
The Best Enneagram Resources

May 29, 2024 Faith and Community Season 2 Episode 50
The Best Enneagram Resources
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The Best Enneagram Resources
May 29, 2024 Season 2 Episode 50
Faith and Community

We're serving up a treasure trove of Enneagram resources tailored for the curious minds of Type Fives (and anyone else keen on personal growth). 
From the beginner-friendly "The Enneagram Made Easy" and "The Enneagram Made Simple" to the spiritually enriching "The Wisdom of the Enneagram" and "The Enneagram and Spiritual Formation," there's something for everyone. Parents, you're not left out either; "The Enneagram of Parenting" offers valuable insights to better understand your children's unique personalities. Join us for a blend of personal anecdotes, book recommendations, and practical advice that'll have you not just learning about the Enneagram but living it.



Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

We're serving up a treasure trove of Enneagram resources tailored for the curious minds of Type Fives (and anyone else keen on personal growth). 
From the beginner-friendly "The Enneagram Made Easy" and "The Enneagram Made Simple" to the spiritually enriching "The Wisdom of the Enneagram" and "The Enneagram and Spiritual Formation," there's something for everyone. Parents, you're not left out either; "The Enneagram of Parenting" offers valuable insights to better understand your children's unique personalities. Join us for a blend of personal anecdotes, book recommendations, and practical advice that'll have you not just learning about the Enneagram but living it.



Speaker 1:

Welcome to Enneagram U with Damon and Kelly, where we explore the mysteries of human personality and help you learn more about you. Whether you're a skeptic or an enthusiast, together we'll take you on a journey of self-discovery using the ancient wisdom of the Enneagram. This is Enneagram U. Hey everyone, welcome to Enneagram U. My name is Damon. I'm here with my friend Kelly. Hi U. Hey everyone. Welcome to Enneagram U. My name is Damon. I'm here with my friend Kelly. Hi Kelly, hey Damon. Here's how I'm feeling today.

Speaker 2:

I'm jumping right in Okay jump in.

Speaker 1:

I'm feeling relieved and refreshed. Okay, and here's why.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

I got a shot in my shoulder. Woo-hoo, have we talked about my shoulder, probably the the last three episodes you were having some struggle. Couldn't even lift it, no, and went to the doctor and, yes, my rotator cuff is torn, not completely, I think I'm kind of a wimp, but anyway he didn't say that.

Speaker 2:

I still think if it's torn at all, it's torn and it's painful.

Speaker 1:

Well, I can only lift my hand up like a few inches, and now, ta-da, all the way over my head without any problems. It's a miracle it really it took the swelling down and now I can actually do the therapy.

Speaker 2:

Thank God. We live in a day and age where just a shot Can you imagine, like our grandparents, great grandparents, like they.

Speaker 1:

just I don't know what they would have done with this.

Speaker 2:

I thought about it actually.

Speaker 1:

My other shoulder was bad as well. And I hurt it like last fall. This is just too much information, but it took six months for me to get over that to where it doesn't hurt.

Speaker 2:

And to know, like, what therapies to use.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and this took one day. Well, it's still hurt. I just have to remember that I still have to do the PT and all of that and and of course some people know I'm married to a PT and I did not listen to her, and so I never did the therapy ahead of time like I should have, and she pretty much just looked at me, like I told you.

Speaker 2:

So I was going to ask if there was that maybe subtle. You know she loves you so much she wouldn't be like I told you so no it wasn't very subtle. It was just kind of like yeah.

Speaker 1:

I said here's the exercises they gave me. She's like they're the same ones I gave you hey.

Speaker 2:

I remember being a counselor, you know, hey, I remember being a counselor for a number of years and especially in working with teenagers. I would bring the parents in at the end of the session, or whoever had brought the teenager, and not breaking confidentiality, but just saying here's some things that we're working on, and so often the parents would be like I've told them that for the last, you know.

Speaker 1:

And I'm like well, it sometimes has to come from someone else. Yeah, and I see you're equating me with a teenager.

Speaker 2:

Yes, well, I mean.

Speaker 1:

Deserved, deserved. Yeah, it's a good example.

Speaker 2:

Well, it's not always easy to do those exercises.

Speaker 1:

Yes, so last year I was on to physical fitness and I was doing well and then I got hurt. Blah, blah, blah.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

All right, so today got up really early, okay.

Speaker 2:

Did my therapy first. Yes.

Speaker 1:

Took my walk and then I'm going to do that for like a week or a little longer and see how my shoulder's doing before I actually start other exercises.

Speaker 2:

So that's my strategy. So this is a good start of a routine.

Speaker 1:

Well, I feel so much better. Yeah, you know, like before, I'm just like I'm working around this pain instead of and, and I'm not advocating that everybody goes and gets a shot, but let me tell you, I don't know what I waited for other than it's expensive, yeah, other than it costs money. You know, it was like, okay, this is, this is helpful.

Speaker 2:

So I have to ask was the shot painful? Like when they okay, I mean yeah, I mean it wasn't like oh, this isn't a big deal, but Definitely burned, you know, but it was.

Speaker 1:

It was strangely enough for my shoulder and all the medical people will be like duh, but it was in my back that he gave it in my the back of my shoulder okay right and my wife said, well, that was right into the joint that he gave that shot, but I'm like it feels, feels fabulous it was worth it. It felt heavy at first and now yeah now just yeah, then that's nice.

Speaker 1:

Takes a pretty strong motion to make it hurt now okay, incorrect motion to make it hurt now An incorrect motion to make it hurt now, and sometimes I forget and go okay, yeah, that still hurts, so I got to be careful.

Speaker 2:

Yeah Well, congratulations.

Speaker 1:

I'm feeling good about that, feeling relieved.

Speaker 2:

Because I mean, you just don't realize how much that pain wears you out and then not being able to use both arms or lift things, or, like you said, you know then the pain of hurting it and not even realizing. You know it's like you said. You know, then, the pain of hurting it and not even realizing.

Speaker 1:

You know it's like you don't realize that that's going to create so much pain that you just want to cry yeah, well, yeah, and I was sitting at my desk last week and I was like look at my mouse and go oh, that's a long ways away when you're uh looking at the mouse going, I just feel like that's going to cause pain yeah, I'm like, okay, I can do this, okay, I can do this, it's over there.

Speaker 2:

It'd be so much more productive at work since you're using both hands. Right, Exactly. How are you feeling today? I'm kind of run down. I feel run down. I think allergy season. There's so much pollen and the little white things in the air my mom always calls it cotton blowing. I don't know if it's actually cotton, but I don't know what it is. But yeah, today just feel run down.

Speaker 1:

Just tired yeah.

Speaker 2:

Can you hear the cicadas? Oh, my goodness, it is like we live in a horror movie. I mean, the other day we were sitting out on the screen and porch and it was like early afternoon and so they were, you know you could hear them a little bit, but as the afternoon went on they got louder and louder. My daughter says, as it gets hotter they get louder.

Speaker 1:

Is that right?

Speaker 2:

And so we were just enjoying being out on the porch and then we were watching a show on TV and my husband keeps turning up the volume. It was like this is crazy. And then today I was walking into the office and this brave soul, this sweet girl that was walking in behind me, was like oh, hold on just a second. And I guess there was one that had attached to my backpack. And she just like bravely picks it up and just throws it out the door and the whole time it's like the screeching. I'm like eee.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

These are just disgusting. And now, as I left the office to come to record, much louder than I've even heard this weekend, so loud and almost like flying at you.

Speaker 1:

I had one fly at me as I was getting to my car. Well, and you guys have trees all around your house pretty tight, yes, so they're right over your head.

Speaker 2:

Well, and someone was telling me today of course you know all these cicada facts that are coming out that the cicada that came to that tree several years ago will come back to the tree that it went to all I don't know if you've seen any houses that have their trees covered like young trees covered.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

So in our neighborhood there's trees that have this plastic wrap over them. I guess the idea is, if you cover them, they won't come to that tree ever. I don't know.

Speaker 1:

That seems like a lot of work but I don't know, and so we can blame them for your allergies.

Speaker 2:

I don't know. They're stirring it up.

Speaker 1:

They are stirring up something Millions of them.

Speaker 2:

Yes, so many.

Speaker 1:

So anyway, wow, sorry, you're not feeling 100%.

Speaker 2:

Call it an early evening.

Speaker 1:

But for those of you who don't know, kelly at 50% is pretty much more than most of us at 100. So we don't have anything to worry about.

Speaker 2:

Well, and it's weird when you, when I don't feel like the best.

Speaker 1:

Then I have this thing in my mind like, okay, but do I keep pushing through, or do I need to stay home and rest?

Speaker 2:

And so oh, let me help you with that.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, we'll sign off right now. All right, let's, we'll finish this quick so you can get home.

Speaker 2:

Oh, no, well, as we're talking about the five this month, this is our last week with the five, our wise person. It's been a fun month. It's been good looking at just the different ways that fives relate, knowing that they need relationships but also that they're more introverted, so it pushes them out of their comfort zones. It was so great having Walt on and I loved him sharing his Enneagram jingle. I think that he called it.

Speaker 1:

That was great.

Speaker 2:

Matter of fact, I talked with him today and he's, I think, going to work on pulling those other ones out and just seeing like, hey, is there any work that needs to be done? And then maybe we can share those.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, no that'd be great. I liked the other numbers too. I liked also the country episode as well. I know, I know it was to. I'm trying to wrap my arms around that. Yeah, okay, it's fine, it's fine.

Speaker 2:

Well, russia isn't, I mean.

Speaker 1:

But at least mine.

Speaker 2:

I just have to remember, like when I'm in that negative, unhealthy state like don't be Russia, Kelly don't be Russia.

Speaker 1:

I'm going to get you a shirt that says. T-shirt says I'm Russia, don't mess with me. Again, it can be part of our t-shirt line with me Again.

Speaker 2:

It can be part of our t-shirt line, oh yes, that's right. Yeah.

Speaker 1:

Yep, yep, some money to be made there and I'm not making it. Yeah, well, anyway, let's move on.

Speaker 2:

I thought, in just kind of wrapping up our month because we've got an extra Wednesday in our month of May as we look at the fives that since fives love resources, I thought that I might share some of my favorite resources.

Speaker 1:

Enneagram resources. Enneagram resources, enneagram resources or other resources.

Speaker 2:

Do you have any other like? Do you have any needs? David? That I could give you a resource. For.

Speaker 1:

Many, many. Yeah, as a counselor that's what you do sometimes resource people.

Speaker 2:

For a lot of years, just well. And the thing was is you know back in the day books? And the thing was is you know back in the day books you know before, like podcasts, before even you know being able to access a lot online and I would recommend books to people or I would say, hey, you could borrow my copy of this book, and I wonder how many books are out there that I never got back.

Speaker 1:

But probably a lot Very very many. That's because you help so many people, yeah that's all right. So if you have one of Kelly's books, what she's saying is it's time for Russia will come for you.

Speaker 2:

We shouldn't joke about that, but anyway, yeah, I thought I would share my favorite books, some of my favorite websites, uh, some of our uh favorite quizzes or tests that you can take on the Enneagram.

Speaker 1:

All right, you know I'm going to be writing all these down. Yes, Well.

Speaker 2:

I'm sure you've read some of these Probably.

Speaker 1:

Probably have them memorized, of course.

Speaker 2:

Well for books.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

One of my favorite books. It's just a great entry point for the Enneagram. It's a book by Elizabeth Wagle I hope I'm saying her last name right, but it's called the Enneagram Made Easy.

Speaker 1:

Maybe that is the one I need.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's really, really fun and it has. I think it's great for all the numbers you know, because there's some numbers on the Enneagram that are just like I don't want to read a book on the Enneagram Now. Fives are going to be like, give me all the books. I want to read them all. But Elizabeth's book on the Enneagram made easy. She has quizzes at the beginning of each chapter.

Speaker 1:

She's got little cartoons in each of the chapters.

Speaker 2:

She's got it broken out so it doesn't read like just a normal book, like it's this Enneagram number as a child or in relationships or how they might be at work. So it covers a lot of different aspects.

Speaker 1:

That's kind of cool, yeah, and it has pictures.

Speaker 2:

It has pictures, you know, and just more interactive.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I was going to say it's the Enneagram for Dummies. Wow, is there an enneagram? Maybe? I haven't seen one yet. I'm going to look that up. Right now you just chat away.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I'm sure there probably is.

Speaker 1:

We need to do that.

Speaker 2:

There's a dummies book for everything, don't you?

Speaker 1:

think yes, are they still?

Speaker 2:

popular. Do they still write those?

Speaker 1:

There's one right behind me, see it.

Speaker 2:

Podcasting for dummies.

Speaker 1:

Podcasting for dummies, but we're borrowing this set, so it's for another podcast, because that's their set behind us. That's right. We won't speak of what show that is, but it might have to do with sports.

Speaker 2:

And those guys aren't dummies?

Speaker 1:

Well, I don't know it says right there.

Speaker 2:

Have they read the book I?

Speaker 1:

don't know. It says right there have they read the book? I don't know, no, I've never. Well, actually, I've seen him pick it up and come through it, yeah, and then throw it back there yeah, just to make it part of the set, I'm sure someone, a fan, gave that to them.

Speaker 2:

I don't know that a fan has ever sent us anything have they Okay, fans, yeah, look, that was a fan gift one time, or maybe that was a. Was it really a gift, or was it saying guys, like you need to up the game Totally that.

Speaker 2:

Yeah Well, one thing I like about Elizabeth's book as well, with the pictures that she does in the cartoons she'll do like between chapters, even like how the Enneagram numbers would be like at a dinner party. So she'll have each of the people you know, each of the numbers, sitting around a dinner table and, like you know, at the dinner party you know the seven's like, hey, even though this party's ending, I'm going to go to another gathering, like the party doesn't have to end.

Speaker 2:

And the five's like how much longer are we going to be, here the one's like well, I would have done this different to make this more of a perfect dinner party. That's pretty cool, I like that it is a really fun one. So Enneagram Made Easy.

Speaker 1:

Elizabeth Wagle. I'm not going to borrow it from you, though, because you won't get it back. No, and I'll never read it. You'll have to buy it. Yeah, you'll have to buy it yourself.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, for those that are just kind of getting into the Enneagram, enneagram Made Simple.

Speaker 1:

Wait, we just said that.

Speaker 2:

Well, that's Enneagram Made Easy.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

I know, but this is by Ashton Whitmore Ober, all right. And so the thing I like about the Enneagram Made Simple is that the author really just looks at breaking down the numbers and going more into like a deeper dive of like the wings and the arrows and the subtypes, and so I think Enneagram Made Easy would be a great stepping stone first step in, and then the Enneagram Made Simple.

Speaker 1:

It sounds like simple, isn't simple, though.

Speaker 2:

Well. I think, the way she breaks it down, though, makes it very user friendly. Yep, yeah, then another one. I think that would be just even going a step deeper. Is the Road Back to you?

Speaker 1:

Have you read this one? No, yes.

Speaker 2:

Okay, you didn't like it Changed my life.

Speaker 1:

Okay, that's all I'm going to say about that.

Speaker 2:

And yet your expression makes it sound like it was the worst book ever. It was. I hated that book, so much.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so I've told this story, but you'd? Have to go back to a way last year episode to hear it. But that is how I discovered that I probably was a nine and I was driving back from Texas and I was listening to that book and it got there and I just about wrecked.

Speaker 2:

Literally it wrecked him internally and almost externally.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I wanted to be something cool like an eight or like a three or a seven or anything but a nine, but you're all of them. I know, I guess.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Anyway, yeah, yeah, but the Road Back to.

Speaker 2:

You. It really is, and it just goes through each of the numbers and I think, if you're really wondering what your number is or wanting more information on your number, the Road Back to you is a really great resource and, like you said, audiobooks are really helpful. So if you've got a road trip planned, pick out one of these.

Speaker 1:

Road Back to you.

Speaker 2:

Road Back to you.

Speaker 1:

And who is the author?

Speaker 2:

It is Ian Crone.

Speaker 1:

Yep, he's the famous guy, and Suzanne Stabile.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and Ian Crone also has a podcast. I think it's called Typology.

Speaker 1:

I think you are correct.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, a podcast.

Speaker 1:

I think it's called Typology.

Speaker 2:

I think you are correct yeah, and so, yeah, he doesn't compete with us.

Speaker 1:

He doesn't. So you know, not like we're going to promote a lot of podcasts, but he does have one that's been around for a little while. It's pretty good. Some people listen to it.

Speaker 2:

He's got some famous people. Yeah, but we, you know, we've got our own famous people.

Speaker 1:

We bring them in all the time we do.

Speaker 2:

We bring them in.

Speaker 1:

They're all famous now.

Speaker 2:

Yes, but a sister to that book is by Suzanne Stabile, called the Path Between Us.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

And so it is one that has been a great resource for me as I've done work and just preparing for, like our relationship series this year. So it really looks at how do the Enneagram numbers really work together in relationships, like you know, personal relationships, work relationships, like if you are on teams and you've got different numbers on the teams, like okay, what do I need to know about these different numbers, just to be able to help. She also goes into you know some of the strengths and the challenge areas for the different numbers, like with the arrows and the wings. You know, as well as just knowing too, in relationships, what do you need to know if you're that number, and then also what do you need to know if you're interacting with that number, which I think is really helpful.

Speaker 1:

So how do?

Speaker 2:

we build this path between us.

Speaker 1:

Sounds like a great workplace book.

Speaker 2:

Yes, great great workplace and relationship, because I know we've shared, like even you know, in personal relationships, whether it's with friends or spouses, that it's really been helpful for people to know what the different numbers are, just to help in their relationships. Definitely that place where different can feel wrong you know, because I think opposites attract and then opposites attract at first, and then it's like yeah, we're nothing alike.

Speaker 1:

You do this wrong. Yeah, awesome.

Speaker 2:

A deeper end of the pool book. That I would say. If you're really wanting some of that deep dive into the history of the Enneagram just a deep dive into the numbers is a book called the Wisdom of the Enneagram by Don Rizzo.

Speaker 1:

All right.

Speaker 2:

And this is one. Now, Don Rizzo is writing from a Christian perspective, so it has that spirituality piece in it as well. But it is a fabulous book just on the depth of the Enneagram. So if you've been around the Enneagram for a while and you're like, yeah, I'd just like to go a deeper dive the Wisdom of the Enneagram for a while, and you're like, yeah, I'd just like to go a deeper dive, the wisdom of the Enneagram would definitely be for you.

Speaker 1:

Okay, there's another one that's got kind of a spiritual slant to it. That might not be on your list. I think I have it.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, is it the Enneagram and Spiritual Formation by AJ Sherrill?

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Yes, that's another great one, especially if you're really looking at the Enneagram and wanting to grow like in your relationship with God. That's a great one too. We reference that a lot when it comes to a relationship with God.

Speaker 1:

Notice how I had to ask you what I had.

Speaker 2:

Well, you've got so many books that you're reading right now. The shelf is full.

Speaker 1:

There's two, three, two or three books.

Speaker 2:

It's overwhelming, but that is one that you have engaged with. You've read that one I have.

Speaker 1:

I've read parts of that one. Parts of it, yes.

Speaker 2:

Well, and I really like and I'm glad you mentioned that one he takes this illustration of a tree and talks about how, like our roots, of all of our personality is rooted in the fact that we are rooted in Christ, or that our identity is in Christ, and then, from that place being rooted in God, that then from that we grow, and then our personality is kind of like the trunk of the tree and then the fruit, uh, you know, of our life becomes like the apples.

Speaker 1:

So, uh, you know, or whatever the fruit is, but I should read that sometime.

Speaker 2:

It's in the front of the book. I'll give you that.

Speaker 1:

Definitely skipped past. I'm kind of a skimmer, yes.

Speaker 2:

Let me look at the table of contents. What?

Speaker 1:

do I need?

Speaker 2:

Let me just go here, yeah yeah, but that's a really great resource as well. Cool. And then the last book that I will share, because I know several of our listeners are parents and a question that I get quite often is there a book that helps us with our kids' personality? And so what I would say is that there is a book called the Enneagram of Parenting.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Also by Elizabeth Wagle. So this is also a fun interactive book and so it helps us. It gives quizzes at the beginning of each chapter, things to do to help our children, like if we are sensing that they might be a one. Okay, so how, as a parent, will it help my child? Just in my parenting of this child?

Speaker 2:

Now, what I would say with parenting in the Enneagram is that we don't ever want to label our kids. We want it to be something that they're exploring for themselves. But sometimes it's just really obvious what our kids' numbers are. Sometimes not, but I'd say for my daughter, looking back, if I would have known about the Enneagram from birth, definitely a nine, definitely a nine. And so even it was funny when I was reading this book years ago and I got to the section on the nine, it was like had a cartoon and it said, like you might be raising a nine if, like, their favorite thing to do is to be out in a hammock reading a book. Literally, she was out in her hammock reading a book. It was just like it was a moment that I thought this is uncanny. So anyway, but the thing for us as parents is not pushing our kids into what we think their personality is, but more so. There's just some indicators they give us, and so it gives some really good strategies.

Speaker 1:

So I wonder if it's kind of healthy to just you might know, they may not know what you're talking about, Maybe not really go there with them on this because it's like, like you said, they need to discover this and there's probably an age that it's better if they're a little older to start having that conversation.

Speaker 2:

Well, and I know, with my two kids. So when I did my very first certification class in Chicago, I would say my daughter was probably 10. Yeah, 10 or 11. She was really interested in the Enneagram. So we would have these conversations about, well, here's what it is, here's what the numbers mean, not saying, oh, you're a nine, because at that time too I thought I could see her as a nine or a five, you know just, and my son really didn't have any interest in it at all.

Speaker 1:

Which means he's a seven yeah.

Speaker 2:

But then when he had interest, it was actually in the summer of 2020. So he had just graduated high school and I was doing another class. But because it was 2020, we were watching through Zoom so he could kind of hear some of what was going on, and so that kind of intrigued him. So he took an Enneagram assessment online and then just read, you know all the different information that came back and he was like oh, I am such a seven.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

And I thought he was a seven, but yet also he's a kid. He was, you know, just this jovial boy growing up, but it's like, but also he's a kid. So probably all kids you know reflect some seven.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, well, your daughter wanted to learn about it because you were into it. Yes, so that may happen naturally with parents if they're very excited about something.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Kids are going to wonder what mom and dad are excited about.

Speaker 2:

Right, right, yeah, but just letting them know like, hey, this is something that you can discover as you're growing up, so yeah, so those would be some books that I would highly recommend Enneagram Made Easy, enneagram Made Simple, the Road Back to you. Yes.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, the Path Between Us, the Wisdom of the Enneagram, the Enneagram of Parenting.

Speaker 2:

That's right.

Speaker 1:

That's all of them, and there's one more. Okay, enneagram for Dummies.

Speaker 2:

All right, there's one out there. There it is. Let me just show you. Oh, it's got the little Enneagram on the front.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, See it's real. Okay, there's a dummies book for everything.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, there is.

Speaker 1:

Now you're going to want to read that to see what's in there. I don't know how they compile those books, but you know they took all the books that you just mentioned and summarized them all and threw them in.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I haven't heard of that author, but again there's. There's so many people that write on the Enneagram and one thing I know we've shared, maybe once before, that I find so intriguing, as we're talking about resources is that the very first Enneagram book was written in 1980.

Speaker 1:

Oh, that feels like not very long ago, but I'm also aged.

Speaker 2:

Well, but the Enneagram as we know it has really been around since the 1920s and yet the really pure Enneagram, teachers would say don't write about it, don't read about it, listen. This oral tradition is what they passed along generation after generation Until now it's just blown up.

Speaker 1:

Kind of blew that away, didn't we?

Speaker 2:

So I will say this is where the podcast I think can be helpful for people is. Again, there is something and this may sound mystical to say it this way, but as you hear about your personality or you hear about these things, I mean you've probably had that experience where you're like, oh, that really resonates. I mean that was your story when you heard the Road Back to you.

Speaker 1:

So it wasn't just reading it, it was like man. This so resonates. The Road Back to Me almost ended in the ditch.

Speaker 2:

That could be your own book, the Road Back to Me and it almost killed me.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's right, oh my gosh.

Speaker 2:

And just one other thing I will share, with a website, because I know not everybody is like a reader, and so one website I would like to share. It's Don Rizzo's group does the Enneagram Institutecom, and so again it's just Enneagram Institute all togethercom, but it is the most helpful website. They've got free quizzes, they've got even places that they're doing trainings, they've got misidentifications, and so if there's two numbers that you are like I could be this number or this number, you can go on and click and it'll just talk about the differences. That I find really helpful. Also relationships, so like, for example, my husband's a seven, I'm an eight, you can click on sevens and eight and I mean it is uncanny.

Speaker 1:

Pete, really, this is free Kirsten.

Speaker 2:

It's all free. Yeah, all free. So it is a great, great website. Now, again, it comes from a Christian perspective, but I actually feel like that helps it to be more trustworthy, because there's so much out there on the internet with the Enneagram that a lot of times you're just not sure Are these people that have actually had training? Are they certified, or are they just somebody that likes the Enneagram and has gotten Wrote.

Speaker 1:

a book for dummies Maybe.

Speaker 2:

I mean. So you want to go to trustworthy sources? Sure, because not everyone. I mean I think you've said this before no one owns the Enneagram.

Speaker 1:

Right, it's crazy.

Speaker 2:

And so you want to go to reputable, certified people who know what they're talking about.

Speaker 1:

Say that website one more time.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so it's enneagraminstitutecom.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Yeah, and, like I said, on there there's some quizzes and I know that's a question we get sometimes too of like, oh, how do I get a test? How do I know? For sure Not that I'm a fan of like, oh, you've got to take a test, but it does help to narrow down. And so my favorite test this will be the last thing I'll share as a resource is the WEPScom test. So it's W-E-P-S-Scom and it was developed by Dr Jerry Wagner, who actually was the teacher of my certification class back years ago. He is a very amazing five and this test is so statistically sound it's crazy. You pay $15 and you get pages and pages back.

Speaker 1:

I don't think I've done this one you totally should, Damon.

Speaker 2:

No, I don't. What if I'm?

Speaker 1:

not a nine. I don't want to stop it. That'd be two years of podcasts that are wrong.

Speaker 2:

Hey, I thought it was a two for five years.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, true, that's true.

Speaker 2:

So you know, you don't. It's not like you mess up, it's just all part of the journey, yeah.

Speaker 1:

Maybe I'd be fun if I only had $15.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Well, if only someone listening would donate $15.

Speaker 2:

no-transcript. Like it's just amazing.

Speaker 1:

Okay and probably terrifying.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it feels a little bit creepy and awesome, but he again just sat on that test for a long time because he was afraid he'd miss something.

Speaker 1:

Because he's a five.

Speaker 2:

He's afraid he'd miss something Because he's a five. He's a five, but man, once he put it out into the world, it has been so helpful and I love too that he is like basically giving this away, you know, $15. Like there are some tests out there that you pay and it's $100. You know, and this is one that's just like he's just giving it.

Speaker 1:

That's nice.

Speaker 2:

It's the beauty of a healthy five of, just like, instead of having that greed it's putting it out into the world. So anyway, yeah, so some resources for our listeners to consider.

Speaker 1:

Yep. So if you're a five, I bet you're just reading all those books right now and going to all those websites.

Speaker 2:

They're going to their Amazon list and click, click, click, yep, awesome, well, thanks.

Speaker 1:

Kelly, and we will start the six the next time we get together Six.

Speaker 2:

Yes, all right, our loyal person.

Speaker 1:

As we go into June. Yeah, all right.

Speaker 2:

It's crazy, the year's almost half over.

Speaker 1:

Okay, and so are the cicadas will be gone soon, hopefully.

Speaker 2:

All right. How long will they be here? I don't know. I have no idea. I suspect, when it gets cold, that they're done. Oh Lord please. They're done for I just a couple of weeks.

Speaker 1:

You guys can't, you can't sleep now, or anything like that. Oh my gosh. I can't sleep but yeah, well, I want you to feel better, and I know they're. They're shaking up all that pollen, so yes, yes, and I hope you get better and the next time we talk you'll be feeling better. All right, I'm sure I will. All right, thanks Bye.

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