Pockets Of Time

Ep 2: Your Circle Matters

May 11, 2023 ChunkiPanda & Hannah Whitaker Season 1 Episode 2
Ep 2: Your Circle Matters
Pockets Of Time
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Pockets Of Time
Ep 2: Your Circle Matters
May 11, 2023 Season 1 Episode 2
ChunkiPanda & Hannah Whitaker

In this podcast episode, host Chunkipanda and guest Hannah discuss the importance of your circle and good energy for personal growth. They highlight how the people you surround yourself with can influence your mindset and goals. They emphasize the need to cultivate positive relationships and distance yourself from negativity. Hannah shares practical tips for building a supportive circle and maintaining good energy, including setting boundaries and practicing gratitude. Overall, the episode encourages listeners to be intentional about their relationships and environments to foster personal growth.

Show Notes Transcript

In this podcast episode, host Chunkipanda and guest Hannah discuss the importance of your circle and good energy for personal growth. They highlight how the people you surround yourself with can influence your mindset and goals. They emphasize the need to cultivate positive relationships and distance yourself from negativity. Hannah shares practical tips for building a supportive circle and maintaining good energy, including setting boundaries and practicing gratitude. Overall, the episode encourages listeners to be intentional about their relationships and environments to foster personal growth.

All right, welcome, welcome, welcome to Pockets of Time Well hosted by Choy Panda. See, and I have a special guest on here that it's actually pretty funny. We met in the gym. Her name's Hannah. She's a queen of fades. You know, if you need any haircuts or anything like that, she's your go-to person. I guess, Do you wanna say? I'll, I'll let you also introduce. Yeah. Hey guys, how are you? So chunky pan and I met at the gym. There was just like this, like energy and that's something that we'll get into a little bit later, but There was this energy that kind of connected us at the gym. We were both working out, doing our own thing. And there was this one time where we I don't even know what we started talking about. It was kind of like, I just saw you and I was fangirling like, oh my gosh, hard gosh. I was like, she is so fucking beautiful and she just has this great aura about her. There's just You know how you just meet people and you just have a good feeling. Yeah. And I was just like, she, she's gonna be my best friend. I don't know if she knows this. Yeah. There's, there's this, there's this type of like connection that you can just tell with people when you meet them. Like the first instinct that you get, the first interaction that you're like, okay, these are my type of people. And when you find that, or when you have those interactions and you trust your gut instinct that these are my type of people and you just know energy does not lie. Like you just know it. And she was somebody for me that I was like, Okay. There's something about this girl that is just different. She's got this energy, this aura about her I was like, yeah, I can't put my finger on it, but she's my type of people. So, Then we found out that we were both Leos and we're like, oh my God. It makes sense. Yeah. Well it was funny cuz I think my first interaction with you, with, with you was in the bathroom at Fitness Factory. Yes. And I looked at you and I said, Hey, I just wanted to say, you look so good and you're so beautiful. And honestly, I was just gonna leave it at that because sometimes I feel like when you compliment females they don't know how to take it. Yeah. They look at, they're just like what are, are you being real or are you just saying it, you know? And. You just came back with, oh my God, I feel the same way. And I was like, ah. You're like, yes. Somebody else that knows how to take a compliment. It's weird because females, we have this kind of we're almost designed in a sense, especially nowadays, to build this barrier or build this wall or we don't know how to take compliments from other females. Cuz we're like, are they being phony? Are they being fake? But when you get a genuine interaction like that, you're like, wait a second. Like she really meant what she said. She's not just saying it just to say it or she's not just You know, word vomiting something to me like it's coming from the heart, it's genuine and it's mm-hmm. And it means something When somebody is so beautiful that says it to you, you're just what? She thinks I'm pretty it's just, it means more to you when it's coming from someone who's actually being genuine and their intentions are pure, you know? Yeah. And I feel like in society, we're, we're made to size, like we're made to think that we're supposed to size each other up. Exactly. And it's yeah. We're just better together, you know? Yeah. I mean, I feel like everybody offers some kind of different outlook or little things that you can learn, you know what I mean? We're all made different. We're not supposed to be the same. If we were than, you know, the world would just be, it'd be boring. Be a boring, boring place. And just like we talked about briefly earlier you know, I know this is so cliche to say, and everybody's heard it, but you don't. Compare sunsets and flowers, you know what I mean? Like they're both beautiful. You don't go into a garden and be like, oh, this flower's more beautiful than this one. It's just like everything that makes that flower what it is, from the petals to how many, you know, the colors and things like that. It's, that's what makes you beautiful. That's what makes you different. That's what makes you, you know, just able to flourish and have your own sense of identity and own personality. And when you really take control of that and you take ownership of who you are as a person and you don't compare yourself to other people, especially other females, to other females. Then that's your power. That's, that's when you take that, and you're just like, this is who I'm supposed to be. And you can acknowledge other people and other women that are just the same. Hey, I might be beautiful, but you're fucking beautiful too. You know? Yeah. So I think that's pretty cool. Yeah. And I feel it doesn't take anything from you. It doesn't, you know what I mean? Somebody being better at certain, I don't know, talents or aspects or whatever. It doesn't take anything from you because you also have, different traits and stuff that you have to offer as well too. And I think one of the things that I, I say a lot cuz I've heard it multiple times from one of my really good friends is you can't compete where you don't compare. Exactly. Yeah. but absolutely. Yeah. I think that's that's the people that you surround yourself with too. That's the biggest thing that we're wanted to get on here and talk about for the most part, was just like your inner circle and who you allowed to be Be present and be closest to you because your, your top five people are, you're like, they say your top three to five people is what kind of makes you who you are and it's the mm-hmm. Exact representation of you as a person. And I think that's so true. Yeah. And it helps you with your growth, you know, like, When you surround yourself with like negative people, it's, it's tough because no matter how positive you are, you surround yourself with enough people that are just always in other people's business. It takes away from your light and you start like filling into those spaces, you know? And you don't mean to, but it's a natural, you know, part of life. Absolutely. I think that when you meet other people that kind of have this negative energy, it's No matter what anybody says, you know, it is a known fact that like negative energy is going to completely overpower that positive energy. So you could be super, super positive, but as soon as you have that negative interaction with somebody else, like that negative energy is just gonna bring you down completely. And when you start surrounding yourself and being cautious and cognitive of. You know who you allow in your space. And if they're constantly bringing negativity to you, you need to be like, pull back a little bit and be like, Hmm, you know what? Not today. Like I'm okay, like stopping answering phone calls if you need to stop being more present for the people that are dragging you down a little bit. And just recognizing like, The ones that are bringing you positive vibes, like your energy is not gonna lie. And if you're around somebody who makes you feel full and they make you feel like you're not emptying your glass all the time, like it's, it's just a different feeling and you feel, feel so much more fulfilled in life, you know? Yeah. And so it just, it's such a big difference. Such a big difference. Yeah. No, I feel that heavy. I feel like we are so, you know, especially like people who have a lot of empathy. Mm-hmm. We have a thing where we think that, you know, it's if somebody calls, we have to answer it. Everyone's back and call. You know, if not you know, I don't know, maybe I'm not a good friend, but we also have to understand that not everybody deserves your time. Not everybody deserves that love from you. You know what I mean? And you have to fill your own cup as well too. You know, as much as you give is as much as you have to give to yourself. Mm-hmm. And if you're in circles where it's just the, the whole relationship is they're just taking from you. And you realize at the end of it, You just feel more drained than empowered, than that person's probably not right for you. And I know it's hard, but like letting go of people is so difficult. It's ref and it's, but it's refreshing and it's needed because that growth that you're trying to see, there's, there's gonna be a come a point in your life where you're gonna have this breakthrough, where you're gonna feel like, okay, I'm gonna look at the people that are around me that I'm closest to. Are they prohibiting me from growing or reaching my highest potential and my highest self? And that's something that I really resonate with all the time. It's like I see these posts about highest self, highest self, and it's you can say that all day long, but like until you break those barriers with people that you feel like are prohibiting your growth, cuz you'll feel it. Like I'm telling you, people sometimes will get confused and be like, oh, I don't know what you mean. Or maybe I'm like, you will feel it. You'll know exactly what we're talking about when it comes to It's just that sense of energy that you get when you're around somebody. It's this is somebody that wants to see me grow. It's are your closest friends supporting you? Are they uplifting you? Are they bringing negative drama to you? Because I promise you, the, the greatest interactions that you're gonna have with somebody are talking about ideas and things and, and how you can better yourself. They're not gonna be talking about other people. They're not gonna be downplaying you. It's I've been around people in the past where maybe they'll like low-key kind of put you down, or they'll make you feel a little bit smaller and you're like, That's not for me. Yeah. That's not, that's not what I went around. And if anybody in any kind of way makes you feel like you have to play it a little bit small just to make them more comfortable, they are not for you. Because anybody that's for you is here be like, shine's brightest. You fucking want dude. Like I love to see it. And if anything, you're inspiring me to do the same for myself. Yes. Yes. And that, and that goes back to the whole comparison, right? It's like I have. So many awesome, like beautiful female friends, and I'm just like, they're fucking beautiful. Like I'll, I'll see them with other people or I'll tell you know my other friends about them. Oh my God, this person's beautiful inside and out, or their personality's awesome or they look great, or they whatever. And it's That doesn't take away anything from me. If anything, it just shows that I support my friends 110% and I want other people to see the good in them. I'm never gonna downplay them to somebody else and be like, I want you to see all the negative. You know? Yeah. Because I've had people do that to me in the past. They'll be like, oh, well, Hannah's so great. Oh, well, but let, let me show you all the, you know, maybe something negative. And it's well, what, what's the point of that? You know? And why does it, why does it matter? Yeah. Why does, you know, like, why does it pertain to anything with you? You know? Yeah. So I get that. No, I feel that heavy, man. It is a tough world though. But I, I'm gonna ask you like, what, what was, what was the moment that you were like, Hey, you know, I really need to change up my circle, cuz I know you just talked about it where Yeah. It was just like something that happened that you go, shit, this isn't for me. Yeah. It's one of those things where I always say, you know, I have this, this side to me that it's kind of like, there's this Quiet side. It's funny because like me, I'm not quiet at all, but like I have this side that like internalizes things a lot and I sit down and I process things and I run it through my head a bunch of times and as outgoing as I am, and I was outgoing as I may seem, there's a small part of me that's kind of like, I'm very watchful. And I think as Leo's we're very watchful as well because like you'll be super interactive and then there's, at this also the same time, you can also be super interactive with people, but in your head you're subconsciously being like, Okay, I'm watching. I'm like seeing how people are. I'm watching your moves. I don't necessarily, and I think the older you get, you also realize too, like I'm not gonna just listen to what you say, but I'm gonna watch what you do. And then I'm also gonna see if I'm constantly giving you advice and you don't take it, or if I'm constantly like pouring your into your cup and I don't feel like you're pouring into mine, you're gonna start to just feel this like crazy energy shift where You're feeling like you're being like bunked down and you're feeling like you're just depleted and, and things like that all the time. And for me, it got to the point where I was like, oh my gosh, I'm feeling tired all the time. I'm feeling sad all the time. I'm feeling drained all the time. I'm like, what is it? Because like my day in and day out is constantly, you know, consistently the same. I'm like, what is. What is different about what I'm doing and it's like I'm feeding into the things that aren't feeding back, you know, into me. And that's what's making me drain. And I had this like aha moment where it's okay, well Hannah, look around you, what's around you and who's around you? And then when you really start to pinpoint each thing. And and I'll let you say something for a little bit cuz I'll, I'll touch base on that in just a second. But yeah, no, I, I completely agree. I mean, And a lot of us, sometimes we repeat the same kind of relationships, friendships until we see the answer. And I think the universe has a funny way of just repeating its cycle until you go, Hey, fuck this man. I'm so tired, I'm exhausted. I'm gonna break this. I'm gonna look for better. And if not, I'd rather be in my own head space and grow and you know, like work on myself so that I can meet the people that need to come into my life. And I feel like we were saying earlier, you can't make space for good and things that you know, belong in your life if you're holding on to, you know, all this like old stuff, all these old beliefs and stuff like that. So it's like something that you have to work to release. There's there was a podcast I was listening to and I really hate myself for not remembering the name of the guy, but. There was something that was really cool that he said, so, and I, and I took this into consideration. I did it for two weeks and it was a really cool thing. And I think that anybody that's listening to this would be really, it would be very productive for anyone to do this. But basically he was talking about now the, you're gonna use two weeks now, the first week you're gonna go about your week, go about your day like you would in the morning, you know, waking up and. You're gonna take a little journal and it's gonna be hard because not everybody wants to walk around with a journal and stuff like that. And it sounds like such something that like a therapist would say, but you're gonna take this little journal and you're just gonna jot down from the moment that you wake up. What you're gonna do when it comes to like, how you feel in the morning, the different interactions that you have. Like for me personally, it was like in the morning I have this routine of maybe I call my sister or I call my my, you know, mom, or I call whoever and talk to them on the phone and those first interactions that I have. Or maybe I woke up late that morning and I was like, oh my gosh. It immediately gave me stress. Mm-hmm. You know, sometimes like my sister might be going through something and I'd call my sister and. You know, I'd be like, Hey sis, da da da. And she's like immediately oh my God. And she's yelling at the kids in the background and she's now all of a sudden, my first interaction of the day, it made me super anxious. It made me super, had all this negative energy on me and so I realized, hey, in the morning, I can't really call my sister every morning because that's giving me negative energy to start my day with. Yeah. So it's like he was saying basically go throughout your whole day and jot down things that like, okay, how does each interaction with different people make me feel? And different things. If I go to the gym and it makes me feel anxious or it makes me feel whatever, like kind of recognize and pinpoint those things that are making you feel good and then make making you know it a point to recognize the things that are making you feel negative. And then this, that's the first week. And then the second week, each thing that you jotted down from the first week, you're gonna make these small little changes. Maybe instead of having a 30 minute phone call with my sister, maybe make it quick. Hey sis, I just wanna tell you I love you real quick. I gotta go though, you know, whatever. So that way you're still doing those things, but it's like taking the negative interaction out of it and just only making room for the positive, you know? Yeah. And I think that's a really cool thing to be able to implement in your life. I actually think that's really cool. I never re I never really thought of it that way. Yeah. But it makes sense because I feel like we're, we live in such a fast paced environment that we don't even recall. What we ate this morning. Yeah. You know, so to be able to write down things and like really look back and track it, I mean, it's the same as if you were tracking nutrition in a sense, you know? Hundred percent. What makes my body feel good? You know, what makes my mental health feel good? Yes. Yeah. So people don't, it's literally the same thing. It's so funny that you put it like that, you know, because nutritionist will be like, oh, write down in a journal what you eat. But No one ever does that for your mind. Hey, what made me feel good today? What brought me positive energy? What brought me negative energy? And when you get to really write it down and see it, it changed a lot of things. From my perspective. I was just like, Ooh, I gotta stop answering this phone call all the time. Ooh, I gotta stop. Like making it a point to go outta my way for this person because you know what I mean? Like you see those interactions and you're like, okay, that's what's doing it to me. That's what's taking my vibration. From really high to like super low. And when you see that, it's very easy to differentiate Yeah. You know, throughout your day. That makes sense. And also loving people for where they are. Yes. And, and I think it's beautiful the way that you put with you know, the conversations with your sister. It's yes, you love her, but you also know that, hey, like if I'm, if I'm on this for too long, then I'm, we're gonna get into a loop of things and then I'm gonna get stuck in this loop and then, I'm gonna try to like, you know, talk to you. I mean it obviously if, if there was anything dire, you'd definitely be there. But it's just you know, mundane things where it's okay, well, you know, this is every day kind of thing. It's not hurting anybody. So, you know, but. That makes sense. And I actually really like that. So now I'm actually gonna go and implement that in my, in my life, because I wish I could give whoever, you know, had that on their podcast credit. So I'm definitely not taking credit for that. But, and we're, I mean, I'm, we're gonna find out at some point and I'm probably gonna make a little insert and be like, Hey guys, you know, go listen to so and so and you know, this episode, so we'll find it guys. Don't worry. Yes, we'll find it. Really, really good information. But I think the thing is too, is just like really listening to your gut instinct and really having that intuition with yourself and, and recognizing hey, like in order to better myself, I need to look at the things that around me. I need to look at the people around me. Even changing your environment a lot of times, like we are stuck in the same cycle of like our day in and day out. Like we don't realize is there something for my day in and day out. I know for me, like my hair studio is in Uptown and I love it and it's great, but you know, right now, for instance, like I made this, I, I had this awesome idea to let me paint the walls matte black, because I want this sexy vibe in there, you know? Mm-hmm. And then I paint the walls black and I'm like, I'm stuck in this thing for eight to 10 hours a day. I wanna what in the world was I thinking? Because I need natural light. So I'm like looking at a place that has natural light because I know for me, I'm somebody who can't be in this cage. I need some Some clarity and some freedom to be able to see oh my God, there's people walking outside, or there's something. So that's, or bring nature into, bring nature into it because I'm like, oh my God, these black walls were not such a great idea. Yeah, I'm gonna come in there and you're gonna have so many plants. And I'll be like, this is it. This is, I'm gonna be a plant mom. For sure. Yeah. No, it's funny. I, I actually have a couple plants in here and I'm wanting to expand more, but I don't know. Something about plants just, just makes you happy. Yeah. I know The queen or, oh, absolutely. Yeah. Yeah, yeah. This is actually Hannah's first time on the podcast in general Any podcast. So I'm excited and we're definitely gonna have, the fact that I didn't stutter is amazing to me right now. Like it's girl. There, there are times where I'm like speaking and then my, I get like stuck and I'm like, blah, blah. Yeah. And then I'm like, okay, I got my thought. Now have you ever taken a video or something and you go to post it and you're just like, you try to do it a hundred times. Now I'm to the point where I'm just like, If I take a video and it goes that's the best part of it is like being natural. You're like, Hey, I fucked up this one, but like I'm just gonna roll with it because it's natural and it's authentic, and it's just this is who I am, you know? Yeah. I can't be anything else, so, yeah, no, I feel that that's I'll try to record rerecord some of the stuff and I'm like, it just. Didn't, it doesn't change better the first time. Yeah. Yeah. And then you get mad at yourself because the first one you like kind of like didn't save and you deleted it and you're like, fuck all the time. Yeah. No, I feel that same thing with like selfies or anything like that. I'm just like, you know what? I really can appreciate. Like nowadays, I, I think I see more and more people doing this where you know, we see on Instagram, we want like the perfect picture, the perfect whatever, and it's I really like the in the moment ones like where you didn't move something in the background or where you didn't like whatever it was exactly in that moment. So when you look back at it, you can be like, I love that moment for what it was. Yeah. Not this perfect thing that I try to make it into, you know? Yeah. And it also adds some realness to, you know, Instagram. I, I feel like a lot of Instagram photos are just kind of like, I mean, there's crazy ones where people are like, they, they'll, they'll dress their bottom half and they'll hold like a glass of wine, but their top half, they're still in pajamas and girls night. And you're just like, what? Yeah. I think there was a a video on Instagram that I think this girl was like trying to cook or whatever, and she took a picture from like the cooking book and was like, oh, made a meal. And I'm like, What? Yeah, so it was pretty funny. But Instagram versus reality. Yes. We'll have to go into depth about something like that too later on, you know? Yeah. Because that's that's one of its own, I think that, like I was talking about with the highest self, like when you have this realization that I'm beautiful just the way I am. I'm meant to be exactly how I am. Mm-hmm. I like the flaws and all like mm-hmm. You really get to that point where I like the not so perfect parts of me. I mean, we're not, we're not perfect in general, but it's I love the parts of me that are just quirky or silly or, or, yeah. Not meant to be like in this box. I don't want it to fit perfectly. I want it to have some edges to it. I want it to have some scratches on it. I want it to I don't wanna fit in this one particular box because I think everybody nowadays, we get stuck. And we'll go back to you know, women in general, like we get stuck in this ideology of okay, you know, oh, I see this on Instagram. Let me mimic that a little bit. Let me like make my skin perfect. Let me do this, lemme do that. It's just like when you're able to be authentic, it's just like that is exactly like, Why you're meant to be you, like you are, you and, and other people appreciate that so much more, you know? Yeah. Because it, it doesn't make them feel like they're living up to something that doesn't exist. Yes. You know, I mean, even with celebrities, you know, a lot of things are super photoshopped that we don't even realize, and you were, you know, you're just like, these people don't really look like that. Yeah. So for me it's you know, going back to the friend circle and stuff like that. When you have a good group, it allows you to be all those things. Mm-hmm. And I love nothing more when you know someone's oh, that's just Hannah being Hannah, or that's just Kelly being Kelly. You know, it's like you get to be, you know everything that you are and you get to just shine, you know, as you are. And I think that that's, What a lot of people, you know, struggle with. And a lot of people say, oh, I just wanna be seen. And it's true. Everybody wants to be seen, but we do, even if we don't admit it we're like, yeah, you know, but we're so fucking afraid. And you know, and sometimes you have to create those safe environments, you know? And like I said, it goes down to having that supportive, good energy positive friend group. Yeah. It's also, yeah. And it's also being vulnerable with your people and being vulnerable with yourself and being like, Let me give myself a little bit more credit. Like it's crazy that we are stuck in this kind of thought process of of what other people think, you know? Yeah. Like I think I remember seeing one of your videos one time, and I loved it because you were like just singing like out loud in the mm-hmm. Parking garage or something. Yeah. I was like, I fucking love that, because that is just you being you. You're not looking around at who's there. You're not like, you're just being in the moment. You're being yourself, and it's like when you're able to do that, And you're being vulnerable with who you are as a person and, and then you're surrounded by people who allow you to be like that. If you are having to water yourself down for a relationship, a friendship, or anything like that, it is not meant for you point blank period. That's it, it is just not meant to be yours. And then I I, there's something like really inspiring and just there's something sexy about being like vulnerable as a woman. Like just being yourself and being like, you know what? This is me. Hair messy, like no makeup, like whatever it is. Yeah. You know, there's just something awesome about being who you really are, you know? Yeah. I think for me the, the biggest thing that I've done recently was Matt had a song come out ride with me. Mm-hmm. And he was like, yeah, let's like go, go uptown and go dance outside and all this stuff. And I'm sitting here Fuck. I was like, you know, I'm used to being stupid and silly in my own house. And then I was just like, now I gotta go outside and do this, and let me tell you, girl yeah, it was fucking terrifying at first. Yeah. And then I just got into it and it was just so nice because people. Respond to that energy. Yes. And people were like, it was funny. We were out, there we're probably some, I don't know, I'd be sur I, I wouldn't be surprised if we showed up on like influencers in the Wild, but we were dancing out in front of these statues and like people, some people started joining in and I was just like, come on in. And it was just, it was so endearing and it was just so fun and it was just nice Being a kid in public. Yeah. And just showing people that, dude, it's fucking okay. You know what's crazy is people will see that. It's like, it's like when you do something silly in public and it's like dancing for instance, you know? Mm-hmm. It's like nobody's looking at you being like, look at this guy, or look at this girl. You know? They're like, and if they doing that, they are. They are. They're jealous. They're not, it's a projection of themselves. Yeah. And has nothing to do with you. 100%. Anybody should be able to do exactly what they wanna do in public and just yeah. Laugh it off and be silly. Like I remember I was in a relationship like. You know, forever ago where I was like downtown Charleston and I was, you know, there some guy had this there was like a massive amount of people outside and it was like downtown King Street. And there was this guy that was like, had his you know, drums and everything and I was like dancing in the street, being silly. And my boyfriend was like, can you like, can you not, can you not do that? Please stop. And then ex you'd ex surprised. Ex boyfriend. Yeah, ex-boyfriend. Sorry. Ex-boyfriend. I was, I was like, wait a minute. Ex, ex, ex-boyfriend. And you would see like so many people wanted to join in and I was like, see, I was like, I'm, there's nothing wrong with what I'm doing. It's, it's helping other people get into that mode to like wanna do the same thing, you know? So if anything, like it was cool to see people joining in Yeah. When he was like, no, stop. You know? No, it's the worst when you're with somebody that does that. Cuz I remember like my past relationships where, They'd be like, can you not, can you just chill? And I'm like, fuck you. And it, and it was, and it was so hurtful because it made you shrivel up like a fucking raisin because you're like, damn, like I can't even be myself, you know? Yeah. And now it's like I can just do whatever and I don't feel judged or, you know, it's, I'm not doing anything like, you know, that harms anybody. Right. Exactly. And I know some people get so specific on words. Because I remember I put up a video just saying do whatever you want, but I was trying to say, do whatever makes your heart happy. Yes. But I don't mean go out there and do crazy stuff, so it's just so ridiculous. There's there's a small one. Yeah, there's it. Well, it's ridiculous how stuck on words people are too, but mm-hmm. Yeah, no. I don't know. You might catch me and Hannah outside dancing, so you know, this might have a little dance off, you know? Yeah. On the rooftop. I like dance in the gym too, so it's pretty funny. I'll balance like water bottles on my head and people are just like looking at me like, what the fuck? And that's the funny thing is just if you see that, you're just like, God, that's the Kelly thing. You know what I mean? Exactly. That's what's cool because it's just it's not oh, Kelly's trying to be like somebody. No, that's just her like, You catch her any time of the day, like day or night, whenever catch her on a random Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday, like she's gonna be doing the same thing because that is just authentically her and she's not having to try to beat anybody else. It's like you're gonna catch her being the same type of person no matter who she's around. And I think that's something important too, is just. Still be the same person that you are, no matter who you're around, don't feel like you have to conform to them, because that is a huge thing that I see a lot of people do. Yeah. I myself used to do that, so I cannot, you know, I cannot sit here and say, oh, I've never done that. I've, I've totally done that before. And now I look back and I'm like, I would never do that again. Yeah. I would never conform myself just to fit somebody's. You know, and it goes back to dimming your light to fit the group that you're in. You know, if that's what you have to do, that is not your crew. That is not your people. Yep. And I don't know, you gotta change it up and let go. You know? The hardest thing is letting go. 100%. I think that a lot of times I notice for me as well, it's like, We say this and we've heard this so many ti you know, time and time again. But it's really, it really resonates with me when I hear people say you know, I don't wanna be like the smartest person in the room. If you're the smartest person in the room, go find a different room, you know, for, go find a different like group of people if you're the smartest one. If I'm, like, if I'm looking around my people and I'm not getting this sense of okay you know, this my friend should be inspiring me. They should make me wanna be better, wanna do better, wanna see better It's going back to if I see one of my friends that are doing something and I'm like, man, that kind of gets me inspired to do this or to do that, or I think that it's really important to be around those people that have that because they get this sense of. Of direction and urgency to be like, I wanna change my life too. I wanna do something better. I'm tired of being complacent with where I'm at. Like I've never wanted to be a complacent person. And if you stick around complacent people, you are gonna find yourself being stuck in the same place that you were last year. And who wants to live life like that? You just, you don't, you have to make a change and you have to be willing to look at. Yourself and being real with yourself and being like, this is not for me anymore. And it's, and it's gonna be so painfully uncomfortable. Super. And I always say you know, change isn't comfortable, but once you get through that little pit, you are gonna see so much more. And you're gonna feel so much better about yourself and about where you're going, you know, and yeah, just making that recognization and just knowing that. You don't owe anybody anything. You know, we are, we, we are, we are built to believe, oh, loyalty, this loyalty that you're not hurting anybody. You're just changing up your environment because you deserve better and you have to love yourself enough to give that to yourself. Yeah. If you, because a lot of times what people will do is oh, I don't wanna hurt that person. In return, you're hurting yourself. Yeah. You know? Yeah. You're hurting yourself and letting yourself down by not doing what if you're not staying true to you and who you are. Yeah. And you are having to either, like you said earlier, dim your light or you're having to worry about their feelings too much. It's Hey, what about my feelings at this point? Yeah. And I promise you, you look back in the next couple years, they're gonna be doing the same thing. Same. You're gonna be hanging around the same, same people doing the same thing and, and you're gonna realize that wasn't for me this whole time. Mm-hmm. And you know, but it does, it takes people a lot of, a lot of times it takes them a while. Cause I know myself, I've done the same thing. But it's like you have to be willing to just like yank that bandaid off and be like, let's do it. Because I really want to, to get to that highest self I wanna get to my next power and see like what other doors I can unlock and what other opportunities I can have. And you're not going to get those opportunities until you close those doors. With other people or things or whatever, because you don't have any room, you know, you can't ask the universe for better if you're not willing to let go of certain things. And you know, it's like your, your, your plate's full. You know, how are, how are you supposed to fit more stuff on there? Exactly. Yeah. Hell yeah. Dude, I just, I love you so much, and I'm telling you, and I'm told. Matt, multiple times I was like, Hannah's gonna be my best friend. And he's just feel it. You just know. He's just, he's okay. Okay. Because I mean, I say that I've, I've said that in the past, but I genuinely, like I'm in a new era of my life where I am, you know, looking for better, to do better, to be better, and. I wanna create a ripple. I want to help to, to, to be an example for people. And I can't do that if I don't follow, you know, whatever it is that we're saying on the podcast or whatever, you know, I'm saying on the videos that I'm making and I genuinely just, just wanna be there. Yeah. And when you have to lead by example too, it's like sometimes we have to be like, Sometimes when I, I'll write something down on my notes on my phone, or I'll like, you know, record myself saying something as silly as it sounds, but it's like almost to take ownership of I said this, therefore I'm gonna lead by example, therefore I'm gonna do this. Mm-hmm. And I think that when you put yourself in uncomfortable situations in a good way, like uncomfortable situations, and you really see that you're able to grow, like even getting on this podcast, I could say, I'm like, oh my God, I'm scared. No, you're doing amazing. It's, it's just You get to the point where you're like, okay, I just, I wanna do those things that are like scary or uncomfortable or whatever, because that is what's gonna push me to the next, to the next point in my life. You know, it's like you're in a, in a video game, it's like, how do I get to the next level? You know? Yeah. And that's the only way you're gonna get there. You can't get to the next level without taking a step up. Mm-hmm. You know, you just, and you know what's so crazy? It's I, I, this is so random, but I was thinking about this video that I saw, and they were talking about the highs and lows in life. And every time I think this guy was talking about this, it's a little irrelevant, but I just felt like I needed to share this. But the guy was on there saying you know, he's sometimes I could have these super highs and sometimes I have these super lows. And he was like, I just wish that I could just be in the middle, and he said that his therapist said, no, life is, life is like a heart monitor, yeah. There's ups and downs. If you hit the middle, then you flatlined. Yes. That's so true. And that's like stagnant and all that stuff. Yeah. And I was just like, bro, yeah. My mind just went an explosion went off. You're like, wait a second. That makes so much sense. it just clicked. And I was like, what? Yeah. But yeah, no, that's, that's how life is, you know, like you have the lows are for you to recognize what needs to be changed. Yeah. Take a step back and acknowledge. Mm-hmm. And then so when you, when you get there, then you start rising up. But you're always, life is ups and downs because you're always constantly supposed to grow. You're always constantly supposed to level up. Yep. And I know for me, whenever I get stagnant or whenever I learn everything I have to do or I, I don't have any moves to make, it makes, it puts me into depression. It makes me really sad and I'm unhappy and I don't understand. Yeah. So, but I mean, recognizing that is probably the biggest step you can take. Key, yeah. I'm so, I'm so happy guys. I like my cup. No, seriously, that's how I feel. And it's hard to find people where you can have really deep in co. I mean, we've been talking since 8:00 AM and it's literally like 2 54 right now. Yeah. And there has not been a single energy drained. Yeah. And I just I'm like, yo, I can just go outside and just go run and take over the world. Yeah. I'm like working on my day off after this. I'm like, hell yeah. Let's go to work. Let's do this. Yeah. Even I don't want to, but you know, I just feel like they have that like extra burst of energy because it's like who you really surround yourself. I can't stress that enough, is like so important. It's just you will know Your energy does not lie. Everybody is born with, and this is the crazy thing, if you really think about the words I'm about to say if, when you really think about you were born with this instinct, every single person on this planet is born with this instinct to be able to be cautious of their energy. When you're like, Something is either making me feel really good or something's making me feel bad, or something's making me feel icky or something's off. You know it. Mm-hmm. And you have, when you're able to trust it and really listen to it, you're like, oh my gosh. Like it doesn't lie. Your energy does not lie even for a second. I mean, pretty much your spidey senses. Yeah. You know what I mean? Like it's just like the hairs on the back of your arm stand up. It's trust it. Yes. There have, there have been so many situations, relationships, friendships, all kind of situation ships where I ignored that feeling and I found myself in a really. Stuck position for a really long time until I was like, dude, this isn't for me. And it's like your body already knows that before you even go. And it's just like your heart and your brain are over here like trying to work overtime. No, this is gonna work. And you try to force it to work. And the thing is, if you have to force anything or you have to push anything, Then it's not for you. You know, like the path to lease resistance. Mm-hmm. That is always the answer, absolutely. 100%. You couldn't have said that better. Yeah. But yeah, guys, yay. We did it. Podcast. Woohoo. Woohoo. Yeah. Hang on. Wait. Woohoo. Woohoo. Okay. I sh I forgot I had these buttons. Dammit. But anyways, I mean, at least we got them in the last part of it. But yeah. We are definitely going to be thanks for having me on. Yeah. I really loved it so much. Great. Yeah. We're gonna be doing this once a week guys, so there will be more with Hannah. I love her to pieces and I greatly appreciate you for coming on to here. And, you know, Doing this with me, cuz I've probably talked to you about this every time I've seen you and our schedules. We're gonna do it. We're gonna do it. Yeah, I finally did it. Yeah. So now we're actually setting a day. So yeah. I hope you guys enjoyed it. I hope this shed some light for somebody out there that's struggling through the same thing too. We wanna see you win because that's what we're here for. We're here to build each other up and grow. So I love you guys and we will see you next time. Okay. That's a really long one. Okay. Bye.