Meet The Makers

Meet the Makers #3 - Optimizing Your 3D Printer and Maker Content -With Engineering Addiction

April 19, 2023 Misfit Printing Season 1 Episode 3
Meet the Makers #3 - Optimizing Your 3D Printer and Maker Content -With Engineering Addiction
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Meet The Makers
Meet the Makers #3 - Optimizing Your 3D Printer and Maker Content -With Engineering Addiction
Apr 19, 2023 Season 1 Episode 3
Misfit Printing

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Join us in the latest episode of Meet the Makers, as we sit down with Reed from Engineering_Addiction on TikTok. Reed shares his tips and tricks on how to optimize your 3D printer and maker content. From the best printer mods to exciting ad ons to give printers more functionality. Reed gives valuable insights that will help you take your projects to the next level. Additionally as a creator that has had multiple viral videos we discuss strategies for increasing engagement on videos for your maker content. Don't miss out on this informative and engaging conversation with one of the most creative makers on social media!

Links Mentioned 
Engineering addiction link tree:
Co print:
Ender laser kit:
Carbon fiber build plate:
P Flats:
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Join us in the latest episode of Meet the Makers, as we sit down with Reed from Engineering_Addiction on TikTok. Reed shares his tips and tricks on how to optimize your 3D printer and maker content. From the best printer mods to exciting ad ons to give printers more functionality. Reed gives valuable insights that will help you take your projects to the next level. Additionally as a creator that has had multiple viral videos we discuss strategies for increasing engagement on videos for your maker content. Don't miss out on this informative and engaging conversation with one of the most creative makers on social media!

Links Mentioned 
Engineering addiction link tree:
Co print:
Ender laser kit:
Carbon fiber build plate:
P Flats:
Come be a guest on meet the makers:

Follow misfit printing on TIktok:

Support the Show.

Engineering Addition Cut 1 
[00:00:00] Hey everybody. Welcome back to Meet the Makers you may know him from creating magic portals with his 3D printer, banana Swords, UMO card accessories, and all kinds of other great stuff. Today I am joined here by Reid from Engineering Addiction. Reid, thank you so much for joining us. super excited to have you on the podcast.
Can you just start out and tell us a little bit about, yourself, how you got into 3D printing and,just, give the audience a little bit of an introduction for you. Yeah, of course. so I was actually introduced to 3D printing by my, grandfather. because he, a few years ago he was like telling me like, he was like, there's this thing that you can just make whatever you want with.
And I was like, that's actually pretty cool. And then my friend actually had one. so I, he also introduced me to it. Then, that following year, I think I asked for one for my birthday. and then so I got that and it wasn't like the nicest one. It was like a da Vinci mini maker [00:01:00] I think it was called, which ended up breaking after.
A year. so then I wasn't really into 3D printing that much. But, then I recently got back into it like two years ago and have been like really into it ever since then. That's awesome. I don't feel like I hear too many people who, have another family member who got into it or something like that.
That's definitely cool. And it's, I know for me at least, it would've been really nice to have somebody to go to right in the beginning. That also related to 3D printing? did your grandfather, did he 3D print himself or was he just interested in the technology at the time? yeah. He didn't, have one or 3D print himself, but he had I think seen it on like Facebook or something.
and then he was just like telling me about it and showing videos of them. So I thought they were pretty cool. That's cool. That's super cool. Now your name is engineering addiction, like on all your social channels. would you say that was the first interest that you had in, the world of engineering or do you have a background in engineering as well?
I would say 3D printing is pretty much the first [00:02:00] thing,for my like engineering background. but I have always been interested in like making stuff and. Have always been really into building things and just taking whatever I 

have and making something outta it. Always took apart stuff. When I was younger. 
 it feels like a lot of people who are in the hobby, when you look back, like of all the things that they've always done, they have that background. I'm just looking to tinker and, I think, I see in your printers, you, it looks like you print on maybe an under and any cubic right now.
Is that right? Or do you have other printers that you guys use? I have, end three pro, and under two, pro and then in any Cub, cobra, the Cobra, It doesn't really work. That's fun. That's, almost ironic. I have unders and then I have a snack maker, which I recently got behind me, but I feel like everybody bashes on the unders of oh, they break, and like
they don't work. Personally, I love mine. So it's like ironic that out of your printers, like the any Cubic was the one to go. But I know one of the things that I see in a lot of your [00:03:00] videos is you do a lot of upgrades on, your printers, it seems Do you have, for maybe somebody who's neuter newer to 3D printing or maybe just got an under 
any recommendations on what. Say are good upgrades, to start and then maybe, what are your favorite upgrades have been so far? to start? an easy one is definitely, modifying the finish round. that's one I actually, on my YouTube channel, I made like a full length video about,upgrading your round.
and so I printed like a bunch of different ones and it was a pretty bad video cause it was like two years ago. but. Yeah, so I would definitely say making a fan shroud is, is one that I would start with. it does require you to take some parts, off the like hot end assembly, to just put it all on there.
but I would say that's a good one to start. Plus I think it makes me printer look cooler and unique, so I like that. my favorite. Mod. I would probably say at one point I had this, mod on my ender where you could, [00:04:00] like it was like a little latch that you like unlatched it. You could take the entire, fan route and hotta assembly off for like a quick change system.
so you could put like a pen on there and make it like a drawing tool. So I thought that was pretty cool. I. It was by proper printing. Who's a YouTube? Who made that mod? I think you can find it on thing reverse. I'm gonna have to go look for that mod cuz I actually saw that video that you did and , my under haven't been acting up much recently, but for a while I felt like I was taking my 

fan tr and if you have the, I think you maybe have the under three or the under two. 
I'm not sure if it's the same kind of like default assembly, but I have the under three V two and the screws are actually on the back. So I'm like always trying to unscrew it and It's such a nightmare to take the fan trout off. So when I saw that, I instantly fell in love. I have to definitely print one of those.
I saw also you had another video on there, to your point of the, fan assembly of, showing like the difference of the wa like you had a glass of water underneath it and showing how much,Air flow. There [00:05:00] was, it's really cool to see how just a small change like that can seem to make such a difference on the, functionality of the printer.
 I was actually rec, someone recommended that in my comments to, to show there's a better way of testing it, than just feel, or print quality. they were like, you should put a glass of water under it to see like how big the, ripples are in the water.
so I thought that was a pretty good idea. So I tried it out. and it's actually pretty interesting cause like the one that I have, the tron blows on both sides, like straight at the nozzle. The one that comes stock just boils on the one side. So that's why it's better to have it on both sides because it's actually when it's, when the print head's going this way, it's blowing on the back.
And when it's going this way, it's blowing on that side. So it's just better to have it on both sides so that you can, it cools fulfillment as it's. Moving anywhere. , traditionally I've always just done the [00:06:00] hand test of put my hand out under, and I don't think, I'm the best detector for airflow differences but , I'm like, oh, it feels like a difference.
So I'll definitely have to try that next time. swaping something out of my printers. but coming back to that quick soft pad that you, used to have on there, you mentioned that, you had an attachment on there that you could actually use it. Writing with your 3D printers. I've seen some videos on that.
Have you ever tried that attachment before? I have not. And to be honest, I'm not sure how that would work with G Code slicing. I'm sure there's plenty of videos on YouTube and stuff on how to get that running, but I haven't personally tried it. but I've also seen, I think proper printing did it as well.

He put like a laser or so. On his. so I thought that was pretty cool. Kinda like your snap maker. Yeah, I think, I was like right around the time that I got the snap maker, I actually ended up seeing it. But I think, under sells like an additional attachment that you can actually put on there that, makes it act like a laser engraver, which is pretty cool. 
 I've seen videos that people have it. where it writes like the actual, lettering on there. And I [00:07:00] also don't know how it works at the G Code, but, I always thought that would be something cool to experiment with. I've seen people who make some like pretty wild arts,
with that said, one of the other things I've seen you,tinker with in some of your videos is different types of bed adhesion with, I guess you could say unexpected items. I saw you had ones of like icing and honey, but the one that surprised me, the most of them all was, caros syrup.
And I watched you do it and I, in my mind I'm like, oh, this is clearly a joke. But then it worked. when you did. Were you expecting it to work? Did you think it was just like, a funny thing to try or like what led you down the path of trying these random bed adhesion options?
So I had seen some of you syrup before and I believe it was a joke, I think it was like an April Fools joke or something, that they like posted that you should use syrup. And I was just like, what if I just went around and tried the most random products in my kitchen that I could. So I just picked like [00:08:00] the stickiest and weirdest stuff I could find, and I just started making videos and they surprisingly did well.
They,averaged higher views than all the rest of my videos. So I just stuck with it for a little while, but I haven't done one in a while. it got me thinking like, what other bizarre things in my house could I use it for bed adhesion?
 for the people who are a little newer to 3D printing or are. 3D printers himself. Can you just talk people through what, be adhesion like means and why you would be using, sticky items for be adhesion? yeah. So there's a few different types of, 3D printer bed options.
some of the most popular are glass and glass is hardest to get prints to stick because it's such a smooth and slippery surface that the. Because they're just plastic melted plastic. If you don't have your, bed leveled correctly, they can fall off taller and skinny prints will generally get knocked off , if it's not adhering to 

[00:09:00] the bed very well. 
So a very common solution is just adding glue. To the bed. that's what most people use. but there's also specific products like, I think it's called Nano Poly, for higher temperature, materials like peak and stuff. But yeah, generally people use Glue. there's also a company set me some, it's called la.
and they sent me some thatHe, like stuff, it's kind. A little sponge that you like wipe on the bed and it's like a really sticky stuff that only gets sticky when it's, when the bed's heated up to, so that it sticks to the bed and your prints like can finish, and have a nice quality without it shifting on the bed.
, I've never used that product specifically, but the purple glue sticks are my go-to and they've definitely saved me more times than I can count on, prince. I just could not get to stick to the build plate. Recently I've been using a textured metal build plate.
It's still [00:10:00] flexible, but it's just like really gritty on the bottom and that it's like nothing doesn't stick to that, which is great. but I was watching your videos and I saw that it seems like you use a lot of glass build plates and I was like jealous seeing how shiny the bottom of the prints are and It's so nice when they come off of there.
would you say glass spill plates are your favorite to use or do you have something else that you like to experiment with? I do really glass cuz of the finish. I also, I have never tried it, but I've seen people use carbon fiber build plates and it gives you this they're like super.
And they give you the same look as carbon fibers. So when you print in black, it looks like you have a carbon fiber bottom, which I really wanna try that. so I just have to find where I can get one for my specifically. Printers. but I'd say glass is one of my favorites. I like p e i, but I like to have a smooth bottle on my prints.
Yeah. It's, it's interesting that you mentioned the carbon fiber. I've never heard of that specifically, but what I have used in the [00:11:00] past is, not sure if you've seen them. They're called p flatts, and it's like a, holographic patterns that they embed onto it. It's really glossy Glass would be, but then the patterns transfer onto the bottom of the print, similar to what you were seeing about the carbon fiber.

 If you shine it into light, it's got this like iridescent, finish to it. It's really cool and really pretty, they definitely are a little more difficult to get, adhesion on. And unfortunately, I imagine it's similar with the carbon fiber, but you can't use any sort of adhesion, like glue sticks or whatever. 
Doesn't transfer it to it then, but, yeah, they're really fun to experiment, especially if you're printing something where like the bottom of the print is actually like the showy part of the print. you said that you, do all these different prints and experiment with different things.
I know what, obviously the carro syrup, adhesion was one of your videos that definitely blew up and you're no stranger to your videos blowing up like you have. Crazy viral videos. what has that been like? And what, I think your biggest video maybe has of, 16 million or something like that, views on it at this point.
Like, when that happens, does your [00:12:00] phone just blowing up or what's that kind of like when one of your videos goes viral? This is actually a funny story because my mom actually is a TikTok as well, and she has more followers than I do, but she's like mixed food and stuff. so she's had a few viral videos as well, and she was super excited when that happened.
And then so when I had my first one, which was the one, car of. Video. It was like, it got 200,000 views in one night and I was like, so excited. I was like, that was like crazy to me. And like the amount of followers you get from one video like that is like like when that happens,
I keep checking and checking to see like how fast it's going off and stuff. But yeah, it's pretty cool. it's surprising to like that, like my personal video, like that many people have seen my video. That's just crazy to me. and I [00:13:00] just can't even like 16 million people is a lot of people.
So it's still like processing for me sometimes. Yeah. Videos could get that big. Yeah, I always do the math on a video like that, like 16 million videos. I'm bad at math. It's like a little less than 10%. Let's call it like, maybe like 7% of obviously everybody watching that probably isn't like in the US or like maybe some people watch it at the same time.
That'd be like 7% of the country seeing that video. that's so wild to think of something like that. Yeah. yeah. Now it's something really cool that you mentioned that I had no idea was that your mom also does TikTok. which one of you got into doing TikTok first? I started on YouTube first and she started on 

Instagram and then she, I think as a joke, she was just like, should I get on TikTok? 
Like when it was like first getting really big a few years ago. I was just like, yeah, just do it. see how it goes. And then, so she was the first one doing TikTok and stuff. And then I got lazy with making [00:14:00] actual YouTube videos. cause I wanted to be like a YouTube, creator, like strictly on YouTube.
But, then like it's a lot easier to make like a 15 second video. And the work versus reward is a little higher on TikTok. Started, to go to TikTok, more, and now I generally only do TikTok and I do post my YouTube or my TikTok on YouTube. But, I don't make long form videos as much anymore.
but yeah, my mom was the first one on TikTok. That's so cool. Does anyone else in your family do, any sort of social media too? Or is it just you guys? my younger brother has a YouTube channel, but. not a TikTok. Gotcha. Okay. Yeah, that's, that's a really fun dynamic , I, I'm not sure how old you are.
I think I might be like a little bit older than you, but I, I started on YouTube as well, and I started first making videos when I was like, maybe 13, but. Back then, that was maybe like [00:15:00] 2008, 2007 ish. I, that math might be wrong. But, around then I think was like, when I first starting on YouTube, it was like really new at the time.
And I remember like telling my parents or my friends like, oh, I'm making videos in my bedroom, and posting them on the internet. And it was like, it was really weird back then. People were like, what do you mean? Talking to the camera and posting it on the internet, like it wasn't like a very, it wasn't normal back then.
it's so cool to hear now that like people would have families or. like multiple people in their family are doing it and you guys can probably, relate to, oh, this video went viral, or, stuff like that. So that's really cool to hear that you guys kinda have that dynamic.
On that note, I guess with like certain videos going viral, when you're posting a video and it starts getting a crazy amount? Do you sit there and think to yourself, yeah, saw that one coming, knew that one was gonna go viral or has it surprised you?

What videos have popped off and then maybe have there been other videos that you thought were gonna do really well that just didn't quite get the traction that you thought that they would? I did not think the one, my first viral video was gonna go [00:16:00] viral. So I didn't expect that one. 
And to be honest, I think it was probably the song and the amount of people that were mad at me for putting that on my Go plate, telling me that it was gonna break my printer. It didn't. but yeah,I didn't expect that one. but there have been some that I've expected to go viral, like the nano sword.
I thought that one was gonna go viral and that one got like 3 million or something. Sometimes I can tell, but a lot of times it's a surprise. That's fun though. It's, I guess it's like fun and frustrating. I don't know. I, I don't know if you've ever experienced this, but I feel like sometimes there's almost a, like an inverse, relationship to how much work you'll put into something versus how well it does, which is weird how that works.
I don't know if you experienced that on your end as well. Yeah, I think that too,I just told my mom last night, like the videos, you put the least work into, get the most views, and then once you like, it's so true. [00:17:00] Perfect. They're. Don't do the worst. Yeah, I, I wish I know why that was. And it's like almost everybody who makes content that I talk to, they seem to say the same thing.
But yeah, it's a really weird thing that happens. one of the interesting things you mentioned about the video with like syrup on your build plate is oh, people got mad and they said you're gonna break through your printer. I've noticed her meat. That's like kind of actually something that, Almost, not guarantee, but like I always seem to see a correlation between videos where I guess I'm doing something wrong.
always getting a lot of traction, a lot of engagement. People just seem to love to, comment on a video and correct or, express their feelings anytime you're doing something wrong. Yeah, I definitely agree on that. that's why I do that sometimes, and I've seen other people, I don't know if unnecessary invention.
oh yeah. Yeah. he talked about it in a podcast where he said, he purposely says stuff that's wrong, so people will comment. like he did one about like, how many tic Tacs were in a thing, and he's said the [00:18:00] wrong number on purpose. and he was like, He knows that people will comment that and try and correct him, but he all does it on purpose just to give people that comment.

So I try and do that sometimes too. just because they do the best. Yeah. It's funny how little strategies like that you, if you're not paying super close attention, you won't ever catch in a video, but, seem to be able to have such a big impact on driving engagement and just getting people to,leave comments and all that stuff. 
it's cool. I love nerding out about that kind of stuff. one of the strategies that I never noticed, just like when your content will come up in my feed, I. just normally engage with your content. But then, as I was preparing for us talking today, I was going more like systematically through your videos and I noticed you'll post, like multiple versions of, a video with like slight variations to it.
And, this is a strategy I've actually heard, people like have really great success with. Have you, seen I guess any positive like trends or reactions to,Mixing up those variations on your videos? Yeah, [00:19:00] I definitely have, because sometimes I know it's a good video and I know it has potential.
I just might not have gotten it right on the first try. so I like to try and experiment with it, with a few videos. so I generally try and do two or three and it also helps, with being able to like, recycle your content and. Being able to, post more consistently. Cause like 3D prints take a long time, to finish, so you can't always have a print and video up and ready in time.
So I like to repost what I already posted with variations so that. I just stay in the algorithm, Yeah, it's, it's a really clever strategy, especially like you said, for 3D prints. I know when I was newer to posting content, there would be so many times where like I planned out this whole video in my head and then, like the print just failed or something went wrong and then, a couple days were going by where I didn't have content.
really great for that sense. And what was interesting too that I noticed is I was again, like scrolling back through.[00:20:00] I had seen like the, like some of the ones where you had variations on, I had, probably gotten served like one version of the video but not the other. So even in terms of having your videos hit a wider, percentage of your audience, it's probably really great for that too because it's certainly not the case that every time you post a video everyone's seeing it.
So really, really just like an interesting strategy across the board and definitely something I'll have to experiment with going forward. Yeah, definitely say you should. another 

Now, listening to you talk about all these different things about like how you post videos, how you make videos, like you seem very in tune with how best ways to get engagement, hitting different audiences, things like that. 
And you did touch on that before, but would you say you have a goal of being a full-time content creator and, what are your thoughts on that? it's definitely an idea. I don't know if I would ever be a full-time content creator. but, it would definitely be, I love making videos and stuff, but making that a commitment, especially with how quickly things could [00:21:00] change like TikTok getting banned or something happening in that sense, it's, I think it's a little bit risky.
But I would definitely, it's definitely an idea and I. Have definitely considered it. , you seem like very on top of kind of everything that's happening and how to best optimize your videos, which is really cool. whether it ends up just being like a passion or, a full-time career.
It's interesting what you said about the TikTok band. ,has, that's been developing in the news. Has that impact. Your feelings about being on the platform at all, or like thoughts about like maybe like posting more onto other platforms? I like TikTok still. I think, if it does get banned, there would definitely be something that'll replace it.
Very similar to, TikTok. So I think posting on other social medias is scared. and I've been considering starting an Instagram,to push like reels on there. It hasn't really changed my perspective while posting on TikTok specifically. I still am gonna do it, until if it does get banned, it gets banned.
[00:22:00] but I'm gonna do it till that happens. Yeah. I, I'm right there with you. And I don't know if, for you, like you just find it to be like a great place in terms of I guess like intention in ter or, pardon me, attention in terms of how much attention you can gain. In relation to how much work you put into videos or, I know a big thing for me as well is I, at least in the 3D printing space, I feel like it's the best community.
I post, cross post, content on YouTube and I haven't done, Instagram that much, but a little bit there. But at least to me, it seems like the community on TikTok is really strong. Yeah, , I was having some problems with one of my printers a while.
so I just posted a video, about it and, people were like, they already cut to help and they always comment like, what I should try and what I should change. So I 

feel like that's great and a lot of people, most people are pretty supportive in the community. and we'll be like, love what you're doing and stuff. 
I need very occasional people who will. Mean [00:23:00] stuff, that's always gonna be there. so I think it's a great community on TikTok. there's a lot of people who like 3D printing on TikTok too, I think it's a great place. Yeah, for sure. I got into doing TikTok exactly when I started 3D printing, and really without all the help that I've had for everybody on the platform in terms of troubleshooting different things and helping me do upgrades and things like that, like I re, I don't know if I would've stuck with it.
, and like you said, most people are really supportive. Every now and then you'll get the kind of rogue person out there, but, yeah, I think it's a really great community. Speaking of those rogue people, I know on my side I've gotten, the occasional person who will go down on this tangent of oh, 3D printing is like this useless technology.
You're like, you can't make anything good. You seem to make ,like fun functional prints. Do you ever encounter those people who, have that negative perspective about 3D printing or how has that reaction been on your, side of, TikTok?
yeah, I do get those people who will be like, what's this for? Like why did you make that? [00:24:00] And or like 3D printing use useless, which. generally I just try and think it's something funny to respond with. one person commented on, I have made this like, thing for cutting. Wrapping paper that would slide the wrapping paper through, with a little knife blade in there.
and I made that and someone was like, just use scissors. but they smell scissors wrong, so how to spell scissors, so respond like funny stuff like that. but I think they don't get the point. I think because obviously I could just use scissors, but I think it's. It's can be hard for some people to use scissors though.
especially people who are older, like my grandmother, she was like, that's really cool. so I think some people just don't understand, like why, I would make this stuff. But I could probably make a video about like why I need this stuff.
but it does improve engagement if. Let's [00:25:00] call it. So yeah, it's it's almost like that thing, like no such thing as bad publicity. It's no such thing as a bad comment. And I don't know, I try not to like, engage too much with those, people, but it is fun to go and troll them and it's like best case scenario.

And like you said, they like spell something wrong or there's just something that doesn't make sense about the comment. That's always super fun. it's, interesting what you were saying though about that. you specifically,maybe for someone like your grandma who has, a harder. Using scissors or things like that. 
I saw for a while you were doing a series, where you're making functional prints for people who had disabilities and you had a lot of cool things in there. Can you talk people through who maybe haven't seen those videos, like some of the things that you were able to make that help people who, might struggle with those day-to-day activities?
Yeah. I made, the first thing I made was a, little thing that helped open the tab on soda cans. so it was just a little thing that like scooped under it and helped you like, turn it to open the soda can, because getting your finger under the little tab [00:26:00] can be hard for so long with the disability.
so having that, there is a lot of help. I also made. It helps with buttoning shirts by going through the little button and pulling it through. and there's like actually a old TikTok based solely off of making stuff for people with disabilities. I forget what it's called, but, that's, I got an inspiration from there.
but there's definitely a whole community for that. on TikTok, with a lot of great prints. The ones that I made. Yeah, I know exactly what account you're talking about. And I also cannot remember what the name of 'em, I'll have to look it up and, post it , in the comments of this video as well.
But yeah, it's,it's just like another one of those things when I first got into, printing, I saw like a lot of people were just like making like dragons or,other articulating models. But I think the deeper I get into it, like the more. See like how wide of a range of stuff you really can.
I wanna say, I think it might've been your video or maybe I'm mixing up with somebody's else's [00:27:00] video I saw earlier, but I know there was like that instance, where at the International Space Station, they had needed like a very specific, wrench and they ended up 3D printing one, which just so cool.
So many, places where you might not think 3D printing would be applicable. And it, it just seems to pop up the more and. that I've been into it, like more places and more applications. I see people using it in. I think that was my video, from a while back. But, to explain on that, they needed a wrench on the 

International Space Station. 
so they made a 3D model on Earth and then they sent the file up to space and I think they 3D printed it in space, which is actually pretty cool cause I didn't even know that was possible. But yeah, it's definitely a fast growing hobby. Yeah, it's,I never really thought about like the logistics of 3D printing in space, but,the good news is it doesn't seem like you really need gravity.
I'm not sure if you've ever seen Emily, the engineer on TikTok, but she has these videos. She actually mounted, I believe it was one of her unders to [00:28:00] this ceiling of her garage, and it was printing upside down and, Just, it's really cool, like all the different crazy things that you'll see people do with their printers and,whether it's like the most practical or not, it's fun to just see how people's minds,push the machines to different places.
Yeah, I saw that video that was, that was interesting. I think, because she was trying, Get the fre, the resonating frequency or something outta like, when it was like shaking or something. A very interesting solution though, coming to the goofier side, , of 3D printing.
Another thing that I saw you, having a series of was printing little feet and putting it in your sister's, but like all over, like her closets, things like. First of all, I have to know, has she found any of the feet and confronted you on it? yeah. She found, so there's the first series that I did.
She did find them after four days. because. I guess I didn't have them well enough and she kept seeing like little pieces of them, like little cause I put one like on top of her [00:29:00] fan and she said she thought it was like painters tape. So she like to take it down. But then she found them and then she just kept finding them all over her room and she was like, how many yards are, and she, I, cause I'm 3D printer and my film, Yeah.
she has confronted me about it, but then I started a second series and she saw the TikTok, And so I have a blocker. Yeah. I guess it's all in good fun, but, like how is your, family's reaction to, like you doing 3D printing in general? do they also have an interest in it, or is your, printing and like hiding stuff around the house?
Are they like enough already? What, what is their reaction typically? I'm the only one who's like really interested in it, in my family. but my mom with what are you gonna do with all these things that you can, you printed and I'm like, I 

dunno. So I just have like boxes in my basement, filled up with all different 3D prints and stuff. 
but yeah. I'm the only one in my family that really does it. [00:30:00] but my. Keeps saying that he wants to get one and try it out too, but he just never has gotten around to it. Yeah, I, I also,I've only been printing for about six months now, but slowly but surely my office is starting to like, fill up more and more with Prince.
So I'm gonna have to figure out something to do with them over time. But same for me. My family's always what are you, why are you printing all that stuff? What are you gonna do with it? But look, I just enjoy the process, honestly, even if I never use the item, it's. To being part of the fun is just, making it in the process of it.
Another thing I saw you had done with, your sister and your dog as well was, you were experimenting with the poly cam app and, for people who aren't maybe familiar with that app, it's like a LIDAR scanner that lets you, in the real world take videos of objects and then it converts it into.
3D models. Have you experimented any more of that since that video? And, I guess going off of that, do you do any of your own 3D modeling or do you tend to, just kinda use other people's models? so , I have done like a [00:31:00] little bit more experimenting with that. I've done some more scans, but I've had trouble like actually being able to print.
models because you could only export it for free in one specific type of file and you have to use Blender to like actually work with that model. so then it was like a long process cuz you had to go from poly cam to bl and then I used Fusion 360 for most of my bottling to Fusion 360. To, then, so I haven't really done that much more with it.
and, but I have dabbled in 3D modeling, and I'm not very good at it. but I've definitely tried, I started Tinkercad like a while ago. but I've recently been trying Fusion 360, but I just [00:32:00] try for fun, try and make the best.
Thing that I can, with what I, with my knowledge, I honestly have so much admiration and respect for the people who make these amazing models because I know when I first got into 3D printing, same thing. I started in Tinker Cad and then, I have the most experience in Nomad Sculpt, which is more similar to Blender, but.

I'll go into it with a very simple idea of what I wanna make and it, I can just spend like hours and I look back at it and it's never quite what I expected it was gonna be. yeah, just, cannot express how much,appreciation I have for all the people who post their models to, thing averse and cols. 
 Another thing I've seen a video that you talked about you were gonna have, and I'm not sure if it came in or if maybe it just didn't work out, but did you ever end up getting to use co print?
I think it was like a multi-color printing system. It got stuck in French customs for a month and then it got here about two weeks ago, or so. And I [00:33:00] have been working on trying to, did it like up and running. cuz I'm new to multi-color 3D printing like that. so I still have to figure out, like the color changes.
It'll change the color, but the filament comes out a little too thick to pull it back through the tube. so I. Have been in contact with their support team and trying to get it up and running. But yeah, there should be videos coming soon, about that. I'm excited to check those out. I, I watched that video and instantly I ran to their website and, it's funny you say it got stuck in French customs.
I saw their pricing was in Euros, so I figured it must, be somewhere in , You're up that it was shipping out of. But yeah, I,likewise don't have a bamboo or anything like that can do multicolors. So I've, I've seen, I think it's called maybe the Pallet Pro or maybe I'm, misremembering what it's called, but I think that one's like a little more expensive.
I've looked into that one. I think there's maybe one other one, but, it's always in the back of my mind of something that I would like to get. I don't, I [00:34:00] don't make a ton of prints where I would need it. It just seems like a fun option to have to be able to run multiple colors
 Do you know if you can use, I think you use a combination of Kirin, pera, slicer, but can you use those slicers still to do multicolor or do you have to switch over to something different that,supports that? you can use Slicer, because they act makes the, like u for their printers.
So you can use, pre slicer and you're able to, Like color, the prints in there and everything. I'm not sure about Kira cause I haven't tried that one yet. I'll have to do some more investigation, but I believe you can. Good to know. Good to know. I've, I've never tried Peruses Slicer. I hear really great things about it.

I actually, didn't know until watching your videos that you could use a Persa slicer without having a pera, which I guess makes sense now, but, yeah. I'll have to, I'll have to try out their slicer cuz I think they have a few more settings in there that. aren't offered in cure, if I'm not mistaken. 
Yeah, I think they might have some,proprietary features in there. [00:35:00] I dunno if proprietary is the right word, but,Feature specific to pre successor? Yeah, it's, it seems like for a while they were like the, what I guess would've been considered the, cutting edge technology in the industry, but it seems like now more recently, they've fallen behind after, bamboos come out.
. Yeah. I was, I love the, then we have excellent carbon voting really badly. but it's a little expensive. and. I don't know if you saw, but Crusa just came out with the mark four. so I guess they're trying to,come like rejoin the swing of things, with the mark four, cuz it's supposed to be like a lot faster.
but it still is a bed swinger,that'll be interesting to see how. Sales wise, that one does compared to, the Bamboo. 
I really want one of those. But it's also expensive considering I'm just a hobbyist, but,really cool machines and, I don't know, maybe one day I'll add one to the collection.
With that said, Reid, it was such a pleasure talking to you today. it was really great getting to dive into your [00:36:00] content and learn, just a little bit more about your background.
So with that said, as we wrap up here, would you like to point people to where they can check out your content and keep up with all the projects that you're working on right now? yeah. You can find my TikTok is, at Engineering Addiction. I think. Engineering under school addiction. and it's the same for YouTube as well.
and that's really the only two platforms I'm on right now. might be expanding to Instagram. but yeah, that's what I'm on right now. Awesome. thank you so much for coming on. And with that said, that has been our episode of Meet the Makers. we will see you guys next time and thanks so much for tuning.