The Confident Coach Academy Podcast

When High Ticket Sales Feel Hard

July 09, 2024 Kushla Chadwick
When High Ticket Sales Feel Hard
The Confident Coach Academy Podcast
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The Confident Coach Academy Podcast
When High Ticket Sales Feel Hard
Jul 09, 2024
Kushla Chadwick

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What if you could transform your approach to high-ticket sales and make the process feel effortless? Join me on this episode of the Confident Coach Academy podcast, where I unravel the myth that selling high-ticket offers is inherently difficult. Through sharing my personal journey in creating the High Ticket Sales course and years of experience in teaching high-ticket sales, I'll guide you on how a structured sales script can be customized to create a confident and comfortable enrollment conversation. We’ll discuss the significance of clarity and confidence in understanding your clients' needs, leading to early success in your enrollment conversations.

Discover the art of mastering enrollment conversations with a structured approach that targets specific client needs. I’ll delve into the versatility of tools like EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) and the importance of specificity in your pitch, especially when starting out or with a smaller audience. Learn how clear, specific benefits can make your offer stand out in competitive niches like health coaching. Plus, get insights on the crucial role of energy and personal connection in building strong client relationships. Get ready to boost your high-ticket sales and effortlessly enroll clients by leveraging these proven strategies and tips.

If you want to become a 6-figure or 7 figure Coach, come on over and connect with Kushla:

- on Instagram, you'll find her @KushlaChadwickOfficial

- on Facebook, come join our community here: Community

- To book a free $100k Roadmap Session or go on the waiting list for one, go here:

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What if you could transform your approach to high-ticket sales and make the process feel effortless? Join me on this episode of the Confident Coach Academy podcast, where I unravel the myth that selling high-ticket offers is inherently difficult. Through sharing my personal journey in creating the High Ticket Sales course and years of experience in teaching high-ticket sales, I'll guide you on how a structured sales script can be customized to create a confident and comfortable enrollment conversation. We’ll discuss the significance of clarity and confidence in understanding your clients' needs, leading to early success in your enrollment conversations.

Discover the art of mastering enrollment conversations with a structured approach that targets specific client needs. I’ll delve into the versatility of tools like EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) and the importance of specificity in your pitch, especially when starting out or with a smaller audience. Learn how clear, specific benefits can make your offer stand out in competitive niches like health coaching. Plus, get insights on the crucial role of energy and personal connection in building strong client relationships. Get ready to boost your high-ticket sales and effortlessly enroll clients by leveraging these proven strategies and tips.

If you want to become a 6-figure or 7 figure Coach, come on over and connect with Kushla:

- on Instagram, you'll find her @KushlaChadwickOfficial

- on Facebook, come join our community here: Community

- To book a free $100k Roadmap Session or go on the waiting list for one, go here:

Hey, my friend, welcome to the Confident Coach Academy podcast. In this episode, we look at one specific belief, and that is the belief that selling is hard, that enrolling clients into a high-ticket office is hard. So, I want to address this head on. If you're someone who sells high-ticket offers or you want to sell more high-ticket offers, you're going to love this episode. Hey, welcome to the Confident Coach Academy podcast. I'm your host, Kushla Chadwick, and if you have an audacious dream to really be of service in the world, build a profitable coaching business online and have an awesome life offline, then, my love, you are in the right place. Together we're going to talk strategy, mindset, manifestation, thought work, energy work all the things. So let's dive in. 

Hey, my friend, how are you? I hope you're doing amazing this week. You know, for me, over the last I don't know month, maybe two months like my head's been down, bum up. Is that right? Head down, bum up. Yeah, really thinking about my new course, high Ticket Sales, and really wanting it to be something special for the people who come into it. Right, and I have been teaching how to do high ticket sales for years now, for a very long time, you know. I've got sales scripts for, like you know, enrollment conversations. If you've spoken to someone before, sales scripts If you haven't spoken to them before, sales scripts if it's coming from a special conversion event like a webinar or a challenge, you know sales scripts. If it's from a referral sales scripts if it's, like you know sales scripts if it's from a referral sales scripts if it's, like you know, selling by chat. And I love talking about sales and I love showing my clients how to obviously not use my scripts to read from them or anything like that, because that would be a bit douchey, but to like get familiar with the flow of the conversation, to understand the structure of the conversation and then be able to customize it for themselves so they they really feel so confident and comfortable when they go into the enrollment conversation. So this is what I've been working on, and and also in high ticket sales, you know I've got some other cool bonuses where really it's about helping you to create a lifestyle coaching business as well. So you know, I've had this on my mind and I've been thinking and talking like a lot, a lot, a lot about sales and, in the actual course, high ticket sales. One of the things that I address is this belief that comes up sometimes. I've seen this with both my clients and just out there amongst coaches in general this belief that selling is hard, that enrolling clients is hard, and I want to speak specifically on this podcast episode about addressing that belief when it comes to doing conversations. So the funny thing is well, it's not funny, actually. I mean it was lucky for me that from my first enrollment conversation it converted, and I think probably out of the first maybe six enrollment conversations that I had, going back, you know, 11 years ago, I think, five of them said yes immediately, and so I've known for the longest time that I have. Part of it was luck and then part of it's like this gift of just really understanding how to listen properly to people and you know how to address what it is that they want in a way that it makes it easy for them to say yes. 

Now, at first I did this and I just kept doing it and I wasn't really too worried about looking back at why it was working for me. I just kept doing it. And then after a while, as more and more of my clients weren't just entrepreneurs, they were also coaches, I figured out I better see why this is working so well for me and I spent lots of time looking at my clients' calls and what was converting well for them from what I would teach them. But I hadn't built in like the structure yet for me to like very clearly say like this is exactly what they do and works well for most of them. So anyway, I did this over a period of months I think it was about five months altogether. I really really dived in and looked at like um, you know my clients who were converting really high and so for me I'm really happy if my clients convert somewhere between like 80 to 90 percent and up, obviously, but 80 to 90 percent is a really good benchmark and it shows me that you really understand that. Number one, you've got a great offer and that you are really confident about it. Number two, that you really understand the structure and the flow of how enrollment conversation ought to go and that you know you're prepped with the basic things you know, like you know a plate, like a way for your um. I will tell you, when I was addressing this belief in my program, when I was creating the video for that program high ticket sales I uh one of the beliefs I was like I wanted to address is this thinking that enrollment calls are hard, and I want to tell you the reality is enrollment conversations are hard or difficult if you're thinking about selling is muddled. Now I know. 

For me, one of the things that was really on my side when I started Enrollment Conversations was that I felt really confident about what I knew and how I could help people. I'd been an entrepreneur for a few years by that time and done a lot of things, figured out a lot of stuff, either by working with other people, enrolling in other programs or just like really getting in and figuring stuff out. That's kind of one of the things I'm really good at is figuring out stuff quickly. And so I was super confident and I knew that I would obviously work with people who I felt confident I could help them, and if I didn't feel confident I could help someone, then I just wouldn't offer them the opportunity. So I just felt such a level of certainty around that and that really worked in my favor. And it's still the same today and the clients who get in and make enrollments and keep making enrollments feel the same way. They're like so certain that they can help these people or this person right? I will tell you, it is hard to enroll someone if you don't feel confident that you can help them. Now, the issue here is some of you have every right to feel confident that you can help them. Now, the issue here is, some of you have every right to feel confident that you can help someone, but you don't feel confident that you can help someone. 

I have worked with coaches who have done certification after certification. They've learned, gone through training after training, and I'm like, when I listen to their skills, their skill level and their knowledge base, I'm like, wow, that is freaking amazing. You are the, right. And I think to myself, like why the heck aren't you confident about what you can do to help people? Because they've got this knowledge, they've got this skill. 

You know and I'm talking about women who, like, they're not just um, sometimes fresh out of training. These are women who often have, like they've been using this, you know, not necessarily on paying clients, but on other people and on themselves, for a long time, and sometimes they've been using it on paying clients, but perhaps just session by session versus a high ticket offer, and so I've seen how the lack of confidence really, really does impact you and it makes your thinking really muddled because you don't think you're good enough. But I want to remind you that the people who come to you for coaching, they want to save time, and that's why partly why they're investing to work with you. And sometimes you think, well, it's just about getting this result, and I know this coach who probably does a better job. Or I've seen this entrepreneur who who like, wow, they look amazing and they look, um, you know, more professional or more beautiful, or their voice is more, whatever, and we compare ourselves and that lowers our confidence and then we feel muddled and we tell ourselves that, you know, selling is hard. It's not that selling is hard, it's that your thinking is just muddled. So you have to unmuddle your thinking so that your confidence can rise, because there are so many people out there who would love help from you. 

Right, and when people come to work with you as a coach, yes, your knowledge base is important, right? So what you've learned is important. Your skill in applying it is important, you know, because there are a lot of people who just read books and then they think that they're ready to go coach. You actually have to be skilled in the thing that you're helping people with. If I would have just read about being an entrepreneur without having gone and tried to do it, I don't think I would have been a very good coach when I started right. So, yes, there's some skill, yes, there's knowledge, but also there are your gifts, and there is not a person who doesn't have some kind of spiritual gift which they've been endowed with, which will be beneficial to your clients. 

So, for me, mine is my intuition. I'm not sure if you know what muscle testing is. A lot of my clients are really great and gifted muscle testers and I like primarily stay out of that arena because I find it actually interrupts the ability like my intuition. My intuition is super fast and I can tell you like what part of there's a part of my brain where, when I'm working with my clients, if a thought drops into what I would say like a certain part of my brain, where, when I'm working with my clients, if a thought drops into what I would say like a certain part of my brain, I mean and it's not not my brain itself, but like the area around my head then I know for sure that that client should do that and that they will have absolute success if they go do that right. And so I, very good, I can feel it in my body when clients have blocks right, and often I can be next to someone and I can feel what they're thinking about right. And so for some people that's a bit scary, but it's like you know, I just stay out of other people's business, I mind my own, but I know that this is a gift that's super, super helpful and really powerful when I work with my clients. So like if, if you just look at your your um, what you know and your skill level, then you might not feel confident because, particularly if you're starting out as a coach, you're like well, I haven't worked with paying clients yet, you're right. And but I want you to know, like if you've had a transformation for yourself, like that is so powerful and so helpful. And in fact, some people get better results working with a coach who has like gone through the journey recently themselves, versus someone who went through the journey like a long, long time ago, right. So I'll give you an example. 

I think I've spoken on the podcast before about a client that I worked with and I helped her to build her list bigger in one month than I had in my entire, like you know, few years of being an entrepreneur, and that was partly because I had recently done a Tally Summit and I had the exact checklist of what to do, how to do it, and then I was able to help her apply it. Now she was working with another coach who was also helping her with a Tally Summit, but it was group and she just didn't have the level of support that she wanted or she felt that she needed, and so I was able to give her that level of support and because I'd just done it myself for myself, it was very easy for me to talk to her about how to do the parts and to do them much faster right, versus someone who, like you know now. Now, if you ask me to like how to do a tele summit, and I don't, I know they don't even call them that anymore. Maybe some people still do them. But you know, if you do an online now, I'd have to pull out my checklist and I'm sure, like, yes, it would be easy for me to show you right. But I mean, there was something really fresh in my energy because I'd just gone through it. 

So sometimes we think we've got to be all of these amazing things and we're trying to appease some invisible level of perfection which really just does not exist, but we feel like it does, we tell ourselves it does and our thinking gets all muddled and it doesn't need to be that way, okay, so, um, another thing that I will say that I have noticed is, uh, the reason people think that it's hard sometimes to sell is they actually have not taken the time, done the research. And it's hard, it's, it's like it's probably one of the hardest. It's. It's simple in some ways, but it's also hard in some ways. Or it feels difficult is like putting in the effort to articulate, like, the specific benefits of how you will help your clients. 

Now, if you're in an enrollment conversation, it is not hard to do it right. If you're talking to someone about how you can help them and you've already got your offers together. When you've got the right, then it's super easy to be a really great listener and to be able to invite the right people to your calls. You've got to have the right structure right, otherwise you're just going to like it's just going to be luck all the time and you're going to stuff it up way too much right. So it's important you have the right structure to do the calls. 

But when what I find being a problem is sometimes people want to kind of go broad and they think that well, I can help anyone and they don't focus on a specific result and therefore they don't know the specific benefits of how they're going to help their clients and so every call feels like it's like a different type of client and it can be and that can be super challenging right now. I said it's hard. What I mean is it's hard if you're someone who's got tools and maybe you've really learned coaching well and you know it can help anyone. For me, the tool that I use, that I know it can help anyone, is a tool called EFT or tapping right. I went through Gary Craig. He's the founder of EFT. I went through his certification and I also have been trained by four other EFT masters. There were 29 in the world and I've been trained by four of them. I just feel super confident. 

In fact, I was on a call with one of my with my team member Abby, yesterday and she had a migraine and I was like, oh, you know what, I know she was going to go do some work. After our meeting I'm like, should I just help you? And so she's like, yeah, and so I think we did maybe like five to seven minutes of tapping and her migraine went. It was completely gone. And you know, it's so fun to like I just see her jaw drop a little bit and she knows she's worked with me before and she knows, like how great EFT is. But it's still fun to see that kind of thing happen, but anyway. 

So, as I was saying, it's like when you've got a tool like EFT or whatever your tool is, there are a lot of things you can learn and it can literally help anyone. But you've still, particularly when you haven't like started your business, like started bringing in like good money, it's so helpful to to get specific and a lot of the time we think, no, I'll get more sales if I help more people. Ironically, that it's the opposite is true. So there are people like maybe Tony Robbins and a bunch of other people. They can, they can sell anything. Um, they've been around quite a while and, you know, spoken up and help people in a number of specific, different areas over the course of their business. They've got a huge. They've got they're playing a huge numbers game. 

When you're starting out, or you've got a small following and I was like I still got a small following, to be honest, right and the reality is, when you've still got a small following or no following or a little following, obviously a lot of you listening will have much smaller following than me, but, um, or or smaller email list or small following or whatever, right, the reality is the more specific you get then, the more you can stand out, right, so there. So there's a difference between like even being a health coach in comparison to being like a health coach who specializes in detoxing or a health coach who specializes in gut health and I remember one of my clients she was a health coach who specialized in gut health, helping women with the GAPS diet, right. So, like very, very specific, and it helps you to really stand out in your people's mind and um, and when you know what you help with, what problem you help people to solve, then you can really talk about the specific benefits that people are going to get from working with you, what you're going to help them with. And it's not about working with you, even though it is also because your energy is, uh, really important, like all relationships, the energy that you, um, put out is really going to help you to attract your tribe and your people to you. And again, that will make something easier, because sometimes we were just gonna like they will just get to know you and there'll be a small portion of the people who follow you and they just love your energy so much. 

Almost anything you put out they will be ready to buy right. But there will be probably about 15 percent of people who they will want. They're ready, they want the problem solved now, but they don't know how working with you is necessarily going to help them specifically solve that problem. So part of the job of selling is helping people to be aware of that, obviously prior to an enrollment conversation, um. But sometimes you'll get people like refer to you and they don't know anything about you that you know. Or maybe they just like see something of yours for the first time and they're like, oh, that sounds great. I want to be able to jump on a call with you. Again. 

If you know the benefits, the things, the specific things you're going to help people to do, then it's so much easier to sell to do, then it's so much easier to sell. So, for instance, in high ticket sales, you know, yes, I, I'm here to help female coaches who want to start creating five figure months sell their high ticket offers, right. So that's a very specific problem. I'm not here. I'm trying to help people who are like eight figure coaches or seven figure coaches already to put in systems in place to learn about how to, like you know, grow their team, how to scale and all of that kind of stuff. If you're talking about scaling, I do have another program, but this specific program I'm like hey, do you have an offer you feel confident about? If not, like it's the foundation and I'm gonna help you to create an irresistible high ticket offer that you're gonna be able to sell with ease, right? So that's what my high ticket sales is about. 

It's a very specific problem and I'm going to share with you my sales scripts that you can customize so that selling can be easier and you know the structure of the calls. You don't have to stress or worry. You'll never have to try and convince people to work with you, right? And so, again, these are specific benefits, because you know what my clients they don't want to feel icky on a sales call. They don't want to feel like you know my type of people. They don't want to feel like they've got to try and push anyone or convince anyone to work with them, and so they want to be able to have that sales process made easy and even things like you know, one of the things I share is like hey, if you want to be able to you know sell and maybe your calls are too long I'm going to show you how you can have a 15-minute enrollment conversation and enroll clients, saving yourself hours every single week. Right? So these are specific benefits. 

Now, when I'm on a call with someone or when you're on a call with someone, you've got to listen for what it is that they want help with specifically. Yes, you'll have your program, but it's not like you just want to necessarily list all the details of your program on an your program. But it's not like you just want to necessarily like list all the details of your program on an enrollment call. That's not what you do. You listen for, like, how are they talking about their problem and how, like, how do they want it solved, and you're basically able to reiterate it back to them in their words. So I am sharing with you some gold here like that, and really I want you again to know that, like selling by Enrollment, conversations is easy, it can be done quickly. 

Um, now, one of the things that people worry about is is it's it's not scalable. Uh, well, it is scalable. When you've learned how to do it really well, you can actually teach it to other people and bring them on your team as well. But that's a whole nother conversation, and I want you to focus on this thing that, if you're thinking about wrong conversations, is muddled. You need to get unmuddled. You need to feel confident. You need to acknowledge everything that you're bringing to the table, your unique blend, the gifts you're bringing. You know, and every single person can get inspiration. Every single one of us we're children of God. We can get inspiration. There's your spirit, there's your gifts, there's your experience, there's your gifts, there's your experience, there's your skills, there's your knowledge. You're bringing all of that to the table, and so I want you to acknowledge that there's so much you bring to the table and acknowledge that you deserve a seat at the table. You deserve a seat at the table and high ticket sales can be easy. Yes, you want to learn the structure? Okay, so if you haven't learned the structure yet, or the structure that you've learned thus far does not work for you. 

Then come on over to high ticket sales. Just go to and you can get access. And, by the way, for those who come in now, you'll see like an amazing, amazing opportunity to get coaching with me at a ridiculous price if you want to. It'll be optional, but you can go through the straining. You can self-pace it. But I will tell you the video. I think the video average time is like about four minutes something, so I make it super easy. 

There's a section that gets you ready. There's a section where you go and implement, right. It's about like, let's, let's go, let's get this done, let's get you enrolling clients. It's your own high ticket offers, right, and so that's cool. You can go through that, do that on your own. But if you want even more support, there'll be an opportunity only for people who come into this program, which is the most phenomenally priced offer, that or way of working with me that I have offered to my clients in donkey's ears. Okay, so now go check it out if you want to, if you want to get more paying clients, if you want to put together a high ticket offer. If you want to increase your sales, then definitely come on over to high ticket sales and check it out. I would love to have you in there, meet you on the inside and yeah, just just my love and rolling clients is easy. Okay, I love you. I hope this has been helpful and love and sunshine and I will see you later. Bye. 

Overcoming Belief That Selling Is Hard
Mastering Enrollment Conversations for Success
Boosting Sales With High Ticket Offers