Queerly Beloved

Walking Through the Wizard's Gate with Cory3wing Thorell

August 25, 2023 Wil Fisher
Walking Through the Wizard's Gate with Cory3wing Thorell
Queerly Beloved
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Queerly Beloved
Walking Through the Wizard's Gate with Cory3wing Thorell
Aug 25, 2023
Wil Fisher

Cory Thorell is a seasoned Insight and Personal Development Coach, Circle Way Facilitator, and the visionary Founder of the Dream Intending Workshop. With a rich background of 40 years in show business, he honed the art of manifesting on demand, bringing miracles to life on opening night.  Now, Cory shares his expertise and teaches the teachable skill of manifesting for the greater good. For over three decades, he has passionately followed the shamanic path, facilitating true change and transformation with groups, organizations, and individuals, all guided by the sacred heart. Cory is a storyteller, speaker, and teacher, empowering dynamic individuals to embrace their authentic selves and create lives filled with purpose and fulfillment.

We start by chatting about Coyote energy, this trail blazing, speaker of truth energy that Cory very much identifies with and quickly deemed Coyote as one of his main power animals after he shared two epic coyote stories from the wild. 

We then looked at Cory’s experience of spirituality as a boy, knowing that even as a gay boy he knew nothing was wrong with him and rejected the idea of conditions put on love. Next Cory offers some practical steps to move through pain in a good way and also how to use our intellect, memory and kinesthetic responses to choose joy.  

Finally, Cory shares some awesome tips for becoming a master manifestor that you can start applying now!

Learn more about Cory here: https://corytimecoaching.com/

Learn about Wil's work here: https://wil-fullyliving.com/

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Show Notes Transcript

Cory Thorell is a seasoned Insight and Personal Development Coach, Circle Way Facilitator, and the visionary Founder of the Dream Intending Workshop. With a rich background of 40 years in show business, he honed the art of manifesting on demand, bringing miracles to life on opening night.  Now, Cory shares his expertise and teaches the teachable skill of manifesting for the greater good. For over three decades, he has passionately followed the shamanic path, facilitating true change and transformation with groups, organizations, and individuals, all guided by the sacred heart. Cory is a storyteller, speaker, and teacher, empowering dynamic individuals to embrace their authentic selves and create lives filled with purpose and fulfillment.

We start by chatting about Coyote energy, this trail blazing, speaker of truth energy that Cory very much identifies with and quickly deemed Coyote as one of his main power animals after he shared two epic coyote stories from the wild. 

We then looked at Cory’s experience of spirituality as a boy, knowing that even as a gay boy he knew nothing was wrong with him and rejected the idea of conditions put on love. Next Cory offers some practical steps to move through pain in a good way and also how to use our intellect, memory and kinesthetic responses to choose joy.  

Finally, Cory shares some awesome tips for becoming a master manifestor that you can start applying now!

Learn more about Cory here: https://corytimecoaching.com/

Learn about Wil's work here: https://wil-fullyliving.com/

Reach out with feedback and ideas to Wil here:

Support the Show.

Wil Fisher  0:01  
weirdly Beloved, we are gathered here today for some juicy conversations about all things spiritually clear and clearly spiritual. I'm wil Fisher, and I'm a Lightworker, a retreat, making Maven, a coach and a drag queen. And I'll be chatting with the most amazing healers, visionaries, wizards and witches who I can't wait for you to get to know and to learn from their epic stories and powerful practices. All right, let's get super wound together in this spiritually queer a cosmic container and blast off. Hello Beloved's. I'm so thrilled to introduce episode 25. The final episode of season one of clearly Beloved. Yes, folks, we have hit this mark, and I'm so excited to conclude season one and gear up for season two. Thank you so much for being on this journey with me it's been an absolute pleasure and honor to serve you in this way. So in this episode, I interviewed Cory Terrell who is a seasoned insight and personal development coach, a circle way facilitator and the visionary founder of the dream intending workshop. With a background in show business, he honed the art of manifesting on demand, and he now shares his expertise and teaches the teachable skill of manifesting for the greater good. He follows the shamanic path facilitating true change. Guided by the Sacred Heart, he's committed to empowering individuals to embrace their authentic selves and create lives filled with purpose and fulfillment. So we start in this conversation chatting about coyote energy. This trailblazing speaker of truth energy that Corey very much identifies with, and we quickly determine that coyote is one of Korea's main power animals after he shares two epic coyote stories from out in the wild. We then look at Korea's experience of spirituality as a boy and his inner knowing that even as a gay boy, he knew that nothing was wrong with him. And he just rejected this idea of conditions being put on love. We then move into some conversation around the practical steps to move through pain and a good way to allow pain to have a place at the table. And to use our intellect, our memory and our kinesthetic responses to choose joy. Cory then shares some awesome tips for becoming a master manifester that you can start applying now. We'd speak about all these topics and many more as we walk through the wizards gate. Hello, Cory, and welcome.

Cory  2:34  
Well, thanks for having me. I'm so excited that we get to do this today.

Wil Fisher  2:38  
I have so excited too, it feels so good to be in your presence and see your smiling face and to get to have this conversation we're about to have. Right? So I always like to start these conversations with the question of the hour, which is to tell me who you are right now. To take a moment, just kind of check in, maybe take a couple of breaths and let me know who you are in this moment in this body on this planet at this time. But do so by describing the perfect drag avatar that describes that human and it doesn't need to be you know, Lady drag, it can be any kind of drag you like.

Cory  3:18  
Right? Okay, so the first thing that comes to mind about looking at my journey in where I've been, you know, in changing my life rising up into this new identity, right Minos choosing a new business rising up from an leaving a 35 year career in show business to become a spirituality and life coach. The first thing I thought of is Phoenix Rising, you know, like this Phoenix coming up out, you know, rising above, you know, and I love that Phoenix comes usually from ash or fire, you know, and rising up into goodness and light, you know, and of course, then then there's a little coyote trickster right there on his shoulder as well.

Wil Fisher  4:02  
That it's, you know, often we see the bird on the shoulder. I like that it's the Phoenix as the coyote on the shoulder. And that tricky little coyote.

Cory  4:15  
I learned I was actually in with Clyde Hall, who I know is on your show. I was doing his dance than Araya many years ago. And in the dance, I was taken by spirit and coyote came to me. And coyote whispered to me in that journey, that Keisha is a coyote. We are not trickster, really, we let people think that but really, we are the ones who make the trail that the rest of the animals walk on. And as a young gay man, you know, in the world, you know, I was like, Yeah, I am Coyote. I am coyote tribe. That is definitely what I do. It's who I am. Yes,

Wil Fisher  4:56  
that coyote trailblaze is for the rest of the tribe. Yeah, beautiful and sometimes with a trickster energy, but it is it's serving a purpose. It's not a trail that is leading anyone off a path. It's a trail in a direction in a good way in a good direction.

Cory  5:13  
And that trickster magic is very much it's the, the Trickster can speak truth to power. You know, it's like, like the jester, the court jester can speak the truth to the king without being beheaded.

Wil Fisher  5:29  
Yes, absolutely. Yeah. There's something very clear about that energy to Oh, for sure thing. Yeah. It's funny. You mention coyote at the neuron that brings me right back to a moment when I was dancing than Orion, Tennessee, where coyote energy came in, and it started with one gal and I, I imagine this happens with some frequencies. So one, yep, one little coyote came in, and someone did an O. And then before you knew it, it was like all the dancers howling. And it was like, I remember it coming into my energy, and I couldn't have stopped my lips from making that noise from opening and making that noise. It was like, and for I imagine most of the dancers, it was not of our own, of our own intention. It just happened. Coyote just moved for us. And it was such a joyful moment. It's such a connecting moment of joy and play.

Cory  6:30  
Yeah, I had a sweet moment with Coyote. I was in Santa Fe, other place in Santa Fe, and I was there in the winter. And it was, it was snowing outside. And I was sitting just inside this sliding glass door window where there's a patio, and literally just three feet on the other side of me of the glass, these coyotes came and just sat down next to me, and they didn't see me sitting there. But they came and sat next to me. And I was just like, okay, all right, chaotic energy, Coyote spirit. And they had their winter bushy tails, you know, literally right next to them. You know, it's like, magic, magic, magic magic, you know,

Wil Fisher  7:10  
amazing. Do you associate with spirit animals power animals to work with that kind of energy?

Cory  7:18  
Not not specifically, you know, the more I do this work, and I work with other people in hell, they identify with their, their access to their own universe, God Creator Source, aha moments, imagination, genius, whatever we call that. When a client, for example, identifies a signature animal as a spout, a spirit animal or a power source. Well, then, of course, my own wisdom opens right up, and I can speak to it in their own language. You know, but but for my own, I have such a huge array of spiritual tools that I use Sure, a little bit of from here and that religion, that spirituality that practice these gurus, those cool people I think are awesome, whatever it is.

Wil Fisher  8:07  
Yeah, I mean, there's such a fabulous tool kit for us to play in nowadays. And yeah, the reason I ask is, I work with raccoon energy is one of my main totems, my main power animals and a what I understand about power animal spirit animals, that one doesn't usually choose it, it chooses you. Often, once you start really connect making that connection, you often do start seeing them in the wild too. And so that that moment with the coyote, I just wonder if if a coyote really is one of your your main totems?

Cory  8:41  
Well, I would say yes to that, because was it the Zuni mountain radical very sanctuary, which I'm one of the founders of, and years ago, I was sleeping in my tent out in the far away out by myself, you know, three o'clock in the morning, coyotes. About 20 of them came in, they were not in hunting mode. They were in play mode. So they were doing somersaults. And so I kind of turned off my little light. It was three o'clock in the morning, I was in my tent. And I had these little low windows right below the bottom of my tent. I look out and they were doing somersaults. As they were circling me in my tent.

Wil Fisher  9:15  
Oh my god. Okay. Well, two stories are the two most epic coyote stories I've ever heard. So I would give it's a pretty strong hunch. That's amazing. I love that.

Cory  9:30  
Not to mention like the wily coyote and Roadrunner stories you know, like I'm right there. I'm right there with them too.

Wil Fisher  9:41  
So I to share my drag avatar for the day. I'm feeling this call to pink. This this real it's you know, that the time we're recording this, there's a big Barbie the movie craze. Everybody's running to the movie. theatres wearing pink I just came from this big pink Palace is what they call it this big pink house in the hills that is home to a bunch of good spiritual folks. And I'm wearing some pink and wearing my rose quartz. And my eye just keeps keep just keeps getting pulled into this pink beauty. And for me that is representative of this open heartedness that we are finding more and more access to as we do this work as we come together and community. And so my drag avatar is this pink princess and she's, it's not the bright hot pink, that's a different energy. Today, it's more of a pastel pink, and she's got this beautiful pastel pink hair and beautiful eyes. And she's just soft and sweet and pretty in pink.

Cory  10:51  
I love her.

Wil Fisher  10:54  
So, you know, one of the things that I recognize that we share is a passion for this cross section of spirituality and queerness and personal growth. And, you know, that is the main focus of this podcast. So I'd love it if you could share some of your thoughts on why that's important to you that cross section. Oh,

Cory  11:17  
absolutely. And thank you for asking, by the way. And you know, the title clearly beloved, is super sweet.

Wil Fisher  11:26  
Thank you super sweet.

Cory  11:29  
Okay, so you know, as queer, and I loved, you know, like before 1950 For example, when queer was not identified as homosexual, or sexual at all, it just meant strange difference. And before the invention of the television, which is kind of gave us homophobia as we know it today, that before television queer still meant strange, the word gay still meant happy. Right? And so I want to come back to queerness from its original intent is to honor difference. You know, and so when we are children as queer people, I've often joked with my mom and my family that I never came out of the closet because I never went in. You know, and it's very true in so many ways. You know, like, I was raised in Salt Lake City near the Mormons, but we weren't Mormon and that was in loose the Lutheran parochial school, private school, but we weren't Lutherans either. And the reason I say never came out, because as a seven or eight year old, you know, looking at the Mormons being, you know, and having taught that at every level, and then in school Lutheran School, which was very conservative school, you know, being taught hellfire and damnation through a different set of lenses, you know, and the words unconditional love would come up all the time. You know, like we're teaching unconditional love, unconditional love, knowing the first glance, that's a pretty idea that as a seven year old, eight year old, I started thinking, knowing that I'm gay, which means I'm being told that I'm going to rot in hell. And in the Lutheran World, the conservative Lutheran, that was anybody who was divorced, and anybody, you know, that was pretty much my whole family. Everybody knew we were all rotting in hell at that point. Then I started thinking about that word, unconditional with love. And I went, Wait a minute. You don't need those two words together, if you're using the word unconditional with the word love your teaching conditions. Whoo. And that's when I was like, Okay, I am very different. I am very different. Not only am I queer, gay in this world, and I didn't know anybody else that was gay, no gay heroes, mentors, examples, elders to be found. But I also knew in my heart of hearts, there was nothing wrong with me. I just knew that God made Thank you, God created this store, spirit, whatever all of you for giving me that gift as a young age, but queer spirituality, all of a sudden, it's okay, here's these religions. The good thing about the Mormons and the Lutherans, and all of the other spiritual face, is that they'll have a lot of things in common that are beautiful, like the highest form of prayers, songs, we sing, we sing our songs. And dancing is a relationship of is a spiritual relationship between our body and the earth. You know, and gratitude and honoring silence you know, getting quiet enough to actually access the god voice, the spirit voice light, intent, meditation, those things. So as a young boy being spiritual, attached to nature, and attached to what I now know as an older gay man with lots of wisdom and tricks and studies behind me is that okay, the spirits are the elves are the angels. They were holding me. They were protecting me and they gave me wisdoms that I didn't know I needed it, but boy did they come in handy like that awareness of Wait a minute, unconditional, you don't need that word with the word love, then oh, you're teaching conditions, which is fear, scarcity lab, hate all of those things. And then I thought, okay, from a young perspective, I took a step back. And I love the Latin definition of the word respect respect on A, which literally means the willingness to look again, like to step back and see a bigger picture. And so of course, I can speak way more elegantly to my childish experience now with all of this work I've done, but it's looking back at that moment, and saying, okay, difference. difference, you know, and so all the way growing up as a young queer boy, like competition was an absolute, I couldn't do it, sports, anything competitive was like, No, can't do it can't do it. But anything collaborative was an absolute invite, where we're coming together, and it was because of my young understanding that if you're different than me, I need you. And if you're, and I'm different than you, I have skills you don't have you need me to, and we'll, and we will be stronger together in this crazy world, than we'll ever be standing alone. And that's really where it started for me. And to this day, those are my core values. You know, they got me through 35 years of career business and show business building big shows. And now I've retired from showbusiness and now I'm serving and healing and life coach, and I'm assisting in plant medicine ceremonies and all kinds of this healing work, which is spiritual, you know, and it's that clear otherness or difference that gave me my superpower to take a stand for one I believe in, in a crossfire of misunderstanding and fear,

Wil Fisher  16:53  
hmm, beautiful, beautiful. And now you get to be that champion, for truth. And for non conditions, right? I don't even want to use the word. Additionally, I just love that. That perception that you had that deep wisdom you had, as a boy as a young boy, to recognize the, the lie of this idea of unconditional love. And I really resonate with this truth that when we talk about love with a capital L, absolutely, there are no conditions. It's so beyond that. And what is sometimes challenging is that it's a love that is very seldomly experienced, that we might feel like, Oh, we're in this loving relationship, but almost always there is uncon. There is there are conditions around that love, and to recognize that when we're talking about God, and God as love when we're talking about these, the purest level of love, the purest vibration of love possible. There can be no conditions, the the energy, the power of that pure love, obliterates the idea of conditions. And that is the love that brings the folks who are further into the fullness of themselves, which in my perspective is all of us, like we all are a bit queer, we all have a uniqueness. And the uniqueness that is us, is what we are called to represent to vibrate as on our paths here. And love is what will support its vibration.

Cory  18:42  
Yeah, absolutely. You know, I think you know, that they're really talking about arriving at real love, they will just call it real metal, call it real love for a minute. Okay, authentic, like love with no conditions. So that God the God force. I think, you know, when we look at how we're struggling today, you know, like, because, you know, we'll come as a creative spirit to have a human experience. And in that human experience comes with a healthy dose of struggle, or figuring things out or problem solving, or healing or whatever you want to call that. We all do. And we all do it at different levels, or volumes or magnitudes in different ways. And when sometimes we take those things very deeply personally, and sometimes we take them with a grain of salt, you know, but it's still, that's the shadow story versus the light story. You know, and in so much of our healing. When we're striving to heal, we're striving to feel better. We're striving to have success in whichever way with money, relationships, career, status, whatever it is. So many of us are trying and we're taught to, to eliminate the shadow story. Like make it go away. Make disappear, it doesn't exist. And in this real love way, that's a, that's an impossible task. That's a setup for failure. So all of a sudden, we're trying to feel better, we're trying to heal. We're leaping into this world of a better life and healing and feeling finally feeling joy and gratitude and happiness and relief, and whatever it is. But then I think there's this moment when we go, Wait a second, I can't remove the shadow story, because pain and love are the same thing. Pain and love are the same thing. And when you look at how you're hurting, how I've looked, I've learned this with my own hurt and my own pain, my struggles, is that if I didn't love gigantically, I would have forgotten about it by now. So I think pain is this fierce measure of our ability to love gigantically. I love that statement. Let me say it again, love. I mean, pain is a fierce measure of our ability to love gigantically. And it's our love. That gives us the stamina, the courage to pay sick patients to endure and finally make sense of, and then when we give it permission to exist, the shadow, the pain, the struggle to give it, its place at the table, as opposed to make it disappear, then all of a sudden, its dominant voice comes down. And then the voice of light and healing and gratitude and protector and Guardian, and all of these other voices that are at the table, get to speak with their equal voice, as well. So this is the well rounded human experience with all these parts of what it is to be human.

Wil Fisher  21:39  
Yes, bringing in space for all that is not trying to put our blinders or even we could call these conditions as well into our experience, but to fully embrace all that is, and under that real love umbrella. Yes is pain, and learning how to be with pain in a grateful way, learning how to be with pain in a way that isn't pushing it away, or trying to hide from it, but is in a way that is humble to it that is that is mindful and aware that there is so much to learn from it. And to you know, I do feel like there are some moments that I've had where I've been able to find some pleasure and joy in pain, right that and then we can kind of play in the world of like BDSM and sort of that experience. But yeah, there is also that that reframe that can happen, where pain isn't something that we shy away from, but that we welcome because we know that it can be joyful, it can be pleasurable, and it can and it certainly are most certainly is going to bring us some major lessons and some major growth.

Cory  22:54  
Yeah, it is a growth opportunity for sure. And it's usually when the shadow comes knocking, like with pain or struggle, it always comes in the back door, not the front doesn't it doesn't ring the doorbell and wait for you to answer it. Yeah, come in. And they're your shadow stories already sitting at the kitchen table waiting for you. Yeah, it's that familiar? You know, but when we come home for the wrong reasons, you know, for ego or for sugarcoating, or for whatever it is, we're not actually looking at the healing or the wisdom in the pain story. Well, then the pain gets bigger and the demon the river then says, I'm coming to get you, I'm coming to get you and then we've run away. And we I Yeah, yeah, you know, but when we come home for the right reasons, which is when we heal. When we come home for the right reasons, then we take our place at the table with our shadow story and our wisdom and our healer. And that's when God the God force energy holds us as we weep. Say, I've come home. That was the hardest thing I've ever done. It was hard on purpose. And it was not harder than I could handle because I'm still alive. And in that moment, we become forever changed. And that's when we heal. And that's when we rise up. And that's when it's time to put on our new gown, our new cloak with our new tools, and then leave home again for now we are different. We are forever changed with new appearance, new wisdom and new tools. Oh,

Wil Fisher  24:30  
yeah, that's what a beautiful description of what I would perceive as an expansion of Aleut soul evolution, right? The the journey of us becoming more of who we are of shining our light brighter. And so to bring that to a more practical space. What are some of the ways that you have seen effective for yourself or for clients, to be with their pain to come home to have that experience of expansion of soul evolution?

Cory  25:00  
Well, you know, the first thing, the first step on a lot of those journeys, I think, is to get your intellect on your team first. You know, your thinking mind, you know, because when your heart is broken, it is very busy being broken. When your heart is broken, it's very hard to think about it broken open, it's broken is in disrepair, which means you can't see anything but that. And at first, that's okay. That's part of the learning. But then your intellect goes, you know, this sucks. This just sucks. Is there anything else out there is what else could I do besides this? Then Okay, now we're going to feed your intellect some tools, hey, maybe I'll take a class or a course or I'll take a workshop or I'll read a book or I'll learn meditation, or I'll start, my brain is going to say, wait a minute, what's going on in my body intelligence, my emotional intelligence, my spiritual intelligence. I don't know what to do with but you're thinking mind in real time today on planet Earth, you can look out and go, Oh, wait, those people seem happy. Those people are healing those people or call those people, whatever it is. And then we can set out when those first steps to say, You know what, I might want some of that I might not let myself have it yet. Because if I might not be worthy, I'm not good enough. I'm not capable. I'm not perfect. And whatever it is, the self sabotaging identities, which we'll talk about that, but then your intellect learns some cool things, like phrases like, wow, woundedness can turn into wisdom. Yeah, really what my suffering can turn to satisfaction. What does that even mean? I don't know what that is, but sounds nice. You know, then we open to searching and learning and growing.

Wil Fisher  26:45  
I so appreciate that. Because I think that there is a tendency of us in the spiritual community to kind of downgrade or belittle the mental sphere. Because, you know, truth be told, humans have overused the mental sphere for for millennium. And so there is a reason to be bringing more energy and attention to our bodies and our hearts. But I love the mental the intellect, as a first place to start that we can see a truth and others or we can see a truth and a book. And we can remember that even though it's hurting, so bad, and here, and all I want to do is run and hide, I can remember that there is a possibility of something else. Logically, I know that blood and I've read that I've heard experiences, I've heard stories, and I can find faith in that possibility, through my mental capacity to believe in that. And because it does, I find with myself and my clients, that it starts with the thought the conscious thought before it is able to integrate into the heart into the person. And so to hold on to that mental thought, that mental decision that this is possible, and to hold on to it until it has the time and space to move into the heart to start integrating fully into your complete energetic transformation.

Cory  28:10  
Oh, absolutely, absolutely. So like you said that we're working with a brand new client or friend or a loved one who's really struggling, and they're really identifying with their shadow story be that they're hurt, they're traumatized, they were in a victim mindset, whatever it was, they gave their power away in one way or another. And now they're experiencing life as power less, in whichever way, you know, diagnosis or trauma, whatever it is, their power less. And so the your intellect, this first step on the journey, is to say, Okay, let's give your intellect a couple of tools, like okay, some pretty ideas, some pretty thoughts, you know, and that first one, I believe, is to choose joy. Yes. And if you're if you're not experiencing joy, right now, because you're too busy, being hurt or overwhelmed, or in your story, whichever your story is, and I am not, you know, making small anybody's hurt or painful story. I understand the bigness of that. But what I want to say is inside the bigness of not experiencing joy, making that strong choice to choose it, even though you may not have any. I'm going to choose joy right now I'm going to make the choice to find joy, see joy, find it, I'm going to look for it. And then what happens when your intellect starts looking for it and your subconscious mind also starts looking for it. Now this is important. And it's also super practical and cool to know. This is one of the things that we can teach your intellect to think about when you're suffering, for example, is that your subconscious is number one job. What it does first is it keeps you safe. That's what it does. And your subconscious mind has nothing doesn't care about good or bad, right? You're wrong, it is not judgmental at all. It just knows what you did in the past, in a similar situation, be that emotional or intellectual. It kept you safe before and so we're going to try our best to do it again now. Right? Okay, cool. Let's know that about our subconscious mind. Now we're going to ask our subconscious mind. Joy made me feel safe. So when when can you remember a time when you felt joy? Okay, now let's do an experiment to do an experiment with you will. So imagine, say like, imagine saying our inner children are five years old, we've not met in real life. So y'all know out there. But so but in this cosmic space, my inner five year old and your inner five year old right now are at the swingset at the playground, and it's not the short swing set. It's the swing set with the really long chains. Yep,

Wil Fisher  30:56  
already had that in my mind.

Cory  30:59  
We run over there and we jump on, there's two swings right next to each other. Come on. Well, we're gonna see who can go the highest. We got the chain, the cold chains and feel the little rubber seats, squeezing our butts tight. Now we're gonna play we're gonna kick our feet out, and we're gonna push really hard and we're gonna lean forward, we're gonna go higher, then we're gonna a little bit higher, pushing hard. Come on, we'll who can go the highest at faster higher, was a little bit higher, a little higher than all of a sudden. Whoa, whoa, a little too high. United seat. Did you feel it in your belly? Huh? Did you have a kinesthetic experience of that memory right now? Okay, let's do it again. Let's think of a lemon. As we're standing there, there is a mountain of a 500 lemons in front of us. Oh, I'm gonna pick up called this one's a little green. And this one's too hard. And this one's a little too soft. This one feels leathery. But this one feels Ooh, look at that, that that bright, bright lemon yellow. You can rub it with your thumb and use that litter that lemon wax on your thumb. You squeeze it again. Oh yeah, this is gonna just cut perfectly. So we take it away and we put it on the cutting table. We put a knife right through the middle and it's spurts a little into the air. You can smell it, you get a little bit of juice on your chin. Right and you pick up that half a lemon and there's some juice running down your pinky onto your wrist. You hold it up, you take a nice big smell of that lemon. And now bite into it. Take a bite right into that Sour Lemon. Tell me what's what's happening in your mouth right now.

Wil Fisher  32:34  
There's a lot of explosive. There's a lot of that like maybe saliva exploding in it.

Cory  32:40  
Your mouth is watering. Your mouth is watering. Did you really bite into a lemon right now?

Wil Fisher  32:44  
No, no.

Cory  32:46  
So here's this is what I mean. So memories are instant. And your subconscious mind doesn't know the difference between real and what you're what you're triggered about. So like with the swingset no out, came out little wall scary butterflies in your tummy. Right and then the lemon. Well, my mouth is so watery right now Sour Lemon. Right? It's okay, now let's choose joy. Let's think of a time in your past when you were safe. And you were laughing with your friends and everything was in right in the world. Now think about the sun on your skin, the temperature. Think about the smell in the room where you were, you know all of the elements of that ecology, the temperature, who you were with what you were wearing. And check your kinesthetic experience in your own body right now. Remembering joy in such a way are you getting a warm, fuzzy tingling, sensation goosebumps. So this is that intellectual stories, okay with somebody is not experiencing joy, let's find a memory and coach them or help them to remember it in such beautiful vivid detail. That not they're not just thinking about it, they're actually experiencing joy. First steps.

Wil Fisher  34:13  
I love that as a shift to the energy. And I love that you express how it is. Yeah, it's kinesthetic. It's not just a shift in the energy because of new thought. It's a shift in the entire system. And in the body in the heart, in the end all of the things. And so I feel like in those moments where joy feels so far away and feels like a lie, that to use something like that to pull them into it and remember that it's possible remember that experience and that it is always possible within them.

Cory  34:53  
Yeah, so now we're having a kinesthetic experience. So we started with a thought thinking intellectual idea. And now we just grew that thought into an actual feeling in your body. Now we're actually feeling that thought just became a feeling. Yep. No, this is a really powerful place to be. Because, you know, in this world, you know, we always hear that, you know, we manifest what we think about, you know, like, you know, the magic of the law of attraction, for example, is the emotion of the end result. You know, and if you're busy reacting to the world, all day long, you're actually making more of that reaction. Right? If you're busy creating in the world all day long, then you're making more creation, and I love this, you can either react in the world or creating the world, which cannot do both at the same time. So where are you spending 75% of your day? Because that is what you're making more of. Okay, so now I want to give a shout out to those of you out there who are struggling and suffering and maybe, what are these guys talking about? And how can I get me a dose of that? You know, cuz I want to say when you're in, you're suffering, you're like, I really want to heal, I want to feel better. What I'm doing right now is not sustainable. I might be able to do it for a while longer, but I certainly can't do it forever. I'm bending, but I might break those feelings, those emotions in the world. But then we can say, all right, I'm reacting. I'm reacting to the world. Because I'm protecting myself, I'm reacting to the world. Because this sucks. I'm reacting to the world because I'm playing by other people's rules. Not my own. And for good reasons. Like, okay, I'm playing by my employer's rules so that I can get my job and have a paycheck. I'm playing by my sacred family's rules. Because My great grandpa did this, my grandpa did this, my dad did this. And so that I can belong, I now do it too. But those are not my rules. Once again, that's not sustainable. We can do it for a while. But then we hit this place in our world, or what I like to call in my, in my practice, is we suffer until we don't we suffer until we get to the wizards gate. When sometimes we approach the wizards gate, and we can see the people on the other side, oh, you're happy, you're thriving, you're successful, you're in love. The grass is always greener over there. And then our own sabotage yanks us back, because we're not quite done being a proud member of the scar clan. So we're going to dig up our wound a little more. Because we're still learning, we're still understanding, and that's okay. But then we come around to the wizards gate one more time, when we finally have the courage to step through, we realized that the gate was never locked, it's been propped open the entire time, we were staring at the gate, so we could not see it was open. And we finally stepped through the gate and say, Oh, I'm going to create a little I'm going to change that ratio of reaction to creation. I'm going to choose joy a little more often. And I'm going to remember it in such a way that I can have some now. And then I'm going to think about gratitude. You know, I'm going to be thankful for the things I do not have yet. Because then your subconscious mind your superconscious mind and spirit and manifestation goes, Oh, you're thankful for it here have Samar.

Wil Fisher  38:22  
Yeah. And it because we manifest

Cory  38:23  
what we think about. So and so in our suffering, becoming satisfaction in our woundedness becoming wisdom. Thus, when we finally give it, give it its place at the table, we accept the learning, that's when we can finally put it down. When we're fighting our woundedness. In our suffering, we grow it we make it bigger. We make it bigger.

Wil Fisher  38:47  
Oh, beautiful, beautiful journey through the wizards gate. Thank you for sharing that. So I'm curious if you have you started to get into some law of attraction stuff. I'm curious if you have any more thoughts you might share with listeners who have maybe practice manifesting or maybe they're struggling to practice manifesting. Curious if you have thoughts on, you know what most people are doing wrong when they're trying to play with in that in that sphere? Or, or what types of things people could do to be more effective at it,

Cory  39:23  
for sure. I want to Well, before we talk about that, I want to set the stage for that just a little bit more. And this is also building on what we were just talking about. And this is quoting one of my absolute heroes and mentors, the work of Angelus Aryan, who is she was she passed away a few years ago, cultural anthropologist and folklorist and teacher and hero of mine, and she does a lot of work about studying how humans are more alike than different especially in healing, soul retrieval, shamanic healings coming together. And one of her quotes is this The world can no longer afford to only describe what is broken. And so this is the power of description, only describing what is broken. And this is that reacting 75% of the day without the power of prescription, which is talking about what's right, or what we would love to see what we would love to have, you know, so we so here it is the Switchcraft. And that's a word out of my practice. That's good, right? Yes. So we switched from only describing what's wrong to fiercely describing what's right, or what we would love to see now in the world today. Another way to say that most of us, if you were to ask anybody on the planet, because of our the cultural tapestry of where we are right now 23 and have been for decades, that every single one of us could talk about what's not right, in fierce detail, color 3d details with no rehearsal and deaf time.

Wil Fisher  41:04  
And it's what's happening as the news cycle stays on TVs and as people share what terrible things happen this day. It's what people are used to. It's the habit, it's our it's our society's habit,

Cory  41:17  
right, so Well, can you tell me in just as much fierce detail about the dream you're making the things that you love how you want to spend the rest of your life and go now start, begin,

Wil Fisher  41:28  
I am so thrilled to be in this world, of color of expression of joy of play, have fun, where all my brothers and sisters and siblings are able to be their true self and express their gifts with in this world that is full of harmony, and joy and delight, and all the peace that comes? i Yes. i love focusing on that. And I love this Switchcraft of inviting that in.

Cory  42:03  
Yeah, so the law of attraction like we all saw the you know, the the secret the movie was so popular for a while but then up but then everybody went, but wait a minute, you didn't tell us how to do it. Like, yeah, like all those pretty words. But where do I What about me? Yeah, exactly. So I said this, I said this a few minutes ago, the emotion of the end result. You know, so this is getting into a little bit of like quantum physics, quantum jumping neuroplasticity, okay. So think of something that you would love to create that you have not created. And everybody out there, whatever it is for you smaller, big. And probably you want to create that. Because there's something in the world that needs it. A little suffering or a little struggle or a little darkness or something that we can repair or mend or make better. So we want to know what we don't want just barely enough to turn around, and really gigantically know what we at door because of that. Now coming back to the law of attraction, in the end the emotion of the end result, how it works, is you think of a dream you want to have or you make a true choice a true choices you make is a choice you make only because you love it, you freaking out upside down jumping around dancing, love it. You know, and I encourage all my, every one of my clients, the first assignment with me is to make a list of 100 True choices. 100 things that you absolutely freaking out love that has nothing to do with anybody else. And the first 10 are a little hard. Okay, now 20 Were dig a little deeper 30 and 40 now we're dealing with a how we are with other people. 1450 Now we're like getting into some of our core values. 1670 now we're starting to address some of our demons and our fears at 90. Now we're like, Okay, this is what matters. This is what I take a stand for. This is my confidence. This is what I really love, and everything else fits that too. So then we start thinking about that list of 100 things and then you go visit it, you revisit it now that these are all choices that can be in your future. Your two choices. And as we revisit this list of 100 things that you absolutely adore, this becomes your future memories, your memories of your future your memories of who you're becoming your memories of your core values, your memories of everything that you hold dear. Everything what would be

Wil Fisher  44:35  
like an example of one of these choices, one of these things that you visit, like, you know, is it something that would be present today or something that we're desiring or

Cory  44:45  
it's all of those things so it can be like a thirsty like chocolate sunset? Yeah, I can't Okay, okay. Okay, notice, okay. Again a little bit later. Say for example, like in my coaching practice that I'm building right now my true choice is to have a Self practice s elf a safe, easy, lucrative and fun

Wil Fisher  45:06  
coaching practice. Nice. Okay,

Cory  45:08  
and every one of those is a true choice. Yeah, this is who I want to be. Gotcha. Oh, I'm making. And now with that list of 100 things now you've done your homework and you feel it, you know it, you're sure of it. You put your hand on that list and you vibrate with it and you rise up into that emotion, the energy, the emotion of the end result. Okay, now I'm going to choose my goals. Do I want to be? What is my three month goal? My one year goal, my five year goal, and I'm gonna look at my list of true choices. Where's the where are they in here? I want to have an amazing relationship with my lover, with my family, with my colleagues, with my environment, with my community with my planet. I want to have an amazing role in service to everybody that I really care about. I look at my own healing and realize if this could happen to me, I want to climb out of my story stand on top of my story, and put my hand out for the next one who's ready. These are amazing values. These are amazing choices. And from this place, then we say okay, well what am I going to do for work today? What am I going to do next week? What am I going to do a year from now. Now, this vibration, choosing joy, happiness, bliss, satisfaction, fulfillment, the higher vibrations of all of those emotions. When we choose them, we rise into them, we start vibrating at that same level. And then the law of resonance, which is really the secret to the law of attraction. When we vibrate at this new level, things that are not vibrating in a similar way to move to the outer circle and things that are coming in closer. So sometimes when our own healing happens, our nearest the people nearest to us struggle and they fight against us because they are taking their place in the outer ring. And new insight and healers and a like minded people are now taking their place on the inner ring. And that's okay. Those who are feel displaced may not understand what's going on and get their feelings hurt. But when we rise up in those higher vibrations, we get to love them even more because of it. And tell our truth and show up with our new outfit and our new tools and our new wisdom as we rise up and heal and we leave home to go back out into the world with these tools, like we talked about a minute ago. Yeah, so the law of attraction is make a dream. Imagine it in such fierce detail what you would love to have, what will it be like when that dream comes true? What will it be like? Where will you be who you who you've been with what sounds you hear? What will you see? What do you smell and taste? What does your skin feel like and your sixth sense of deep knowing? What do you know to be true now? What is your new confidence in this healing or this new coming home. And then you then you come back to that same memory again and again, that memory becomes a future memory. And the more you feed that future memory, the more emotional you get about it like Ooh, my future

Speaker 3  48:20  
dream, my master suite, my new bedroom has wood floors at a balcony and a double hot tub and a coffee room.

Cory  48:30  
And emotions are the jet fuel of manifestation. So you want to manifest the life that you love, then start imagining one in such delicious detail that your subconscious mind takes a bite of that lemon on the swing.

Wil Fisher  48:49  
I love it. I love it.

Cory  48:50  
And how we know that this is true that this works. Because if you're retelling your suffering story over and over and over again, it is growing just as much and just as fast. So that's those of you out there who are in your struggle. My heart is with you. And I'm here just to remind you, that you get to you don't have to do this work, but you certainly get to do this work. Yeah, yeah. And the only thing harder than doing this work is not doing this work.

Wil Fisher  49:22  
Yeah, beautiful. Yeah, there is always that choice. That choice we get to make. And it is such a hugely important Switchcraft moment for us all I think as a as a society that has been going into the dark for some time. And we get to choose if we're going to continue on that path or not. So as we as we wrap up in the spirit of what are you calling it future memories? What would you imagine our society to be like when a healthy dose of queer spirituality reigns over this world. And we come out of the rainstorm. You know, with a new way of being a new way of living together, what can you imagine a world might be in your

Cory  50:18  
choice future? I love you said rainstorm, so we're coming in wet.

Wil Fisher  50:23  

Cory  50:25  
And maybe that means washed or cleanse, which means that you know that what no longer serves us has now taken its place. You know, where we do our threshing. And I love this word threshing. Mostly, a lot of people, most people will think of that as the hard kernel, the shell on the on the kernel of wheat that is removed before we can access and use the wheat. But every doorway has a threshold, the bottom board, and in spiritual healing, we think about doing our threshing, you can't get through the spiritual gate. Until you do your threshing, you remove the layer that once protected you that no longer does. And now it's too heavy to carry. So this is that growth opportunity. And so in this queerness, honoring our difference, where we are not competing to survive, but now we're collaborating to thrive, where we honor each other's differences, as the very thing that we need the most. You're different than me, therefore you have wisdoms. I do not. Can I sit at your feet and learn from you? I would that's how I see our world. You know, instead of comparing, you know, like the grass is always greener, or asking the trick questions? Why does my life suck? How come they have more than I do? How come they're happy? And I'm not those trick questions, we can turn them around into the lofty questions and then say, oh, instead of what is my life suck? How can my life get better? How can oh, those people have something that I desire? How can I instead of compare myself to them? How can I approach them? And say, how can you teach me? How can I become your colleague and your mentor? Or your hero, your friend? How can we work together in this shared space of wisdom and knowledge. And we do that first in our intellect. And then in our spirituality, our body intelligence and our mental intelligence, of course fall in there too. Because you know, all those things fall into place. And I think that the over sensationalized part of our world right now, like the news media, and all of this shadow I, I want to say that it's visible now. Like the world is reactive right now. Because all of that darkness is in the light. It's, we can see it now. We can see the shadow story, we can see the people and the things that have been in power for too long. And they are feeling threatened, because they're losing that old power, because our times are changing. But it's important to remember because our world is not telling the light story or the prescriptive solutions stories, because we were taught not to and we don't have practice. But we can see the shadow stories because they are in the light, there's more light than shadow, which is why the shadow stories are reactive, and loud right now is because they are threatened. So it's up to us now to love them. Love them for their service, give them a place at the table. Give them everything that they need. And give them permission to exist, because they cannot They can't stop us from what we're doing. But we can certainly allow them to be who they are, which takes their gigantic voice down and makes room for the rest of us. Yes. And we were and then we'll remember that we always we've always had the voice we've always had the light. And as we do our own healing. And we remember that we are creative spirits having a human experience. And we come to the wizard scape finally, and we do our threshing and put down our suffering and our woundedness that our woundedness turns to wisdom or suffering or dissatisfaction, we actually go through the wizards gate and create the life that we love. And that is what I believe every one of us on this planet is here to do. And we get to do it together.

Wil Fisher  54:25  
Yes, yes. Oh, thank you. Thank you have such beautiful wisdom coming through and such incredible invitations to the listeners. So thank you for all that you shared and for all the the Practical Magic and the ways that folks can can start stepping into this now, you know, and I'll definitely put your info in the show notes so they can learn more, but I feel like there's some stuff that people can do just from listening to this episode that could potentially shift their world immediately. So thank you for that. Thank you for the generosity of that. And thank you for this time. This has been

Cory  55:08  
total joy. Well, more time with you, please. Yes, please. Yes, more time with you please will and hopefully we'll be in each other's real life and brace hug sometime soon. Yes, for sure.

Wil Fisher  55:20  
Thanks so much for listening Beloved's. Check the show notes for info on how to learn more about Corey, and also how to learn about my work. And thank you so much for supporting me in this season one of crealy beloved, it's been a total honor and a total joy. If you haven't subscribed already, please do so. And please consider writing a review or sharing the show with a friend. We appreciate all the support we can get. And as we gear up for season two, I'm really excited about some of the incredible folks I've lined up to interview. They are major players in the world of queerness and spirituality, they have so much wisdom to share. I'm also excited this season, coming to share some shorter solo podcasts where I'll be tackling topics that are resonating with me in these changing times. And if you have any ideas, suggestions or feedback for me, please reach out my info will be in the show notes of this episode. I'd love to hear from you. Again, from my heart to yours. Thank you so much for your support. I love you. Oh, my goddess Beloved's What a joy it was to be with you today. Let's hang out again soon. Okay, sending so much love and light your way today and every day. Until next time, peace.