The Last Thing I Wished I Said

Elyce Wakerman: discovering her father

Linda Overman

On the fifth episode of THE LAST THING I WISHED I SAID, Linda speaks to Elyce Wakerman, author of Father Loss: Daughters Discuss Life, Love, and Why Losing a Dad Means So Much and A Tale of Two Citizens: A Novel (Yucca). Elyce’s father, Hyman Wakerman, died when Elyce was three.  But decades later, after her mother died, Elyce discovered that Hyman had lived another life in Poland, completely unknown to her. And she still wants him to know, “Dad, I have missed you my entire life, and you had a daughter who loved you with all her heart.”
Follow Elyce @eswakerman

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THE LAST THING I WISHED I SAID is hosted by Linda Overman, recorded in her home office and edited by Eidolon Dischord Productions. The music is from Line Noise’s album Magenta Moon and artwork is by Michael Overman.

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