The Homeschool How To

Free Sample! Curriculum Series: Triad Math- How This Program Alone Will Make Your Child Ready to Enter into a Career in the Tech Field

June 20, 2024 Cheryl - Host
Free Sample! Curriculum Series: Triad Math- How This Program Alone Will Make Your Child Ready to Enter into a Career in the Tech Field
The Homeschool How To
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The Homeschool How To
Free Sample! Curriculum Series: Triad Math- How This Program Alone Will Make Your Child Ready to Enter into a Career in the Tech Field
Jun 20, 2024
Cheryl - Host

Thanks for checking out our sample version of the longer Craig Hane interview about Triad Math! Transform your math education approach with insights from Craig Hane, the visionary behind Triad Math. Craig’s innovative six-tier structure starts with mastering a scientific calculator and pre-algebra, making the subject both accessible and enjoyable for students who have historically struggled. Discover how Craig’s emphasis on self-paced learning and practical algebra can revolutionize the way math is taught, moving away from unnecessary theoretical content to create a more efficient and engaging educational experience.

With Triad Math, your child will know more mathematics than 90% of all high school graduates in the United States, they will be military ready, Tech School ready, and ready to be hired into a company and enter a technical field. Don’t miss out on these invaluable insights into revolutionizing math education!

For the full interview, subscribe to my Curriculum Series, today!

To learn more about Triad Math:
click here!!

Join the Triad Math Army! 

Nothing to Lose!  

Learn How to:

 * Get a High Paying Job/Career You Love with No College. 

 * OR - Go to College with No Debt and Enjoy it. 

 * Learn Workforce Math for an Optimal Future Career. Three Months or Less + Fun + Easy 

 * Learn to Learn - - Future Employers love and demand this! 

 * Learn to Coach - - Wonderful for Many Future Activities! 

 * Understand Extrinsic vs Intrinsic Motivators and How . . . They will Affect YOUR Life for both Good or Bad! 

 * Learn all about Convex Options and How . . . They will Affect YOUR Life for both Good or Bad! * Learn how to Effectively Sell and really Enjoy It. 

 * Learn how to deal with 'difficult' people. 

 * Establish a good credit rating – great for a 'beginner'! 

 * Make some money, and for some TMA Members . . . Potentially a Lot of Money! Much to Gain! 

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Thanks for checking out our sample version of the longer Craig Hane interview about Triad Math! Transform your math education approach with insights from Craig Hane, the visionary behind Triad Math. Craig’s innovative six-tier structure starts with mastering a scientific calculator and pre-algebra, making the subject both accessible and enjoyable for students who have historically struggled. Discover how Craig’s emphasis on self-paced learning and practical algebra can revolutionize the way math is taught, moving away from unnecessary theoretical content to create a more efficient and engaging educational experience.

With Triad Math, your child will know more mathematics than 90% of all high school graduates in the United States, they will be military ready, Tech School ready, and ready to be hired into a company and enter a technical field. Don’t miss out on these invaluable insights into revolutionizing math education!

For the full interview, subscribe to my Curriculum Series, today!

To learn more about Triad Math:
click here!!

Join the Triad Math Army! 

Nothing to Lose!  

Learn How to:

 * Get a High Paying Job/Career You Love with No College. 

 * OR - Go to College with No Debt and Enjoy it. 

 * Learn Workforce Math for an Optimal Future Career. Three Months or Less + Fun + Easy 

 * Learn to Learn - - Future Employers love and demand this! 

 * Learn to Coach - - Wonderful for Many Future Activities! 

 * Understand Extrinsic vs Intrinsic Motivators and How . . . They will Affect YOUR Life for both Good or Bad! 

 * Learn all about Convex Options and How . . . They will Affect YOUR Life for both Good or Bad! * Learn how to Effectively Sell and really Enjoy It. 

 * Learn how to deal with 'difficult' people. 

 * Establish a good credit rating – great for a 'beginner'! 

 * Make some money, and for some TMA Members . . . Potentially a Lot of Money! Much to Gain! 

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Speaker 1:

Welcome to the Homeschool How-To Find my Curriculum, a series where we talk all about curriculum. I've been interviewing homeschooling families for over a year now on my main podcast, the Homeschool How-To, but I really wanted to zero in on curriculum. There's so much out there. How do I know what would work best for me and my child? How do I know what works for one child would work for the other? I might like the curriculum I'm using now, but how do I know there's not a better one out there, Especially if I don't know all the curriculums? And what about supplemental curriculum? Should I be using that too? This series is to help you decide just that. I'm going to interview parents who are using all the curriculums so that you can decide the absolute best way to unfold your homeschooling journey. The absolute best way to unfold your homeschooling journey. Welcome. Today with us we have Craig Hayne, who's going to talk to us about triad math something that he created.

Speaker 2:

Welcome, Craig. Thank you so much for being here and telling us about this. Thank you, Cheryl. Thanks for inviting me. I'm looking forward to explaining it to you and your audience. How would you like to go about doing it?

Speaker 1:

Why don't you tell me what triad math is and then we can get into sort of how you came about creating it?

Speaker 2:

Well, I've been studying and teaching math for many, many decades and I've trained thousands of people in math, both as a professor, as a high school teacher, and online, and for about the last 10 years I've been. I have an online program that does tutorial videos over the Internet with notebooks, exercises, quizzes, keeps track of everything, and it's for post-elementary, and so most students can start when they're 12 or 13 years old. All they really need to know is the decimal number system to start my program and I have a six-tier program and in the first tier, the first thing I teach the student is how to master a scientific calculator, and the one I use is the TI-30XA.

Speaker 1:

I remember using a TI 83 plus when I was in school, so it's about a ten dollar calculator and it's the only calculator you should ever buy.

Speaker 2:

Do not buy a more expensive one. All the graphing calculators today are obsolete for reasons I'll tell you in a moment. So you start with this now. This calculator is is fantastic. If our ancestors, back in during the manhattan project I had one had been worth a million dollars because you can do arithmetic with it that otherwise is very difficult to do manually. Now that some of it you just know, like multiplies and divide and thing. But it does a lot of other things too and most students learn this and it's very kinesthetic because they learn by doing in a couple of weeks and they love it.

Speaker 2:

Now many, many math students today are afraid of math. They've had problems, they've discouraged all sorts of reasons. I'd say a high percentage of students today are afraid of math. They don't like math. They struggle with math at different levels in their career and this turns them around psychologically. That's the most important thing. They go. I can do that. This is easy, it's fun. Okay, then I give them 10 lessons of what I call pre-algebra Again. Now this is all online with tutorial videos, for example. The tutorial videos go with notes and exercises. This is.

Speaker 2:

I used to have to give people PDFs and I had to print them out, but I have a printer now that prints these out for me very inexpensively. So this is Magic the Calculator. It's not a textbook, it's notes and exercises. Now, to get these notes and exercises, if you don't want to print them out, cost you about $5. It's 100 pages off man. Do you know who my printer is that does these? Would you like to guess? No, amazon, oh, and they print this out. One copy delivered to you in two days for less than $5. Wow, that's only been a couple years. That's been going on. That's just amazing. Now it takes them a couple weeks to go through it.

Speaker 2:

It's all self-paced. Never, ever, forget pacing. Every student has their own pace and they study at a certain rate, and so on. After they do that, then I give them 10 lessons in what I call pre-algebra. Now, this is just the rules of arithmetic that they should know, but they might not know. It's 10 lessons and again, it takes most students. Depends on their background, depends on how much they know already, depends on their ability. Some students will do it in a week. Some will take a month. It doesn't matter. Self-pacing is critical. Never, ever, compare two students, every student. And, by the way, there's only one grade in math that counts, that's an A. You either know it or you don't know it. So you learn the calculator and you learn the pre-algebra. Now most students go through those two programs in less than a month. Depends on the student, the age, their background, what they know and so on. Now I have a six-tier program and that's the first tier. Here's the second tier. The second tier consists of three things Practical algebra, all the algebra.

Speaker 2:

You need to enter a technical field or the military. Wow, guess how many lessons Ten. Wow, guess how many lessons 10.

Speaker 2:

Most algebra today is taught in schools with the textbooks is loaded with obsolete manual stuff, stuff they'll never use. Theoretical stuff they'll never use. It's horrible. Yeah, these are the 10 lessons you need and, by the way, I've trained thousands of technicians with my company called Hang Training over the years. I'm an old guy, I've been around a long time, I've done a lot of stuff, and so 10 lessons. They go through it and it's no harder than learning to calculate. They go well, this is easy. I thought math was hard. No, if it's taught properly, in the right order, with the right pedagogy, it's easy. Then I teach them practical geometry.

Speaker 2:

Now, I'm not talking about the way geometry is sometimes taught in high school. How long is something, what is the area, what is the volume? Here's practical geometry. Again, this is not a textbook. This is notes and exercises. This is a little bit thicker one because there's 19 lessons in this one. Okay, okay, now, when they finish these two, they'll probably know more math than most high school graduates do today. But when you're doing practical math, if you're going to do almost anything in practical math, you've got to be able to deal with angles, and geometry and algebra alone are not enough for that. So what do you need? What's the subject? You need to deal with? Angles, do you know?

Speaker 1:

Well, I would have said geometry, but you already said that, so now I think it's a trick question.

Speaker 2:

It's a name that scares most people, because most people have never taken it and if they have, they struggle with it. It's called trigonometry.

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah, I didn't take trigonometry. Here's my trigonometry.

Speaker 2:

Here's my trigonometry Seven lessons and it'll be all the practical trigonometry you'll ever need. And now you're done. And most students go through those three courses the practical algebra, geometry and trig in about one semester, oh my goodness. And I have a lot of students who do it when they're in the eighth grade. I've had them younger than that do it, but let's just say the eighth grade, and when they finish this they'll know more mathematics than 90% of all high school graduates in the United States.

Speaker 1:

I believe that, I definitely believe it.

Speaker 2:

They're ready for the military, they're ready for tech school. They're ready to go to a company and enter into a technical field. Now, that's what I call tier two, and for some students, that's all math you'll ever need. If you're not, if you want to go into hydraulics or pneumatics, or mechanical or electrical, or there's a thousand and one technical fields, you're ready. You're prepared, and you're better prepared than 95% of all high school graduates in this country. I'm being conservative. 95% might be higher than that, yeah, and on top of that, you'll love it. Now Go ahead.

Speaker 1:

No, I believe that for sure. Just that my own self as a public school, you know, graduate yeah, I can't say I left really knowing anything.

Speaker 2:

And it's not just public schools, anybody that's using the standard math curriculum, and that's virtually all the programs out there today that homeschoolers are using and are struggling with. Good point.

Speaker 1:

Well, yeah, because I've got hundreds of homeschoolers my son's five, so I haven't gotten to that level yet.

Speaker 2:

No, and that's right. And so then, if a student thinks they want to go to college, they want to do well on the SAT and the ACT, they need some more math Now. Some of it they'll never use, but they learn it. Some of it they will use. So that's tier three and that gets them ready for the SAT and the ACT, and it takes most students about a year to go through this. Now, for the first time ever, I do use a textbook to go along with my notes and exercises. It was the greatest high school math textbook ever, written by the greatest in my opinion the greatest math teacher of the 20th century, dr George Simmons. And this is a book you've never heard of because no high school's ever adopted it. It's still in print, thank God. It came out in 1988. It's called Pre-Calculus Mathematics in a Nutshell. Thank God it's still available on Amazon for about $20. It's 119 pages, and if you finish this book, the 119 pages, you'll know more math than 90% of all high school math teachers.

Speaker 1:

Oh my goodness. So now, if somebody is interested in doing this program with their child, I will have you tell us where they can find you. But also, is it? You showed me the workbooks. Is there also an online component that they work with you or watch your videos or like? Is there is? How would it all lay out?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's all online, it's all. It's all automated off of Amazon Web Services tutorial videos and they take the program and there's a forum. They can ask questions in the forum and someone will answer them. That doesn't happen very often, but if they have questions and then if they can't get the question answered, occasionally I'll do a Zoom meeting with a student. That's rare and it doesn't happen because the way my program is structured, if they study properly and they're coached properly which I'm giving them more coaching then they get through it fine.

Speaker 2:

What I'll do is I've just started this Triad Math Army thing. It's just brand new and it costs $30 a month to be a member and your first month you join it and you have access to everything. If you don't like it, you drop out and get your $30 back, so it costs you zero and you've learned whatever you've learned in that month. If you do like it, you keep on going. Now, if they're a homeschool family, we have family plans and they can buy the programs ad hoc and they'll learn all that, and so they could drop out of the Army and just buy a regular thing.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, absolutely yes, I do have a page set up on my website at the homeschool how-tocom for listener discounts. So yeah, we'll put that right in there. Um easy spot for people to find it and share it on instagram. Greg, thank you so much for taking the time to chat with us thank you, all right, my pleasure.

Speaker 1:

Thank you, bye-bye I hope you enjoyed this episode. Thank you so much for listening. Please consider sharing this podcast or my main podcast, the Homeschool how To with friends, family, on Instagram or in your favorite homeschool group Facebook page. The more this podcast is shared, the longer we can keep it going and the more hope we have for the future. Thank you.

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