Plan Sea: Ocean Interventions to Address Climate Change

Dr. Ken Buesseler on New Perspectives and Opportunities for Ocean Iron Fertilization

Wil Burns and Anna Madlener Season 1 Episode 14

Dr. Ken Buesseler, senior scientist at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, joins us to discuss new perspectives and opportunities of ocean iron fertilization (OIF) as a carbon removal solution.

Ken explores with us how the journey of OIF has evolved as one of the first researched carbon removal solutions from about a decade ago to today. We discuss what OIF is, what the new effort  ExOIS, Exploring Ocean Iron Solutions, entails and why it is important for the development of OIF. We discuss the history of OIF as well as how new technology development could help answer some of those early risks, including progress on the front of monitoring, reporting and verification (MRV) of both carbon and environmental parameters. 

Learn more about ExOIS: