The Corporate Cleanse
Hi, I’m Jen, and I sold my soul to corporate ladder climbing, a big salary, the fancy exec title, and corporate gold stars (which, as it turns out, are mostly company t-shirts and crisp high fives). Where did I find myself? Flat on my ass—needing a serious detox from corporate life. Join me as we discuss rebuilding your soul after the corporate charm has worn off (and maybe how to navigate corporate climbing while keeping some of your soul). We’ll also discuss rebuilding your identity, resetting your relationship with money, speaking up without being an asshole, and finding and keeping your calm—and, ultimately, finding success and self-love through it all.
The Corporate Cleanse
Readiness is a myth and some thoughts on imposter syndrome
Looking back, I don't think I've ever been "ready" for anything in my career. What does ready even mean? So often, this idea of ready holds us back and makes us think that if we just do XYZ, then we'll ask for the promotion or then we'll ask for a raise or then we'll raise our hand for the next big project.
What if you are ready right now? What if the experience you DO have is enough to start?
Today, we explore that "ready" might just be a myth, that we all learn by doing, how to anchor in experience you DO have, and how to embrace a beginner's mindset.