that plan is appropriate for you and the level that you're at, and not based on someone else's business. Really tune in to you and your clients and what you want for your life and your business. 

And number three, make sure you have a look and you track and you follow your conversion numbers. Get excited about them. Get really excited about them and watch them grow, watch your business grow. 

And I promise you start using these things, you'll start seeing some really amazing shifts in your business. Right my love, I hope this has been helpful for you. 

If you would love to have me look over your numbers, make sure you hook up I'll put in a link in the show notes. So you can book a call with me. Personally, like I said, I'd love to do all my calls. Obviously, I can't you know look at someone's business and do free calls all the time but sometimes I open up spots for them ...

because again, it's another way to connect to my audience and see what's happening in their lives. So yeah, go click the link and if there's spaces available book a call. If there's not spaces available, then I will actually put a link for a waitlist for the calls. Alright, my love, anyway...

 Lots of love and sunshine to you have an awesome week. Go be spectacular in your business and I will see you soon.

Harsh truth why plans to 6-figures haven't worked yet
The first challenge is creating a plan
You don't need to know every step of the way
Three stages and a toolbox for your stage
Making plans based on what other people are doing?
The third thing is knowing your numbers
Your Profit Plan numbers