The Confident Coach Academy Podcast

Self Worth And Sales

July 02, 2024 Kushla Chadwick
Self Worth And Sales
The Confident Coach Academy Podcast
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The Confident Coach Academy Podcast
Self Worth And Sales
Jul 02, 2024
Kushla Chadwick

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What if your self-worth was the key to unlocking better sales performance? This week, I share deeply personal stories, from a challenging time when my husband was injured to my own upbringing without my mother, to illustrate how self-worth issues impact our business success. Through these experiences, we uncover the hidden barriers that many face, and I provide practical strategies to boost your self-worth and, consequently, your sales outcomes. Discover how enhancing your self-worth can empower you to thrive both online and offline.

We also explore the transformative power of positive energy and physical movement. Learn how incorporating activities like walking and rebounding into your daily routine can enhance creativity, reduce stress, and improve your sales performance. Using habit-tracking apps and Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT), we'll discuss how small daily actions can have a big impact on your well-being. Finally, we emphasize the importance of continuous learning and personal growth, while appreciating the tried-and-true methods that have served us well. Join me in celebrating the journey of self-improvement, filled with love and positivity, to help you become the best version of yourself.

If you want to become a 6-figure or 7 figure Coach, come on over and connect with Kushla:

- on Instagram, you'll find her @KushlaChadwickOfficial

- on Facebook, come join our community here: Community

- To book a free $100k Roadmap Session or go on the waiting list for one, go here:

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What if your self-worth was the key to unlocking better sales performance? This week, I share deeply personal stories, from a challenging time when my husband was injured to my own upbringing without my mother, to illustrate how self-worth issues impact our business success. Through these experiences, we uncover the hidden barriers that many face, and I provide practical strategies to boost your self-worth and, consequently, your sales outcomes. Discover how enhancing your self-worth can empower you to thrive both online and offline.

We also explore the transformative power of positive energy and physical movement. Learn how incorporating activities like walking and rebounding into your daily routine can enhance creativity, reduce stress, and improve your sales performance. Using habit-tracking apps and Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT), we'll discuss how small daily actions can have a big impact on your well-being. Finally, we emphasize the importance of continuous learning and personal growth, while appreciating the tried-and-true methods that have served us well. Join me in celebrating the journey of self-improvement, filled with love and positivity, to help you become the best version of yourself.

If you want to become a 6-figure or 7 figure Coach, come on over and connect with Kushla:

- on Instagram, you'll find her @KushlaChadwickOfficial

- on Facebook, come join our community here: Community

- To book a free $100k Roadmap Session or go on the waiting list for one, go here:

In this episode, I want to share a little bit about how your self-worth is really impacting your sales, and I want to dive in and share a few very real, practical things that you can do to deal with this and increase your sales. All right, let's dive in. Hey, welcome to the Confident Coach Academy podcast. I'm your host, Kushla Chadwick, and if you have an audacious dream to really be of service in the world, build a profitable coaching business online and have an awesome life offline, then, my love, you are in the right place. Together we're going to talk strategy, mindset, manifestation, thought work, energy work, all the things. So let's dive in. Hey, my friend, how are you? I hope you're amazing.

Today I've had a really interesting week. Actually. My husband, who is a shock reader we've done what that is he like? It's like a type of concrete, it's a special type of mix, but he holds this kind of like this I was going to say pipe, it's not a pipe anyway this thing over his shoulder and he looks like a totally manly man and he loves his work. He loves doing very manual work. He does that and he does consulting actually for shock creating and anyway, he was like hands on last week and injured himself. He got thrown against the wall in the dark. It's winter here in Australia, so, anyway, he got hurt. He didn't tell me, though, and normally like not normally, but every day I ask how did he go Like? And I kind of get a rundown of his day and he neglected to tell me, and then the next day he was like rubbing what he thought was a knot and it was actually a tear in his shoulder, and it ended up. He ended up like making it swell, and it was actually a tear in his shoulder, and it ended up. He ended up like making it swell, and it was impacting his breathing. His head felt like it was going to pop off his shoulders. We actually thought he'd fractured his neck, and so, thank goodness, we spent like quite a bit of time in the hospital.

Even in the car he's like holding his chin. You guys can't see me up, but I'm like got my hand on my chin like the slightest little little bump. It had me freaking out. Anyway, it's been a long time since I've had to do a hospital run, so that was. That was like my well, not my, week. Well, yeah, that was my week, kind of just helping my husband the best that I could. Well, actually not the best that I could, because you know he doesn't necessarily like to do all the kind of woo-woo things, holisticky things that I do, but he's done a little bit of them anyway. So that was the interesting thing of my week.

I hope that you have had no drama like I have and if you have sending you hugs and lots of sunshine. Anyway, today I wanted to jump in and chat with you about how your self-worth is impacting your sales. Now, I know some of you might feel like me and I'll tell you a little bit about me. So I am someone who, I would say, has a really high sense of confidence. I have built the skill up and I feel like part of it was like endowed upon me, it was like a gift for me in my later teenage years and, for those of you who don't know, my mum left.

I'm the youngest of six children and my mom left when it was just me left at home, which I was a bit annoyed about, but anyway, um yeah, she left when I was about 11, 12 and or 12, and then I moved to Australia to live with my eldest sister when I was 13, and you can imagine, you know I I had some stuff to work through and as a teenager, not suddenly, like you know, having your mum around all the time and then suddenly not at all, it, like it, really impacted my experience as a teenage girl and I'll tell you, I honestly felt lost a lot of the time. My sister did a great job, but she had young children to think of and her husband and you know I probably looked like the teenager who was just like you know, doing all the things that were important to me. I'd go to school and then, because I used to do competitive speed skating, I would, like you know, come home. Often I would go to the skating rink, catch the bus there and, um, and I worked. I ended up working part-time at our local skating rink from the age of 14 onwards and you know I looked like life was like probably a breeze to me.

But I will tell you underneath I can see more now how I really was struggling, and especially not having my mom, I was someone who would often appear to be bubbly, but inwardly I was obviously hurting a lot, and so I had a lot of self-worth issues, and ways that I recognize now were me internalizing that I wasn't good enough, that I wasn't worth people's time, that I wasn't worth people spending money on me, and it sounds weird to say that, but that's really how subconsciously I was processing my life and I don't think that's unusual. Like my story might be different from your story, but in my experience as a business coach, I've seen this so often. In fact, I was just speaking to someone today who was all teary, um, a new client actually, who was all teary as she spoke to me about how she felt about, um, you know what might be impacting her sales and her wanting to get out online, and it was a self-worth issue. And you know she got teary and that just it's normal for me to hear stuff like that. I know that this is so normal and, as I was saying, even though I'm someone who I would say has a high sense of self-esteem, I have built up the skill of being confident, like I said, partly through working on it, partly through. I feel like it was a gift given to me.

You know, after my teenage years that I spoke about, and you know I do a lot of spiritual work for myself and like self-development work. You know the two just are meshed and even though that's the case oh, and you know, know, I, I my, the I'm just struggling with words today the belief that I have is that I am a daughter of God and he loves me perfectly. And there was a time in my life where I felt this profound sense of love and it was like this very, very amazing experience, and I felt that love for me and I felt, at the same time, I recognized, that he had that same love for all of his children who come here to earth. It doesn't matter what I think of them, it doesn't matter anything about them. He loves all of his children. And so I have felt that.

And so, because of that experience, I just go through life thinking God's got my back, he loves me, even though I'm incredibly flawed, just like most people. You know, varying degrees, we're all flawed, we've all got things where we fall short of the mark right, and I'm just that's okay, though, like it doesn't make me less than or anything like that. And so I, even though I feel really great about who I am and my contribution to this world, and like I've got a good sense of self-esteem and I'm like I'm one of God's loved daughters, I still, I still can suddenly feel like I have something, like you know, holding me back. And when I get to the roots of it and do a bit of like of the work, then a work I see like it's a self-worth issue again. I'm like dang, and I think this is like just so common and it's something that you will bump up against as an entrepreneur, particularly if you're a personal brand and you know you're putting yourself out there.

It can feel really really challenging at times. It can feel really difficult, and that's without even trying to sell, that's just through, like trying to put out content there for free to help people, you know, without asking for anything back. It can really really trigger, you know, your undealt with self-worth issues and the thing that I have found is like, oh, I'll do some work and that's really cool. And then I'm like, yeah, that's done with. And then it's like an onion. You know it's like another layer and another layer and another layer, and you know so.

Whether you're someone who's starting out and you got to make your first dollar online, or you're someone who's already hit seven or eight figures, like you'll still have layers to undo or and life experience gives you different ways of seeing things and we change over time and it's just a really interesting journey. But so, anyway, what I wanted to say is, even though that can be your experience from time to time, or maybe often, and maybe you're feeling stuck in this now, the reality is, when you know that this is a thing that you're going to have to deal with, sometimes it's just so smart to come up with strategies to deal with it and to deal with it faster, to work through it faster, and sometimes it's not the speed that counts, sometimes it's like work through it more thoroughly so it actually could be slowing down. But what I mean to say is work through it to the best degree that you can, and sometimes it's better to just do fast short. Sometimes it's better to like slow down and take the longer view with it, but that doesn't mean necessarily that you're going to need that you'll want to stop doing the other things that you need to do to grow your business. You know the things of visibility, the things of attracting leads, the things of enrolling clients, aka getting sales, making sales, right.

So, yeah, I just wanted to share with you a couple of strategies that can be super helpful, and I'm just kind of smiling at myself right now because I realize I'm also recording this to go into my Facebook group, by the way. If you haven't come over to my Facebook group yet, please do. If you're a female, come on over to the Confident Coach Academy business coaching community. Yeah, come and you will be able to, you know, join in on the fun there. So, anyway, I'm smiling because, as I was looking at myself, I remember dang, I wanted to talk about an app that I use and it's on my phone and if I end up kind of closing the thing down, I can't show you. So, anyway, I'll talk about it. I'll talk about it and then I will give you guys the name in the description, so I'll put it, I'll put the link so you guys can go to it.

Anyway, so there's a few strategies that I think are really important for you to use and you're going to customize them, okay, so the first thing that you want to think about, thing that you'll want to think about, is, like, when you have bumped into a problem in the past and you've worked through it really well or really quickly or really effectively, any of you know any of those things like what was it that helped you move through it in that way, right and, and it sounds like really simple, but so many of us don't take the time to think about it. So I know, for me, like daily walks, specifically in the morning, are super helpful for me, even if it's like 10-20 minutes, like a daily walk is, it just gets my energy flowing, it gets my creativity flowing, it gets me kind of relaxing. You know, being connected to nature always helps your, your brain, to calm down and helps you to just be more in the flow. So for me it's walking and that's one. Honestly, I recommend to all of you the other one. So I was just thinking.

I know, know, some of you are like I can't walk sometimes because it's winter and snowing or whatever. So you know, I just say, at least get some kind of movement in. I'll add, I also have a rebounder. I brought one of those rebounders that's got like cordless springs, like it's, you know, whatever the bands instead and that's great. I can't do the same amount of time on my rebounder as I do on my walk, but it's so good for you, it's so good for you. So rebounding is another thing which is fantastic. So, anyway, movement is a great habit for everyone for your creativity, for getting in flow, for your health, like your brain health, all the things creating more energy.

But you're like but, Kushla, how does it help with sales? Well, guess what happens when you feel good, when you feel good, when that cortisol gets brought down and instead your happy hormones come out to play, guess what happens as you get in and do the work, the way the work works for you changes, right. So I could decide like this today. You know, the strategy is I'm reaching out to people in my Facebook group who, have you know, commented on this xyz, or I've asked my team to like. You know people who've said this. Can you reply to them? Right, whatever, but when with my, when my energy is up, it is felt backwards and forwards everywhere on this planet, right, right? So people who have been someone who's been following you, suddenly they're going to feel like, oh, like, they'll see something that you do, and they're like, oh, I'm going to message her. Or oh, like, let me click on this thing of hers, or let me, you know, know, download this thing and get on her email list, and you know, but the thing is, your energy changes the way that people engage with you.

Now that does not mean you have to be Pollyanna, happy and like you know, and that you should give yourself a hard time if you're going through a sad phase or an angry phase or any of those things, because I think all of our emotions are here to tutor us and to help us, you know, discover where we're out of alignment, where we need to, like, shift things up, maybe change our boundaries, maybe, like you know, put in more effort, maybe have a change of direction. Whatever, our emotions are great at teaching us when we pay attention to them. You don't want to ignore them, you don't want to try and push them down, though you do want to create habits in your life that are going to help you. Just be more resilient, be more optimistic anyway. Okay, cause I think, like, even though you don't want to be Pollyanna-ish, I do think you want to be highly optimistic that lots of good things can happen for you, even when it's challenging. I think the challenges are happening for us as well. It doesn't mean they're happening because, like, I don't know I mean, I won't get into this too much but our challenges are happening for us because, when we look at them, we can always use them to help us grow and refine ourselves in some way, right? So, yeah, that's a couple of things you can do.

I mentioned earlier the app. So one of the things that I recommend you have a look at is, well, not an app necessarily, but I use an app. I recently started using an app. Before that, I would use my Notes phone, my Notes app on my Apple phone you know, everyone's got a Notes app on their phone of some kind and I would just put little checklist things in there of, I think, of habits that my future self needs, right? So, for instance, if I want to, let's just say, have a big stretch and become a kind of coach who makes eight figures a year, well, I'm like, okay, what are the habits of an eight figure coach? What does she do? How does she spend her time? What kind of activities does she need to have become really good at? And you know how does she, you know how does she function. But also putting my own spin on it, right, because there's no just one way to do things like.

So I say, for me, as an eight-figure coach, it's really important that I still have time with my family, that I still have time for hobbies, hobbies, that I'm still only working, generally like a four-day week, and so you want to take into consideration what are your preferences, what is it that you want? Also, what's in alignment with who you are as a person and who you believe you'll be as you're growing into the like this next version of yourself and and strategize to have those habits now right? So that means, even though you may have like this self-worth kind of thing come up, you know that you're dealing with it because you've got the habits in place to deal with it. You've got the things that will support you to deal with it. So, for instance, one of the things for me is like making sure I have enough water, which sounds like so plain, right, but again, it's helping with my brain health. It's helping with my physical energy, the amount of output that I can produce right, and also one of my favorite tools in the entire world is EFT, or tapping, and I have a real gift with using that exceptionally well. I did go through the founders training, gary Craig and his certification, and also he originally trained 29 EFT masters, so I've been trained by four of them, and so you know, partly it's training and partly it's like a natural gift that I have, I believe. So I have strategies of like what works well for me.

For me, it's the movement, it's the water, the hydration and it's and those are things that you know do work for all of us, right, but they're things that I've seen evidence of working. When I put them in place. I've seen that they work. So I'm gonna keep using them, right? Or? And the tapping I've seen that work. I've seen like myself and my clients manifest money so quickly using tapping correctly, like it's amazing how quickly money can come in and how quickly sales can come in when they use tapping. So it's like, and that tapping can be used on ourself, like if you're having a day or a week or a period of time where you're feeling like, oh my goodness, I really have some stuff I've got to work through here, or whether it's just like you know what it's not coming to me, but I know that this is how I feel. This is like the general vibe. It's just something makes me feel like I can't stand out.

You can start using tapping on something like that and then you know, follow the breadcrumbs, get to where you need to go to anyway. So, yeah, the app that I use. By the way, I think it's called habits. I will double check, but it's really cool. You can actually put in the app. You can select which days it's you know you want to have the habit, do the habit. You can invite friends in, let them know about the app as well. And it's pretty cool, it's. It's yeah, it's pretty awesome and simple. I love simple things.

So, anyway, my friends, if you feel like you're holding yourself back because you're not good enough in some way, know that you are and there's no one that you're competing against. It's just you. It's just you, and it's so important for you to know that. It's normal to have low feelings sometimes, and I think it's really healthy to normalize even though I'm chirpy, optimistic, confident all those things it's so healthy to normalize just sometimes feeling like crap, but not like not just sitting there without having strategies in place with how to deal with it, because unfortunately or fortunately depends what you're gonna look at it, right? Uh, you know, life challenges don't stop just because someone decides to start their own business or to go for any goal or do anything. Big right, in fact, often they increase in some way, shape or form, or at least it can feel that way.

So I hope, anyway, that something that I've shared with you today has stuck with you and will be helpful has stuck with you and will be helpful. I know it's like kind of very tactical things to do and very basic, because guess what? The simple things can be really powerful. Now, of course, there are ways in which I have and I teach my clients of how to really master their energetics of high ticket sales or just selling in general, and that's something that I go into with my clients and, in fact, actually I have just launched a new course called High Ticket Sales and right now you can get access to it.

Oh, actually, yeah, at the time that this podcast goes live there'll just be a couple of days left we can get access to it during for the early bird price, which is incredible. It's like 97 bucks. For me, that's like I don't know a couple of family members just going to the movies or something you know what I mean and buying popcorn and drinks or whatever and their tickets, their tickets, or not even going out. That's not even, or maybe it is, I don't really know. I was going to say maybe it's like a McDonald's meal for the whole family. Hey, I know most of you might not eat McDonald's, but anyway, you guys get the gist of it. It's an awesome price and it goes live on July 1st, so the podcast episode would have just come out goes live july 1st. So get access to it now, during the early bird period, and then you're ready to go when the course goes live. After that, the course goes up, so the regular price for it will be $9.97 and I'm sure I'll have other promotions for it, but I can promise you they won't be $97. So, yeah, and you'll get access to all of, like my scripts that I teach for high ticket sales.

I'll show you how I have managed to create this multi-six figure business where I'm working, like you know, somewhere between 10 to 15 hours a week most times, sometimes less than 10 hours, often less than 10 hours and very, very occasionally more than like kind of 15 hours. But you know not that there's anything wrong with working more than that. You know you might want to work more than that and that's totally cool. But I'll show you how you can do all the things that you need to do in that time frame as well, because it's important to have life and business aligned well. I'll show you my way of attracting leads and enrolling them into your own high signature offer, which also I'll show you how to do Create your own awesome high ticket offer in less than two hours.

Some people kind of stress about this. They kind of go backwards and forwards with this for years. Actually, I'll help you get it done in two hours. So, yeah, I'm really really excited for that course to go live for you guys. If you want access, you can just go to and get access to the course today for only 97 bucks and I will go through truly the deeper, energetics work of what you need to do to really have your nervous system withstand.

You know, doing high ticket sales or any sales and for some of you, even just selling something like for $50 or $100 can really feel difficult for you, and I don't want selling to feel difficult for you. I want you to like, love what you're selling. It doesn't matter the price point, but I really want you to love it and recognize the value that people are going to get through working with you and everything that you bring to the table uniquely. That's yours. You know your unique blend of knowledge and experience and gifts and, um, yeah, I just want you to just be able to blend all of that stuff together, really own it, feel confident about it.

And I know sometimes it's difficult and I know sometimes we've got one or two or three or four or five people in the back of our head, who we're thinking about judging us. And for me, there's a picture of one friend. She's so lovely, she's so so lovely, and sometimes when I'm about to promote stuff, like her face comes to mind. I'm like man, she's's a cool chick. There's no way she would be against this, you know. But sometimes we all have those people in the background of our heads when we think, oh they, it feels I don't know you don't necessarily have like this organized sentence of things that that person might be thinking, but there's just something that's kind of like whacking at your nervous system and make you feel a little bit anxious about selling. I want you, you, to deal with this and have strategies to deal with it. So I go into that in high ticket sales as well.

Anyway, my friend, I hope that this has been helpful for you. Download the app. I'll put the link to it in the podcast description and or, yeah, our team will, and what else, make sure that you take the time to figure out, like what's worked for you in the past to really help you process through stuff faster and use those strategies again.

Like we often think, we have to keep learning. We have to keep learning new, new things. New things can help, but if there's something that's worked really well for you in the past, keep using it and, you know, stay on the basics while you are ascending into becoming your next version of you, whoever that is. I mean, you're beautiful and awesome and amazing now, and I understand you want to grow, as you are helping other people to grow too. I understand that you want your own transformation, even as you're helping other people to grow too. I understand that you want your own transformation even as you're helping other people to transform their lives too. Right, so, anyway, lots of love and sunshine to you. Have an awesome day and I will catch you later. Bye, thank you.

Self-Worth Impacting Sales
Boosting Sales With Positive Energy
Continuous Learning for Personal Growth