The Corporate Cleanse
Hi, I’m Jen, and I sold my soul to corporate ladder climbing, a big salary, the fancy exec title, and corporate gold stars (which, as it turns out, are mostly company t-shirts and crisp high fives). Where did I find myself? Flat on my ass—needing a serious detox from corporate life. Join me as we discuss rebuilding your soul after the corporate charm has worn off (and maybe how to navigate corporate climbing while keeping some of your soul). We’ll also discuss rebuilding your identity, resetting your relationship with money, speaking up without being an asshole, and finding and keeping your calm—and, ultimately, finding success and self-love through it all.
The Corporate Cleanse
How anxiety plays out in your career
I have a complicated relationship with my anxiety. Anxiety has pushed me and has gotten me far in life. Moderate anxiety has kept me on my toes, driven me to tend to the things that I care about, and nudged me toward my best self.
But anxiety plays dirty — oh it plays dirty. Anxiety has also driven me to take on more than I can handle, to dress rehearse tragedy and every bad scenario possible, to be stuck in flight/fight/freeze instead of healthily moving through the stress cycle. And it's driven me to try to over control everything in my corporate life, which is impossible, so I tried to control everything in my personal life = a ferocious scarcity mindset.
In today's episode we talk about money anxiety, uncertainty anxiety, control anxiety, and status anxiety. It's time to evaluate what anxiety you have, where it comes from, how it has helped you in your life and career, but mostly importantly, what it has cost you.