Persistence in Prayer with Kylie Hein

#54 Chronic People Pleasing With Denise Jelinek

April 23, 2024 Kylie Hein, Denise Jelinek
#54 Chronic People Pleasing With Denise Jelinek
Persistence in Prayer with Kylie Hein
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Persistence in Prayer with Kylie Hein
#54 Chronic People Pleasing With Denise Jelinek
Apr 23, 2024
Kylie Hein, Denise Jelinek

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This episode was made with love and prayer for all of my dear chronic people pleasers and over-doers in mind! Do you find yourself saying “yes” before it’s even hit your system what you’ve agreed to do? Sometimes, we say yes out of obligation, sometimes because we don’t want to feel the discomfort of refusing someone, and sometimes, we are simply so used to pleasing others, that we do not consult the Lord or the desires of our own heart.

At the root of people pleasing, is often the sin of pride. We feel like we are not enough and we fall into self-reliance trying to be more. We strive to prove that we are indeed, enough. 

In this episode I am joined by Denise Jelinek of the Weightless With The Holy Spirit podcast. Denise describes how high-achieving women just like yourself, go for the dopamine hit of being recognized before your ambition, long before you’ve considered whether or not you will find yourself overextended and exhausted.

Denise shares 3 quick tips that you will want to start implementing today!

  1. When you’re asked to do something, respond with, “I’ll get back to you.”
  2. Pay attention to what you need, and make sure that you get it! Yes, that means recognizing when you need to pee and not waiting 3 hours to go.
  3. Give yourself a luxurious amount of time when creating and responding to deadlines. 

If you are a high-achieving Catholic woman who forgets to take care of your needs first, this episode is for you. If you are a personal-development junkie, this episode is for you. If you let everyone else’s needs suppress you going after your own dreams, this episode is for you. 

Be A Difference Maker! This podcast is growing each and every week, but these inspirational tips and stories cannot reach the hearts of those in need without your help. If you have been blessed by the women on this podcast, please leave a 5-star review and share your favorite episode with a friend! Tag Kylie on your social media stories and receive a special 1:1 coaching offer sent straight to your inbox..

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  • Virtual Coffee Chat! Your life will change for the better when you work with a Catholic coach. I guarantee it!  Are you ready to chance 20 minutes of  your time for a blueprint to get where God is calling you? 
  • Come hang out with me on IG for live prayer, reflection, coaching, and inspiration. @kyliemhein
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This episode was made with love and prayer for all of my dear chronic people pleasers and over-doers in mind! Do you find yourself saying “yes” before it’s even hit your system what you’ve agreed to do? Sometimes, we say yes out of obligation, sometimes because we don’t want to feel the discomfort of refusing someone, and sometimes, we are simply so used to pleasing others, that we do not consult the Lord or the desires of our own heart.

At the root of people pleasing, is often the sin of pride. We feel like we are not enough and we fall into self-reliance trying to be more. We strive to prove that we are indeed, enough. 

In this episode I am joined by Denise Jelinek of the Weightless With The Holy Spirit podcast. Denise describes how high-achieving women just like yourself, go for the dopamine hit of being recognized before your ambition, long before you’ve considered whether or not you will find yourself overextended and exhausted.

Denise shares 3 quick tips that you will want to start implementing today!

  1. When you’re asked to do something, respond with, “I’ll get back to you.”
  2. Pay attention to what you need, and make sure that you get it! Yes, that means recognizing when you need to pee and not waiting 3 hours to go.
  3. Give yourself a luxurious amount of time when creating and responding to deadlines. 

If you are a high-achieving Catholic woman who forgets to take care of your needs first, this episode is for you. If you are a personal-development junkie, this episode is for you. If you let everyone else’s needs suppress you going after your own dreams, this episode is for you. 

Be A Difference Maker! This podcast is growing each and every week, but these inspirational tips and stories cannot reach the hearts of those in need without your help. If you have been blessed by the women on this podcast, please leave a 5-star review and share your favorite episode with a friend! Tag Kylie on your social media stories and receive a special 1:1 coaching offer sent straight to your inbox..

Meet Kylie

  • Virtual Coffee Chat! Your life will change for the better when you work with a Catholic coach. I guarantee it!  Are you ready to chance 20 minutes of  your time for a blueprint to get where God is calling you? 
  • Come hang out with me on IG for live prayer, reflection, coaching, and inspiration. @kyliemhein
  • FREE Download - Daily Examen for Every Temperament
  • Do you want to be a podcast guest? Send me your pitch to

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/Welcome back. This episode was made with love and prayer for all of my dear chronic people pleasers and overdues in mind. Do you find yourself saying yes. Before it's even hit your system of what you've agreed to? Sometimes we say yes, out of obligation. Maybe we don't want to feel the discomfort of refusing someone, maybe we're simply so used to pleasing others that we do not consult the Lord or the desires of our own heart before we even respond. Join me this week and my special guest, as we share some quick tips that you will want to start implementing. Renting right now to help you stop overextending, stop overdoing, and stop being a chronic people pleaser. Hello, beautiful souls, and welcome to the Persistence in Prayer podcast hosted by Catholic Mindset coach, wife, mother, educator, and speaker, Kylie Hine. Kylie is passionate about helping you deepen your relationship with God through the power of prayer. This podcast is a space for high achievers who want to do it all, but also want to prioritize their spiritual life and grow in faith. Join us as we explore the beauty of persistence in prayer and the transformative impact it can have on our lives. Get ready to discover practical tips, insights, and inspiration to help you develop a daily prayer practice and cultivate a deeper sense of trust in God's plan for your life. Let's journey together towards a more fulfilled and faithful life as we invite the Holy Spirit in. Let's begin. Hey friends before we jump in, I just wanted to ask you a favor. If you have been blessed by any of these episodes, would you take a minute and share them with a friend? And also if you haven't left a five-star review yet? If you could just take a few seconds. And go leave a review. It would mean so much to me. And I know it would mean a lot to my guests as well. The only way that more people hear these episodes are by you sharing them with the world. So thank you so much in advance and let's go ahead and welcome my special guest. Today I am joined by Denise Jelinek. Denise is a Catholic weight loss coach who helps women find freedom with food and she is such a wealth of information. She is here today to share her perspective and wisdom on how we can learn to stop overextending ourselves. And what I mean by that is we're going to deep dive into how we can stop saying I'm going to do it or yes, I'll help out when we aren't necessarily in a stage or season of life when God is asking us to do that specific thing. So, Denise, thank you so much for being here and all the prayers that I know you've offered up in advance for this particular episode. Yeah, Kylie, thank you for inviting me and allowing me to talk about this. This seems like such a message that I want every woman to hear. And I love how you had said in this season of our life. And just to, to acknowledge that we Grow and change. And we are always in a new season and being able to pause and say, what's best for me now. Amen. Will you share with us, what's your own experience in your own journey, Ben, with chronic overdoing it? Yeah, I like to say I'm a recovered chronic people pleaser and chaser striver, chaser striver, chaser striver. And I always described it that way. There was something inside me that felt I was chasing and striving and chasing and striving. Do more, be more, do more, be more, do more, be more. And it just felt like this. drive that I couldn't, I don't want to say control, but it just felt like something inside me. And, and what I came to know was that I was chasing and striving for other people's approval. What I thought other people thought I should be to prove that I was enough, that I could do enough, that I was talented enough. And it was during a time where I thought I had a really good relationship with the Lord, but I didn't truly know that I was so valued and loved, even if I sat on my couch and picked my nose all day. Like simply because I was created, I was enough. So there was this hole in my humanness, a hole that can only be filled by the Lord. And I don't know if your listeners know, I am a convert. So I grew up not knowing the Lord's love at all. I only knew human love, which I think might be a reason. That's kind of the first time I'm recognizing why I sought so much affection, approval, and accolades that could be measured by human means. Do more, be more, do more, be more. Mm hmm. It was really a soul hole. That said, I've now come to realize that the do more, be more, do more, be more, is just me trying to find comfort in, I guess, the way that I used to find comfort in binge eating, I would have a feeling that was uncomfortable and I would just put food on that, or I would just try to do more, I would just create a great project or say yes. And so that chronic people pleasing, my husband would ask me to do something, or I would overextend myself trying to seek his approval. And I think a lot of women do that with the way that they care for their homes or even their children's behavior, thinking that, that they can create these beautiful, peaceful homes. That's what we need to do so that everyone's comfortable and no one has any. You know, discomfort and we put that on ourselves thinking that we're like mini gods, like we can control so many things. And so I guess my point is, is that that chronic overdoing that chronic striving to be more, do more was believing that I wasn't enough. Yeah, I think that really is the root of it is it's we're trying to earn our worth. So I think God instills in a lot of us this drive to do more and to be more. But we push it so far because we're just trying to, like you said, fill that hole and it can show up in. In taking something that's good like trying to help someone else, right? But then we push it too far and trying to please everyone or, we're presented with an opportunity and we say yes, because someone tells us that we're going to be good at it. And it's like, oh, it's just like that just filled my bucket, that dopamine hit of someone telling me I was good at something and now I need it again, or I want to avoid the conflict of telling them no, so I'm going to say yes, or I want to avoid feeling guilty that I'm not putting enough effort into the world or that, I don't want people to see that I don't have it all together. But really it's always going back to that. We feel like we're not enough. Yeah. I love that. You can just really get down to what is my intention? What is the root of why I am seeking to do or be, because I think on the outside, you know, as Catholics, as Christians, we think the more that we can serve our brothers and sisters, you know, great a plus we're earning our reward in heaven, we're earning, um, the Lord's love, that's what we should be doing. And what I think are our greatest assets. Number one, love of the Lord, of course, but also when it is, um, we take some of our earthly assets, which are, which are our drive and our ambition and our talents. And we think we're supposed to serve everyone else. But when we overextend, when we do it to prove something to ourselves or to other people to fill up our bucket. Yeah. That's when it becomes very disordered. And one of the thoughts that came from Bill Wilson, who's the founder of Alcoholics Anonymous, and he said, true ambition is the deep desire to live usefully and humbly under the Lord, because I used to think one of my biggest assets was my ambition, but when I realized how disordered I'd had it. That I was using it to fill up my, that, you know, get those dopamine hits or to affirm that I was enough. No wonder I felt overextended. No wonder I felt exhausted. No wonder I felt like I was bad at everything. Yeah, I wasn't even using the only person who can tell me I'm enough is the Lord. And I wasn't even using his measurement. Oh, I love that. I know in your program, I've heard you talk on your podcast about how Women can kind of shift into autopilot. So maybe we're used to operating in a certain way and our brains tell us how to how to respond to a situation. So I even think when I was teaching or even now with my own kids, I get asked so many questions in a day. And if I'm in the middle of doing something else, it's like my brain responds. And I'll say yes, before I've even had time to process the question. And that can be really dangerous. Uh, I think of this. I know this probably shows up for you with your clients with food, right? It's just, it's, we're eating before we even recognize that we're eating. So I'm curious, what does autopilot typically look like in the work that you're doing? And how can we retrain ourselves in a simple way to kind of stop that cycle? Yeah. Autopilot is I am living on autopilot. I am not intentional. I'm not aware of why I'm making choices or sometimes that I'm making choices that I'm doing things. And you guys have all done this. So if we're talking about food, we have all found ourselves in the middle of the kitchen. With the door open of a refrigerator, maybe even like drinking something or eating something from a package and then we kind of wake up like, Oh, how did that even do that? And that's because our brains are amazing. And our brains do things for us that we don't have to think about, like brushing our teeth. And have you guys ever been in the shower? And then like, did I wash my hair? Right? Like, because we just do things on autopilot, which is great because we don't need a lot of energy and attention on some things are some ways that we're living on autopilot that aren't serving us, that aren't helping us. And that's when we feel an uncomfortable feeling and our brain says, Ooh, I know what to do, let's go eat some chocolate and chips. That'll make our brain feel good when we go for that dopamine hit. And the same thing that comes from overextending. Someone offers, they offer us an opportunity. They say, oh, you'd be good at that. Hey, we just need a temporary secretary in this volunteer position. Hey, can you pick up my kids? Your mom calls. Hey, can you come over right away? And because we're uncomfortable, what do we say? Yeah, sure. Okay. And I think that that yes, that is the autopilot equivalent of eating food. It's we're uncomfortable and we want to be comfortable as fast as possible. And usually yes. Or getting someone else's approval or people pleasing is the easiest way out of that discomfort. But that said, my friends, everyone listening, I've got some real practical solutions. Because I think it's really fun, we can all agree, like, Oh, I totally see myself doing that. Oh, I do that. And we could philosophize about this all day long. But when we see we want things to be different, I want to offer you some practical solutions that have really helped me change to now be a recovered chronic people pleaser or to know when I'm chasing and striving and recognize that. So I would like to share some of those practical tips with your listeners. Absolutely. I would love that. Okay. So the very first thing that everyone needs to know is. You are a high achieving woman, which means that you have great ambition, great drive, and great talents. And it is only when those are no longer serving you or taking you, taking you away from what you really want by causing exhaustion and burnout, that you would be willing to start implementing these things. And when I say what you really want, because some of us, we look around at our homes and we want peaceful, quiet homes or good relationships. But we've created so much chaos in our goings and doings and over commitments. That it's really taking us away from the peace that we want. Okay. So I just want you to see that, that you are capable, but in this season of your life, it may not be getting you what you want. Okay. So here's what you get to start doing as you get to number one, take some time with you and the Lord to discover what works for you now in this season of your life. Like what, what does it feel like right for me right now in this season? So you can ask a couple of questions. What's fun for you? What do you like doing? So you can start to see, you may be on some committees, you may be doing things that just really aren't that fun for you. Okay. That doesn't mean you don't do them, but just recognize, Oh, I don't really like them. The second thing is where are you bringing more of the Lord into this world? There might be some things. That, number one, you don't like doing, and number two, they're not bringing more of God into this world. For example, you may find that helping your neighbor with her gardening is an opportunity for you to just really be lovely and serve a woman who, who just can really feel the Lord's love, right? So that would be worth your time, even if you don't like gardening. But if it's something that you're like, This is not even life giving. And, and what I can think about are, maybe some volunteer opportunities that you kind of feel like all you do is stand around and gossip about people. And maybe you want to remove yourself from that. And then also anything that is creating burnout or, or, or overextending you, you guys, here's, here's the truth. Is that we are so busy momming and wifing and volunteering and working and daughtering that we rarely take the time to take care of the wife, the mom, the daughter, the professional. But I challenge you on this philosophy. And I'll get more back to the practical tips, but I challenge you, what is the number one job on, what is your number one job on this earth second to loving the Lord? What's your number one job? What has he entrusted you? He has entrusted the care of who to you first. Who is it Kylie? First me. First me, you, you as a daughter and then my vocation is wife and mother. Yes. Yeah. Because if nobody takes care of the wife and mom, she's left. Untended to no one's filling up her water bottle. No one's putting warm socks on her feet No one's putting lotion on her elbows. No one's saying. Hey You need to sit down right now. You are way over extended and it may be my friends That the lord needs you to bring more of him into this world to yourself For a season I'm not saying forever, but learning how to authentically take care of yourself, to tune into your real needs. to simplify your life, to reduce the chaos, he may need you to do that. And that's not popular. And nobody else is going to be like, way to go bowing out of things. And that's why I tell all the women that I work with, this is invisible work, standing up and preserving yourself is invisible work. And no one sees it, but the Lord. Learning how to tune into your own needs. And I mentioned the words authentic self care, and I think there's three parts of authentic self care and authentic self care in my belief is the way that the Lord would treat us. So I think learning how to do it is definitely valuable and part of our Sainthood journey. There's three parts. The first part is how we talk to ourselves. Absolutely. We're going to use words that the Lord would use. And the Lord is never critical or condemning. He's always encouraging and uplifting and tender and comforting. And you guys, when we start to care for ourselves the way that the Lord would, it's not the world's view. And the world's view is thinking that self care is like, luxurious and takes a lot of time and is expensive. No, it's just treating ourselves the way the Lord would. Number one in the way that we talk to ourselves. And so many women think they have to be critical and hard on themselves to stay motivated, to get things done. Really? Cause the Lord did a lot of stuff and does a lot of amazing things. And I find that when we're uplifting and supportive and encouraging to ourselves, we get done what he needs us to get done. What is necessary. What was made for us, which I'm going to get to in just a second. So the three things are the way that we talk to ourselves, tuning into our own needs. Oh my gosh, I'm thirsty. How about we get up and go get some water? Oh my gosh, I have to use the restroom. How many women wait an hour before they actually get up to take the time to go to the bathroom? Or give all their water to their kids so they don't have any left. That's right. And the third thing is actually taking care of your needs. To even notice, Oh, I'm thirsty. And the third thing is getting yourself water. Do you see how simple authentic self care is, but it is stopping living on autopilot? I think we could do another episode about that. Yeah. Let me go back to the practical tips. Number one is recognizing, Hey, what do I like to do? But here's what I love you guys is being able to ask the Lord, what do you want for me? And there's two measures that I like to use for this, because guess what friends, just because you're good at something, I'm going to give you permission not to do it. Just because you might be the most effective person to do things, I'm going to give you permission not to do it. So here's how you know what the Lord wants for you, what you were created for. Like what work does he have for you? That's uniquely you, which is kind of interesting, but let me give you an example. So prior to becoming a Catholic weight loss coach, I was a personal trainer and part of being, Oh, I'm still a personal trainer and I still work with clients like that. But part of that was I had a network marketing business that was a nutrition related and I did like a lot of stuff with that. Like I was real, I'll bring in groups and I did. You know, I did a lot of stuff with that. Well, once I realized the Lord wanted me to help women in their weight loss struggles, especially for stress eaters and women who were finding comfort in food other than the Lord. Okay, so once I knew he wanted me to do that, I slowly by slowly stepped away from that nutrition business that I just told you about. And of course, people were like, whoa, Denise, why aren't you doing the things? And I realized the Lord created many people to do those things. There's many of his daughters out there to do that, but he only created one, Denise, to help women overcome their struggles with food and weight in the way that the Lord wants me to do it. And I was just so clear on that, even though I had so many people saying, come do the things. There's so many other people to do that. Yeah. I talk about that a lot because, and I'm just want to say this for everyone listening, your brain is going to fight you every step of the way on this. Thanks. initially. Like, you might sit down and write things like, oh, these sound really fun. So, Denise talked about taking time with you and God. What sounds Like it would fill you up in this moment and then your brain might go, Oh, no, I can't do that. I'm going to let people down or, Oh, that might feel selfish or it might create guilt. Just even thinking about it because of the way you've been talking to yourself. Like she talked about for so long may not have been in a perfect place. In a positive and loving way. And so your brain might go to these places. And so just recognize, okay, brain, you're trying to pull me from where God is trying to tell me right now. And I'm just going to set that aside and I'm just going to listen to the Lord. And I'm just going to allow myself to think about these things, because if these desires are in me and the Lord is bringing them forward in prayer. There's something to that. So just recognize as you go through this. And then Denise talked about other people being created to do some of the things that we are doing. I think another, thought that comes up through mindset coaching, which is a lot of the work that I do is, well, if I don't do it, there's no one else who can do it or no one else can do it as good as I can. It's kind of a pride thing, but it's also sometimes in the reality of our work, maybe that other person can't do it as well as you, but maybe God is inviting them to step into that. And they're never going to have the opportunity to do it as well as you do. If they can. don't have the chance to do it. So you have to remove yourself from what God doesn't want you doing so that that person can utilize their God given gifts and talents in the way that He is asking them to. So it just goes back to that, you know, we're one body, we're many parts, and we're not supposed to be all of the parts. So we have to allow other people to be their part, and we need to be able to be open to being our part. I love that. It reminds me of how we can overdo for our kids. Yes. And then they don't learn. They're not formed in the way they need to be formed or were meant to be formed. I should say. Absolutely. What, what we were created for is one thing. And then the second thing is we're placeable. And that helps me so much stay focused on what I need to do in a day. Where am I irreplaceable? Do you guys know the first place you're irreplaceable to who you guys, if you are neglecting your own needs, You're not doing what the Lord wants. I'm not saying indulging in yourself, but guess what? If you put a shirt on and you don't feel good on it, taking 30 seconds to put on a different shirt. Okay. I'm going to make my point here is what the Lord wants and how I know that is because the only reason you're not going to put on a new shirt is because you think, I don't really feel like taking the time, right? So not taking the time for myself, but if you don't like the shirt you're wearing all day long, what are you thinking about your focuses on yourself? Yep, I think how much I don't like this shirt. So you're truly distracted So you are irreplaceable to yourself and you can see where else am I irreplaceable because that's where the lord wants you That's what you were created to do There's only one you and i'm not saying we overdo for our families or we're not allowed to do things outside of our families But I will say that That just helps me reorder sometimes Do my kids need something specific from me today? Maybe they don't, maybe they do, the Lord will tell me. But that always helps me get some clarity, because I'll tell you, when I was in my chronic overdoing, I was not available to my family, much less myself. And that is where I was irreplaceable. So I want to Also, um, say a couple more things and just looking at, well, in this season of your life, you know, a different, at different times when we have small kids, things are different than when our kids are teenagers. Then when I'm looking at empty nesting, like in the next five or six years, my kids will be in college. So there's different seasons. And I can say, Oh, I don't think this is the right thing for this season, but maybe it'll be in that season. So a couple of practical tips, more, a few tools that have really helped me is the first one, instead of saying, yes, is let me get back to you. When somebody is like blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Just don't agree to anything. Let me get back to you. That's number one. Oh my gosh. That has been amazing. Let me call you tomorrow. Even if you're in a meeting and someone is pressuring you, you can just keep saying, I'm not sure. Let me get back to you. I always used to, I love being married. Cause it's like, let me talk to my husband. Let me see. Let me talk to my husband and just have a conversation. If this is something that we feel like we can fit in our lives right now, that's another one that you can go back to. Yes. Okay, now here's another thing, is that some people feel a lot of pressure, anxiety. When someone gives them a deadline, like, Hey, can you come over now? This is a lot, I think for some parent, like aging parents where the women I work with, they feel pressure from their, their parents. Hey, can you come over now? Can you come over Tuesday? Can you come over this? So, um, or deadlines at work that feel pressure or anxiety. And so if you feel pressure and anxiety, that's one of those moments that you get to stop living on autopilot. And to just pause. And breathe and say, let me get back to you. Even if you have to hang up the phone. In fact, um, in the work that I do with women, I suggest that if they are, if that situation comes up often, whether it's a parent or at work, people have them feeling like they have unrealistic deadlines put upon them is that we come up with what's called a protocol. Like how are we going to handle this? So parent calls, we can say, Hey, give me 10 minutes. I'm going to figure this out and I'll call you right back. And then you can decide of a deadline that's comfortable for you, or when you can be there. Hey, I won't be able to come over until two o'clock. Listen, today's not going to work, but I can come over tomorrow at nine. Or even deadlines at work. Sometimes we offer these deadlines that people that are unrealistic, that other people aren't even expecting. And I challenge you to suggest deadlines that give you a luxurious amount of time. I love that. I mean, when I was teaching, it was always like, there's the 24 hour rule. You know, you're expected to get back to every email within 24 hours. And sometimes that really, it seems like, Oh, you have a whole day, but depending on how many things are packed into that day. Sometimes that was an unrealistic timeline that you were constricted to. And then even if you didn't get back there, you'd have some parents. It's like, you didn't get back to me overnight. So. even though you maybe still have eight hours in your 24 hour window, and they just expect you to be able to drop everything to get back to them. And so I love that you're reminding us to give ourselves permission to take time. I think that's so important. Absolutely. And I love that whole concept of Lack of planning on your part does not constitute an emergency on mine. I think that was in a break room somewhere. And so my kids or other people can be like, Oh my gosh, I forgot my lunch. Or so, so that is actually something that we have in my family. We have a, uh, a rule that you get once. Once a semester and after that I'll send lunch to you like I'll have it ordered in for my kids Because they don't have school lunch. It's kind of they're at this private school, but they pay for it and they know that You forget your lunch. That's not a problem That might sound kind of mean but it doesn't but I have my I have my day planned out and you set a boundary and Then they know that boundary and they're going to meet it And my kids don't really forget their lunch, but it's, it's like that for everything. You guys, there are times that I choose to drop things for my husband, which is not a problem, but I'm choosing that. And I don't feel like he's making me right. The final thing I want to tell you is I give you permission to also be so excited to help with a project, but be obedient to the Lord and say, Oh, I'd love to be part of that. Please contact me next year. Especially when you're so passionate about a cause and you want to be part of it, but you just know that it would be distracting you from your real work in this season of your life. It's to just recognize, yeah, I want to do that sometime. And you can tell who, whomever is offering you that opportunity. Please call me next year. I want to be part of it next year. Please call me in the fall. I can help out in the fall. It's just not right for this season of our life. And I don't say that whole, like we got a lot going on. I don't do that. It's just not right for this season of my life. It's not going to fit into my family right now. It's so important. And I think. We love I, so I don't know if you're familiar with working genius at all, but enablement is one of my working geniuses, which just means when someone has a cause, you're like the person who wants to jump in and help them. So in the teaching world, a lot of teachers are fall under enablement and it sounds like a bad thing. It's really not. It's really just helping other people fulfill their mission and fulfill their goals, which is what I love about coaching. Um, but when you are that person, when you want to say yes, and you want to help everyone else's cause. You can be known as that person who's going to help everyone's cause. And then sometimes you can be taken advantage of because you're expected to say yes to so many things. And sometimes I think for people that can feel almost paralyzing, like I'm expected to say yes to this. I'm expected to help with this because more is piled on to you because people know that you will do it. Well, you're gonna do it Anyway, and so I think what you said of just taking that time to say, let me get back to you Let me discern this with God first is so important and giving ourselves the freedom to say no It's okay to say no. And the other piece of that, everyone, is totally expect to feel uncomfortable. Totally expect to have mind drama. Totally expect to just feel really itchy and like, oh, this is so uncomfortable. I want you to find so much peace and knowing that you're choosing what you know The Lord wants for you instead of that dopamine hit instead of that instead of that fast comfort instead of living on Autopilot you are choosing the life that you want that the Lord is revealing that he wants for you And I want you to find so much confidence and peace and that that it helps you get through that discomfort of saying no Amen. You're going to impact the world so much more by doing things with clarity and intention than just trying to do everything on autopilot. So I absolutely love that. And before we close, Denise, I always ask my guests. If they would share either a favorite scripture verse or a prayer tip that the audience can leave with. Do you have anything in mind? I do. Do not conform to the ways of this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind so that you can do the Lord's perfect will. And I know that's totally paraphrased, but here's how it goes. Hey, listen, let's all stop just saying, just doing what the world says because that's normal. That's typical. That's what they say is okay, but no, let's renew our mind, which is what you're doing here. Oh gosh, this is really uncomfortable, but I don't have to run from it. Right? The world would be like, Oh no, just say yes. No. Be transformed by the renewal of your mind. So that you can do the lord's will Just allow yourself to be transformed by his truth my friends Amen. Thank you so much for being here. You are such a gift. Where can people find you if they wanna learn more about either your podcast, weight loss with the Holy Spirit or about your programs? So, the podcast is Weight Loss with the Holy and the program. Is weightlosswiththeholyspirit. com and coming up we have a summer slim down workshop which will teach you how to eat the foods you love, have a ton of fun, and be able to lose weight this summer. And bonus, How did I not cave under social pressure and give up on yourself? And just remember when you're working with Denise, it's not just about the weight loss, which is a total bonus and perk, but she's teaching you how to do it by loving yourself by talking to yourself in beautiful and holy ways and really inviting the Lord into it, which I think is something that is so very needed in this world. So thank you. Yeah. And I just want to piggyback on that for just a minute, because with regard to the scripture here's what I want you all to know is that the difference between weight loss with Denise and the Holy spirit, if you will, the difference between weight loss with the Holy spirit and weight loss in the world is that The world would tell you that we can be encouraging and loving and kind and uplifting to ourselves only when we meet our goals. And the Lord says, no, that's where we start. We start by you treating yourselves the way that I want you to treat yourself, that authentic self care. I love that. Thank you again. Oh, thanks so much, Kylie./ Hey friend, you know, when you feel like you're being called to something more, but life and finances, just keep getting in the way. I help high achieving Catholic women who feel unfulfilled, breakthrough, self doubt, and uncertainty about the result. When they work with me, they come in with worry about letting other people down. About. Not being able to follow through on their big dream and that it's going to work out the best for their family. But when they leave. They have clear direction and they have a simple action plan to start moving forward right now without. Completely flipping their whole world upside down. I provide you with a safe space where you will be encouraged, supported, and gently nudge toward a life Where you are no longer longing. But you know that you are exactly where you are supposed to be right now. If you're feeling stuck in your circumstances I promise. I can help you. All it takes as clicking the link in the show notes to set up a free virtual coffee chat. And I promise you are going to leave with so much clarity. Coming out with me. Beautiful souls, thank you again for journeying with me. If you have been blessed by this episode, it would mean the world to me if you would leave a review. Be sure to screenshot it, share it on your social media stories, and don't forget to tag me on Instagram or Facebook at Kylie M. Hine. Stay persistent in prayer, protect your peace, and as always, share the light of Christ with everyone around you.

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