The Homeschool How To

#73: Behind the Agenda with Alex Newman

June 29, 2024 Cheryl - Host Episode 73
#73: Behind the Agenda with Alex Newman
The Homeschool How To
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The Homeschool How To
#73: Behind the Agenda with Alex Newman
Jun 29, 2024 Episode 73
Cheryl - Host

What if the primary goal of education isn't about securing a high-paying job but about knowing and glorifying God? This week on The Homeschool How To, we're joined by Alex Newman, who opens our eyes to the deep-seated motivations behind why parents send their children to school. Challenging the conventional wisdom of public education, Alex delves into the history of the system, highlighting ideas that have molded a state-driven agenda that often undermines genuine learning.

In a riveting segment, we unpack the radical methodologies of John Dewey, supported by John D. Rockefeller and other major foundations, which led to a dramatic transformation in how education is perceived and delivered.

We then confront the inherent dangers of socialism and communism, ideologies that starkly contradict God's moral codes. Join us for a deeply compelling episode that aims to restore Christian principles in the heart of education.
Indoctrinating Our Children to Death on Amazon
The New American website

Triad MathDr. Del’s Practical Algebra, Geometry & Trigonometry in One Semester!
63 Online Self-Paced Tutorial Video Lessons- use this link for Special Offer of $97!
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The Tuttle Twins - use code Cheryl40 for 40% off ages 5-11 book series
JIBBY MUSHROOM COFFEE - try today with code CHERYL20 for 20% off!
Earthley Wellness -  use code HomeschoolHowTo for 10% off your first order
TreehouseSchoolhouse for your Spring Nature Study Curriculum- use promo code: THEHOMESCHOOLHOWTOPODCAST for 10% off entire order

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What if the primary goal of education isn't about securing a high-paying job but about knowing and glorifying God? This week on The Homeschool How To, we're joined by Alex Newman, who opens our eyes to the deep-seated motivations behind why parents send their children to school. Challenging the conventional wisdom of public education, Alex delves into the history of the system, highlighting ideas that have molded a state-driven agenda that often undermines genuine learning.

In a riveting segment, we unpack the radical methodologies of John Dewey, supported by John D. Rockefeller and other major foundations, which led to a dramatic transformation in how education is perceived and delivered.

We then confront the inherent dangers of socialism and communism, ideologies that starkly contradict God's moral codes. Join us for a deeply compelling episode that aims to restore Christian principles in the heart of education.
Indoctrinating Our Children to Death on Amazon
The New American website

Triad MathDr. Del’s Practical Algebra, Geometry & Trigonometry in One Semester!
63 Online Self-Paced Tutorial Video Lessons- use this link for Special Offer of $97!
FlipFlop Spanish - Learn Spanish as a whole family!!
The Tuttle Twins - use code Cheryl40 for 40% off ages 5-11 book series
JIBBY MUSHROOM COFFEE - try today with code CHERYL20 for 20% off!
Earthley Wellness -  use code HomeschoolHowTo for 10% off your first order
TreehouseSchoolhouse for your Spring Nature Study Curriculum- use promo code: THEHOMESCHOOLHOWTOPODCAST for 10% off entire order

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Speaker 1:

Welcome to this week's episode of the Homeschool How-To. I'm Cheryl and I invite you to join me on my quest to find out why are people homeschooling, how do you do it, how does it differ from region to region, and should I homeschool my kids? Stick with me as I interview homeschooling families across the country to unfold the answers to each of these questions week by week. Welcome, and with us today I have Alex Newman. Alex, thank you so much for being on the Homeschool How-To today.

Speaker 2:

It's great to be here. Thank you very much for having me.

Speaker 1:

So I had heard you on the Dorinda Wilson show and the Thinking Dad podcast and I love what you had to say, so I got your book. Well, I kind of cheated.

Speaker 2:

I'm publicly educated okay, so I got the audio version, which meant it went much quicker.

Speaker 1:

It went much quicker. But I love the idea. Your book is called Indoctrinating Our Children to Death and I love it because we can't change what we don't know the history of. You. Really get into the history of the education system and how it was sort of founded. And when you were on the Thinking Dad podcast you were talking about why do we send our kids to school. So I was wondering if you could tell us a little bit about just that question. Why do we? Why do we send our kids to school? So I was wondering if you could tell us a little bit about just that question. Why do we, why do we send our kids to school.

Speaker 2:

Well, I think the answer is different for any parents you talk to. I mean, the general understanding why we send children to school is so they'll learn something, and I think the worldly understanding of why we send our children to school is so that they will not just learn something, but then eventually put that to use getting into a good college, getting a good job, making a lot of money, maybe buying a nice BMW, getting that white picket fence, maybe retiring in Florida and having a nice pension and you know, that's really, I think, the world's understanding of why we send our children to school. I have bad news for the world your children aren't going to be learning in school, and that's the government's own data shows that less than one-third of the children in government schools are even proficient in anything, so they're certainly not going to be doing what you think they're going to be doing there. Now, the reason why Christians want to send children to school or should, at least if they're taking the Bible seriously is radically, radically different, and so I think we always need to go to the scriptures, and I think the simplest answer actually just comes out of the Westminster Catechism, right, distilling the biblical wisdom. So what is the chief end of man right. Why are we even here? Well, the answer is to glorify God and enjoy him forever, and that was the traditional understanding of education for centuries in this country and for almost 2000 years among Christians.

Speaker 2:

So this whole idea that school is to make your children get a good job, that's a relatively new innovation. And if you go back to Harvard University's original rules and precepts you find something really, really interesting. You find that they actually define the purpose of education very, very simply. I'll go ahead and read that if you don't mind. Here was their original rules and precepts. It said let every student be plainly instructed and earnestly pressed to consider well, that the main end of his life and studies is to know God and Jesus Christ, which is eternal life. And so for Christians that really should be at least the primary motivation behind education. But unfortunately in today's world, especially in America, it no longer is.

Speaker 1:

Not at all, and I had that pension and that government job and the four-year degree and all of that and every day just seemed to be getting through life. My son was in daycare while I was sitting in a cubicle. I was depressed because you rush everybody out of the house in the morning to sit at a cubicle and stare at the clock to wait for it to be time to go home, and then you get home and everybody's got to rush to eat dinner and everybody's got to rush to get to bed so we can go do it again the next day. And thankfully I woke up and said this is not, this cannot be what we're on earth for.

Speaker 1:

So, yes, we send them to school for success. That means something different to everybody, but it doesn't mean what the world thinks it means. So your book really gets into the history of education. I don't want to spend the whole half hour on that, but if you could just briefly let us know about the history with Horace Mann and John Dewey and how we got to the point that we send our kids to school for basically 30 to 40 hours a week.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, well, thank you, and I think this is one of the most important issues facing our families, our churches and our country, and I think if we don't get this right, we're going to lose what we hold dear. So to kind of summarize very briefly, first of all I'll point out that what we have today is a very new innovation. If you had told Americans even 100 years ago, once government schools had already started proliferating across the country, that we would hand our children over to the state for nine months out of the year, for five days a week, for eight hours a day to learn gender theory and climate change, you probably would have been locked in a rubber room. Nobody would have believed you because it just would have sounded so utterly ridiculous to normal people at that time. And yet today we kind of accept this as normal. Not everybody's totally happy about it, but it just it is right, it's the status quo. So the history of this, I think, is essential to understand. It, really begins even before Horace Mann.

Speaker 2:

Horace Mann is often called the founding father of the government school system, but the idea that Horace Mann eventually implemented in Massachusetts came from a raging totalitarian, a utopian by the name of Robert Owen, who wanted to dechristianize America and dechristianize the Western world for the purpose of building a new type of society where we wouldn't have private property, where family wouldn't be the building block of civilization and where we would all quite. I mean, he kind of wanted to create the new Soviet man before anybody had ever conceived of the Soviet Union is the simplest way to put it. And his way of accomplishing that, as he actually said explicitly, was to get the government first of all involved in education and ultimately taking over education. So that did not take root in America went over to Prussia, it was implemented in Prussia, first by the Prussian dictator there, and then it was re-imported into the United States via Massachusetts by Horace Mann, another utopian who rejected the Bible, who wanted the schools to equalize everybody, who wanted the Bible out of the classroom. And from there we have John Dewey then taking over the architecture that Horace Mann had helped lay down.

Speaker 2:

John Dewey again was another guy we know a lot about. He was a communist before communism was cool. He was advocating these types of ideas even before the Bolshevik revolution, although he wasn't a revolutionary per se. He wanted that same end goal get rid of private property, get rid of nations, get rid of family, get rid of God, get rid of church and really the state uber alice, so we can all cooperate in a big commune. So he took over the system that Horace Mann had started to lay down, and that really is the background there. I mean, you can summarize it very quickly by saying the government school system in the United States was created by communists who wanted to destroy Christianity, and they had a major assist by super capitalists like the Rockefellers who had a vested interest in a dumbed down population that would not ask too many questions and would just work and consume rather than philosophize about the purpose of government and the meaning of life and things like this.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and your book. Actually you touched on that a little bit too, with these communists but then also the capitalists kind of working together, which you would think they have different goals, but I guess they must align somewhere.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and then that sounds really counterintuitive to people. Once you start digging into the history of communism, you realize that it has always been a movement of the elites. It has never been a movement of the downtrodden. The downtrodden are kind of the cannon fodder, the useful idiots that say, hey, you can have free stuff. And people say, oh, ok, I'll have free stuff. That sounds good, but really from the very beginning of the Just another group of very wealthy individuals, and the same was true of Robert Owen. He was a very, very wealthy individual. He married into a wealthy textile family and very, very wealthy for his time. So this has always been a movement of the elites.

Speaker 2:

And what really, where they came together most clearly was in the early 1900s, john Dewey. Again, he was an admirer of the Soviet Union. He was one of the founders of the new humanist religion, which is basically communism wrapped in a religious wrapper which, by the way, I do think communism fits many, many definitions and has many of the elements of a religion. But so John Dewey wanted to set up an experimental school to try out some of these crazy new ideas he had, and he got the money from the Rockefellers, from John D Rockefeller, through a fake philanthropy he had set up called the General Education Board. He got $3.1 million to set up this experimental school and graduated a bunch of kids who just were incapable of thinking properly. They couldn't read because of the quack methodologies that John Dewey was using in this school, and some of them later testified about this and talked about this. And the wealthier ones were able to hire a secretary and get by in life, but for the poorer ones, who couldn't afford a secretary, well, life became very difficult. So that was really where they united.

Speaker 2:

And then what you had was for decades I've got a whole chapter on this in the book you had these huge so-called philanthropic foundations. It moved way beyond just John D Rockefeller. You had Ford, you had Carnegie. You had all these super huge tax-exempt foundations pouring money into this really revolutionary educational program. It got to the point where in the early 1950s, congress got really suspicious of these people and launched an investigation. They put together a select committee to investigate tax-exempt foundations, foundations and they issued a final report. People can still read it today. It's explosive, it's incredible.

Speaker 2:

And what they say is that these huge foundations again Ford, rockefeller, carnegie were some of the big ones they said they had brought about a revolution in the United States as in the revolution was in the past tense.

Speaker 2:

It had happened in the 30s and in the 40s, and they said this never would have been possible if education directed by these mega foundations had not prepared the way in advance to support it. And then, in the same report, they're saying that these foundations are financing the promotion of socialism, moral relativism, what they called internationalism, which today we would know as globalism. So on the one hand, the super capitalists are funding an education system designed by communists. On the other, they're funding communist principles and ideologies. In fact, in the report they called it subversion. They said they were subverting the fundamental principles upon which our free society was based. And so it's counterintuitive at first. But when you understand how these people work, when you go back and read books like Anthony Sutton's Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution, and you see that the Bolshevik Revolution was financed by some of the biggest bankers on Wall Street, you realize wow, we were lied to about many things, but this in particular.

Speaker 1:

Absolutely Okay. So we have Marxism, which now people commonly think is a good thing. You know, BLM is associated with Marxism. We have socialism, which, again, a lot of the kids coming out of school today think socialism is a good thing. They think Bernie Sanders, that rich white guy, he's okay.

Speaker 1:

Communism, I think we all agree well, that's bad, that was Hitler. And fascism well, that's bad because we associate that with Trump. That's what Antifa tells us. They're opposite Trump, so that must be bad. And totalitarianism, which I think we can all agree is bad.

Speaker 1:

But they all have the common denominator of this collectivist mentality they all are anti-God and they all have the idea that we no longer have property rights, which is and you talk about in your book. If you don't believe in God, then you don't believe in the God-given rights of our right to property, our private property. Thou shall not steal murder. You're giving up all that if you're not teaching your kids those values, and so these all funnel into the same thing. Even though some can be thought of as good, some can be thought of as bad.

Speaker 1:

Kids are not coming out of school today knowing that they're all along the same lines. So what do you think is the bridge that gaps, socialism to totalitarianism, something that they think is good to something we know is bad. Because you do talk in your book about how the totalitarian, these collectivist ideas, have killed millions of people in the past. So how do you get from the common person who just wants hey, let's do what's good for the you know, the greater good for all. Let's all wear our mask, because that's better for all. Two stepping over and now hundreds of millions of people are dead.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, good question. And to your first point, american young people have now been radically reoriented towards socialism, even by that word, right. It used to be that a lot of them were adopting socialist values, without necessarily using that label. You know, we still had national socialism in our mind. That was Adolf Hitler's political party. We still saw Cuba. We saw the Soviet Union. We saw communism or socialism with Chinese characteristics in China exterminating 100 million of their own people. We thought, wow, that's really bad.

Speaker 2:

Today there was a poll commissioned by the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation. It was a scientific poll that found that 70% of my generation I'm a millennial, so-called identify as socialists and are going to vote for socialists in the future. So they have already changed the worldview of Americans and a big reason for this is just the brainwashing in the schools. They don't know the history of socialism. They've been told that socialism is the opposite of bad, that it means equality, that it means niceness, that it means you know all the things that our kids are taught to believe about it, and they're not taught that, this same ideology from the pit of hell, which is a total rejection of all the ideas that God teaches in the Bible. They've not been taught that this same worldview has produced fruit that we can observe in country after country after country, and the fruit is mass murder, shortages, grinding poverty, starvation gulags, torture chambers snitching on neighbors, the destruction of families, persecution of christians and other religious folks. So it really is a stunning propaganda coup.

Speaker 2:

And you know people look back at government education. You ask a normal person who's somewhat educated where did the idea that the government should educate children come from? And people say, well, that was karl marx right, the the ten planks of the communist manifesto. All children should be educated by the state in public schools paid for by the public. But again, it goes back all the way to Robert Owen before that, who believed similar things.

Speaker 1:

You guys know I am a big fan of the Tuttle Twins and their book series, and it looks like you're enjoying them too. Out of all of the brands that I affiliated with for my podcast, the Tuttle Twins is the most popular. If you haven't checked it out, click on the link in my show's description and give their site a visit. These books teach us real life principles in a way that kids can understand and, let's face it, that I can understand, so you will too. Your kids will be learning things like why a free market economy is the best way to lift people out of poverty. How property rights allow us to decide what's best for us and make decisions for our family. Why the world is a better place because of entrepreneurs who create businesses to help serve their fellow neighbors. What socialism is and why it's so destructive to our freedoms and wellbeing. How the golden rule, which is treat others how you'd like to be treated, is so important to people getting along with one another, no matter where we live, what we look like or what we believe. Their book Education Vacation is all about homeschooling and what a value that that can be. Their books go over laws, why we have them and what the role of government is supposed to be, instead of what it is.

Speaker 1:

Grab the link in my show's description and use code Cheryl40, that's C-H-E-R-Y-L-4-0, for 40% off books in the age 5 through 11 series. You can grab the link in my show's description. There will also be links there for Jibby Coffee delicious lattes powered by your daily dose of functional mushrooms, organic adaptogens and collagen protein, which is just a nice way to say it'll improve your energy, reduce fatigue, nourish your hair, skin and nails and support healthy digestion. You can use code Cheryl20 for 20% off of Jibby Coffee. I also have links to Earthly Wellness, which are clean, natural and affordable health and wellness products.

Speaker 1:

You can use code HomeschoolHowTo for 10% off of your first order, and I also urge you to check out Treehouse Schoolhouse. They have a nature study supplemental curriculum and, given that springtime is now upon us, this is a perfect time to check out their springtime nature study and really become one with nature. Let's learn what's going on around us. I can't wait to do that one with my kids. So head on over to the show's description and grab these links. Don't forget to use the code to get your discount. Or head on over to the homeschoolhowtocom under listener discounts. Thanks for checking out the show today.

Speaker 2:

It's equality and things like this. The reason why it's so deadly is because it is a total repudiation of the moral codes that God has put into the universe. Just like the physical laws of the universe will apply, no matter whether we agree with them or not. Right, you can dislike gravity, you can pretend like you don't believe in gravity, if you jump off a building, you're still going to be splattered. Right, it's the same thing with the moral laws of the universe that God has ordained, including thou shalt not steal, thou shalt not murder. I mean, these are universal laws that apply to everyone at all times, and ignoring them causes catastrophic consequences. And so that's where we are today.

Speaker 2:

And unfortunately, a lot of these young people didn't reason themselves into becoming socialists. They were conditioned to become socialists, and so you can't really reason them out of it. That's a big reason why we're in this mess today. If it was just a matter of explaining to somebody with logic and common sense and showing them the evidence, there would be no socialists left, except the megalomaniacs who just desire passionately to lord it over other people. But among decent, normal, everyday people, that would not be a problem. But unfortunately we don't have education anymore. We have behavioral conditioning, we have psychological manipulation masquerading as education, and that's how we got into this mess.

Speaker 1:

So can you walk us through the steps? If we no longer have private property and we're all a socialist country, where is the line that crosses from the greater good for all to? I now have no food to eat and the mass murder of millions.

Speaker 2:

Well, the idea of the greater good for all was always a fraud. The people who came up with these ideas and push these ideas I don't believe ever believed them for one second. The idea that Joseph Stalin or Vladimir Lenin or Leon Trotsky or Karl Marx or Adolf Hitler, the idea that they were actually interested in the things they claimed to be interested in, in my opinion is ridiculous. The problem is, you know, the Bible describes human nature very clearly. We've all got hearts. It says that are desperately wicked. Right, they're so wicked, who can know it? Now, of course, christ can replace your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh. We can be regenerated.

Speaker 2:

But a normal person, regardless of whether they think they're a good person or not, is desperately wicked. Is what the Bible says. They'll lie, they'll cheat, they'll steal, and anybody who has kids knows this. You don't train your kids to lie, cheat, steal, hit, scream, be selfish, no-transcript and equality, and it's going to be so great. And those mean people, those capitalists who have more than you, yeah, we're going to restrain them from exploiting you. So it's just a lie. It's just a lie and unfortunately people believe the lie. But that doesn't mean that the people saying the lie, believed the lie. They always knew from the beginning. And I think so. Socialist ideology and communist ideology is actually best thought of as a smokescreen to suck useful idiots into the cause, to justify the wickedness that they want to unleash, to justify the thievery and the murder and the enslavement that they want to do. And I don't really think you can understand it in any other way. And I would even go one step further Of all the books I've read on Marxism and communism and socialism and there have been many in my life probably the single most important one was a very simple one.

Speaker 2:

I actually have it behind me somewhere. Let me see if I can grab it here. Well, I'll have to go look for it. But it's called Marx and Satan and it was written by Pastor Richard Wurmbrandt and he had been tortured for nine years in a communist gulag in Romania. He was a pastor, they threatened his family, they brutally tortured him and he concluded that this must be satanic, this must come from the pit of hell. And he got out and he started researching and actually he found an overwhelming amount of smoking gun evidence that actually his hypothesis was more right than even he could have imagined. He found poetry from Karl Marx where he's bragging about this partnership that he had with Satan, where he's bragging that he's gonna destroy everything that God created to get his vengeance on God. And you see this pop up over and over and over again in the writings of communists and socialists, even the modern ones. You know, hillary Clinton, barack Obama all huge fans of a guy called Saul Alinsky.

Speaker 2:

Well, if you get his book, it's called Rules for Radicals. This is manual for socialists to try to take power. He actually dedicates it to Lucifer. He says Lucifer was the original rebel, and all this kind of stuff. So when you really boil socialism, communism, marxism down to its core essence, it is Satanism. It is a total repudiation of everything God teaches, a total inversion of everything God teaches. And so why would we be surprised then that its advocates disguise themselves as angels of light? And why would we be surprised that the fruit is death, suffering, destruction and horror? That should be obvious.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and when I was looking into it, the common denominator among all of the isms there were that everyone works and is paid according to their ability and their needs. And I thought, well, who determines what my ability is and what my needs are right? So, and if I no longer have private property I mean you're no longer living in this house that you have built and worked on and take pride in you know you could be shuffled off to a 15 minute city or a camp somewhere. You know. Maybe you didn't get an injection that they wanted you to and get, or it's the possibilities, go on and on of what could happen. It's very scary and along with all of those isms and agendas, there are a few more that your book talks about.

Speaker 1:

In the school system today, and I hear a lot from parents. They don't think that they can homeschool because, oh, I just don't know that I could give my child everything that they need. And they don't have any confidence. And I think we lack the understanding that teachers are just real People that go home, probably fight with their kids here and there. Their kids aren't getting hundreds on every test. I'm sure their kids aren't reading at age five. In every case. Some of them are having affairs or drinking. These are real people. I don't know why we're putting them on such a pedestal. Sure, some are phenomenal, but that is more to do with the person. So I really like to let parents know that.

Speaker 1:

Take it a step down and take a breath, because when we are sending kids to school, there is an agenda and your book gets really into it. From the beginning, we say, nowadays, sending your kids to school is just sending them to an indoctrination camp, and I kind of thought that that was just like a figure of speech, it was something new. Reading your book really solidifies no, this is nothing new. This was the agenda from the beginning and these are the reasons why and you have it well-documented. But so the agendas, the other agendas besides the collectivism, we have the climate change, we have the Satanism and and that is well-documented too so if you're not teaching your child the Bible and how to follow God, they will, by default, follow Satan, because that is the agenda.

Speaker 1:

In the curriculums in the school system, we have the pedophilia, we have the gender confusion, we have the race wars or the critical race theory, we have the globalism or the one world order. These are things that a couple of years ago you thought it was a conspiracy theorist, you know if they mentioned it Now it is well documented that it is everywhere, just like in the World Economic Forum talked about in 2030,.

Speaker 1:

You will own nothing and you will be happy. Isn't that nice of them to say I will be happy. At least they care, right? What I'm getting to is how are all of these agendas? Are they all connected? Are they all from the same group of people or person, and are they just kind of stretching their tentacles around to see if globalism doesn't get this family, maybe gender ideology will?

Speaker 2:

That's a really good way to think of it, actually, and it goes actually right back to what the Bible teaches. Repeatedly. In the scriptures, satan is described as the god of this world. The prince of this age. The ruler of the world is actually how Jesus refers to him, and that is something that has been lost, unfortunately, from the understanding of everyday Christians in the United States. I don't question their faith or their relationship with Christ, but they haven't thought about all areas of life through a biblical lens, and the Bible teaches clearly that we have an enemy of our souls, satan, who goes about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour. He seeks to kill, steal and destroy, and that is actually the default position for mankind without Christ. And so for hundreds of years in this country, we just took it for granted because almost everybody was Christian, all of our institutions were based on Christian biblical principles, our country was founded by Christians, and so that inertia carried us over for a long time. Well, now we've turned our back on all that. Now we're trying to tear that down. We're ripping down the statues and all the rest of it and trying to they have different terms for it. They don't call it de-Christianize, but it is ultimately trying to de-Christianize society. Whether that be the Black Lives Matter or any of these other groups, it's very clear what they're doing, and so we should not be surprised when this is the direction it heads. This is the situation with all non-Christian societies, and that's been true forever, right?

Speaker 2:

I read a really interesting book recently by Vishal Mengawati, who's deeply involved in education issues and he was born a Hindu in India. He said before Christian missionaries arrived in India, they didn't have one school, one hospital or one orphanage. It was totally normal for people to leave a baby outside of their house to die if it was a financial burden or whatever, under the assumption that it was just going to be reincarnated and it probably did something bad in the last life. And so I mean Christians in America and even non-Christians in America don't have that in their mind, and so they don't recognize that. That is how humanity has lived for thousands of years, without the light of God's word. And this is true even in societies today that we think of as very sophisticated, like Scandinavia. Right Before the light of God's word arrived in Scandinavia, you had a bunch of pagan barbarians sacrificing their children to demons, raping, pillaging, burning villages, carting women off to be sex slaves. I mean, this is how people are in their natural state.

Speaker 2:

And so, as we move away from our Christian roots and education is, of course, the the transmission belt through which those values, ideas, culture, institutions get passed on from one generation to the next and so, as that's interrupted, as we turn away from the systems and ideas and worldview that led to the peace, the liberty, the prosperity, et cetera, the fruit is going to become clearer and clearer, and we're watching this now, right, our kids are killing themselves in record numbers, they're shooting each other, they're taking drugs, they're aborting their babies, they're burning down our cities.

Speaker 2:

This is where this leads, inevitably, and so the only way to actually fix it is to, as parents, as voters, as taxpayers, say we're not going to accept this anymore. We're going to make sure our children get a proper education, we're not going to let them be dumbed down. And for the parents who are on the fence and don't know whether they can do it, I promise you this you cannot do a worse job than the public school system, and I can say that unequivocally, without any hesitation, because I know you love your children and I know the public school system was designed to destroy your children. So you may not be the best parent in the world, you may not be the smartest person in the world, but you don't hate your children and you're not trying to destroy them. So you can't do a worse job than the system that is designed to do precisely that. So be encouraged and do your best. God will bless the following of his word and you really, really can do a phenomenal job, even though you've been brainwashed to believe that you're not capable.

Speaker 1:

Absolutely. Where can people find you if they want to follow your work? Where are your avenues? Because you are a few places these days.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. So if people are interested in the book that we've been talking about Indoctrinating Our Children to Death, government Schools, war on Faith, family and Freedom and how to Stop it, that's available anywhere. Good books are sold. Amazon will get it to you tomorrow for real cheap. If you want a signed copy, you can get it at my website, which is LibertySentinelorg.

Speaker 2:

For those of us who were victims of the education system, Sentinel is S-E-N-T-I-N-E-L. Libertysentinelorg. It's a Watchmen Sentinel and you can sign up for my newsletter there. It's free. We send it out twice a week, not just on education issues, but all kinds of stuff Geopolitics, banking, business, church issues, theology all kinds of fun stuff. You can find me on X or Twitter. It's Alex Newman, underscore J-O-U. I serve as senior editor of the New American Magazine. People can find us at thenewamericancom. And then resources for people who are thinking about pulling their kids out. First of all, do it. Second of all, if you want some help, if you want resources, we've even got a little scholarship fund publicschoolexitcom. It's publicschoolexitcom. I serve as the executive director there, which sounds fancy. I'm just a volunteer. I don't draw a salary, but it is my passion to help parents and churches rescue children from this horrible indoctrination system. So lots of free resources there and if I can be of service, you can contact me through any of those avenues and thank you very much for having me.

Speaker 1:

Thank you, Alex. This has been wonderful. Thank you for the work that you do.

Speaker 2:

Thank you, and God bless you me. Thank you, alex, this has been wonderful. Thank you for the work that you do.

Speaker 1:

Thank you and God bless you. Thank you for tuning into this week's episode of the homeschool how to. If you've enjoyed what you heard and you'd like to contribute to the show, please consider leaving a small tip using the link in my show's description. Or, if you'd rather, please use the link in the description to share this podcast with a friend or on your favorite homeschool group Facebook page. Any effort to help us keep the podcast going is greatly appreciated. Thank you for tuning in and for your love of the next generation.

History of Education and Homeschooling Trends
Education, Socialism, and Totalitarianism
Agendas in Education and Socialism
Battle for Christian Values in Education