Pockets Of Time

Intro to Pockets of Time

April 19, 2023 Chunkipanda

Welcome, welcome, welcome to Pockets of Time Podcast with Chunky Panda. Okay, Kelly? Yes. I felt like I needed to sing it for just a second. So before we, I just wanted to say to all of you out there that you are doing amazing in whatever it is that you're doing and that I hope you are having an incredible week, an incredible day, and I hope you are doing all the little things to show yourself that you are loved because I feel like self-care is very important and I am sending you love and light, and I'm showering you with it right now. Did you feel it? I just wanted to start this episode off with you guys feeling warm and fuzzy and cuz I just wanna love you guys, but yeah. Okay. All right guys. The purpose of this episode is to actually introduce the podcast. I know that I did this completely backwards, so I'm making up for it now. Cuz usually people do the intro. They're like, oh, this is, our podcast and this is the why. The who and the what, and the, you. Reasoning behind it. So here goes the reason why we uploaded that first episode like that was because I'm a habitual sitter on things. I am a person that's oh, it's not the perfect time. It's not the perfect moment. And I realized that there is no perfect moment because we're always growing and we're always evolving, and there's no such thing as perfect technically speaking, because, it might be for a split second, but it's so fast, and that, with that being said, I'm gonna be better at, not overthinking. I'm gonna just authentically put it out. And somebody somewhere out there will resonate with it. But yeah, and also whoever out there is trying to do something new, different and is similar to me in the aspect of oh, it's not perfect, it's not time. Do it. This is your message to just. Otherwise you're gonna be sitting on it for a couple more years. I've talked about this podcast for a really long time, and it's like I'm finally now getting to it, I'm gonna get on that YouTube too. And I'm just gonna do it. I don't have any excuses. I sh you know, I'm not gonna allow myself to have any more excuses. So this is me holding myself accountable and this is me allowing you guys to hold me accountable. But yeah, and whatever it is that your heart desires I would love to follow your journey. Just let me know. I have started a Instagram for the podcast where if you guys. When I chat with me give me ideas of things that you guys wanna hear or see. I would love that. So the podcast Instagram is pockets of time dot cp, so once again, it's pockets of time dot cp. But yeah, I would love to engage with the guys. I guess we will start with the name, pockets of Time. If anybody has known me I say it a lot. It's like one of the phrases I use so often that I'm just like, oh yeah, that's pockets of time. So pockets of time to me is it's those moments that you get these messages that you didn't even realize you needed and it just like a light bulb. You're like, whoa. Like why didn't I think of? Or, oh my God, this is exactly what I needed and what I wanted to hear. And I have had so many moments like that I want to be able to like, give that to people. Like I've been the receiver and the giver and I just, the whole purpose of the podcast is just to, to help people, to shed a little light and a little love on whatever it is that you are going through. And if not, help you see things. In a different viewpoint that, through your experiences you weren't able to see before, yeah, so that's where the name came from, pockets of time. And I hold that dearly to my heart and. Like I said, a lot of people out there are probably like, fucking about time. Kelly. Fucking about fucking time. So here we are, ta so through the podcast, what is it that I want to do? I want to reach people. The reason behind this? So the reason behind pockets of time is because I've always wanted to talk to people. I remember anybody who asked me, what do you wanna do in life, Kelly? I just wanna reach people. I just wanna talk to people. I just wanna make people happy. I just wanna love people. And to be honest, genuinely, I really feel like I was put on the face of this earth to be a loving panda. That just hugs everybody and just shows them love and tries to help them in some kind of sense. And I know it sounds so corny, but I just love people so heavy. I love them so hard that it's so overwhelming for me sometimes. I always joke and say, I wish I could be like Tinkerbell, but not Tinkerbell, but like a chunky PDA bell. And I wish I could just fly around and just throw my loved dust on people and make them feel all warm and fuzzy. If that was a, if that was a job, I'd do it just. But yeah. With pockets of time, I really want to inspire people, motivate people to do better and be better. I wanna talk about self-love, and I it's been quite a journey for me. I will tell you that and I wanna talk about it. I want to give tips and tricks on the things that work for me and as well as the guests that I have on here. I wanna collaborate with people because I feel like. You learn better as a collective and there are more things for you to understand than, to sit there by yourself. And if I were to just sit here and just do a solo show and just talk to you guys, I believe in collaborating. I believe in building a community. So yeah, there are going to be guests on here and if you guys have anybody that you're like, Ooh, I wanna bring X, y, and Z on, or so and so on, I am down for it. And if there are any topics that you guys wanna talk about, like I said, I'm open to it. Another thing is I wanna talk about, I wanna be vulnerable on here. I want to let people know that they are not alone. Why do I say people? I want you guys, my listeners, to know that you are not alone. I want you to feel seen, feel heard and I want you to know. No matter how hard life gets, there's always some light. There's always a positive to a negative, and even though it doesn't feel like it at the moment, but there is, It's okay to be sad. It's okay to be upset. I feel like in society we put up this front where everybody's happy. Nothing can ever go wrong in anyone's home, and it's insane and it's unhealthy because it just shows us. The unobtainable, everybody's wow, I'm never gonna be like that. And then you're striving for something that doesn't even exist, we're human, we have emotions, we're gonna be sad, we're gonna be happy, we're gonna be angry, we're gonna be all those things, and it's perfectly normal to sit in it. It just comes down to your reaction, that matters, yeah. I wanna dive into mental health. I wanna bring on people, like I said, and I wanna dive into things that, are important that whether it's cultural differences, growing up in different backgrounds or body dysmorphia or whatever it is that your mind is questioning. Yeah. I wanna talk about fitness. I wanna talk about my journey to fitness where I started and where I am now. And I wanna bring on people to talk about their journeys. And, I wanna have people on here that can give us tips and tricks on how to be better, do better and. I think it's, important because all of that ties in together mind, body, soul. You're your healthiest when you're all fully connected. And then if there's anything else, you guys wanna talk. I'm open to it. So yeah, that is the purpose of the podcast. And now coming to my name I guess I should probably explain that to you guys. Chunky panda, where did that originate from? It actually started as a cute, funny nickname. So the chunky part of it actually is because I'm always eating. I know a lot of people are like, you're a Nat jacket. I was like, no. It's just, it's supposed to be, it's supposed to be like, staying hungry. But I feel like chunky panda sounds cuter than Hungry Panda. So I went with chunky panda cuz it's cute and bubbly. Yeah, but you, it, you would always find me just stuffing my face somewhere if you FaceTime called me. I was probably eating, surprisingly I'm not eating right now. But the reason being is I probably wouldn't be able to speak very well and you probably are, did not sign up for any as S M R chewing or anything like that, maybe in the future, not today. But. So I was always eating, I was always stuffing my face. So that's where the name came from. Now as the years have as the year, as the years have gone by, I feel like it's evolved into doing. For me, I'm not very good with being in stagnant situations and environments, so for me, it's highly important that I always have something like new to do, new to learn new, to push forward. And I just don't sit still in general and it's, part of that's my h d but I just, I don't know. I feel like my mind's always pondering for something more. Whenever I am still, I definitely get sad, upset, and it doesn't work for me. Chunky now is evolving and doing better and looking for the next thing to level up in. Yeah. That's what chunky is now. And then the whole panda thing is because I just, I fucking love pandas. I've always been so obsessed with them as a child, and I just think they're so cute and everybody loves them. And if you don't like pandas, then I don't know if I could trust you. Yeah. They're just so cuddly. I wish I could just spend time with them all day. Technically I spend time with myself no, I'm just kidding. But there is, Fun fact there is a job for people. I think there, there is a job and it's I guess it's called like the panda handler or the panda caretaker. There are people that take care of pandas. They actually spend their days and times with pandas and they feed them and they just play with them and all that stuff. And I don't know, I'm gonna have to find that as my side gig. I'm just, And maybe I'll get a panda on a podcast and you'll hear the, or the loud bamboo chewing, but it's gonna happen someday. But yeah, it's crazy. They have jobs for everything. You'd be surprised. But yeah, no, A friend sent me that on a reel and I thought that was funny and I had to share it since we were on the topic of pandas. But yeah, so that's where chunky Panda comes. And not even that, but chunky panda to me now isn't even just about me. It's for anybody who wants to do better and be better and, want to grow. Whether it's, career goals, fitness goals, life goals, or I don't know, wanting to find the best food or the best entertainment. Whatever it is that you are reaching for, to grow, to get better at, or, do. I am in full support of it. And that makes you a chunky panda. And we should just start a panda army or something, cuz that'd be fucking cool. But yes. Yeah. So that is, yeah, that's, I guess it's a wrap guys. That is the reasoning behind the podcast and the reasoning behind my name. And as we go on, you'll get to learn more and more about me, And I cannot wait to, like I said, listen to all these episodes and see where we started to where we are now. But yeah, so I just wanted to personally say thank you for tuning in, and thank you for being a part of my journey. I love you guys and I cannot wait to see you again. Not see you again, but to have you on the next episode. I don't know what I'm saying, but you get it. All right. I love you guys. Bye.