The Confident Coach Academy Podcast

Aligning Yourself For More Sales

June 25, 2024 Kushla Chadwick
Aligning Yourself For More Sales
The Confident Coach Academy Podcast
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The Confident Coach Academy Podcast
Aligning Yourself For More Sales
Jun 25, 2024
Kushla Chadwick

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If you are someone who wants to do high ticket sales or you want to have big cash infusions and you haven't figured out how to do that yet or you've created some high ticket offers and they are just not selling than this podcast episode is for you!

In this podcast episode I walk you through how you can better energetically align yourself for more sales. This podcast episode also doubles as a special early bird invite to my course designed to help you with your own high ticket sales called, High Ticket Sales. You can access it here:

If you want to become a 6-figure or 7 figure Coach, come on over and connect with Kushla:

- on Instagram, you'll find her @KushlaChadwickOfficial

- on Facebook, come join our community here: Community

- To book a free $100k Roadmap Session or go on the waiting list for one, go here:

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If you are someone who wants to do high ticket sales or you want to have big cash infusions and you haven't figured out how to do that yet or you've created some high ticket offers and they are just not selling than this podcast episode is for you!

In this podcast episode I walk you through how you can better energetically align yourself for more sales. This podcast episode also doubles as a special early bird invite to my course designed to help you with your own high ticket sales called, High Ticket Sales. You can access it here:

If you want to become a 6-figure or 7 figure Coach, come on over and connect with Kushla:

- on Instagram, you'll find her @KushlaChadwickOfficial

- on Facebook, come join our community here: Community

- To book a free $100k Roadmap Session or go on the waiting list for one, go here:

In this episode, I am going to dive in to how you can energetically align yourself for more sales. Whether this is something you're struggling with or something you're doing fairly well with and you just want to get better at aligning yourself so you can call in more sales, then you'll want to pay attention in this episode. I can't wait. Hey, welcome to the Confident Coach Academy podcast. I'm your host, Kushla Chadwick, and if you have an audacious dream to really be of service in the world, build a profitable coaching business online and have an awesome life offline, then, my love, you are in the right place. Together we're going to talk strategy, mindset, manifestation, thought, work, energy, work, all all the things. So let's dive in. Hey, hey, my friend, how are you? I hope you're doing amazing. You may know if you've been following the podcast, at least you'll know that I turned 50 last week and I've been having a lot of fun. I've actually been doing like just over a month of celebrating. It will be all in all. I originally was planning on having a huge birthday party, but as it got closer, I really just wasn't feeling that that's what I wanted to do. So in the end, my husband and I chose to do two weeks of traveling internationally. So we went to South Korea and Japan. And then, on the day of my actual birthday, we went and had a really fancy, smancy, beautiful dinner and did other stuff with our family at home. And then I've done an outing with a group of friends my k-drama sisters, I call them. We went out and had some delicious Korean food, and then Bingsu, which is a Korean dessert, and then we did karaoke, or that's the Japanese word for, like you know, going singing and a singing room. In Korea they call that a noraebang. So we went to a noraebang and we had a amazing time. And then the next, I've still got a few things to do as well. I also had actually a mocktail evening of, so like it was a slight competition between some of the adult family members, um, you know, and like another birthday cake, and so the celebrations are going on. I've still got a couple of things to do. So that's my life update. Um, turning 50 has been fun thus far for me.

Now let's dive into today's episode, because today is really, really important if you want to increase your sales. So whether you feel like you've been struggling to get sales, and I know that this is so real. This is real for, like those of you who are really amazing at what you do, I've worked with some incredible women and when they come in and start working with me, they've had things like you know, one of my clients when she started she was on nine she'd made like 97 dollars over the period of her trying to launch her business and she'd been sharing content like I think she was sharing content in like six different platforms over a period of years. So I know the struggle can be very real with sales and some of you are like holy smokes, I would have given up by now, or like what is she doing wrong? So, of course, there are a lot of things that you can be doing right and there are a lot of things that we can do wrong, and it's important to acknowledge right out the gate that we all are going to make mistakes and a lot of what we do online as business owners is just one big fat experiment. That's what entrepreneurs do. They have an idea, they have some, they figure out some solutions, they go, try it like they experiment with it and they see what they need to tweak and then they go back to the drawing board. They tweak and then they go do it again and they just keep doing that, like that's what being an entrepreneur is, including being a coach online, a personal brand online, right?

So whether you're someone who's been struggling, or maybe you're doing really, really well and you're like man, I've had the best year, you know. I've hit six figures and I want to go to the next level, you know what can happen and I've had this happen myself a number of times is you know you can go up to one level and then you get stagnant at that level and you think some people think you stay there there, but you can actually drop back down again if you do not do the energetics work, their mindset work, that like you know, the inner work to be able to firstly withstand the benchmark that you've got to and then to elevate it again. So there are all sorts of important things to pay attention to when it comes to the inner work, the energetics. If you want your sales to keep growing or to be able to maintain your sales, if you feel like you're in a season of like I'm really, really happy with the sales I've got, coming in energetically, you want to make sure that you don't bounce up there and then bounce back down again. So, anyway, I want to speak about this with you guys and give you, like one of my biggest tips for how to deal with this, and also I want to give you an invitation.

If you are someone who wants to do high ticket sales or you want to have big cash infusions and you haven't figured out how to do that yet, or maybe you've created offers and they're not selling some high ticket offers and they're not selling, you know, or maybe you've you've created a high ticket offer and you've gotten lucky. You've sold it once or twice, but you seem stuck there and doing like five figure months over and over and over again. It's like driving you insane, trying to figure out then I'm going to invite you to my course. It is an early bird at the moment. You can get access to it, so it's my entire high ticket sales for online coaches business model. You're going to get access to that. The course is really simple. It's called High Ticket Sales, right? So I'm going to invite you into that. You can get an early bird price for that at the moment, so I'll give you the link so you can go check it out. Okay, so all you kushlachadwickcom. So it's kushla, k-u-s-h-l-a, chadwick, c-h-a-d-w-i-c-kcom, forward slash, high dash ticket dash sales. Go there and you'll see like a phenomenal early bird price to join that. Join that course now. You will get access to training which some of my clients have paid tens of thousands of dollars for. Okay, so go over there now and you can get access to it at a crazy price, anyway.

So let me go back to what I was talking about with you guys. So we want to address our energetics. If you want more sales, if you want to be able to have the big cash infusions, maybe you want to get booked out in a group program, maybe you want to get booked out with your private coaching, or you want to start selling something which you haven't sold yet out with your private coaching, or you want to start selling something which you haven't sold yet. So, either way, if you want to do that, there's one thing you've got to do in terms of the mindset and energetics piece right, and that's you've got to align yourself for more sales, at whatever price point you're talking about. So you've got to align yourself for more sales, and there are multiple things that I do Like you've got to have strategies for your mindset work.

Your energetics work. You've got to have strategies for your lead attraction. You've got to have strategies for your sales. You've got to have strategies for how you look after your clients right. It's important to have strategies for your lead attraction. You're going to have strategies for yourselves. You've got to have strategies for how you look after your clients right. It's important to have strategies and everything.

And and one of the uh things that I do for strategy work when it comes to the energetics is I do this exercise with my clients. It's called the pushback and it's the way that. It's one of the ways that I get them to do work with their belief work, and it's a fun exercise to do and really, really effective, and it's basically a way of tiring out your false beliefs, because your false beliefs do not serve you any longer, and a false belief is basically something that's not supporting the vision, the authentic, genuine, sincere vision that you have for your life, and in this case, your life includes your business, right? So the beliefs that you've had have served you up until now in some way, shape or form, even if they've been, like, unhealthy in a lot of ways. In some way, shape or form, they have served you, but they are not going to serve you moving forward.

And this is not about eradicating every single limiting belief that you have, because, believe it or not, like if you really do some deep work and get someone outside of yourself to help you find your blind spots, you'll always have some limiting beliefs. Even you know, as you scale up an income to a certain level, there are going to be other limiting beliefs that pop up. So it's not like I'm not talking about going on a witch hunt of your limiting beliefs. In my opinion, you don't need to do that to be able to get in alignment for more sales. That's my personal opinion. You're not trying to become a saint. You're not trying to become, like the perfect business owner.

I don't think there's such a thing and, honestly, everyone's business is going to look, and should look, a little bit different, based on the lifestyle that they want to create, the family that they have, the environment that they live in and what they want that to change to, or what parts of that they want to change. So it's just like so, so different for everyone. But anyway, as I was saying, one of the things that I do is this exercise called the pushback, and if you come and join the high ticket sales course is this exercise called the pushback, and if you come and join the high ticket sales course you'll get access to, actually, as a bonus, I am giving some training on the energetic side of things, which is going to be awesome, but in any case, one of the things specifically that I want to focus on today is your belief around what people can afford, because here is the truth of it If at any point, you assume your clients can't afford your stuff, then energetically you will show up differently. If you believe your clients can't afford your stuff, then energetically you will show up differently. And here's the truth. I want to give a bit of pushback to that belief. You don't know whether or not your people can afford it. You might hear what they tell you. You might hear what they tell you. That's not really a matter of what they can and can't afford.

And I'll give you some examples. I have had clients who have said to me I really want to work with you, but I don't have the money right now. I have this amount of money which would cover, like a payment plan, of working this long with you, like, say, maybe the first two months. I'm recalling one client specifically. She said I have got enough for the first two months payment plans. After that I don't know what I would do now. Here's the thing I always hold the space that my clients can afford to work with me. That doesn't mean like that literally they have the money. This is where I'll get very specific with you.

So this is what I assume. I assume my clients are smart, right? I don't assume, like you know, that they're in some money drama and they don't know how to figure it out. I assume my clients are smart and no matter how much money they have in their bank accounts or don't have in their bank accounts, that they are smart enough to figure out how they can or will need to prioritize the money that they do have and the money that could come to them in order to create the business and life that they want. Now, does that mean that I'm attached and that everyone who says that they want to work with me should work with me? Absolutely not right.

You know I also work in the trauma-informed field and I can tell you guys, you know, for some people um making a decision to work with you when perhaps they're like my client who said they only had two months payments worth, like I would blow out their nervous system for a number of reasons and undealt with trauma again. It can be false beliefs, like and on, and on, and on and on, but there are a number of things and it might be wrong for them. But this is where I'm going to go back to the belief that I just said to you. I assume my clients are smart enough to figure out how to prioritize their money and it's not my business to get in and try and convince them that they can call in opportunities, that they can call in money, that things can happen for them so that they do have enough, and it's not up to me to try and not, it's not up to me to try, and you know, um, make them somehow make working with me the top priority, that's, and it's not up to you. So, um, I used to have I still do have, actually um a script overcoming the objection, script, which it's a free freebie. You can go find it on my website if you want it. It's really awesome.

But what I used to share with my clients, because some of my clients had this challenge and I had it very occasionally, but it was more for the clients who had this challenge was there were five steps on overcoming the money objection, and the fifth step was basically walking the potential client through how perhaps they weren't really in alignment with what they said that they wanted. And if they were saying like that, the money was more important than you know say, saving their marriage. And they were saying like this is like the thing that they want most in the world right now is to be able to save their marriage, or the thing that they need to help with most right now is their health, otherwise they're going to be dead in a year or whatever. You know, I'm being a bit extreme here, but so and it's not that it's not true like I, I would say if my marriage were on the rocks and I wanted to save it and I thought that this particular relationship coach could help me save it, then I would I would, you know, invest whatever to be able to do that.

Or if I thought that I was going to, like, die in a year or two, or that the quality of life because of my poor health was so crap, you know, I would and I would figure out the money for me, for me personally, but for some people, that is going to like blow their nervous system and, quite frankly, make them sick or, quite frankly, make them worse in their relationship with their spouse, and so it's such a subjective thing. It doesn't help for you to get into that area. So I used to have five steps and I decided, after watching a lot, to like just get rid of that fifth step and just completely just leave it up to your clients, even though though and I know, actually I've seen who was it I saw someone randomly, actually on Instagram, I think it was, and it looked like they had a similar way of dealing with objections, much more masculine though, much more kind of pushy, than the way that my script helped my clients to deal with it. Um, but I've just like got to this stage where I just think, no, you just completely leave it up to your clients and rely solely on the fact that you know your clients are smart enough. So energetically, I believe, like it's you know that it doesn't matter what income someone levels on. I mean, of course, it would be great if everyone had, like you know, a coaching bank account. You know they just put money aside for them to be life coach or business coach or whatever, but that's just not the reality, right?

So it does come down to a lot of people are going to have to make the decision around how to prioritize their money, and for me, it's just served me so well and it's always served my clients so well when they adapt the belief that their clients are smart enough to figure out how to prioritize their money and you don't have to convince them, and so what it does is it attracts the clients who are ready to do the work and they are going to be solution finders. Even if the amount of money that they have coming in right now is not the amount that's necessarily going to be comfortable for them to invest to work with you, it feels good for them to be able to give the priority of working with you, for them to make that decision to, to prioritize working with you right now. Okay, now, for a lot of people they're going to be like it is ethically or morally like not good to let people work with you when they are going to financially struggle. And now I I call bull crap on that, and here's why, like, imagine if we did that with everything that people consumed in life. Like there are some people who, like they'll go and buy McDonald's and really you know they can't afford it. They're living paycheck to paycheck and they should be probably making their meals at home so that they could save more money. And I know people think of McDonald's is cheap, but quite frankly, I've seen the prices on the menu and they have shot up and I'm like, no, but anyway, like that's just a little example.

Or like you know someone who buys um cigarettes right, and I'm picking on people's health here for some reason, I I apologize, right, uh, but you know someone who buys cigarettes and then they often say, oh, I don't have money for this or I don't have money for that. Now, obviously not everyone who smokes cigarettes struggles with money, but there are a lot of people who I personally have seen who do. Now, do you see the shops saying you can't buy the cigarettes because you're struggling with money? No, do you see McDonald's saying, hey, you're living paycheck to paycheck, you can't buy a McDonald's. Sorry, buddy, that's just not like what happens in business. Okay, and businesses are needed.

That's a way of exchanging value, and the cool thing is if you're a coach who really does provide an amazing transformation, and I guess these are the people I'm really speaking to here, right? I'm not speaking to you about like something people can just simply go Google. I'm talking about you and your ability as a coach to hold the space for people to do massive things and have massive changes in their life. Doesn't matter what niche it is, if it's, if it's um, if it's worth more than the amount that you exchange, like then I just say, like, whatever, whatever. You know, people can just choose to work with you or they can choose not to, and they can choose to make it a priority or they can choose not to. But I really call bullcrap on this belief that it's morally bad to charge big price tags when it could put people in bankruptcy or in a difficult situation in their family or whatever. No, it's the person prioritizing incorrectly that puts them in that difficult situation or in bankruptcy or whatever. Now I'll give you an example One of my clients this is going back many years ago, pauline, who I worked with.

She actually wanted to come with me partly for relationship coaching, partly for health coaching, and I'd helped her get past this kind of problem, this very specific problem she was having with her health in our initial sessions and she knew she wanted to go deeper with me in terms of, like, helping her health to get way better and her relationship. And she knew that the two of them well, we knew from the work that we did together the two of them were like, very, very intertwined and where she'd been struggling with her health it was to do with her relationship with her husband, and so our initial work I can't remember how much it was, whether it was like $800 or something like that, I can't recall. You know, and sometimes I have VIP sessions now and they're like $1,500. So people can come do a couple of hours, work with me and like we work on one specific thing, right? But anyway, she knew she wanted to come and work with me more and so I customized an offer for her and it was to work together for six months and it was $10. It was to work together for six months and it was ten thousand dollars to work together.

Now, she actually didn't have that cash, but she didn't blink an eye or say, oh no, I, I can't do it straight away. What she did was she's like, okay, all right, like I know, this is worth it, let me figure this out. And so what she ended up doing was actually selling one of her investment properties, and so she used the money from that and paid me in full. Now, that's just one example, and the thing isn't you know, the problem here isn't, or the thing that I want to highlight isn't that she had an investment property or anything like that. It's the fact that she saw the value she felt like her health was worth way more than ten thousand dollars and I certainly hope you do too, right and she um thought her relationship with her husband was worth way more than that.

And so did I like if I didn't believe that the problems that I was helping to solve were more than whatever it is I'm charging, and usually, like the problems that I'm helping to solve, like, you actually can't put a price on it for a lot of the things, and so you've just got to know, like is, is this problem that I'm helping them to solve? Is it really worth more than this? And if the answer is like a hell yes, then you know it is great. So hold the space for the price that you're charging and know that your dream clients, that there's a ton of them out there who would love to work with someone just like you to solve their dang problems, to be able to create the relationships that they want, the health that they want to be able to create the business that they want to be able to. You know, do whatever your specific result is. They want help and they just need you to stand out more and believe in yourself.

Now, do people want you? Do people want to be charged high prices? Like no, not, actually. Some people do. I will say this. You know, some people will look at the price of your thing and they'll think, wow, that's so cheap, it mustn't be very good, right. And so there are people who want to be charged more, and I think we all can naturally do that. We can look at something and say, oh, you know, that's pretty cheap, it must be poor quality. And we do that with stuff, and we do that with coaching as well, with coaching programs and coaching offers. And then there are people who it doesn't matter how cheap your price, they are going to think that you're a rip off or they are going to think like that's too much.

I literally had a client. She put together this offer and it was $1 for something, and then obviously there was an upsell right. But she had someone like call her out and charging a dollar instead of giving them to her for free, and I was like, are you freaking, kidding me? And like, yeah, she was just dumbfounded. Like that, someone would call her out and charging a dollar like that they thought that they should get it for free. Would call her out on charging a dollar like that they thought that they should get it for free. Like so I'm just saying there are people out there who, yes, they might take issue with you charging the price that you want to charge and say it's too much. And also there are people who are going to undervalue it and think that it's too little. They might not tell you because they are less inclined to tell you if they think it's, you know, comes across as budget. That's something normally people keep to themselves, but I definitely have had people tell me and talk to me about this. So, in any case, bringing it back, bringing it back to this is a belief I want you to push back.

If you feel like you're afraid that people won't afford your stuff or you have the belief that people can't afford your stuff, is just to know that people are smart enough, including the people that you're going to begin attracting to figure out how to prioritize their money. You don't have to worry about their money. You shouldn't worry about their money. It's not your job to figure out their bank account issues. It's their job. They're the adults who are coming to you for help. Let them figure it out, okay, anyway, my friends, there's so much work we can do, so much inner work we can do. There's so much work we can do, so much inner work we can do.

But what I don't want you doing is just feeling like you know you have to spend all this time on energetics, all this time on mindset work before you can get your offer out there and get it cracking. No, you want to be doing both in alignment. You want to strategically have an offer that you feel really confident about, you feel really awesome about. You know it's going to help your clients get the results that they want. It's a win for them and it's a win for you, and the price is something you're really stoked about and you're able to have the energetics, the mindset, to be able to sell it and not just once or twice and get lucky, but repeatedly.

So, um, I hope that this. You know that this little conversation has been has been helpful today, and also I want to invite you again, uh, if you want to help selling your high ticket offers, come on over to and I'll put the link below as well and come and join us while there is early bird pricing, which is freaking amazing. Anyway, my friend, I love you, have an awesome week, lots of love and sunshine, and I'll chat to you soon. Bye.

Energetic Alignment for More Sales
Value-Based Pricing for Coaches
Strategic Offer Alignment for Sales