Flipped Table Theology

Conversation #15: Christian Nationalism (with Ashley Quinn)

Christie Love, Holly Madden, Shurita Thomas-Tate, Rue Lohn, Phil Snider

Hello! We've recently had many new voices around here listening and engaging in your own Flipped Table Conversations, so welcome!

Our conversation this week features  Ashley Quinn, Sabbatical Pastor of National Avenue Christian Church.

A consistent conversation this week revolves around the Springfield Public School Board Meeting (June 2023).  You can read more about this here.


In the conversation, Holly brings up a book (although she reads the author's name wrong...) called, Take This Bread by Sarah Miles

We could have gone on a LOT longer, so stay tuned for part 2 next week :) 

We hope you are able to find a safe, supportive community in your deconstructing because "no one deserves to deconstruct alone" as we mentioned during week 17. We are moving our Flipped Table Theology Facebook group to a group on BAND to give people a way to connect outside of mainline social media platforms. Connect this discussion group for a place to create connections and conversations.

The Flipped Table Theology Podcast is a production of The Flipped Table Collective. You can explore all of the resources, classes, events, and trainings that the Flipped Table Collective has to offer at www.flippedtablecollective.com.