FeedSheep Podcast

Wait...What? Part 1

Dan Schilling Season 1 Episode 8

Special guest Pastor Andy Searles joins the FeedSheep Podcast to contrast the "you have heard it said" and the "but I tell you" statements of Jesus in Matthew 5. This 3-part series may free you from generational bondage that is keeping you from thriving. #ThriveinChrist

Dan Schilling:

Hey, welcome to the FeedSheep podcast where we help you hear God's voice, follow his lead and thrive as a disciple. I'm Dan Schilling, and I'll be one of your guides. Now let's get into today's topic today. Here in the studio, I have a good friend, Pastor Andy Searles, who joined me as our first guest here live face to face in the feed sheep studio. This was a powerful discussion, we had some challenges just to get this one recorded. But I believe it's gonna be a great encouragement for you. So I would encourage you as you're on this journey to hear, follow and thrive. This may be an episode just for you today. Hey, welcome to the FeedSheep podcast. Thanks for tuning in. Today we have a special episode because today we are in studio, shooting the first episode. And if you've ever worked with technology, you will know that there are many challenges. So we're on like take number 72. Like that's right, Dave. Thanks for tuning in. We have a great episode. And I do have to say I believe there's something special that God wants to communicate today. Because I think the reason why we've had some challenges we actually got started, we got the first like 15 to 20 minutes in and believe it was better, which is moving in that time. And so you don't want to leave today. I feel like God has something special for you. Okay, so don't only watch it live, give us a little bit longer before you take off someone else, go to the next video on YouTube or the next podcast. Because today what we want to do is what we try every episode to do, and that is to help you hear God's voice, follow his lead, and thrive as a disciple. And today what we're gonna get into, I believe is gonna help people thrive. And so I have one good friend Andy Jordan here first time in the studio. Give us a little about Andy and yourself.

Andy Searles:

Yeah, Dan, it's great to Great to be here. My name is Andy Searles, I pastor a church in Casselberry church together just northeast of Orlando, we want to bring people together into a relationship with Christ into relationship with each other. And we love kind of serving the different aspects of our community and bringing them together as well. Together is a key theme of my life. And so I'm really glad that

Dan Schilling:

we're getting to do this together. Yeah, I love doing it together because it is a different field and do it on the other side of the camera on there. So no offense, Michael, I love doing a camera with you. But I love doing it right here in person. So today, we're gonna get in to a topic that we've been talking about here, the last couple episodes about a B, versus do. And we talked a little bit ago about that paradox of what, what is Jesus really looking for us? And he's, he's not looking for anything from us. Like he doesn't need us to do anything but what we've been talking about in these other podcasts. In the episodes, we've said, Well, what he's looking for us is to be with him abide. We were looking at John 15. And about abiding and remaining him, we said, what does that look like? Well, when we're with him, and we spend time with him, after we've been with him, then the do comes. But we've talked about in Matthew seven about the people who came and said, Hey, Lord, give me prophesy, cast out demons do miracles, these are pretty important things. And but he says away from me, you evildoers. I never knew you meaning you did these things. I was telling a friend that we had lunch with I read have a New Living Translation, typically, and one of the first versions of new living it actually there in that context that Matthew 722. And those verses around said, away from me, you evildoers of things you did were on authorized? Wow, you? Yeah, you didn't have the authority. And these are pretty important things. But they went and did something like you did it before you had been with me. And so what we're going to look at today, I believe, continues on this thinking in this theme of being with him and what he wants for us in the being, not just to do so.

Andy Searles:

Yeah, absolutely. So I think part of be doing things that are unauthorized, what a powerful word that is, is making sure that we are listening to the voice of a savior. Yes. And so we're going to talk today about that moment that I know you've experienced, and I know our viewers have experienced too, when something happens, and you just say, Wait, why? Because it just kind of messes with your mind, right? You've heard your kids do it. You've experienced it, where you go into some situation expecting one thing and something else happens and the shock and sometimes the trauma of that just causes us to go, Wait, why, what what just happened? I thought we were going in this direction. But you say that direction. And I think a big part of following Jesus is saying no, I'm not going to go in the direction of the world. But I am going to go in the direction of you. So this idea of changing lanes of readjusting or recalibrating expectations, yes. was birthed in me recently, as I've been studying the beatitudes in Matthew chapter five and the Sermon on the Mount. And I love those words, because they are so countercultural, you know, we have this cultural argument, let's keep the 10 commandments and our buildings and I'm like, let's put the Beatitudes. Yes. Because that's how Jesus told us how to live. So as we look at the Sermon on the Mount, I imagine that Jesus is standing there, he's doing his teaching. There's probably a lot of very pious people there with their religious checklists ready to

Dan Schilling:

use that I've done? Yeah.

Andy Searles:

And Jesus starts teaching. And he shares this magnificent manifesto, about what it means to live in him. And the people are listening and getting ready to say, Yep, I'm, I'm good with you, right God. And then I heard Jesus speak. And then like, wait, what? What did he just say? Yes. And if we want to live a life authorized by the Spirit, yes. Then we have to listen to what Jesus said. Yes. You mentioned the be in do paradox. Yes. There is another paradox in the Sermon on the Mount Matthew five to seven. And it's a little bit different. And you've probably read it 1000 times. But it didn't dawn on me. I mean, I am a little slower than the average bear until recently is paradox. The paradox is, Jesus says, You have heard it said, Yes. And then on the other side, he says, But I tell you, You have heard it said, but I tell you, and if we're to follow Christ, and were to be sheep who listened to his voice, we are people who need to be on the, but I tell you, side of the coin. And the problem is we live in a world that is so egocentric. That is so ego driven, that we want to stand there and say I'm right. And this is what I've heard, yes, as if we're the voice of authority. But to that selfishness to that egocentric life. Jesus says that's not what it means to follow me. To follow me means to not trust what you've heard. But to listen to what I've said, is we hear that our responses.

Dan Schilling:

Wait, wait, wow. Well, shout out to my son, Josh, who has been saying that for a long time. And

Andy Searles:

wait, what do you want me to do? Why are

Dan Schilling:

you saying, but what Jesus was doing, and what he heard this guy teaching not too long ago, and he said that repentance wasn't just not sin, it was turning changing the way you think. And I know Michael talked about this episode here, when we're talking about is that it was that changing our thinking. And so I believe what he's doing here, and in this paradox, really turning things like, wait, what, like, you just turned this thing in a way that I've never seen it. And now you're you're giving me a view of something that I I haven't seen it that way, you've actually changed the game. And not enough. Like he's messing with us changing the rules. But he, he brought it to another awareness. And let's go into that, because this is this is where we really started figuring out what is it going to look like for me today? If I really want to hear His voice and follow and thrive? What do I need?

Andy Searles:

Jesus changes where the goalposts are on expectations. And I think you're right. I never really thought about that, then. But as we look at these, you have heard, but I tell you statements that you have heard are all actions, they're all things we do, but the you have herds are about who we are, and about what's going on inside of us. Right? Because anything we do, really is an expression of who we are inside. And so it's so important. Yeah, right. Now we let Jesus shape our inside life.

Dan Schilling:

Yes. Because out of the heart, the abundance of the mouth speaks but also right. Brain things. Yeah. And so yeah, he's changing the way we think. So that the things that we do, are not a reflection of of the sin nature, but start to be a reflection of Him, His Spirit in us so yeah,

Andy Searles:

so what we'd like to do over the next couple of episodes is look at some of these. You have heard. But I tell you statements of Jesus and just kind of dig around a little bit and ask The Holy Spirit to do his work in our lives. And Dan and I have prayed. And we pray that as we open the Scriptures, that God would open our hearts to and shape this, this inner life as he fills our soul. So then you want to jump into a few of these. You've heard it says, yes,

Dan Schilling:

absolutely. Well. And as I was looking at these passages before we got here thinking about how much in the early part of this Matthew five text he's talking about blessing are, are blessed are those and different versions in poor in the spirit of mourn, meek, Merciful. And as I was processing through this, we talked about this a little bit ago, but that humility is what I've been studying that there's three things we've talked about.

Andy Searles:

I'm so glad you've been studying. Because I wanted

Dan Schilling:

everybody around me like I'm finally this guy, looking at something he's

Andy Searles:

gotten his goodness with all that tech problems, give us a lesson.

Dan Schilling:

So the three things that we talked about here about we want to help you here, follow thrive. And the three things we talked about it again, in a previous episode is that I think there's three things that are keeping us from hearing God's voice, pride, money, and infidelity. We're going to get a couple of these right here today. But when I'm not willing to listen, when like, I'm holding on to what I've heard, like, Hey, I think it's this way. And we talked a little bit ago that the majority of my life, I've used the PIV version of the Scripture, Scripture, the perforated II version, because if I don't like it, I just tear it out. Because I felt like God was prompting My heart just a couple of weeks ago about this, but then my word is not ala carte. You don't get to just pick and choose whatever you want. Sometimes you you got to eat the brussel sprouts, right? I want the pizza. I want to go to the buffet. My word isn't ala carte, you don't get to choose, pick and choose what you like and don't like what you want to buy and don't obey. And so today, these are some scriptures that really, they're hard. And I can't take this as ala carte say well, that. No, I'm not interested in that.

Andy Searles:

Yeah. Well, and they're hard. Because they're all of us to write. Again, the You have heard that statement. So let's check the box things that we tried to do. We can check them and say, No, I'm good on that. But when Jesus gets to the heart, right, our heart is broken and sinful. And we're all in the same boat. Right? We're all sinners in need of a Savior. We're all desperately in need of grace. And I think there's teaching of Jesus. And again, I can't emphasize how foundational this was to everything that Jesus did and how we live. It all points us to the humble life. Right? Where we're not. And he is, yes. Where our ego is being shrunk, where we are becoming nothing as he is becoming more.

Dan Schilling:

Yes. Alright, so let's go. You want to tear him up? Yeah. Verse 21. And let's talk about these. Wait, what moments?

Andy Searles:

So the first way, what moment? Matthew 521. You have heard? It said to our ancestors, right? That's the you have heard, do not murder. And whoever murderers will be subject to judgment. And we hear that and we say, That's right. Yeah. Anyone who murders they need to be judged. Right? Yeah. And anyone who murders men, they're in trouble, because there's no place for that. And it's civil society. And we stand there with our little religious checklists, and check the box and see Yeah, good. You know, I haven't murdered anyone. If you've murdered anyone to not today. That's good, because we're in a tight room. Probably is, right. So we say, yeah, we'll check the box. And Jesus says, Well, hang on a sec, let me move these goalposts. let's reframe it. Let me recalibrate your expectations. Yes, you have heard it said Do not murder, or you'll be subject to judgment. But I tell you, everyone who is angry with his brother or sister will be subject to judgment. You see the same punishment. Murder is judged. Good. I'm calling on that. People will get angry. They'll be judged to Yes. Wait, wow. But all of a sudden, I've moved from innocent to guilty. All of a sudden, I've been kind of searching for my eraser to rub out that checkmark because I'm not who I think I was. You have heard it said Do not murder. But I say to you do not get angry. That's some heavy stuff. That's a wait a moment for us.

Dan Schilling:

Well, I would say when I allow the Holy Spirit to really speak to me in this area. And I say men have i have i If I turn someone down today with my word, my thoughts toward them been of life, or were they of death that I think, hey, you know, that's not fair they shouldn't or they did. And yet, when we look at this, it's like, okay, so I'm guilty. Yeah, I've murdered. Yeah, we're gonna touch another one here in just a second. Oh, I guess I'm guilty of that one, too. Yeah. But he's raising the bar. And not again, because I'm gonna make the rules and make it tough on you. Because sometimes we get an accent Well, I'm good. I haven't literally killed anybody. But according to standard I have. And so what that's doing is separating me from intimacy and fellowship with God. Absolutely. And so what he's trying to do is, this is not a heavy burden that he's trying to lay on us. He, he's desiring for us to have intimacy he's designed for us to hear his voice work closely with him. But he knows there's things like this that are keeping us from entering into that

Andy Searles:

place. And he goes a little bit further, whoever insults his brother or sister will be subject to the court write me and I hate to admit it, and I try my best to honor people. That's been some insult in my heart that very easily gets thrown at people. And he goes further, whoever says You fool, will be subject to hellfire. Right? I mean, I, the only reason I can't remember, the last time I called someone a fool was because they got a bad memory. It was probably on the way over here, right? As someone kind of swerved in my way, when I was driving, we are so quick to write people off with insults and dismissing them as fools and holding anger against them. And as we look at that, and we say what's, what's the difference between calling someone for insulting someone anger or murder? The only difference is the degree. Right? Yeah, because calling someone a fool, and being anger is on the same track as murder. How does that work? I think I think it's about writing people off. Right? Because when you think about it, murdering someone is the ultimate act of writing someone off. You have hurt me. I don't want you in my life. In fact, I don't want you on this planet. And we've learned that Jesus says, attitude starts as we write people off, because we're angry with them all because we want to insult them, or because we think they're a fault. They're all ways that we write people off. And so if we're on that track of, of calling people false, and the word is more or less, which is where we get the word moron from, right, yeah. Right. And she's a, you moron, right? You idiot, right? Or we insult or we anger. It's on the same track as murder. And I think one of the things Jesus is saying he jump Traxion, right, because because anger rates people are for murder, writes people off. And Jesus says, Hey, as those who have been loved, your job is not to write people off. Your job is to love and to care. And to see the value in people and to affirm people's worth, because that's someone that I made in my image and I died for Yes, I think the first Wait one moment, is that Jesus is saying, you're on this track. And you may think it's kind of rosy, but it's not. Yes. But I say to young tracks, don't hate, love, don't write off, invite, I do some work in the professional sports field. And one of the things that was just so ugly, to me there is how often people are treated as commodities, right, you're only as good as your last cake, you're only as good as your last game or your stats. If you don't match up, you're treated, or your contracts cut or something like that. And it's like we're treating people as a commodity. So I don't want you in my life. And Jesus is that's not how it works with with people who value.

Dan Schilling:

Well, you know, you and I were talking about this a little bit ago and about how, how many relationships have ended. Because we've, you're dead to me, you talked about earlier, and just when we have that attitude, you're You're dead to me. I don't value you any longer. We are again diminishing what God values, you know, the thing that he values the most. And so I just want to go back to this because this is about where we lost connection before but there's some of you I believe right now, what you're talking about is probably the touching on the heart, you know, there's some relationships, there's places, people, family members that you've, you've cast off, you've essentially said, they're dead to me. And the Spirit of God wants to bring restoration wants to bring healing to those relationships right now. And so I just want to encourage you don't Don't, don't allow pride don't allow these things to say, I don't think it's a problem. Because if the Holy Spirit's tapping, pushing on that part of your heart and saying, This is a problem, and I want to bring restoration, I want to bring healing, not because so he doesn't have to, you have to stand before Him and be accused of guilty on Judgement Day of how you killed, you know, murdered, but that it's the relationships that were severed, are creating that pain. And for some of you, this is generational. I mean, you've been going through unforgiveness and bitterness, murder for generations of murderers, maybe again, not physically, but figuratively, what Jesus would say is, I have a long line of murder in a

Andy Searles:

way that we jump tracks from that murder hate track. To the value and love track, is by forgiveness. Yeah. Right. And again, forgiveness. And we might get into that a little bit later. It's one of those tough things. And it's one of those humbling things. Yes, we've been forgiven. And we've been forgiven infinitely more by God, than the depths of the way that people who have wronged us so if God can forgive us, yes, we've got no excuse as to why we can't forgive others. It's hard. It's tough. Did I get it? Yes. But the wait, what moment is that Jesus is saying, hey,

Dan Schilling:

when people have grace, yes, yes. Love forgiveness. Well, and it's not easy. You know, as we've talked earlier, it may be simple. Like, okay, it's not a real hard mission. Don't. Don't don't hate people. Yeah. But it's not easy. And why it's not easy is because in our flesh, we can read the Spirit of God imparting to us, the Holy Spirit. Tap, it says, Okay, it's time to, it's time to get off flat track, it's time to move on to something so that you can grow closer to me and intimacy with Me. Because all these things that we're gonna look at, were always about his heart for us and fellowship with Him and things that are keeping us from it. So I keep going digger, you want to you want to move on? No, absolutely.

Andy Searles:

Let's let's let's do another one. Okay, I think we've kind of looked into that one, right. Yeah. So WaitWhat. Number one, you've heard it said don't murder. But I tell you don't get angry. Next one. We see. And this is also a tricky one. A few verses later, in verse 27. You've heard it said, There it goes again. Do you not commit adultery? And we say that's a good one. Yeah, that's a really important one. And in the day and age that we live in. Absolutely. More violence ever. But because the family has been attacked and, and pulled apart on so many levels. And I've seen in my ministry is nothing that destroys the foundation of family like adultery. And so we say do not commit adultery. We say yeah, that's a good thing. Yes, yeah. Adultery is bad. So not doing it is good. And there's probably a lot of very religious people who can say, Okay, let me get my pen out and check that box. But then Jesus says, Let me let me let me take it to the next level here. But I tell you, I tell you, everyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery.

Dan Schilling:

Wait, what

Andy Searles:

is hot? Well, you can imagine some of the men and some of the women there, right? That jaw was dropping. Yeah. Right? Because they're like the, If your right eye causes you to sin, gouge it out and throw it away for it's better to lose one part of your body than for your whole body to be thrown into hell. So heavy, heavy teaching. Yes. Right? Yes. And again. Adultery is a track that starts on lust, right? And we say, oh, yeah, Adultery is wrong. You know, we see that we affirm that. It's a little bit harder to talk about. Lust is wrong. Right? Because the reality is not only we all murderers, but we're all adulterous, too. Yes, I Jesus's definition. And so what does it mean to to lust? What's the root of that? And I think it goes back to what you were talking about earlier, Dan, when you said it's, it's about pride versus humility, right? Because love sir I want Yes, I crave eye control. Right. And so when we want to be in charge when we want to feed ego, yes, lust is one expression of that. Right? Yeah.

Dan Schilling:

Yeah, I have thought about it last night. It's so true. We talked a little bit of that ago about Andrew Murray's quote from his book, humility, which is, you know, humility isn't thinking of yourself less, it's thinking of yourself less. And if I repeat that, it's not thinking of, you're less of yourself, it's thinking of yourself less. And so one of the things that I see this is in relationships, and I've got we got some family near to us who have gone through, you know, that, that tear down of the family breakdown of relationship over unforgiveness, bitterness, resentment, right, which probably has a root in control and ego and pride, right, in its essence, it's so I, I believe this as I continue to look at this topic around humility, that, that if two people walking in Christ centered, Holy Spirit imparted humility, not not false humility, but that genuine authentic, Christ centered, Holy Spirit and part of humility that two people walking in that I don't believe to be able to realize that they can't get along. Because they're not thinking. And then the other aspect of this I had thought about is really, then my I'm not lusting for something, right, or someone else.

Andy Searles:

I want, I want I deserve I need me, me, me,

Dan Schilling:

me, me. And so it's funny because we talk about in our culture today about the narcissist narcissism epidemic. But like, there's a part of me like women, we're all narcissistic, self centered, we're all selfish. That is the sin nature to lust. But he said he steps up the game, and it isn't just what you did. It's what you think murder is no longer just what you do. It's what's going on up here. And it's not just about the doing, it's what is going on in the being.

Andy Searles:

So then you're exactly right. We're talking about lust and how that is rooted in, ultimately, selfishness. Right? And so what do we do about that? Again, the same as murder and anger, I think we try to embrace a life of humility, that loves those that God loves the most, which is people. Yes, I was in Cuba a few weeks ago, on a mission trip with a few friends and four guys. And we were walking back to our hotel. And, you know, as happens quite a lot in that bustling city where we were people just trying to get your attention, come, come to my restaurant, you know, that kind of stuff. And so you kind of learned to ignore that. But we got into a conversation with a guy who was there with a lady and he was very friendly. As we walked, and you know, we we don't even lose. Shawn, I wonder if that noise is something else? Is that a reminder of something? Oh, I tell you what it is? Is your battery low?

Dan Schilling:

Okay. It shouldn't be going down like that. So it's something

Andy Searles:

that's probably right. That's the issue. Why that'd be a battery alert.

Dan Schilling:

I don't know what that is. But

Andy Searles:

we'll come on recording.

Dan Schilling:

That's just the speaker shouldn't miss the audio. I think we're coming back. So yeah, Cuba, want to start there from a town? Or do you want to just go to the guy?

Andy Searles:

This is gymnastics from him right? Now. All right, let me just so you're exactly right. Last is ultimately built from ego, right? I want I want I want and again, we start to commoditize people. So again, the solution is to start to, to value people. I was in Cuba a few weeks ago on a mission trip with four guys was four of us. We were walking back to our hotel one night and in the big city, I was kind of trying to get your attention come to my restaurant, let me change your money, give you a Wi Fi card, all that kind of stuff. And we're like, no, no, no. But there's one guy and the lady who thought was his wife started to walk with us. And so we kind of engaged in where you're from, you know, you're a little bit coy because we know we've watched and all that kind of stuff. And so we have a little conversation and it's all very nice and very pleasant. And the guy says Are you married? And my friend says yeah, married and you know shoulders ring and like I said is your wife with you and Cuba And he says, no, no, no, she's she's home in America. And the guy says, so you're not married tonight that, would you? Would you like this girl? And we're like, first of all, wait, why? Right? But then we quickly said no and dismissed ourselves. But our hearts sang. Right? Because he was this, this lady right made in the image of God deeply valued by her Heavenly Father, who was positioned as an object of what's an hour we wept, because she's special, yet she's thrown away her around, or been made to and, and that's another conversation. And I think one of the ways that we need to change our inside opinion and thinking about loss is to start to add value to those that become the object

Dan Schilling:

of our loss. Yes, yes. Well, you and I know that the sin nature is not excluding any of us. And you've been in ministry a long time, you've witnessed families and people. We both witnessed plenty of leaders and pastors who succumb to these areas. Yeah. Pride, money, infidelity. And how many of these things again, are keeping us from experiencing what God wants for us, which is, I want you to love I want you to value I don't want to see you looking at someone like a steak on a rack. But how can you be? We're talking earlier about the hands and feet of me? How can you be that one that's going to impart love and goodness. So we're gonna have a part two, elite easy remapping more in part two, but we're gonna leave that part two, I want to thank you for tuning in. And so as we wrap up, there's a couple things I want to just encourage you to be thinking about is, if you're a WaitWhat person, if that's part of your vernacular, is to spend some time your moments here, if you will, just some time with the Holy Spirit and say, Wait, what God, is there something you want from me in this today? Is there areas is it relationships, family members, things that I've been doing? That's keeping me from fellowship with you, keeping me from hearing your voice, or keeping me from following you? Because I believe he wants to encourage you, especially in this areas that we talked about today, that it's murdered, not just what we do, it's what we think what's going on here. And he wants to change that thinking that adultery is not just what we do. It's it's what we think it's what's going on here and how it's impacting not just you, but the people who are around you that God wants you to love and serve and care for. So I want to encourage you to tune back in next time and thanks for number one here part one of our tech

Andy Searles:

I can't believe you had a murder. Adultery show on the show. Do I know the listeners are going wait, why? Wait, what?

Dan Schilling:

Right here. Thanks for tuning in today. God bless show. We'll see you again next time.

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