Surrogacy Talk

“Everyone Deserves a Family”

July 28, 2023 Golden Surrogacy
“Everyone Deserves a Family”
Surrogacy Talk
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Surrogacy Talk
“Everyone Deserves a Family”
Jul 28, 2023
Golden Surrogacy

Over 10 years ago, the birth of Frank and Adam’s daughter lit a spark that ignited the inspiration for what Golden Surrogacy is today. It has been 10 years and in this Surrogacy Talk, Frank reflects on that day and how one thought he had while holding his daughter became Golden’s slogan.

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Over 10 years ago, the birth of Frank and Adam’s daughter lit a spark that ignited the inspiration for what Golden Surrogacy is today. It has been 10 years and in this Surrogacy Talk, Frank reflects on that day and how one thought he had while holding his daughter became Golden’s slogan.

Welcome to Surrogacy Talk with me, your fabulous host and family building expert, Frank Golden. I'll be talking about surrogacy, IVF, and making babies. Hello and welcome to Surrogacy Talk, my Surrogacy Talk. I'm Frank Golden, the agency director and founder of Golden Surrogacy. And in this segment, I'm actually going to be discussing something that's very much near and dear to my heart. Our "Everyone Deserves a Family" slogan and really how that came to be. But first, as I always like to start out by saying, please remember to like subscribe. And also we can be found on Spotify as well as YouTube and anywhere you can stream podcasts. Now, as I want to jump into this, I am reminded and suddenly brought back to a moment in my life. Over ten years ago, when I was my life was forever changed. Adam and I, our daughter Sophia was born in 2012 and that was really how"Everyone Deserves a Family" was kind of invented or kind of fell out of or fell into existence, I guess you could say. In my mind I was and really how one describes such an experience, right? I was holding Sophia in my arms shortly after delivery and that was, that was quite the experience because Sophia was, as many of you might know or you might not she was born via C-section, and Adam and I were able to see her delivery kind of from a distance. And that experience was that was life changing, seeing a baby pulled out of our Surrogate in such a way and in being kind of in the hallway looking through a little glass window that was just that was something I will never forget. And then she was shortly after being cleaned up and wheeled out, and she was all wrapped up and they said, follow us up to the to the room where we were able to be with her. And after that process and just you know, just kind of going back to that moment and thinking about it holding her in my arms for the very first time, sitting in a chair, and the nurse handed her to me and I'm holding her in a I looked up at Adam and I'm I'm like, wow, you know, just wow. Everyone everyone deserves this. Everyone deserves a family, to be able to have a family of their own. And I started really, like, diving into that statement with Adam. And then he was like, what do you mean? And I was just like, this is a miracle. This is this is a miracle. Everyone Deserves a Family. Everyone deserves to have this right here, this little bundle of joy and it just takes my breath away just sitting here describing the moment to you, here now. And and I kept that. I kept that in my mind. And almost a year later, then when we started planning and the decision had been made to create Golden Surrogacy, we wanted to have a letter on the website that was personal, that was from me. So that, you know, perspective Intended Parents and Surrogates could really understand who Adam and I are and our perspective and our, you know, our approach to surrogacy. But then a slogan or a tagline that really embodied our our vision of surrogacy. And and it came to me that Everyone Deserves a Family that I had that I had said almost a year prior when Sophia was born. And it just spoke to me and spoke to me in that moment, and it spoke to me then and there when we created the company, because I want I wanted for the future of Golden Surrogacy, and just kind of looking back at it as a decade ago now, I want it for the future of Golden Surrogacy to be a company, to be a surrogacy agency, that really could be the gateway to the LGBTQ community, couples with an infertility diagnosis, single individuals as well as Intended Parents, perhaps, who were disabled in many others that are unable to to conceive naturally or to form their families on their own, to see a place for them, to see a surrogacy agency that speaks to them. And certainly "Everyone Deserves a Family" is something that embodies that sentiment. And it's from the heart. It's something that I came up with in that moment in that awe, the awe of holding your child in your arms. And I really hope that it's something that is meaningful to all of you looking to embark upon a surrogacy journey. And just knowing that here at Golden you have an advocate, you have someone that truly believes that everyone truly does deserve a family. Everyone Deserves a Family. And creating and or having a family of your own is not only something that should be deserved or or had by those that can conceive naturally or do it on their own. It really is something that it's a pure joy, that that is something that everyone should be able to have and so, quite simply put, now, Everyone Deserves a Family. And a decade later, that is our that's still our slogan. That's still what we have on on our sign here in the office. It's something that I speak with all of our team members about because I really think that it's important for not just me, but everyone here that helps shepherd are our Intended Parents and Surrogates through a journey that they also understand how that came to be and how it's impactful to me as the company's founder and how it is meaningful to those that we help on a daily basis create their families through surrogacy. And that's what I have for you today. That is how Everyone Deserves a Family became our company's tagline, what it means to me personally and what I hope it means to all of you. If you have additional questions about it, if you have other questions that this might have inspired, reach out I am, I'm a very accessible person. You can send me tweets directly@Golden Surrogacy. You can send DMS on Instagram to @Golden_Surrogacy. Feel free to like and subscribe as well if you haven't been able to tell by now, we are an agency that operates from the heart and we truly have put something put an agency together here that I hope embodies your core values. And I hope that you see that in our Everyone Deserves a Family tagline. And once again, I am Frank Golden reminding all of you, as I always say, that Everyone Deserves a Family. Thank you.

Welcome to Surrogacy Talk with Frank!
Over 10 years ago
One year later
One decade later