FeedSheep Podcast

Thriving is...

Dan Schilling Season 1 Episode 3

Dan Schilling & Michael Blue dig into John 14 to explore what true thriving is and how Jesus defined and lived it.

00:00:07 Dan Schilling

Hey, welcome to the Feed Sheep Podcast where we help you hear God's voice, follow his lead, and thrive as a disciple.

00:00:13 Dan Schilling

I'm Dan Schilling.

00:00:14 Dan Schilling

And I'll be one of your guides now let's.

00:00:16 Dan Schilling

Get into today's topic.

00:00:18 Dan Schilling

All right.

00:00:18 Dan Schilling

Welcome to the feed.

00:00:19 Dan Schilling

Chief podcast again today.

00:00:20 Dan Schilling

Hey Michael, glad to have you with us.

00:00:23 Michael Blue

Hi, Dan.

00:00:23 Michael Blue

Good to see you again.

00:00:25 Dan Schilling

Good to see you.

00:00:26 Dan Schilling

Let's get right into it.

00:00:27 Dan Schilling

I want to open us in prayer and we're going to get right into our topic today about thriving.

00:00:31 Dan Schilling

So let me pray for us.

00:00:32 Dan Schilling

So, Father, we're grateful today for another opportunity to be in your.

00:00:39 Dan Schilling

Just since your burden that you.

00:00:42 Dan Schilling

You desire for your sheep to to know you, to hear your voice, and to walk in your ways.

00:00:48 Dan Schilling

And so today I pray that we would decrease and you would increase.

00:00:51 Dan Schilling

I pray that your word.

00:00:52 Dan Schilling

Goes forth today in US and through us for your glory, for the good of each of us that are partaking today of that bread of life that you want to give to us.

00:01:05 Dan Schilling

So I thank you for this opportunity to be the hands and feet.

00:01:11 Dan Schilling

The vessels today that you flow through, so God have your way in US.

00:01:18 Dan Schilling

Let the words of our mouth.

00:01:19 Dan Schilling

And the meditations of our heart today be pleasing.

00:01:21 Dan Schilling

To you that you're.

00:01:23 Dan Schilling

We're now go forth and bear much fruit.

00:01:25 Dan Schilling

We love you and we thank you.

00:01:26 Dan Schilling

In Jesus name.

00:01:30 Dan Schilling

All right, Michael.

00:01:31 Dan Schilling

So last week the well, the last two weeks we've been talking about the here follow thrive that that's not just the the tag line of of feed sheep, but really is the mantra.

00:01:45 Dan Schilling

And one of the things I want to look at today as we focus on the thriving part now is I.

00:01:51 Dan Schilling

Believe there's there is.

00:01:53 Dan Schilling

A process here that.

00:01:54 Dan Schilling

We here we follow, we thrive.

00:01:57 Dan Schilling

But I want to work backwards.

00:01:58 Dan Schilling

For just a moment.

00:01:59 Dan Schilling

That I I don't believe that we that we really will thrive without.

00:02:06 Dan Schilling

And we can't follow without hearing.

00:02:09 Dan Schilling

And I think there's a couple of things that are actually keeping.

00:02:11 Dan Schilling

Us that are inhibiting, maybe obstacles that are keeping us from hearing God's voice clearly, and I think those three things, as we've mentioned, the past, our PRIDE, money, money issues and infidelity.

00:02:26 Dan Schilling

And when it comes to infidel, in this case, the word actually means unfaithfulness, but I think there's more than specifically the unfaithfulness in this area really has to do with our our sexual purity.

00:02:37 Dan Schilling

Are we focused on on the things that God has us focus on, whether we're single or married.

00:02:43 Dan Schilling

And so one of the things I want to talk about today is the things that are keeping us from thriving.

00:02:49 Dan Schilling

But give me some thoughts as we head into today.

00:02:52 Dan Schilling

As you think about thriving as well.

00:02:57 Michael Blue

So I mean, as I think about the word thrive, I, you and I have a lot of conversation about words and words that we hear thrown around in Christian circles and churches that are, that are good words and and they do have positive.

00:03:09 Michael Blue

Meaning and implications.

00:03:10 Michael Blue

But oftentimes we use them kind of haphazardly and and.

00:03:13 Michael Blue

Loosely so that they really.

00:03:14 Michael Blue

Lose the precision of the meaning and almost begin to to mean something very, very different, I think.

00:03:19 Michael Blue

Of words like thrive.

00:03:21 Michael Blue

I think of words like impact.

00:03:22 Michael Blue

I think of words like blessing, like these are all words that we hear a lot in Christian circles and they mean can mean very good things.

00:03:28 Michael Blue

Very precise things, but they can.

00:03:29 Michael Blue

Also kind of be.

00:03:30 Michael Blue

Used for a lot of different things and so.

00:03:33 Michael Blue

You know, with the legal background, you know, I like to define terms and.

00:03:39 Michael Blue

And so for me, I think as we think about thriving, the tendency is probably to think of thriving as temporal thriving.

00:03:47 Michael Blue

So am I healthy?

00:03:48 Michael Blue

Am I wealthy?

00:03:49 Michael Blue

Am I wise, right?

00:03:50 Michael Blue

Those types of things are those thriving?

00:03:52 Michael Blue

And and I think the thriving that we're called into biblically is much deeper than that such that we can thrive regardless of our circumstances.

00:04:01 Michael Blue

It's like contentment.

00:04:01 Michael Blue

I can be content regardless of my circumstances, so my contentment, my thriving, isn't dependent upon what I'm doing my it.

00:04:09 Michael Blue

It's actually dependent upon somebody which is.

00:04:13 Michael Blue

God, which is Christ and so thriving, really is a spiritual.


Yes, yes.

00:04:18 Michael Blue

Posture or spiritual place that we move into as opposed to, hey, you do all these things and everything is going to be right, everything is.

00:04:25 Michael Blue

Going to go.

00:04:26 Michael Blue

Well, because we know that's just not true and experience.

00:04:29 Dan Schilling

Yeah, well, I know what I hear you.

00:04:31 Dan Schilling

Saying I think it's.

00:04:32 Dan Schilling

Very true.

00:04:33 Dan Schilling

We've talked about it here.

00:04:34 Dan Schilling

Just encouraged by a couple of testimonies already from the podcast so far.

00:04:39 Dan Schilling

One of them was actually from our friend Bert, and he was telling me they would enjoy it about is that we're talking about this as a journey, not a destination.

00:04:46 Dan Schilling

And sometimes in our Western thinking we we think that thriving is when I get to this point.

00:04:51 Dan Schilling

Right then I'll be thriving when I get to this point of wealth.

00:04:54 Dan Schilling

When I get to this point of relationship, when I get to this point of whatever it may.

00:04:58 Dan Schilling

Be then I'll be thriving.

00:05:01 Dan Schilling

But what we find out that it's empty.

00:05:03 Dan Schilling

And so today what we want to focus on.

00:05:06 Dan Schilling

Really start looking at some scriptures that help us maybe redefine especially for those of us in the Western world.

00:05:12 Dan Schilling

You know what real true defining and maybe how Jesus would help us.

00:05:17 Dan Schilling

Define thriving.

00:05:19 Dan Schilling

And so we're going to look at a couple of.

00:05:21 Dan Schilling

Context here of Scripture.

00:05:22 Dan Schilling

One of the main ones that I want to look.

00:05:23 Dan Schilling

At is really that John 1010.

00:05:26 Dan Schilling

I don't have that one to put up on the screen. If you've got it there, you want to have me read it. But it's John 1010.

00:05:37 Michael Blue

Sure, it's the thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy.

00:05:41 Michael Blue

I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.

00:05:46 Dan Schilling

And there's a couple there's.

00:05:49 Dan Schilling

Yes, the eye.

00:05:49 Dan Schilling

Is Jesus and that abundantly there it is, really where we take out of the thought around the thrive and that that fullness or that thriving that they got desires for us.

00:06:03 Dan Schilling

Is when we're walking in the fullness and the fullness.

00:06:05 Dan Schilling

Of what I.

00:06:06 Dan Schilling

Believe Jesus has for us and so.

00:06:08 Dan Schilling

We're going to talk today.

00:06:09 Dan Schilling

Coming out of John 14, so if you wanna join us, we're gonna be looking.

00:06:13 Dan Schilling

At John 14.

00:06:15 Dan Schilling

We're going to start today in, in verse 11, so I just want to give you kind of the setting here of what's going on.

00:06:22 Dan Schilling

So in in in Chapter 14, one through 10, I can summarize it in just about a a sentence here.

00:06:28 Dan Schilling

So essentially, Jesus saying don't worry, you can trust me.

00:06:31 Dan Schilling

I'm the way the truth and.

00:06:32 Dan Schilling

The life and that my father and I are one.

00:06:36 Dan Schilling

Together on this and then Jesus is going to start to share.

00:06:40 Dan Schilling

With us, some things that we're going to tie this all together here around why we see this as helping us understand what thriving is.

00:06:47 Dan Schilling

So if you want to start.

00:06:48 Dan Schilling

Reading Michael, I'll put it up on.

00:06:50 Dan Schilling

The screen here for us as well if folks want to read along.

00:06:55 Dan Schilling

But this is John.

00:06:56 Dan Schilling

14 and we're going to start again in verse 11.

00:07:01 Michael Blue

All right, verse 11.

00:07:02 Michael Blue

Just believe that I am in the father and the father is in me, or at least believe because of the work you have seen me do.

00:07:10 Michael Blue

I tell you the truth.

00:07:11 Michael Blue

Anyone who believes in me will do the same works I have done, and even greater works because I am going.

00:07:16 Michael Blue

To be with the father.

00:07:18 Michael Blue

You can ask for everything in my name and I will do it so that the son.

00:07:22 Michael Blue

Can bring glory to the father.

00:07:24 Michael Blue

Yes, ask me for anything in my name.

00:07:27 Michael Blue

And I will.

00:07:28 Michael Blue

Do it.

00:07:28 Michael Blue

If you love me, obey my commandments, and I will ask the father and he will give you another advocate who will.

00:07:33 Michael Blue

Never leave you.

00:07:34 Michael Blue

He is the Holy Spirit who leads into all truth.

00:07:37 Michael Blue

The world cannot receive him because it isn't looking for him and doesn't recognize him.

00:07:42 Michael Blue

But you know him because he lives with you now.

00:07:44 Michael Blue

And later we'll be in.

00:07:47 Michael Blue

No, I will not abandon you.

00:07:48 Michael Blue

As orphans.

00:07:49 Michael Blue

I will come to you soon.

00:07:51 Michael Blue

The world will no longer see me.

00:07:52 Michael Blue

But you will see me since I live.

00:07:55 Michael Blue

You also will live when I am raised to life again, you will know that I am in the father and you are in me and I.

00:08:01 Michael Blue

Am in you.

00:08:02 Michael Blue

Those who accept my commandments and obey them are the ones who love me, and because they love me.

00:08:07 Michael Blue

My father will love them and I will love them and reveal myself to each of them.

00:08:13 Michael Blue

OK, Judith not.

00:08:15 Michael Blue

Yeah. Stop there, all right.

00:08:16 Dan Schilling

Let's just stop there for a second.

00:08:18 Dan Schilling

Look at this first portion here.

00:08:20 Dan Schilling

There's several key things that I think that we want to focus on here.

00:08:24 Dan Schilling

The first thing in if we go back up that I want to point out is Jesus is saying here in verse 11.

00:08:32 Dan Schilling

That the father and he are one and this is coming out of the context where Philip is essentially asking him, you know, would you show us the father and and Jesus in some?

00:08:43 Dan Schilling

Ways you know, it's kind of like.

00:08:45 Dan Schilling

Come on, Phillip.

00:08:46 Dan Schilling

You still don't know.

00:08:46 Dan Schilling

Who I am, you know if.

00:08:48 Dan Schilling

You've seen me, you've seen the.

00:08:50 Dan Schilling

Father, we're we're on the same agenda and and when we look at Jesus's life, we'd obviously that Jesus was thriving.

00:08:59 Dan Schilling

Now, at the end of his life, you know, it might not appear as thriving, and we're going to look at that in in just a.

00:09:04 Dan Schilling

Moment here in verse.

00:09:05 Dan Schilling

31 of this chapter, but he's telling us here something he's telling us that not only have you seen these things in me, but in verse 12 he's saying I tell you the truth, that anyone who believes in me will do the same works I have done.

00:09:19 Dan Schilling

Even greater ones.

00:09:21 Dan Schilling

Because I'm going to go to the father.

00:09:23 Dan Schilling

And so one of the things I believe this can help us to understand what real thriving is when we think about in, like in Luke, he Luke 9:00 and 10:00, he talks about how he sent the disciples out to heal the sick, to cast out demons, to proclaim the good news of the Kingdom.

00:09:37 Dan Schilling

And so these were the things that Jesus was doing on a regular basis.

00:09:42 Dan Schilling

Michael, I don't know if we haven't.

00:09:43 Dan Schilling

If you have talked about this, but Sherry and I and.

00:09:45 Dan Schilling

The boys have loved watching.

00:09:47 Dan Schilling

The chosen seed.

00:09:50 Dan Schilling

And there's different points and times during the chosen where one scene that I remember vividly is when Jesus had been, like literally all day praying.

00:09:58 Dan Schilling

For people are coming to him.

00:09:59 Dan Schilling

Come to him praying and and he comes back.

00:10:01 Dan Schilling

He's completely worn out because that day he had been healing the sick, casting out demons and proclaiming the good news the Kingdom.

00:10:10 Dan Schilling

And he he was went out and and it the scene was interesting because he comes back and the disciples are kind of fighting over some stuff you know internally.

00:10:18 Dan Schilling

But the thriving part of this I believe that got once for each of us is as disciples.

00:10:24 Dan Schilling

I believe he's called us and equipped us to be vessels that he can flow through, not not for us, but but through us.

00:10:34 Dan Schilling

We get the benefits of the spirit of God coming into us, and this is part of what he's going to start to.

00:10:39 Dan Schilling

Help us understand here that with the Holy Spirit.

00:10:42 Dan Schilling

These are the way.

00:10:42 Dan Schilling

This is the way that we can do these works and it's not about again what I want to folks here is not.

00:10:47 Dan Schilling

We're not about.

00:10:47 Dan Schilling

Works like the doing, but it's the.

00:10:51 Dan Schilling

And and and the majority of my life, I've struggled with this aspect of being a doer instead of a beer.

00:10:58 Dan Schilling

But I believe what Jesus was, how he was thriving, he was being with the father, he was in unity with the father, being in one mind.

00:11:05 Dan Schilling

In one accord.

00:11:06 Dan Schilling

So right.

00:11:07 Dan Schilling

What are your thoughts?

00:11:08 Michael Blue

Yeah, I mean it, this is, you know.

00:11:10 Michael Blue

This is a.

00:11:11 Michael Blue

Part of really the beginning of the farewell discourse and John, so it takes up, you know, like 1/3 of John.

00:11:17 Michael Blue

And it's Jesus last words.

00:11:18 Michael Blue

The disciples in the upper room.

00:11:20 Michael Blue

And that's before he leaves.

00:11:22 Michael Blue

And really, the invitation is just what you said.

00:11:24 Michael Blue

It's an invitation to join him.

00:11:26 Michael Blue

I get it's this.

00:11:28 Michael Blue

You know, come and and and look at these great things as we will do together.

00:11:32 Michael Blue

And and I think Jesus is describing a life of thriving which we know isn't a life of comfort for these these disciples, but it is.

00:11:40 Michael Blue

I mean, just looking at the words and how he describes him as you know, have.

00:11:44 Michael Blue

Someone who will?

00:11:44 Michael Blue

Never lead you who?

00:11:45 Michael Blue

Leads you into truth.

00:11:46 Michael Blue

The world cannot receive and and he's just saying you will do these things with me.

00:11:51 Michael Blue

As we walk together and it's it's just a beautiful invitation as we think about, these are the words Jesus is saying.

00:11:57 Michael Blue

Remember these words as I go to the.

00:12:00 Michael Blue

Cross and then right from the dead.

00:12:02 Michael Blue

But these are the words that I want to leave with you.

00:12:06 Dan Schilling

Well, and you have talked about this a number of.

00:12:08 Dan Schilling

Times many times and we we.

00:12:10 Dan Schilling

Use just certain portions and parts of text to to prove a point that we want interested them.

00:12:15 Dan Schilling

Many folks use here verse 13 and 14 as like a blank.

00:12:19 Dan Schilling

Check like you can ask for anything in my name and I'll do it like, hey, you can ask for the Ferrari.

00:12:24 Dan Schilling

You can ask for great wealth.

00:12:26 Dan Schilling

You can ask for the promotion.

00:12:27 Dan Schilling

You can ask for all these things, but I believe the the context of what he's trying to help us understand here is when we're asking the things that that we're the things of the father, the desires.

00:12:40 Dan Schilling

Of our father's heart. And then he's going to start telling us here in verse 15 that if you love me, you're going to obey my commands. And I'm going to then send you this advocate, this, this one who's going to actually come alongside you and help you understand what it is that you should be asking.

00:12:58 Dan Schilling

Not asking for the things that appeal to the flesh nature, but the things that appeal.

00:13:04 Dan Schilling

To the spirit inside of us and what he wants to do in US and through us.

00:13:08 Dan Schilling

And because he is going to in like in verse seven, he is going.

00:13:11 Dan Schilling

To lead us.

00:13:11 Dan Schilling

Into all truth, he's not going to abandon us.

00:13:15 Dan Schilling

He's going to come.

00:13:15 Dan Schilling

And be with us.

00:13:17 Dan Schilling

But the folks of the world aren't going to get it because we're going to do things he's going to lead us in in ways that for others are going to say, well, that's.

00:13:24 Dan Schilling

Not thriving that that.

00:13:27 Dan Schilling

That would be terrible.

00:13:28 Dan Schilling

I just got a testimony from again from our friend Bertie sent me this testimony out.

00:13:32 Dan Schilling

I won't give the details.

00:13:33 Dan Schilling

I haven't had full permission.

00:13:34 Dan Schilling

But when we get a.

00:13:35 Dan Schilling

Chance to share this if we are this.

00:13:37 Dan Schilling

Was a story about a guy in another country who literally was imprisoned and and taken from his normal life.

00:13:48 Dan Schilling

As a Christian.

00:13:49 Dan Schilling

And essentially taken from his family for over 3 months and and so as I'm reading this.

00:13:53 Dan Schilling

Storm thing. Wow.

00:13:55 Dan Schilling

You know this and how God used it to propagate the gospel to to a group of people and think man, am I willing to go that far?

00:14:04 Dan Schilling

Am I willing to allow him?

00:14:05 Dan Schilling

Are those really the good works that he's wanting to do?

00:14:12 Michael Blue

Yeah, I I think I, you know, I'm looking even at at 15 in Chapter 15 where he says if you abide in me and my words abide and you ask whatever you wish and it will be done for you.

00:14:21 Michael Blue

And that's I think we have two, two polar opposite like ways we approach this passage.

00:14:28 Michael Blue

We either take it as this kind of goofy blank check.

00:14:31 Michael Blue

Whatever I want, I can get or or we just make it 100% spiritual and then basically neuter it of its meaning and and just say you know, God's going to.

00:14:41 Michael Blue

Do it.

00:14:41 Michael Blue

He's going to do.

00:14:42 Michael Blue

And I don't really have much part in.

00:14:45 Michael Blue

And so, you know, I just pray God your will and and I just kind of go along and the deterministic type and outlook on life.

00:14:53 Michael Blue

And I I think that neither one is is a proper understanding of of either of these.

00:14:57 Michael Blue

I do think that God has tremendous promises for us when we walk with him or and step with him when we do abide in him, and his words abide.

00:15:05 Michael Blue

And as there.

00:15:05 Michael Blue

Is a power in our prayers as.

00:15:07 Michael Blue

We approach the.

00:15:08 Michael Blue

Throne of God that we shouldn't die.

00:15:11 Michael Blue

So it's that.

00:15:11 Dan Schilling

Yes, that's great point.

00:15:12 Michael Blue

Holding intention.

00:15:13 Michael Blue

Yeah, that we have this.

00:15:15 Michael Blue

Opportunity to walk.

00:15:16 Michael Blue

Just as Jesus.

00:15:17 Michael Blue

You know, asked for his father to.

00:15:20 Michael Blue

We we now stand in a position as brothers with Christ as Hebrews tells us, and we can ask and and approach boldly the throne.

00:15:27 Michael Blue

But that's not this again, this goofy.

00:15:31 Michael Blue

Hey I can get whatever I want because I've got this that there's there's a lot more to it and there still is the depth of God knowing ultimately his will is is superior and his knowledge is superior to us.

00:15:42 Michael Blue

And sometimes we ask for things that we think.

00:15:44 Michael Blue

They're good.

00:15:45 Michael Blue

Then in the end, aren't actually in.

00:15:49 Michael Blue

It bring aren't actually good or won't actually bring him glory.

00:15:54 Dan Schilling

Yes, yes. Well, I want to go back to 21 for just a second and I'll have you keep reading kind of to keep going here. But this 21 again reminds me of where we're heading as an organization here.

00:16:05 Dan Schilling

Follow thrive and so.

00:16:06 Dan Schilling

So those who accept my commands or receive his word.

00:16:11 Dan Schilling

So we hear his voice.

00:16:12 Dan Schilling

Those who are willing to accept it and obey.

00:16:15 Dan Schilling

That are willing to follow so.

00:16:16 Dan Schilling

Hear it?

00:16:18 Dan Schilling

Follow it or obey.

00:16:19 Dan Schilling

They're the ones who love me.

00:16:20 Dan Schilling

And because they love me, the father will love them and I will love them and reveal myself to each one of them.

00:16:26 Dan Schilling

And I think that's part of what's thriving and we're going to see here next of what really thriving looks like.

00:16:33 Dan Schilling

Is the more that we grow in our love for Jesus and the ways of his Kingdom we our desire to do those things isn't because of.

00:16:44 Dan Schilling

The the the fear of punishment or the fear of judgment, it's because we love him and our desire is because we we one know him.

00:16:53 Dan Schilling

We want to be.

00:16:54 Dan Schilling

One with he and the father and the spirit is also drawing us to that place as well.

00:17:03 Michael Blue

Yeah, and it's, it's.

00:17:03 Michael Blue

This question that we all have to ask ourselves is do we actually believe him?

00:17:09 Michael Blue

And this here follow thrive that?

00:17:11 Michael Blue

OK, I've I've heard and I know and and that if I follow if I actually.

00:17:15 Michael Blue

Obey. Will that lead?

00:17:17 Michael Blue

To thriving cause.

00:17:18 Michael Blue

Sometimes these things, you know, like the rich and.

00:17:20 Michael Blue

Ruler and and other people it seems like.

00:17:23 Michael Blue

Man, I'm not going to be OK or I'm.

00:17:26 Michael Blue

Not going to be quote.

00:17:27 Michael Blue

UN quote thriving. I'm not, you know, it's certainly not from a worldly standpoint.

00:17:32 Michael Blue

So then I have to.

00:17:32 Michael Blue

Trust what is your presence?

00:17:34 Michael Blue

That good is your, you know, are your gifts of yourself and and.

00:17:39 Michael Blue

And all of these other things that.

00:17:40 Michael Blue

You promised me of community.

00:17:42 Michael Blue

And and whatnot, are they actually?

00:17:43 Michael Blue

Better than the things of the world.

00:17:47 Michael Blue

And so then I hold back on the following.

00:17:49 Michael Blue

So I've heard, but I'm unwilling to really follow because I don't believe thrive.

00:17:52 Michael Blue

Thing is actually going to be what God promises, or a question was.

00:17:58 Michael Blue

That there will be.

00:17:59 Dan Schilling

So I I got to do this right here.

00:18:01 Dan Schilling

So you and I were together in February and you were just speaking at a conference.

00:18:07 Dan Schilling

I'll let you decide if you want tell.

00:18:08 Dan Schilling

The conference or?

00:18:09 Dan Schilling

And you were asked a question at that conference and I want you to tell about that what it was.

00:18:16 Dan Schilling

Don't hold back.

00:18:16 Dan Schilling

Tell what was going on.

00:18:18 Dan Schilling

And and what your answer was, because this was a panel discussion and but I what I want to say is.

00:18:25 Dan Schilling

My time with you there were probably at least a half a dozen people that came up to us throughout and we're like, man, that was mic drop moment.

00:18:33 Dan Schilling

That was amazing and I believe the reason why it was a mic drop moment is because.

00:18:37 Dan Schilling

The Holy Spirit spoke.

00:18:38 Dan Schilling

Through you and everybody like, that's the truth.

00:18:43 Dan Schilling

And so tell us about what that was.

00:18:46 Michael Blue

Yeah, I I remember.

00:18:47 Michael Blue

I was having a pretty good laugh because, you know, at the end of the day, my answer to the question was Jesus.

00:18:51 Michael Blue

And it's like you're a Christian conference.

00:18:54 Michael Blue

And the answer to.

00:18:55 Michael Blue

Jesus name is.

00:18:55 Michael Blue

Like ohh.


Think of it like.


But an answer.

00:18:58 Michael Blue

That answer right?

00:19:00 Michael Blue

So it's it's not.

00:19:01 Michael Blue

That it was necessarily even.

00:19:03 Michael Blue

That profound. But it I was a part of a panel at a conference of of financial advisors, and there was about 2000 plus financial advisors.

00:19:12 Michael Blue

At this conference.

00:19:13 Michael Blue

And so it was, I was on the conference with three other people and.

00:19:16 Michael Blue

The topic that we were given.

00:19:18 Michael Blue

To discuss was how much is enough.

00:19:20 Michael Blue

Right, so this it's a great question that financial advisors deal with with their clients hopefully and and say OK, let's set finish lines, let's just not blindly accumulate forever.

00:19:30 Michael Blue

And so there it's a really.

00:19:30 Michael Blue

Good starting point.

00:19:33 Michael Blue

But I think you know we can unpack this later and maybe.

00:19:35 Michael Blue

Some other episodes of of of.

00:19:37 Michael Blue

The question and and and how we maybe even unwind the question a little bit more.

00:19:42 Michael Blue

So I got asked the question by the moderator guy named John Reinhardt.

00:19:46 Michael Blue

Good friend, and he he as we're closing out, he said.

00:19:50 Michael Blue

Michael, you know if if you could answer the question for us, you know how.

00:19:53 Michael Blue

Much is enough.

00:19:54 Michael Blue

What would you say?

00:19:56 Michael Blue

How much is enough to?

00:19:57 Michael Blue

To these financial advisors and.

00:20:00 Michael Blue

You know, as I, as I've studied scripture and think about Hebrews and think about Paul and Philippians and says, you know, I I can have.

00:20:06 Michael Blue

Much and I can.

00:20:07 Michael Blue

Have a little bit this this secret to contentment is, is who I trust.

00:20:11 Michael Blue

And so I said to him, I said the the answer, I've come to the conclusion of.

00:20:16 Michael Blue

To the question of how much is enough, isn't a number, it's a person.

00:20:20 Michael Blue

Right, I kind.

00:20:21 Michael Blue

Of left it there.

00:20:22 Michael Blue

That was it.

00:20:22 Michael Blue

That was.

00:20:23 Michael Blue

The end of it, I think they.


The cliffhanger, yeah.

00:20:24 Michael Blue

Knew they knew who the person.

00:20:26 Michael Blue

Was I was talking about but.

00:20:29 Michael Blue

That's true, and that's true.

00:20:31 Michael Blue

That's true.

00:20:31 Michael Blue

With contentment, all these things, the answer to the question that we're searching for isn't something it's some one right.

00:20:38 Michael Blue

And so Christ is the answer to these longings of my heart.

00:20:42 Michael Blue

It's just that I try to say.

00:20:43 Michael Blue

Yeah, but what about this?

00:20:44 Michael Blue

Or I try to?

00:20:45 Michael Blue

Append a lot on to Christ with it.

00:20:48 Michael Blue

So I'll take him, but I also don't want to.

00:20:50 Michael Blue

I don't want to let go of these things.

00:20:51 Michael Blue

But I'm going to.

00:20:52 Michael Blue

So then I end up kind of covering these things.

00:20:54 Michael Blue

I'm showing a fist of.

00:20:55 Michael Blue

The things in.

00:20:56 Michael Blue

My hand covering them with some Christianity and some verses, and so my how much is enough question.

00:21:02 Michael Blue

Becomes a good starting place, but if I'm unwilling to let go of all these things I've clenched in my hand, all I'm doing is I'm just covering it up, trying to make it look more Christian, when in fact it's just really the world covered in some Bible verses.

00:21:17 Dan Schilling

Yes, yes.

00:21:19 Dan Schilling

Well, and it's a great point, Michael, that's.

00:21:21 Dan Schilling

Why I wanted you to share it.

00:21:23 Dan Schilling

This is really.

00:21:25 Dan Schilling

Thriving is a journey.

00:21:27 Dan Schilling

And so there are points, right?

00:21:29 Dan Schilling

I mean I I got to understand that God owns it all.

00:21:31 Dan Schilling

That's that's a key point.

00:21:32 Dan Schilling

I I have to understand that I can't come out with a closed fist.

00:21:34 Dan Schilling

I I.

00:21:35 Dan Schilling

Have to continue, but the moment that I stop.

00:21:38 Dan Schilling

Growing in intimacy, the the moment I'm no longer listening.

00:21:43 Dan Schilling

To God's voice.

00:21:45 Dan Schilling

You know I'm no longer hearing him.

00:21:46 Dan Schilling

I'm no longer following him.

00:21:48 Dan Schilling

I'm not going to thrive.

00:21:49 Dan Schilling

And so again, that's why when I say working backwards is the moment I stop hearing.

00:21:54 Dan Schilling

I'm not.

00:21:55 Dan Schilling

I'm not going to follow because otherwise I'm following myself.

00:21:59 Dan Schilling

And if I'm following myself, I'm surely not going to thrive.

00:22:03 Dan Schilling

And so money, obviously is one of those key obstacles, and you and I've been around that world a long time to see it.

00:22:10 Dan Schilling

But what we're going to see here, let's keep going. What Jesus is going to continue to encourage us on this line of thinking. So once you keep going there in verse 22.

00:22:23 Michael Blue

So Judas, not Judas Iscariot, but the other disciple with that name said to Jesus or him.

00:22:28 Michael Blue

Lord, why are you going to reveal yourself only to us and.

00:22:31 Michael Blue

Not to the world at large.

00:22:33 Michael Blue

Jesus replied all.

00:22:35 Michael Blue

Who love me will do what I say.

00:22:37 Michael Blue

My father will love them and we will come and make our home with each of them.

00:22:42 Michael Blue

Any anyone who doesn't love me will not obey me and remember my words are not my own.

00:22:47 Michael Blue

What I'm telling you is from the father who sent me.

00:22:49 Michael Blue

I'm telling you these things now while I'm still.

00:22:52 Michael Blue

With you.

00:22:52 Michael Blue

But when the father sends the advocate as my representative, that is the Holy Spirit, he will teach you everything and will remind you of everything.

00:23:01 Michael Blue

I have told you.

00:23:02 Michael Blue

I am leaving you with a gift.

00:23:04 Michael Blue

Peace of Mind and heart and peace.

00:23:07 Michael Blue

I and the peace I give.

00:23:08 Michael Blue

Is a gift the.

00:23:08 Michael Blue

World cannot give, so don't be.

00:23:10 Michael Blue

Troubled or afraid?

00:23:13 Dan Schilling

Yes. And so these are some significant to me I think promises right is that if you love me you you're going to do us and the father's going to love you and then we're going.

00:23:24 Dan Schilling

To come make our.

00:23:25 Dan Schilling

Home with you.

00:23:27 Dan Schilling

And to me that.

00:23:28 Dan Schilling

You talk about thriving.

00:23:29 Dan Schilling

You know that that the, the living God.

00:23:33 Dan Schilling

Can be inside of us, and that's what I want to go back for.

00:23:37 Dan Schilling

Just a moment.

00:23:38 Dan Schilling

I I didn't hit this earlier, but here when you inverse 17 he he says to us here.

00:23:46 Dan Schilling

But he lives.

00:23:46 Dan Schilling

With you now, but later we'll be in you.

00:23:52 Dan Schilling

That he's Speaking of.

00:23:52 Dan Schilling

The Holy Spirit that that Jesus.

00:23:55 Dan Schilling

Because he was the sinless, spotless lamb was going to sacrifice his life to lay down for us, so that that we could then have.

00:24:06 Dan Schilling

That blood that covers our sins so that the spirit now could come because the spirit is not going to dwell in the same place as a as sin.

00:24:14 Dan Schilling

God's holy he doesn't in sin don't coexist, and so he's. I'm going to come and make.

00:24:20 Dan Schilling

A way for you.

00:24:21 Dan Schilling

For my spirit to come now be inside of you and.


What a.

00:24:27 Dan Schilling

What a great hope for all of.

00:24:29 Dan Schilling

Us right that he wants to come make his home, right.

00:24:32 Dan Schilling

We talk about the Kingdom.

00:24:33 Dan Schilling

A Kingdom is where a king has dominion and and where does the King of Kings want to have dominion?

00:24:39 Dan Schilling

Or where does he want?

00:24:40 Dan Schilling

To make his home.

00:24:41 Dan Schilling

He wants to make that home in the heart.

00:24:45 Dan Schilling

Of you and I.

00:24:46 Michael Blue


00:24:47 Michael Blue

Yeah, I mean, what and and?

00:24:50 Michael Blue

I mean, what?

00:24:50 Michael Blue

A promise.

00:24:51 Michael Blue

That he's giving and and that if.

00:24:54 Michael Blue

You, you know, Fast forward through this.

00:24:56 Michael Blue

Discourse, you know, he's given these amazing promises and they do exactly what you and I often do and say, OK God, now we get it.

00:25:04 Michael Blue

And he looks at them and says really, do you get it?

00:25:07 Michael Blue

You really think you understand?

00:25:10 Michael Blue

You don't because you don't have the Holy Spirit in you yet, and you can't understand.

00:25:14 Michael Blue

And so you try to go do it on your own.

00:25:15 Michael Blue

And what happens?

00:25:16 Michael Blue

They run away right when the first sign of trouble comes.

00:25:20 Michael Blue

But he doesn't lose them.

00:25:21 Michael Blue

He doesn't give up on them because.

00:25:23 Michael Blue

Of it, he.

00:25:24 Michael Blue

Pursues them and then he does bring the holy.

00:25:26 Michael Blue

Spirit and they do.

00:25:27 Michael Blue

See and they do experience it.

00:25:30 Michael Blue

And so it's.

00:25:31 Michael Blue

It's just this.

00:25:32 Michael Blue

It is a wrestling and it's the journey as we've talked about like this isn't something that boom.

00:25:37 Michael Blue

I've got it.

00:25:37 Michael Blue

I'm never wrestling with it again, even as I hear these words.

00:25:41 Michael Blue

I question is this what it looks like God and so I try to work that out a little bit and I stumble and I fall and I get back up and I and I pursue and I pursue and I pursue and through time God just continues to draw an air.

00:25:52 Michael Blue

He continues to be tender.

00:25:53 Michael Blue

He continues to be gentle.

00:25:55 Michael Blue

And I I began to experience more of this thriving of a relationship and intimacy with.

00:26:01 Dan Schilling

Yes, well, there's more promises here too, right? I mean, you look at verse 25. He says, you know, I tell you these things now because now, because I'm going to go.

00:26:11 Dan Schilling

So I'm giving you ahead of time what's coming.

00:26:13 Dan Schilling

So I mean, sometimes the struggle for most of us is we don't know what's to come.

00:26:17 Dan Schilling

He's telling him I'm.

00:26:18 Dan Schilling

I'm going to be giving.

00:26:20 Dan Schilling

You something and so.

00:26:21 Dan Schilling

This Holy Spirit, this advocate, this representative who's gonna come.

00:26:25 Dan Schilling

He he's gonna teach you everything.

00:26:28 Dan Schilling

And remind you of everything it.


Told you.

00:26:30 Dan Schilling

He's going to.

00:26:32 Dan Schilling

Be a gift.

00:26:33 Dan Schilling

You're going to have Peace of Mind.

00:26:35 Dan Schilling

Peace in your.

00:26:36 Dan Schilling

Heart that peace not like the world can give.

00:26:39 Dan Schilling

So you don't have to be troubled.

00:26:41 Dan Schilling

You don't have to be afraid.

00:26:42 Dan Schilling

And to me, what?

00:26:43 Dan Schilling

What's the value of that gift?

00:26:47 Dan Schilling

I mean, how many things in our life are we ruled by fear are are we ruled by the things of the flesh that are killing and destroying us?

00:26:57 Dan Schilling

Anything you, you.

00:26:58 Dan Schilling

Don't have to have that.

00:26:59 Dan Schilling

You don't have to be like the world cause I can bring up.

00:27:02 Dan Schilling

I mean, more money is not gonna bring me peace. More power is not gonna bring me more peace. More, you know, physical intimacy was outside of God's design, and merit is not going to bring more fulfillment and peace.

00:27:13 Dan Schilling

But what he wants for us is to receive.

00:27:16 Dan Schilling

This gift.

00:27:17 Dan Schilling

And so I think what a great promise that Jesus is trying to give.

00:27:20 Dan Schilling

To us.

00:27:20 Dan Schilling

Here again in John 14 so.

00:27:24 Dan Schilling

Any other thing else?

00:27:25 Dan Schilling

Here's one hit before we move over to Galatians.

00:27:28 Michael Blue

Yeah, I mean.

00:27:29 Michael Blue

Just thinking about I'm, I'm preaching at my church on Sunday on in Hebrews Chapter 210 to 18 and he.

00:27:36 Michael Blue

Talks about how.

00:27:38 Michael Blue

Satan has the the power of of death, and Jesus comes and destroys that power.

00:27:44 Michael Blue

But it's it's this, and we're enslaved to this fear of death.

00:27:48 Michael Blue

And I think that we see a lack of peace.

00:27:50 Michael Blue

We see a lack of ability to rest in him because we're we we don't have confidence that death isn't the end.

00:27:57 Michael Blue

We don't have confidence that we have to get everything we can out of out of this room.

00:28:01 Michael Blue

So we.

00:28:02 Michael Blue

Can't have peace, ultimately.

00:28:04 Michael Blue

And he's giving us something that is spiritual, that is living in that eternal realm to give us that peace to, to give us the confidence that that is ultimately what's coming.

00:28:15 Michael Blue

And to say, hey, look, I've defeated, I've destroyed this death that has power over you.

00:28:23 Dan Schilling

Well, the last thing I want to we're going to skip a couple verses here and just go down to.

00:28:27 Dan Schilling

Verse 31 and we're going to highlight this in just a minute. Minute, but you.

00:28:32 Dan Schilling

Want to read?

00:28:33 Dan Schilling

Verse 31 there. This is again still John 14.

00:28:37 Michael Blue

Yes, it says, but I will do what the father requires of me so that the world will know that I love the father.

00:28:42 Michael Blue

Come, let's be.

00:28:45 Dan Schilling


00:28:46 Dan Schilling

And maybe I better have you.

00:28:47 Dan Schilling

Read verse 30.


Just just so that's.

00:28:49 Dan Schilling

Not taken out of context for folks that are listening here because Jesus giving us some context, maybe go and read that verse too.

00:28:57 Michael Blue

Verse 30.

00:28:58 Michael Blue

So he says I don't have much time.

00:29:00 Michael Blue

I don't have much more.

00:29:01 Michael Blue

Time to talk to you because the ruler.

00:29:02 Michael Blue

Of this world approaches.

00:29:04 Michael Blue

He has no power.

00:29:05 Michael Blue

Over me.

00:29:06 Michael Blue

But I will do it.

00:29:06 Michael Blue

The father requires of me so the world will know that I love the father.



00:29:11 Dan Schilling

And I think why this is important, why I should have probably included this right away is I think that same promise exists.

00:29:18 Dan Schilling

For each of us today.

00:29:20 Dan Schilling

That we we are. He's given us authority. We we look at Matthew 28 when he talks about the Great Commission.

00:29:28 Dan Schilling

Says now all all.

00:29:29 Dan Schilling

Authority in heaven and Earth has been given to me and and now go with that authority that when we're walking in, intimacy doesn't mean we're not going to have temptation doesn't mean we're.

00:29:39 Dan Schilling

Not going to have trials.

00:29:41 Dan Schilling

Not that we're going to be faced with like Jesus when he went to the garden, he said.

00:29:46 Dan Schilling

Father, if there be any other way, let this cup pass from me, which was after this moment, right?

00:29:51 Dan Schilling

And so did he struggle.

00:29:53 Dan Schilling

Or did he?

00:29:53 Dan Schilling

Know what was about to happen to.

00:29:55 Dan Schilling

Him he knew what was coming.

00:29:56 Dan Schilling

Yes, but he.

00:29:58 Dan Schilling

Knew what he was called to and he says I will do what the father.

00:30:01 Dan Schilling

Requires of me.

00:30:04 Dan Schilling

So that the world would know that I love the father.

00:30:05 Dan Schilling

I mean, he was showing us what an example, what it means to thrive and I think.

00:30:10 Dan Schilling

One of the key parts.

00:30:12 Dan Schilling

For each of us if.

00:30:14 Dan Schilling

We're going to thrive.

00:30:15 Dan Schilling

It means I got.

00:30:16 Dan Schilling

To lay down my life.

00:30:17 Dan Schilling

And he told us and and Luke, right.

00:30:20 Dan Schilling

That that, we.

00:30:21 Dan Schilling

Daily take up our cross.

00:30:23 Dan Schilling

That we daily, you know, are on this journey and that daily dying.

00:30:28 Dan Schilling

To self is actually.

00:30:29 Dan Schilling

Really leading us to a life of thriving.

00:30:33 Dan Schilling

And easing modeling into us Jesus fully God and fully man comes and says, hey, I'm going to, I'm going to do this even though it's going to be a pretty painful process, I'm going to do what the father requires of me so.

00:30:47 Dan Schilling

That you know that I love him and this is what I want to want you to do as well.


It's good.

00:30:54 Dan Schilling

Easier said than done, right?

00:30:58 Michael Blue

Easier said than done, as as many things, but.

00:31:01 Michael Blue

What a promise to walk into.

00:31:03 Dan Schilling

Yes. All right. So I.


Want to kind?

00:31:07 Dan Schilling

Of on the topic here, as we're talking about.

00:31:09 Dan Schilling

The Holy Spirit, the need for Holy Spirit in US receiving that gift that Jesus made for us.

00:31:17 Dan Schilling

I'm going to move now to a portion of text here from Galatians.

00:31:21 Dan Schilling

This would be Paul's writing to the Church of Galatia in Chapter 5, very familiar to many of you. When we look at this passage, but I want to tie this in.

00:31:31 Dan Schilling

So what we're talking about here? So once you start there in verse 19 and we're going to read down through 24.

00:31:39 Michael Blue



When you follow.

00:31:42 Michael Blue

The desires of your central nature.

00:31:43 Michael Blue

The results are very clear.

00:31:45 Michael Blue

Sexual immorality, impurity, lustful pleasures, idolatry, sorcery, hostility, quarreling, jealousy, outbursts of anger, selfish ambition, dissension, division, envy, drunkenness, wild parties, and other sins like these.

00:31:58 Michael Blue

Let me tell you again as I have before, that anyone living that sort.

00:32:01 Michael Blue

Of life will not inherit the.

00:32:03 Michael Blue

Kingdom of God.

00:32:04 Michael Blue

But the Holy Spirit produces this kind of fruit in our lives. Love, Joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. There is no law against these things.

00:32:18 Michael Blue

Those who belong to Christ Jesus have nailed the passions and desires of their sinful nature to his cross and crucified them there.

00:32:27 Dan Schilling

Yes, let's read 25 as well. Sorry.

00:32:30 Michael Blue

Since we are living by the spirit, let us follow the spirits leading in every part of our lives.

00:32:38 Dan Schilling

This context again for us to be encouraged is.

00:32:42 Dan Schilling

All of us have.

00:32:44 Dan Schilling

The sin nature.

00:32:45 Dan Schilling

All of us.

00:32:46 Dan Schilling

Have the desires of sin, but they always produce something like maybe I would rephrase that first one is, you know, infidelity or sexual immorality, right?

00:32:59 Dan Schilling

There's this process that this is what the flesh is going to bring out, that sin nature is going to bring out.

00:33:05 Dan Schilling

It's going to want us to go after those lustful pleasures, the the riches, the cares, the pleasures of this world.

00:33:12 Dan Schilling

It's going to lead us to putting our you and I've talked about this topic and you've had some great teachings around idolatry in the different idols that we have in our life and we don't even recognize them.

00:33:26 Dan Schilling

Idolatry and we look at our families and relationships, our political climate, our things.

00:33:32 Dan Schilling

In the world.

00:33:33 Dan Schilling

How much quarreling and jealousy?

00:33:35 Dan Schilling

Outbursts of anger?

00:33:36 Dan Schilling

Selfish ambition, which is the essence of pride.

00:33:40 Dan Schilling

When I put myself first, how much dissension?

00:33:42 Dan Schilling

Division, envy, drunkenness, parties all the things that we see.

00:33:47 Dan Schilling

Around us, not just outside the body of Christ, but obviously this is Paul's warning to those inside to the Church of Galatia.

00:33:56 Dan Schilling

And so he's trying to encourage us that if we if we go the way.

00:33:59 Dan Schilling

Of the of.

00:34:00 Dan Schilling

The flesh we're we're not going to thrive, which is to me, this word, he says.

00:34:05 Dan Schilling

You're not going to inherit.

00:34:08 Dan Schilling

The things of the Kingdom God has something better for us and he wants for us to inherit.

00:34:13 Dan Schilling

He wants for us to receive that gift that Holy Spirit.

00:34:19 Dan Schilling

So what are your thoughts on this?

00:34:24 Michael Blue

Yeah, I mean it's it's even as as I think about this passage, I mean both both of you know the sinful desires, central nature and the Holy Spirit.

00:34:33 Michael Blue

It says you know, the Holy Spirit produces this kind of fruit and says when you follow desires, the results are clear.

00:34:38 Michael Blue

So these these both of these things are products.

00:34:42 Michael Blue

Of of what we're.

00:34:44 Michael Blue

Pursuing right or or who who is dearest to us, so when?

00:34:48 Michael Blue

We pursue our lustful desire or our desires of our sinful nature.

00:34:53 Michael Blue

We're going to see our lives that are full of these types of things.

00:34:56 Michael Blue

Anger and selfish ambition and impurity and lustful pleasures, and so on.

00:35:00 Michael Blue

In my own life, when I see.

00:35:01 Michael Blue

That I'm having.

00:35:02 Michael Blue

Trouble with those types of things.

00:35:04 Michael Blue

It's probably because I I am following the desires of my central nature.

00:35:07 Michael Blue

I'm allowing those to reside in my heart, in my life and and I'm not rooting them out.

00:35:13 Dan Schilling

But then when?

00:35:14 Michael Blue

I draw near to God when I, you know, kind of approach him in this way and I begin to see myself, you know, develop and again, these aren't these aren't commands, right.

00:35:24 Michael Blue

The fruit of the spirit is not commands to.

00:35:25 Michael Blue

Be followed.

00:35:26 Michael Blue

Go be more loving.

00:35:27 Michael Blue

Go be more joyful.

00:35:27 Michael Blue

They're actually products.

00:35:29 Michael Blue

Of the life.

00:35:29 Michael Blue

Live near God as as I live with Christ.

00:35:31 Michael Blue

What you see in my life is is love and joy and peace and patience.

00:35:35 Michael Blue

And so it's not I gotta work harder to produce these things, just like I don't have to work that hard to produce the the desires of my sinful nature.

00:35:42 Michael Blue

They're natural and I don't think, oh, I got to go out and be more selfishly ambitious, right?

00:35:48 Michael Blue

Or I need to go stir up more division.

00:35:50 Michael Blue

I just.

00:35:52 Michael Blue

You know, I'm kind of cantankerous and and I get.

00:35:54 Michael Blue

In that way with.

00:35:56 Michael Blue

People because I am following these.

00:35:59 Michael Blue

So I think so much.

00:36:00 Dan Schilling

Of this hearing.

00:36:01 Michael Blue

Following and thriving, it comes.

00:36:02 Michael Blue

I'm I'm hearing I'm following and that.

00:36:04 Michael Blue

Means what it.

00:36:05 Michael Blue

What's happening is is the thriving is the product of my position.

00:36:09 Michael Blue

It's not kind.

00:36:10 Michael Blue

Of me trying to do these things in a better way.

00:36:14 Dan Schilling

So good.

00:36:15 Dan Schilling

And it's just as we kind of wrap up and wind down here just.

00:36:19 Dan Schilling

Again, to me, that God's desire for us is to be in us, right? Our our part is to daily take up the cross to daily lay down these desires.

00:36:30 Dan Schilling

I'd rather do it this way.

00:36:32 Dan Schilling

Right, I'd rather because I don't have to work it.

00:36:34 Dan Schilling

Like you said, I don't have.

00:36:35 Dan Schilling

To work it to.

00:36:35 Dan Schilling

Sin nature.

00:36:35 Dan Schilling

It's already in there, but to willingly say God have your way today.

00:36:39 Dan Schilling

Holy Spirit lead me in paths of righteousness.

00:36:42 Dan Schilling

Allow you to have more, as Paul said, that you would increase and that I.

00:36:47 Dan Schilling

Would decrease come.

00:36:49 Dan Schilling

Come and be more at home.

00:36:51 Dan Schilling

Here, take up more residence in this.

00:36:54 Dan Schilling

Part so that you will produce in me love and joy and peace and patience.

00:37:02 Dan Schilling

And he's he's wanting that.

00:37:04 Dan Schilling

But it's that's our part, right?

00:37:05 Dan Schilling

Our part is to say I want to have you be more at home.

00:37:10 Dan Schilling

Like we looked in that previous back.

00:37:11 Dan Schilling

I want you to have more at home.

00:37:12 Dan Schilling

In my heart I want you to.

00:37:14 Dan Schilling

And sometimes that means he's gonna lead us.

00:37:17 Dan Schilling

Into places that are not always easy.

00:37:20 Dan Schilling

And so we're going to continue in the future.

00:37:22 Dan Schilling

We're going to continue to be looking at what does thriving look like.

00:37:26 Dan Schilling

In in God's word and and it doesn't always look like again what we think from a Western mindset so.

00:37:34 Dan Schilling

Michael, won't you give us a?

00:37:34 Dan Schilling

Couple of these thoughts.

00:37:36 Dan Schilling

Here to wrap up some of the main points that we wanted to pull out today, when I go through those with us.

00:37:42 Michael Blue

So, I mean, I think we've talked about kind of first thing is when we thrive when the flesh or sin nature doesn't.

00:37:47 Michael Blue

Rule over us, right?

00:37:49 Michael Blue

So when when we're following, we're not following desires overseen from nature.

00:37:52 Michael Blue

We thrive when we receive the gift of the Holy Spirit, which has been promised to us, right.

00:37:56 Michael Blue

So we have this kind of gift of thriving that exists, but we we also have to.

00:38:01 Michael Blue

Engage with him.

00:38:03 Michael Blue

And finally, we thrive when we submit to the will of the father, just like Jesus submitted to the.

00:38:08 Michael Blue

Will of the father.

00:38:08 Michael Blue

So when we actually trust him that following him does result in thriving, that's when we ultimately.

00:38:15 Michael Blue

Thrive because we are are.

00:38:16 Michael Blue

Walking in obedience and submission to him.

00:38:21 Dan Schilling

Well, again, thanks for tuning in today, give you a couple of action steps from here. If this has been encouragement to share with somebody, send the link, post it on your social media, do something that is a way to encourage others because our heart is to help you hear God's voice.

00:38:40 Dan Schilling

Follow his lead and thrive as a disciple, and now you have a chance to share that with others as well.

00:38:45 Dan Schilling

So just want to encourage on that if you want to join us, we want to have you on the journey with us, we don't again.

00:38:50 Dan Schilling

Have this all figured out, we're.

00:38:51 Dan Schilling

Still growing, learning and in the process ourselves.

00:38:55 Dan Schilling

But we're just grateful that you're here with us and want to join us on the journey so you can go to feedsheep.org and find ways to connect and just be with us. And we'd love to have you. So, Michael, once you pray for us, wrap us up for today.

00:39:08 Michael Blue

Thanks, Dan.

00:39:09 Michael Blue

God, we, we desire to, to thrive and and understand thriving in the way that you have designed us to thrive and.

00:39:16 Michael Blue

So I just asked that you would fill each.

00:39:18 Michael Blue

Of us each listener with.

00:39:21 Michael Blue

A sense of wisdom and and and your presence and and peace and.

00:39:26 Michael Blue

And hearing and.

00:39:27 Michael Blue

Obeying and trusting that that what you promise is better than anything that we can conjure up or anything that we can pursue.

00:39:35 Michael Blue

Give us that perspective.

00:39:36 Michael Blue

Give us.

00:39:37 Michael Blue

That desire and and.

00:39:39 Michael Blue

I just pray that you would be with each of us.

00:39:41 Michael Blue

And draw us near to you.

00:39:43 Michael Blue

And Jesus never pray.

00:39:45 Dan Schilling

And then.

00:39:46 Dan Schilling

Well, thanks for joining us.

00:39:47 Dan Schilling

Today, look forward to having.

00:39:48 Dan Schilling

You on the journey with us.

00:39:49 Dan Schilling

God bless you.

00:39:50 Dan Schilling

We'll see you next time.


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