Neurodivergent Mates

Creating an Inclusive Community for Neurodivergent Individuals - Ryan Elson

Will Wheeler, Photon Jon, Ryno Elson Season 3 Episode 39

A significant hurdle faced by many individuals with neurodivergent traits involves the quest for an inclusive community wherein they can establish a sense of belonging.

In a recent installment of Neurodivergent Mates, we engage in a discussion with community leader Ryan Elson - Founder of Social Enterprise Cafe/Tribe Clubhouse, shedding light on his commendable efforts in uniting various diverse groups.

To find out what we will be talking about, please check out the questions below 👇

1. Tell us a bit about yourself

2. Tell us a bit about Tribe Social and how it came about

3. When did you realise that neurodivergent people would become part of the focus?

4. How is the broader community responding to this part of your work?

5. Are local or broader governments working with you?

6. Would you like to see more from them in this regard?

7. You also put on concerts at Tribe. How helpful has that been for neurodivergent people?

8. How has the dynamic been between the wider community and neurodivergent people been at shows? 

9. Where can people find you online and connect with your work?

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