The Confident Coach Academy Podcast

Content Creation Blocks

April 30, 2024 Kushla Chadwick
Content Creation Blocks
The Confident Coach Academy Podcast
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The Confident Coach Academy Podcast
Content Creation Blocks
Apr 30, 2024
Kushla Chadwick

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Have you ever felt your heart race at the thought of hitting 'post' on social media? You're not alone. I open up about the jitters I felt diving into Instagram with a strategy tailored to turn followers into clients. The journey wasn't just about the algorithms and aesthetics; it taught me valuable lessons about overcoming fear and embracing patience in content creation. This episode is for anyone who's found themselves hesitant to share their voice online, offering a real-life tale to inspire your digital courage.

Building an online coaching business is no small feat, and I'm pulling back the curtain on the methods that help maintain consistency even when the excitement wanes. I'll walk you through why honing your focus on one platform can skyrocket your success and how an action plan centered on quality over quantity can amplify your reach. For all content creators out there, whether rookies or veterans, this chat is packed with insights to foster your strategic prowess and emotional grit.

Finally, I'm rolling out the red carpet for a special 'planathon'—a complimentary strategy planning session to carve out your path to greater impact, freedom, and income. If you're yearning for tailored guidance, just hit me up on Instagram or Facebook, and let's get your vision mapped out. This episode is an invitation to join a community where we fuel each other's growth, share the sunshine, and cheer on every step towards our collective success.

If you want to become a 6-figure or 7 figure Coach, come on over and connect with Kushla:

- on Instagram, you'll find her @KushlaChadwickOfficial

- on Facebook, come join our community here: Community

- To book a free $100k Roadmap Session or go on the waiting list for one, go here:

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Have you ever felt your heart race at the thought of hitting 'post' on social media? You're not alone. I open up about the jitters I felt diving into Instagram with a strategy tailored to turn followers into clients. The journey wasn't just about the algorithms and aesthetics; it taught me valuable lessons about overcoming fear and embracing patience in content creation. This episode is for anyone who's found themselves hesitant to share their voice online, offering a real-life tale to inspire your digital courage.

Building an online coaching business is no small feat, and I'm pulling back the curtain on the methods that help maintain consistency even when the excitement wanes. I'll walk you through why honing your focus on one platform can skyrocket your success and how an action plan centered on quality over quantity can amplify your reach. For all content creators out there, whether rookies or veterans, this chat is packed with insights to foster your strategic prowess and emotional grit.

Finally, I'm rolling out the red carpet for a special 'planathon'—a complimentary strategy planning session to carve out your path to greater impact, freedom, and income. If you're yearning for tailored guidance, just hit me up on Instagram or Facebook, and let's get your vision mapped out. This episode is an invitation to join a community where we fuel each other's growth, share the sunshine, and cheer on every step towards our collective success.

If you want to become a 6-figure or 7 figure Coach, come on over and connect with Kushla:

- on Instagram, you'll find her @KushlaChadwickOfficial

- on Facebook, come join our community here: Community

- To book a free $100k Roadmap Session or go on the waiting list for one, go here:

One of the scariest things for many online business owners is actually creating their own content. As much as we love helping people, there's just something about standing out online, particularly if you're a personal brand. So in this episode, I'm going to be sharing a few things that you can start doing to get your work out there anyway, to start being visible and attracting more clients today.

Hey, welcome to the Confident Coach Academy podcast. I'm your host, Kushla Chadwick, and if you have an audacious dream to really be of service in the world, build a profitable coaching business online and have an awesome life offline, then, my love, you are in the right place. Together we're going to talk strategy, mindset, manifestation, thought work, energy work, all the things. So let's dive in. 

Hey, my friend, how are you? I hope you're doing amazing. I'm doing super well, and I wanted to share with you something that I've been going through recently. I think it's going to be really helpful. Quite often, you know, as coaches, we might share things that are lessons for you from our own successes, and I love doing that when I get to share things that I've done well and that work well, and so I just like bang, I pass it on to you, and sometimes it's from things that I see my clients doing well and having successes with, and I'm like, yes, I'll share that too. But today I wanted to actually talk about something which has been not a stumbling block for me, but it's something where I have learned some fresh lessons, so I'll share with you.

I just recently hired a coach to help me get clear on my Instagram strategy, and so I felt like I was competent on the platform to be quite honest. And so I felt like I was competent on the platform to be quite honest. I mean, I've been on there a while, but it's like it's not a platform where I've gotten a lot of clients from. You know, I post very little on there, so that's fine. I don't expect, you know, a flood of leads and clients to be coming from there, and even though I've been through some Instagram training it was years ago and, as you know, all the social media platforms change pretty regularly they like to keep us on our toes, and so, anyway, I decided to work with this coach and, to you know, basically get help so I could get more followers and clients from Instagram.

I feel like I'm finally, you know, starting to get into a flow with the podcast and I'm now almost ready to be more present on Instagram, and so that sounds all nice and sweet, but the reality is and this is where it's a little bit of a confession for you guys is that I have noticed that I have felt a little bit scared to post on there. Seems crazy for someone who teaches others how to be present and overcome their blocks and be visible on social media, but I'm just spilling the beans and telling you guys the truth. Social media but I'm just spilling the beans and telling you guys the truth. And um, and the reality is, from my opinion anyway, is that it is very normal for online business owners who've, you know, who've been a business owner and actually put content out there for any length of time. You'll also know that it's just normal to quote unquote feel afraid sometimes, but it's just been a hot second since I've actually felt like a little. When I say hot second, I mean, like you know, it's been a while since I have kind of felt that feeling, and so I know from personal experience and for teaching this for years that there is an art and a science to creating content and that it just takes practice and time to learn some things, but often it's not as much time as we usually tell ourselves that it does, which is why this time I was like, okay, I'm on the precipice of like, you know, ready to go hard on Instagram. So I felt like the timing was very, very good for me to do that, and while I was going through the training with my new coach, I really felt like it was so good to just like be reminded of just some things that sometimes I even talk about and get a little bit of a kick up the bum myself, and so I'm just kind of helping to pass on that little bit of a kick up the bum, because it can be really helpful. It's a gentle one, right? It's more like a nudge, like a big nudge, anyway. So I'm just going to share with you guys a few things that are fresh in my mind and I think would be really helpful for you.

If you've ever felt like you've got content creation blocks okay, or maybe you're going through it now Maybe you're like having difficulty, it might not be on Instagram, it might be on TikTok, which I totally get, I'm not on there yet. Or Facebook Now, I'm not on there yet. Or Facebook Now. I love Facebook. You know that's been my jam and that's where I have gotten my clients for years, and I mean I've gotten them from multiple platforms, but you know I've given like 98% of my focus to Facebook, so obviously that's where I've gotten my clients from, and it can be on any platform for you. But I want to share about some things which will apply no matter what platform you're choosing to use. If you're having content creation blocks, okay, here we go. So the first thing I want to say and it sounds super obvious, but it needs to be said is like a big mistake that a lot of you are making and it's really stopping you and blocking you from creating content on your desired platform is you're not being patient with yourself. This is a huge mistake and often this happens when you see or at least you believe you see that you're not doing a good job.

And I want you to think of any skill that we use on a daily basis, like walking. You know I was going to say running, but honestly, I don't run every day. I don't even run every week, anyway. So just think of walking, or maybe driving right, and it takes time and think of walking. You know, when we were babies, we didn't judge ourselves. When we're babies, you know, because we couldn't walk. I mean, well, technically we can't judge ourselves because we haven't developed our reasoning faculty, but maybe that's why we're able to learn it so quickly developed our reasoning faculty, but maybe that's why we're able to learn it so quickly. And if you think about it, you know, in, just say, approximately a year, you know you come out not being able to, like, even roll on your belly and within that year, you're, like, able to walk. I think that's super amazing and, you know, if we get out of our way, stop judging ourselves and be patient while we're learning this skill, we will be able to progress so much faster.

It goes without saying that I have had to be super, super patient with myself from the moment I started online and, honestly, if I were impatient with myself, I would have quit a very long time ago. And that's not to say that sometimes I don't get frustrated or annoyed or wish that things that I wasn't making progress or that I was sorry, making progress faster. Of course I do and that's normal, you know, to want yourself to be able to get what you need to do to be able to, like, you know, put your body of work out there, to put your marketing out there so you can attract and enroll clients and start actually helping them right, and also, obviously, getting the money and the income so you can create your own freedom business right. So I'm telling you, I would have quit a thousand times if I was too impatient with myself. So I just want to give you a word of encouragement and say, when you see other people who are ahead of you and I know you want to be there as well I have clients who like, like they're super intimidated and you know I have to like, just tell them it's okay when they work with me, because they're like, they're looking and they're comparing themselves to me. And then I see other coaches and business owners. I'm like, wow, they're so far ahead as well, and I choose to be inspired by it and also patient with myself.

We've all got our own journey to get through and I don't think there's like any exact time for it to work out. I just believe in divine timing and you know divine timing doesn't mean making ample excuses for ourselves all the time, but it does does mean being patient and know that some skills just take time to build. You've got to get in and and work on building the skill, just like I've hired a coach to help me with my Instagram strategy and like skills and what's working on Instagram. Now I don really know, I haven't paid attention, because I give my attention. I've been giving my attention to Facebook and my podcast, you know. So, yeah, I don't know. So now I am looking at you, know what is working on Instagram and it's fun learning it, right. But I understand that it's going to take me time and a little bit of practice, but hopefully not too long, because I've got a coach who's going to help me.

And so maybe you need to get a coach, maybe you need to do something specific, maybe you need to. Actually, some of you get coaches and you don't even go through and watch the training. You've got to watch the training guys and then go and implement, take action and, the whole way along, be patient with yourself. If you've got questions and they feel like silly questions, don't be afraid to ask them. Hopefully you've got a coach who you feel comfortable to ask questions with. If you don't, then come and chat with me. I promise you I'm fine with all the questions, right, but uh, yeah, you want to be able to, like, get in and do and, in the process, again, be super patient with yourself.

All right, let's go into the next one, the second mistake that I see, and again I mean these are all from experience as well, so this mistake is very common and I've done it myself. I still have a propensity to do this myself sometimes, and maybe it's because I've got I don't know, I don't like to label myself, but apparently I do have ADHD markers in my brain, and that's fine because you know it could happen for a number of reasons, but, um, not that that matters. I don't even know why I said that in my head. I was thinking it was probably from my accidents with speed skating and blah, blah, blah, all these things, but anyway, I digress. So, um, the mistake is spreading ourselves too thin and not allowing ourselves to go deep, to go deep in the skill that we're trying to learn.

And so, if your platform is email marketing, you need to learn the nuances, like what are the metrics that you're looking for with email marketing? Like you know, there's tricks if you're using that platform right, so which I hope you are, by the way, but anyway, I won't start on that, you know. So, if you're doing email marketing, you'll want to see, like you know, what's the open rate, what's a's a good open rate, you know what's a good click-through rate, what's your click-through rate and, like you know, what do you need to do if it's not measuring up and your conversion rates and your bounce rates and your delivery rates and your unsubscribe rates, and and on and on. Okay, so, um there and I hope, by the way, for those of you who are thinking about doing email marketing, if I just said all those things and you're like, your brain just started to glaze over, please don't let me dissuade you through just mentioning all those. Just know that, again, you're just going to learn what these things mean and your brain is equipped to learn these things.

There is nothing, when it comes to marketing, that you cannot learn, nothing at all that you can't learn. You can learn it all. You just need to learn it all at the right time. And what you don't want to do and this is what often the problem is we think that we suck at marketing, but it's actually that we're overwhelming ourselves by trying to you. This is what often the problem is we think that we suck at marketing, but it's actually that we're overwhelming ourselves by trying to you know, um, what's the word? Go like a mile, what is it a mile wide, an inch deep? What I want you to do is go like an inch what is it? An inch wide and a mile deep, like, become really, really good at what it is you're trying to do and at the platform you're trying to get good on, okay? So, yeah, don't do all the things you don't need to. In fact, you need a plan of action, right? Your game plan should help you to know exactly what you're focusing on.

It doesn't mean you can't be on multiple platforms. You might consider not being on platforms, so you might be on, like, say, linkedin and Facebook and Instagram and all sorts of places, and it might be time for you to like let go of LinkedIn, right, stop posting on there. I'm on LinkedIn. I'm embarrassed to look at what my profile would look like. It's so old and and not updated, because, sure, I've gotten clients from there, but I chose to let it go and go all in on Facebook, and that's where I've been getting my clients for years and years.

Right, and so you may choose to stay on multiple platforms, but know that there should be one which you're going deep in and getting skilled at, and then when you feel really competent, you've got the systems and procedures set up and and it's easy on there, then you're ready to go on to the next one and smash that out. Then you're ready to go on the next one and smash that out as well, you know. So just don't overwhelm yourself through like trying to spread yourself too thin. And that's not just actually in creating content, that's in all the parts of running your business, because you're not just creating content or running a business. You know a coaching business which requires you to do many things, or someone at least within your business or company to do a lot of things.

And so, when it comes to the specific task of creating content, you need content. You need a way to be visible, right. You need a way for your potential clients to know you exist and that you can help them and, you know, give them a way to connect with you and to trust you, and for you to show and demonstrate that you can help them solve their specific problem right. And of course you need that. But there are all the other pieces. So if you feel stuck when it comes to creating content. If you have a blog, just know that you may need to not do more. You may, in fact, need to do less, but do less better, okay.

The third thing that I want to share before I wrap this up is a lie or a myth that I think a lot of people fall for and or not necessarily fall for, but that we tell ourselves right, and that is that if we don't feel good like don't create content, like you've got to feel good to create good content, or in other words, if I'm feeling like in any negative emotion, then it's okay if I excuse myself from creating content. And, of course, you know there's all sorts of ways that we can create content. You know you might pre-schedule and, like you know, do a big content creation thing, like once a week or once a month, you know and do, or you might do it on the fly, on daily. Right, it's up to you how you do it, but you've got to be able to put your plan in place. And one thing I know is that no business can remain fiscal, it can't remain financially profitable and meet the demands of its clients or customers if it were only run on our emotions. You know how we're feeling, on our emotions. You know how we're feeling, so, and I think I see this a lot because you know I work with a lot of intuitives, a lot of like healers, a lot of spiritually in tune people, and you know, the funny thing is it's ironic is sometimes the more in tune someone is with their emotions, the more they sometimes want to excuse them. It's kind of ironic, but I think there are a few things we can do to overcome this challenge and to help ourselves too. You know, be responsible business owners, regardless of how we're feeling, because I will share with you.

Sometimes I've gotten online and done marketing and coached my clients when I haven't felt like it. I've had a negative feeling for the day. It wasn't like feeling. You know my most, you know vibrant self, and sometimes I felt like absolute crap. I, you know, haven't felt well, but there's a few things you can do to navigate this so you can be a responsible business owner. You know, because I don't know about your personal situation, but you know I have a family, I've got personal things I want to do, like I love traveling, right, I've got two trips to Asia this year, one of them next month and, like you know, I've got to show up for these things to happen and I've got clients to take care of. And, as of last year, I'm starting to rebuild my team again and it's just that takes being responsible, right, it takes being responsible.

And I can't run my business just on the hope that I'm going to feel absolutely amazing every day, because I just think that's like I don't know, I just think it's, that's just not life and I'm a really positive person. I'm super positive, you know. I know how to work with my emotions really well. But I just think we have to realize sometimes we have our own thought work to do. You know we're not perfected, we're not completed, we're a work in progress. And so you know you get to a certain level. Then you know more stuff comes to the surface to clean out and you've got to keep working through stuff right. So, because we're a work in progress, there's always going to be like this. You know some part of ourselves which we are going to work on and we're going to need to tidy up our thoughts and feelings, and so there's that and plus, life throws you curveballs because we live in a universe where, you know, there's opposition in all things.

And so I think this is really helpful If you can just accept that sometimes life is going to throw you curveballs, and accept that ahead of time and know that on some days you're not going to feel like creating content and that you don't have to feel like it in order for you to do it. You're simply just going to keep your word to yourself and create the content anyway. And you know I'm saying this as much for myself as I am for you, because there are times where I'm like, oh, I haven't felt like it and I haven't done it, and I've had to remind myself that was irresponsible, not to do that. And it's not that I'm trying to give myself a hard time or anything like that. And you know, I love the way. Mostly I love the way that I run my business, you know. So for the last several years I've mostly worked somewhere between like a 10 to 15 hour week and run a really successful, profitable business, and I'm very grateful for that. I'm grateful for my clients, I'm grateful for you know, everything that I have, but it's come partly through working when I did not feel like it, including creating content.

And if you're wondering how to get more leads and sales. You need visibility. You need to create content. I hate to tell you this If you're an online coach, a lot of you try and get around and try and squirm out of it, but you've got to create content and you've got to put your energy and your love and your sincerity and into your work, into your body of work, which includes your content. And, quite frankly, the cool thing is this the more content you create, the more skilled you are at marketing, and the more skilled you become at marketing, the better coach you become. I promise you, the higher up in income you go and the more effective your marketing becomes, the better you become at coaching and articulating the transformation, how your clients can get the transformation faster and all that jazz. It's super, super cool. Your clients can get their transformation faster and all that jazz. It's super, super cool anyway.

So those are three things to be mindful of. I hope they're helpful, or I hope this has been helpful for you again. It is number one be patient with yourself. Number two make sure you're not spreading yourself too thin. Allow yourself to go deep in your work, right. And number three don't fall for the lie that you've got to feel good to create your content. Okay, you can just go create it, because you're a responsible human being.

Anyway, that's it for today. Lots of love and sunshine. If you want support, by the way, creating a roadmap and getting clear on, like, what platform you're going to focus on, like what your messaging is, and all of that stuff and you just you don't have a clear strategy and you want one, just just come on over to Instagram, to Kushla Chadwick official, or you can find me on Facebook as well, under Kushla Chadwick, and just send me a message, just ask for a like, just send the word planathon and I'll get you hooked up and we'll do a planning session, if, if, there's space available. If there's not, then we'll put you in the waiting list and we'll let you know when they're available, right, but yeah, just send the word planathon and we'll hook you up, help you out and help you to create a plan for free so that you can go forward and get your body of work out into the world, help more people, create more income and more freedom for you all. Righty, my friend, that's it. Lots of love and sunshine, and I will catch you soon. Bye.

One of the scariest things for many online business owners is actually creating their own content. As much as we love helping people, there's just something about standing out online, particularly if you're a personal brand. So in this episode, I'm going to be sharing a few things that you can start doing to get your work out there anyway, to start being visible and attracting more clients today.

Hey, welcome to the Confident Coach Academy podcast. I'm your host, Kushla Chadwick, and if you have an audacious dream to really be of service in the world, build a profitable coaching business online and have an awesome life offline, then, my love, you are in the right place. Together we're going to talk strategy, mindset, manifestation, thought work, energy work, all the things. So let's dive in. 

Hey, my friend, how are you? I hope you're doing amazing. I'm doing super well, and I wanted to share with you something that I've been going through recently. I think it's going to be really helpful. Quite often, you know, as coaches, we might share things that are lessons for you from our own successes, and I love doing that when I get to share things that I've done well and that work well, and so I just like bang, I pass it on to you, and sometimes it's from things that I see my clients doing well and having successes with, and I'm like, yes, I'll share that too. But today I wanted to actually talk about something which has been not a stumbling block for me, but it's something where I have learned some fresh lessons, so I'll share with you.

I just recently hired a coach to help me get clear on my Instagram strategy, and so I felt like I was competent on the platform to be quite honest. And so I felt like I was competent on the platform to be quite honest. I mean, I've been on there a while, but it's like it's not a platform where I've gotten a lot of clients from. You know, I post very little on there, so that's fine. I don't expect, you know, a flood of leads and clients to be coming from there, and even though I've been through some Instagram training it was years ago and, as you know, all the social media platforms change pretty regularly they like to keep us on our toes, and so, anyway, I decided to work with this coach and, to you know, basically get help so I could get more followers and clients from Instagram.

I feel like I'm finally, you know, starting to get into a flow with the podcast and I'm now almost ready to be more present on Instagram, and so that sounds all nice and sweet, but the reality is and this is where it's a little bit of a confession for you guys is that I have noticed that I have felt a little bit scared to post on there. Seems crazy for someone who teaches others how to be present and overcome their blocks and be visible on social media, but I'm just spilling the beans and telling you guys the truth. Social media but I'm just spilling the beans and telling you guys the truth. And um, and the reality is, from my opinion anyway, is that it is very normal for online business owners who've, you know, who've been a business owner and actually put content out there for any length of time. You'll also know that it's just normal to quote unquote feel afraid sometimes, but it's just been a hot second since I've actually felt like a little. When I say hot second, I mean, like you know, it's been a while since I have kind of felt that feeling, and so I know from personal experience and for teaching this for years that there is an art and a science to creating content and that it just takes practice and time to learn some things, but often it's not as much time as we usually tell ourselves that it does, which is why this time I was like, okay, I'm on the precipice of like, you know, ready to go hard on Instagram. So I felt like the timing was very, very good for me to do that, and while I was going through the training with my new coach, I really felt like it was so good to just like be reminded of just some things that sometimes I even talk about and get a little bit of a kick up the bum myself, and so I'm just kind of helping to pass on that little bit of a kick up the bum, because it can be really helpful. It's a gentle one, right? It's more like a nudge, like a big nudge, anyway. So I'm just going to share with you guys a few things that are fresh in my mind and I think would be really helpful for you.

If you've ever felt like you've got content creation blocks okay, or maybe you're going through it now Maybe you're like having difficulty, it might not be on Instagram, it might be on TikTok, which I totally get, I'm not on there yet. Or Facebook Now, I'm not on there yet. Or Facebook Now. I love Facebook. You know that's been my jam and that's where I have gotten my clients for years, and I mean I've gotten them from multiple platforms, but you know I've given like 98% of my focus to Facebook, so obviously that's where I've gotten my clients from, and it can be on any platform for you. But I want to share about some things which will apply no matter what platform you're choosing to use. If you're having content creation blocks, okay, here we go. So the first thing I want to say and it sounds super obvious, but it needs to be said is like a big mistake that a lot of you are making and it's really stopping you and blocking you from creating content on your desired platform is you're not being patient with yourself. This is a huge mistake and often this happens when you see or at least you believe you see that you're not doing a good job.

And I want you to think of any skill that we use on a daily basis, like walking. You know I was going to say running, but honestly, I don't run every day. I don't even run every week, anyway. So just think of walking, or maybe driving right, and it takes time and think of walking. You know, when we were babies, we didn't judge ourselves. When we're babies, you know, because we couldn't walk. I mean, well, technically we can't judge ourselves because we haven't developed our reasoning faculty, but maybe that's why we're able to learn it so quickly developed our reasoning faculty, but maybe that's why we're able to learn it so quickly. And if you think about it, you know, in, just say, approximately a year, you know you come out not being able to, like, even roll on your belly and within that year, you're, like, able to walk. I think that's super amazing and, you know, if we get out of our way, stop judging ourselves and be patient while we're learning this skill, we will be able to progress so much faster.

It goes without saying that I have had to be super, super patient with myself from the moment I started online and, honestly, if I were impatient with myself, I would have quit a very long time ago. And that's not to say that sometimes I don't get frustrated or annoyed or wish that things that I wasn't making progress or that I was sorry, making progress faster. Of course I do and that's normal, you know, to want yourself to be able to get what you need to do to be able to, like, you know, put your body of work out there, to put your marketing out there so you can attract and enroll clients and start actually helping them right, and also, obviously, getting the money and the income so you can create your own freedom business right. So I'm telling you, I would have quit a thousand times if I was too impatient with myself. So I just want to give you a word of encouragement and say, when you see other people who are ahead of you and I know you want to be there as well I have clients who like, like they're super intimidated and you know I have to like, just tell them it's okay when they work with me, because they're like, they're looking and they're comparing themselves to me. And then I see other coaches and business owners. I'm like, wow, they're so far ahead as well, and I choose to be inspired by it and also patient with myself.

We've all got our own journey to get through and I don't think there's like any exact time for it to work out. I just believe in divine timing and you know divine timing doesn't mean making ample excuses for ourselves all the time, but it does does mean being patient and know that some skills just take time to build. You've got to get in and and work on building the skill, just like I've hired a coach to help me with my Instagram strategy and like skills and what's working on Instagram. Now I don really know, I haven't paid attention, because I give my attention. I've been giving my attention to Facebook and my podcast, you know. So, yeah, I don't know. So now I am looking at you, know what is working on Instagram and it's fun learning it, right. But I understand that it's going to take me time and a little bit of practice, but hopefully not too long, because I've got a coach who's going to help me.

And so maybe you need to get a coach, maybe you need to do something specific, maybe you need to. Actually, some of you get coaches and you don't even go through and watch the training. You've got to watch the training guys and then go and implement, take action and, the whole way along, be patient with yourself. If you've got questions and they feel like silly questions, don't be afraid to ask them. Hopefully you've got a coach who you feel comfortable to ask questions with. If you don't, then come and chat with me. I promise you I'm fine with all the questions, right, but uh, yeah, you want to be able to, like, get in and do and, in the process, again, be super patient with yourself.

All right, let's go into the next one, the second mistake that I see, and again I mean these are all from experience as well, so this mistake is very common and I've done it myself. I still have a propensity to do this myself sometimes, and maybe it's because I've got I don't know, I don't like to label myself, but apparently I do have ADHD markers in my brain, and that's fine because you know it could happen for a number of reasons, but, um, not that that matters. I don't even know why I said that in my head. I was thinking it was probably from my accidents with speed skating and blah, blah, blah, all these things, but anyway, I digress. So, um, the mistake is spreading ourselves too thin and not allowing ourselves to go deep, to go deep in the skill that we're trying to learn.

And so, if your platform is email marketing, you need to learn the nuances, like what are the metrics that you're looking for with email marketing? Like you know, there's tricks if you're using that platform right, so which I hope you are, by the way, but anyway, I won't start on that, you know. So, if you're doing email marketing, you'll want to see, like you know, what's the open rate, what's a's a good open rate, you know what's a good click-through rate, what's your click-through rate and, like you know, what do you need to do if it's not measuring up and your conversion rates and your bounce rates and your delivery rates and your unsubscribe rates, and and on and on. Okay, so, um there and I hope, by the way, for those of you who are thinking about doing email marketing, if I just said all those things and you're like, your brain just started to glaze over, please don't let me dissuade you through just mentioning all those. Just know that, again, you're just going to learn what these things mean and your brain is equipped to learn these things.

There is nothing, when it comes to marketing, that you cannot learn, nothing at all that you can't learn. You can learn it all. You just need to learn it all at the right time. And what you don't want to do and this is what often the problem is we think that we suck at marketing, but it's actually that we're overwhelming ourselves by trying to you. This is what often the problem is we think that we suck at marketing, but it's actually that we're overwhelming ourselves by trying to you know, um, what's the word? Go like a mile, what is it a mile wide, an inch deep? What I want you to do is go like an inch what is it? An inch wide and a mile deep, like, become really, really good at what it is you're trying to do and at the platform you're trying to get good on, okay? So, yeah, don't do all the things you don't need to. In fact, you need a plan of action, right? Your game plan should help you to know exactly what you're focusing on.

It doesn't mean you can't be on multiple platforms. You might consider not being on platforms, so you might be on, like, say, linkedin and Facebook and Instagram and all sorts of places, and it might be time for you to like let go of LinkedIn, right, stop posting on there. I'm on LinkedIn. I'm embarrassed to look at what my profile would look like. It's so old and and not updated, because, sure, I've gotten clients from there, but I chose to let it go and go all in on Facebook, and that's where I've been getting my clients for years and years.

Right, and so you may choose to stay on multiple platforms, but know that there should be one which you're going deep in and getting skilled at, and then when you feel really competent, you've got the systems and procedures set up and and it's easy on there, then you're ready to go on to the next one and smash that out. Then you're ready to go on the next one and smash that out as well, you know. So just don't overwhelm yourself through like trying to spread yourself too thin. And that's not just actually in creating content, that's in all the parts of running your business, because you're not just creating content or running a business. You know a coaching business which requires you to do many things, or someone at least within your business or company to do a lot of things.

And so, when it comes to the specific task of creating content, you need content. You need a way to be visible, right. You need a way for your potential clients to know you exist and that you can help them and, you know, give them a way to connect with you and to trust you, and for you to show and demonstrate that you can help them solve their specific problem right. And of course you need that. But there are all the other pieces. So if you feel stuck when it comes to creating content. If you have a blog, just know that you may need to not do more. You may, in fact, need to do less, but do less better, okay.

The third thing that I want to share before I wrap this up is a lie or a myth that I think a lot of people fall for and or not necessarily fall for, but that we tell ourselves right, and that is that if we don't feel good like don't create content, like you've got to feel good to create good content, or in other words, if I'm feeling like in any negative emotion, then it's okay if I excuse myself from creating content. And, of course, you know there's all sorts of ways that we can create content. You know you might pre-schedule and, like you know, do a big content creation thing, like once a week or once a month, you know and do, or you might do it on the fly, on daily. Right, it's up to you how you do it, but you've got to be able to put your plan in place. And one thing I know is that no business can remain fiscal, it can't remain financially profitable and meet the demands of its clients or customers if it were only run on our emotions. You know how we're feeling, on our emotions. You know how we're feeling, so, and I think I see this a lot because you know I work with a lot of intuitives, a lot of like healers, a lot of spiritually in tune people, and you know, the funny thing is it's ironic is sometimes the more in tune someone is with their emotions, the more they sometimes want to excuse them. It's kind of ironic, but I think there are a few things we can do to overcome this challenge and to help ourselves too. You know, be responsible business owners, regardless of how we're feeling, because I will share with you.

Sometimes I've gotten online and done marketing and coached my clients when I haven't felt like it. I've had a negative feeling for the day. It wasn't like feeling. You know my most, you know vibrant self, and sometimes I felt like absolute crap. I, you know, haven't felt well, but there's a few things you can do to navigate this so you can be a responsible business owner. You know, because I don't know about your personal situation, but you know I have a family, I've got personal things I want to do, like I love traveling, right, I've got two trips to Asia this year, one of them next month and, like you know, I've got to show up for these things to happen and I've got clients to take care of. And, as of last year, I'm starting to rebuild my team again and it's just that takes being responsible, right, it takes being responsible.

And I can't run my business just on the hope that I'm going to feel absolutely amazing every day, because I just think that's like I don't know, I just think it's, that's just not life and I'm a really positive person. I'm super positive, you know. I know how to work with my emotions really well. But I just think we have to realize sometimes we have our own thought work to do. You know we're not perfected, we're not completed, we're a work in progress. And so you know you get to a certain level. Then you know more stuff comes to the surface to clean out and you've got to keep working through stuff right. So, because we're a work in progress, there's always going to be like this. You know some part of ourselves which we are going to work on and we're going to need to tidy up our thoughts and feelings, and so there's that and plus, life throws you curveballs because we live in a universe where, you know, there's opposition in all things.

And so I think this is really helpful If you can just accept that sometimes life is going to throw you curveballs, and accept that ahead of time and know that on some days you're not going to feel like creating content and that you don't have to feel like it in order for you to do it. You're simply just going to keep your word to yourself and create the content anyway. And you know I'm saying this as much for myself as I am for you, because there are times where I'm like, oh, I haven't felt like it and I haven't done it, and I've had to remind myself that was irresponsible, not to do that. And it's not that I'm trying to give myself a hard time or anything like that. And you know, I love the way. Mostly I love the way that I run my business, you know. So for the last several years I've mostly worked somewhere between like a 10 to 15 hour week and run a really successful, profitable business, and I'm very grateful for that. I'm grateful for my clients, I'm grateful for you know, everything that I have, but it's come partly through working when I did not feel like it, including creating content.

And if you're wondering how to get more leads and sales. You need visibility. You need to create content. I hate to tell you this If you're an online coach, a lot of you try and get around and try and squirm out of it, but you've got to create content and you've got to put your energy and your love and your sincerity and into your work, into your body of work, which includes your content. And, quite frankly, the cool thing is this the more content you create, the more skilled you are at marketing, and the more skilled you become at marketing, the better coach you become. I promise you, the higher up in income you go and the more effective your marketing becomes, the better you become at coaching and articulating the transformation, how your clients can get the transformation faster and all that jazz. It's super, super cool. Your clients can get their transformation faster and all that jazz. It's super, super cool anyway.

So those are three things to be mindful of. I hope they're helpful, or I hope this has been helpful for you again. It is number one be patient with yourself. Number two make sure you're not spreading yourself too thin. Allow yourself to go deep in your work, right. And number three don't fall for the lie that you've got to feel good to create your content. Okay, you can just go create it, because you're a responsible human being.

Anyway, that's it for today. Lots of love and sunshine. If you want support, by the way, creating a roadmap and getting clear on, like, what platform you're going to focus on, like what your messaging is, and all of that stuff and you just you don't have a clear strategy and you want one, just just come on over to Instagram, to Kushla Chadwick official, or you can find me on Facebook as well, under Kushla Chadwick, and just send me a message, just ask for a like, just send the word planathon and I'll get you hooked up and we'll do a planning session, if, if, there's space available. If there's not, then we'll put you in the waiting list and we'll let you know when they're available, right, but yeah, just send the word planathon and we'll hook you up, help you out and help you to create a plan for free so that you can go forward and get your body of work out into the world, help more people, create more income and more freedom for you all. Righty, my friend, that's it. Lots of love and sunshine, and I will catch you soon. Bye.

Creating Content
Effective Marketing Strategies and Content Creation
Navigating Responsibility in Business Ownership
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