The Corporate Cleanse

Combatting labels in the workplace

Season 1 Episode 11

If I had a dollar for every time I’ve been called “organized” in my career, I would def own a boat by now. But you know what? It’s never felt like a compliment.

We use labels in work for many reasons: to get an upper hand on someone, to put that person down or on a lower playing field (again power dynamics), to put someone in a box that we feel more comfortable with. None of the reasons are great.

Perception is really all we have in business - who is perceived as the best leader, who is perceived as the best communicator, who is perceived to be a rockstar. Effectively combatting labels is a HUGE tool in managing your perception.

In this episode we talk about how to craft your perception with intention because that perception (how you are perceived by leadership, your manager, the CFO, the CEO) all will really dictate if you get selected for the high-profile project, if you are considered when asking for a raise, if you are considered for the next management role.