The Corporate Cleanse

5 things no one tells you about being an executive

Season 1 Episode 16

Oh ... Is iT HaRd bEiNg aN eXeCuTiVe? I understand reaching the executive level is a privileged place to be and reaching that level was really great. I’ve never learned so much in my life. I’ve never learned so much about business, about myself as a human, about communication, about human dynamics, about group dynamics, about leadership, about empathy and inclusion. I am really grateful for the opportunity I got to enter the ranks that I always felt out of reach.

The driving forces to want to be promoted to the executive level were: money and to be in the room where it happens. I wanted to matter, I wanted my voice to be heard, I wanted to be in the “know”, I wanted to make decisions and make an impact

But there was A LOT I didn’t know. There was a lot I was surprised by, a lot I wish someone had told me so I could be prepared, a lot that I don’t think many people talk about, because again, it’s this exclusive club that needs to remain exclusive and fancy and put on this facade of glamour and fanciness, so there isn’t a lot of realness about it.