Reclaiming Man

Episode 39- Reclaiming Body: Weekly Challenge

November 17, 2023 Scott Silvi
Episode 39- Reclaiming Body: Weekly Challenge
Reclaiming Man
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Reclaiming Man
Episode 39- Reclaiming Body: Weekly Challenge
Nov 17, 2023
Scott Silvi

In Episode 39, the three co-hosts discuss connecting with the audience and setting up weekly challenges to work through together.

Show Notes Transcript

In Episode 39, the three co-hosts discuss connecting with the audience and setting up weekly challenges to work through together.


That would be the knob, not your headphone volume, but the knob that your XLR goes into that lights up green.




Just making sure. turn it to like, maybe like 2


or 3 o'clock. It's at about 2 o'clock now. How's that? Perfect.


Yeah. Yeah. Sound way better.


Episode 39. Welcome to episode 39 of the c c c c c claiming man podcast!


Oh, wait, do I have oh, I don't have one of those stupid horns. Nevermind.


I am your host, Scott Silvey, and Mr. Zuhorn himself, Preston Radomski. Hey, what's going on, brother? As always. I can't say as always, because I've been a bit MIA. Not massive. Well, I have been massive imperfect at actioning, but I've also been missing in action. But not to be outdone. We have Mr. Mastermind, Michael Beckwith, sir. How are you, buddy? Exemplary. Exemplary. Man, you're coming in


hot with that. Just beat up a mannequin at, MMA Class Energy or something, dude. I mean,


look at those knuckles, bro. Look, yeah, let me tell you, what do you call him? Sensei Bob? No, his name is Bully Bob. Bully Bob. Yeah. So there were some kicks. There were some punches thrown around. I fist bumped a few bros. I got a few, complete whiffs by some kids that completely, they'd fist bump other people and then just miss me. So it was a very humbling experience, but it was very cool to be on the mat with my son. That was a really, that was a highlight of, the year for me. I've been watching it now for a while. And they didn't realize until a couple weeks ago that it's for all ages. So it's not a separate, which, all right. So here's the problem I have with this class. Great class. I had a lot of fun. I've enjoyed watching it. Gotcha. So I go to do, you start after warmups with some rolls. So I go to do rolls in this little like five year old who's like this tall, but he's been there a ton. He's very experienced actually. He's beat Finn in a match. He runs right in front of me as I'm doing a roll and I take him out and I'm Worst case scenario, like he's crying. I'm like, great. This is a great start. 15 minutes into my MMA career. You got to be aware of your surroundings


when you're on the mat, bro. Well, that's true. It's on


him. It's on him. Thank you for telling the 39 year old that it's on him. Not the four year old. I mean,


as. As long as you're not wrong, if you stood up and said, Hey, it's on you, then you're kind of


a dick. I immediately checked on him, talked to his mom, felt bad. But anyway, gentlemen, yeah, I'm definitely feeling on fire. Just finished a core workout as well. We'll get to that in a minute. But I actually wanted to start, I know what we're going to talk about today, but I want to talk about something else real quick as a bit of an intro. So, as you guys know, I don't know that I've shared this on the podcast, yet, but I joined a program called Elevate 2024 with a guy named Brian with a Y, Brian Reeves. And I talked to him for the first time. I talked to his right hand man, Tate, a couple of times, actually met him in person, which was rad. But I talked to Brian last week for the first time and he ended that conversation by saying something that I feel like we've missed out on saying to people. And he said, man, I'm so excited to meet you. I'm so excited to go on this journey with you. And I know that there'll be times in your life where, you know, ups, downs, you've got over commitments, whatever, that you may not be as plugged in. One thing I want you to know is that even if there are times where you can't go all in on us, I want you to know that we're here and all in on you. I was just like, fuck man. Like who says that and means it. Right? Right. Like who actually, especially among, amongst men, right? Like I know of. And the


answer be, we do, right? What's that? And we do. And the answer is, you know, yeah, we


do. We do. It's pretty cool. But like in the context of this show, I don't think we've done a good enough job. We do have a pretty consistent week to week following, which are primarily men, but women as well, who listen to this, podcast every week. And I don't think we've done a good enough job letting them know that they don't need to just consume our content. They don't just need to passively listen to what we have to say. Like if they're interested in going on a journey like this, you know how to get a hold of us. Because we're not just interested in the three of us becoming badass fucking savages, and that's the end of the story, right? Like, the whole reason this thing exists is to help ourselves and at least one other person. That's it. That's success. To help one other person figure themselves out, figure out how to win at this game of life and how to progress. Yeah. So anybody that does listen on the regular, like, if you aren't already reaching out, hop on a polo with us. We'll polo with you on the regular. We'd be as all in on you as we are on each other. And I think we can, we had our first guests on the show, Ryan and Zach, right? Like that conversation has now led to a almost daily polo amongst the five of us where those two guys have become, they were already good friends of mine, but they've become even better friends and they become friends with y'all just because


I've never met them in real life, but yeah, it's like. I feel like I know them,


right? Yes. It's really interesting. And so I just


wanted to have that call to action. Yeah, for sure. That, you know, for those of you that do listen on the regular, or if this is your first show, you know, we're not just here to look handsome like these two guys. And have a face for radio like me, right? Like, no, in all seriousness, like that, that's why we, this group exists. It's to hopefully inspire at least one other person in the world to flip the narrative on where they're going with their lives and change into that growth mindset, that 1 percent better every day. So if you're passively listening, but you're not really like plugged in, or if you, you listen to the three of us and you're like, man, I want somebody to be all in on me. Like we're here and you should know that


we're always here. In every aspect. Yeah, I


totally agree. I concur. So there's been an interesting, development in our lives. So as I think the audience, maybe has heard we did this thing called 75 hard for a while. Like maybe we talked about that once. Yeah, might have


brought it up at the beginning of an


episode once, but yeah, in passing, and then after that cold plunging, yeah, yeah, cold plunging, lightly touched on those subjects. Then after that Preston and I ran the Tough Mudder together. I've got my little 15 K patch on my dream board or it'll go up on my dream board for the next time I run it. And part of what those things did for me personally was they gave me a program. They gave me a system and I've talked about systems a bit too, on here. We all have, but there's been a new introduction, a new system into the three of our lives, the last couple of weeks. And I'll speak for me and then curious to hear what y'all's perspective has been, but. When I'm not on program, finding the motivation to go out and work out is really difficult. Which is bizarre, because literally if I woke up the next day after not working out for two weeks and said, Alright, 75 hard starts today, two workouts a day for 75 days, no question. Don't know what it is, but there's something about that program. So I'll talk about the origin in a minute, but what we've been doing is, is these weekly challenges. Where we're now on our second one. The first week was a mile a day, followed by 25 burpees. And you could actually do like, you could do 10 of those in a day if you wanted to. Michael did several multi. Mile days with 25 burpees after each mile. I think he did like, And then, and then it would be like, I think I might work out later. I haven't worked out yet today. I just kind of, I went for a brisk stroll at seven seven minute mile.


I did a nine mile run with 500 burpees every mile. Yeah. Well, I mean, not 500 every mile, but like 500 total and it's like 500 burpees. Wow. I didn't know you could


do that. So we did that the first week and then this week we're in the middle of, it's, it's not a daily thing. It's just who can do the most total reps of core work in the week. It's like, here's this little challenge that right now the five of us are doing and I'm doing elsewhere. I'll talk about that. But like just this little idea of the challenge for me has been like, not only have I completed and been participating the challenge I've been working out, like it's pushed my other workouts to the next level as well. So I'm a huge fan of it. We'll talk about it a bit more, I think in terms of where it came from and where we see it going, but. A week and a half into, having weekly slash daily challenges, Michael what's your perspective? What are your thoughts?


I would agree with I'd agree with everything you're saying there. I think I'm really excited about just the idea of having another system to help us with some degree of uncertainty that we need in our life. I think I like having a pretty specific routine for most of life, but then there's something about the interchangeability Of a weekly challenge that, you know, keeps you on point, it keeps it somewhat fresh just from, the perspective of like, just that degree of uncertainty that people like to have in their life, right? You know, that's what it comes down to for me. I run a lot of miles. I run a lot of miles, but if you can break up those miles, By doing something else. That's like a shared challenge that you knew someone else was doing the exact same thing that day. That's a pretty good feeling. So I like the degree of camaraderie that it gives us instead of just doing our own thing. That's the other piece with 75 heart. It was something that we were doing


together. Yeah. It's the gamification and the collaboration. Yeah.


It's good to know that we're all doing the same things. Because it's a momentum that you really don't feel like you want to be the one to break.


You know? I know Beckwith is doing his damn burpees. God, I hate burpees. Still gotta do them.


Yeah, it's that, it's that, the accountability factor, too, when you know... So, like I'll get up early and do my reading and like the last week when we were doing our mile and our burpees, I was getting up and I was working on a bunch of guitar stuff last week for a gig I had last night. And so I wasn't working out in the morning because I just didn't, I mean, I have to be at FedEx early and there's just, I don't want to get up at four in the morning to like get all that done. It's just not quite beneficial to me. So I'd get these polos from the boys about between eight and 11am like. Oh, runs done, burpees done, and I'm at work. I'm like, oh, fuck man. I'm like, damn it. All right, I got to do it when I get home. And then I'd get home. And last winter, when we have our, had our pools going, like I would cold plunge in the morning. And


this past week, I didn't know. Yeah, I know.


Shut up. But, and I was like, I think people did it multiple, Michael went, might've done it like twice a day in autos. like, I don't know why he does it twice a day. Like once is good enough for me. But last week I was cold plunging in the morning, like wake myself up. But then when I would come home at night, I would do my mile run and my burpee because I was like, I'm not going to be the one that doesn't do it. And then I'd be all hot and sweaty and think, Oh, maybe I'll go get in the pool. And then. I would do a second cold plunge and it was just this kind of like, like the word gamification is totally accurate, Scott, but also just that accountability factor of, since we're all kind of challenging ourselves to do this, it's like, all right, I got to get this done and it makes it. It just makes it, I don't know if easy is the right word, but it just makes


it it takes the no auto equation. Exactly. Yeah, so that, that, especially last week with the mile and the burpees. So I ran, 9. 00, I was going for 8. 59, but, I thought I got there according to my watch, but Strava doesn't lie. So I set up a PR on my mile that turned into, a couple of days ago, I did a two mile, just, yeah, I did a two mile sub 10 minute for the first time in my life. But it was the fact that I could go do a 10 mile run and then What should be like a minute or two of burpees, but it's really more like 76 minutes But not really it's like 15 minutes and I have a circuit done right like yeah


Yeah, and I mean I also want to yeah, I want to call that out. I think like all of a sudden you went back into Like doing more intense workouts. Yeah. It felt like, and I would say the same thing. I don't know, I don't think Zach was doing burpees necessarily, but he was also running. Yeah. Like sub eight minute miles on repeat


last week quite a bit. Hey, did we hear from him if his, his boy ran the sub 16 five guy today? I don't know. Oh, I gotta, that would've been a,


that would've been a great time though.


Yeah. Yeah. He was going for it. His record was 1620, but, what I will call out one thing on Preston and cold plunging, he did a five minute cold plunge in my pool for the first time in his life. So hat tip to Preston for breaking the five minute barrier and cold plunge. Yeah,


that was actually really nice. I've been struggling with that this season having, I feel like I got really good at it last year when it was super cold. And this year getting in right when it got started getting below 60 and it was like. I was just really struggling and not enjoying it like it was like, Oh, this shit sucks. And, I think you guys were both hitting me with like different aspects of ways to mentally approach it. And which has been extremely helpful to just lean into the pain. I don't remember quite how you phrase it, but it's just, I approached it differently mentally after that. And it was, yeah, just being in there with that one day, Scott, and it was like, Oh, we're at three minutes. Like, let's just go to four. And then I was like we might as well go to five. And it's like. Well, you've done five minutes now, like I've done multiple five minute ones now. I mean, granted, my pool's only, the coldest it's been so far is 55, which is, I swear I remember last year, 55 being harder than like when it's... You know, sub 50. That might just be me making stuff up to myself. I feel like


once you put the jets on, 55


feels pretty cold. Well, that's what I've been doing. I've been going into my, I've been, I've been treading water in front of my jet. And it like makes everything really cold and it's kind of fun.


All right. All right. So I am looking for, let me just find, um... That's pretty good.


Are we dipping into the challenge aspect


for, yeah, I want to, let's see. I think I got it here. No. So I don't know exactly where it is, but I got a, how this all came about is. So we're working at my company. We're working with a new sales vendor, a hat tip to apex revenue for being amazing outbound sales folks. But what caught my eye originally was I wasn't connected with anyone over there and their CEO posted a job posting. Where essentially he said that people need to be fit, which is a really controversial thing to say, but somebody called him out in the comments and his reply, I actually thought was like really on point with kind of my worldview. I don't know that I would necessarily post that in a job description, but I'd have to run and run that by my attorneys at a minimum. I'm not even sure if you can say that, but his response was look like who you are on the outside is a reflection of who you are on the inside and you can't do our job well, if you're not like we're building a company of savages. And we push each other all the time to do hard things. And I was just like, fuck, I want that, right? Like, wow. So I started following them and they were putting out some great content, a lot of it around, you know very similar in a lot of ways, like to what the three of us would do. I think if we had a company together that was like in market making millions of dollars, like this company. So I eventually got connected with them and like, there were some interesting things right out of the gate where it was like, Hey, how would you guys feel about doing a three day conference here at our HQ in Knoxville? We're the first day we do like a 10 mile ruck in the Smoky Mountains. And I was like, yes, fuck. Yeah, man, that sounds awesome. Right? So I've really been vibing with a lot of like their mentality. So then we eventually engaged them for a six week strategy session on, on a sales initiative. We're actually wrapping that up this week, I believe. It's going well. But we, so we hired, we, well, we have a fractional VP of sales that we're working with. A guy named JJ. He's a super cool guy. And at one point he added me on LinkedIn, like at, A T, at ed me, saying, Where you at bro, and this was a post where one of the first things that they did I think it was actually Matthew Meiser that Meiser Meiser. I don't know Meiser. I don't know Meiser I think who's another one of their VPs That said as soon as he joined Apex the first thing he did was created a PT channel in slack a physical training And then every week they challenge each other to do hard shit, right? That's one of their examples of how they are pushing each other all the time. And so I saw that and I had created that. And then JJ was the one that added me at one point and said, where are you at bro? Or something like that. And he was doing, what is that? Oh, that's our three week downloads or what? One week? Oh, nice. I think 108 in a week is PR other than the first week, right? Yeah. Sweet. So he added me and was like, where you at, bro? Like, why aren't you guys doing this or something? And he was doing, I misunderstood it. They were doing whoever could do the most from start to finish without stopping. There was no time limit. You had to do a mile, 25 burpees, a mile, 25 burpees. And it was however many circuits you could complete before you were done. So he was on lap seven in his video when he called us out. I, I interpreted it just to be like, how many could you get done in a week, because it's a weekly challenge. But anyway, like, that was the start of it. Was some vendor of ours... That we're paying money to saying, Hey, bitch, do hard things with us. Love it. And it was so number one, right? It was definitely a week


later, Scott's out there, mixed martial arts, punching stuff. He's like, Oh, let's do hard


things. But here, here's the, like, here's the thing that I found so cool about it is I immediately knew, well, that's coming to our group, right? Yeah. I immediately posted it. And at least the three of us all started doing it. Ryan doesn't do burpees. Cause he. As a blown shoulder, I don't know why Zach didn't do him. Cause he does hard things. So we'll have to, Zach Linden, look him up. I think he's Zach Linden on Twitter, Zach Linden on Instagram, Zach Linden on LinkedIn, anyone out there, you should probably hit up Zach and be like, bro, why didn't you do your burpees? He just,


launched a new


web page as well. The, Enterprise Imagineer. So if you can find him shout out to our boy Zach who didn't do his burpees last week. But I immediately was able to bring that to my, my personal life as well. And this is like kind of tying it back to, I know this is more of a reclaiming body episode, which could have called that out at the beginning, but, tying it back to the whole reclaiming. Freedom, right? And designing a life you don't have to retire from, like this challenge is tying together aspects of my professional life and my personal life, my brotherhood, and these are the types of things I think we talk about, but maybe haven't highlighted enough of where, like, if you want to build that life that's fulfilling, you can't have three or four separate camps, right? Like, that doesn't mean that your personal life and your professional life have to completely marry, right? But the more overlap you can have, where it doesn't feel like you're working so much, you know, where it's just like an extension of just your beingness in all areas of your life. Like that to me was one of the really cool, like, I've always treated my work like my work. And here's this whole company over here that's showing me a model for like, no, no, no, no, like. At work, you can really push each other to do hard things, too, and that's allowed. That's okay. And that's really rad. It's good culture. And I'll say, we've got, let me go and I'll look at it right now. I would not say that everybody is becoming a savage quite yet. There's ten people total in the group. In, in the channel, one of them, two of them have never posted, but we had one guy who joined last Thursday to the company. And by Thursday, he was already posting in there and like challenging me this week that he's going to, do one more rep and I do every day. So nice. Yeah. Yeah. It's cool. Like it's, it's rad to have as many influences as possible that are pushing you forward. Right.


Yeah, and it promotes everyone working as a team, like it just promotes teamwork and team camaraderie. And like you said, just like creating an environment of savages that like are, if you guys can do all that hard stuff together, it's like, well, you guys can take over the world with whatever company it is you're working with, you know? Because like, how many other companies are doing things like that? I'm sure there are some, but I bet a lot aren't. I bet a lot are just guys sitting around doing business and it's like, we're doing business and


kicking ass and taking names too. One of the things that they have in some of their job postings as well is that, you have to be trying to improve not just in your career, but in all areas of your life. And if you're not, you're not going to be a fit here, right? Like if you're not working to become a savage physically, if you're not working to become a savage. In your career to become a, an amazing husband and father or wife and mother or sister or whatever, like they're not interested. And that vibes so well, I think, with how we think about the world and who we would want in our tribe. And it's like, why, why haven't I considered that beyond the boundaries of my personal life? Which is a pretty cool unlock, but yeah, so, so this week's challenge, just in case you missed it or, we're so amazed at, Preston's No shave mustache that you were just the stars of


this week's challenge. Gore


workout. Gore workout. How many reps can you do? The stipulation... I mean, right, it's always you versus you, unless you're doing it in a challenge, but, I've thrown a few questions out there, like, if you do heel taps, left, right, left, right, is left, right considered a rep or is left a rep and right is a rep? Technically, you're working in an oblique in isolation. I've decided to tap. So imagine you're like in a crunch position with your knees up. Feet on the ground, but your knees bent, right? So you're just crunching the left and right to tap your heels. So you come up into a crunch and then left, right, left. Oh, man, I'm feeling that. So anyway, what, how do you, how do you time a plank? Well, I just said two seconds of plank or any time to base exercise is a rep. Like whatever, it doesn't matter. It's really more about come up with a set of rules that works for you and your tribe. And then go out and dominate, I won last week within the company at least, and everyone was distraught to learn that there was a 50, 000 bonus associated with who won. Sorry guys, I won. Just kidding, there wasn't actually a bonus. They don't know that, unless they listen to the episode. Right. But, alright guys, anything else we want to talk about with these challenges and how rad they are?


Well, I think we should make a commitment to the listeners that we will post these challenges on our Reclaiming Man Instagram


And going back to my intro, don't hesitate to reach out y'all. Yeah. Part of the fun for us is going on this journey, with each other, not just ourselves and, That ding you may have just heard was Zach Linden, none other. There's a hotline called Callin Oats that only plays Callin Oats songs for you when you call at 719 266 2837, which is 719 26 oats. So, and he said, I have confirmed this works. So, I would normally not read texts on the air. However, it was Zach Linden, which we were just talking about. And that's pretty awesome. That's hilarious. Yeah. I know the first thing we're all doing as soon as we hang up here. 719 26 oats. 719, that's


area code


719? Yeah, 2 6 0 a t e s. All right. And that's a wrap for episode 39 of the Reclaiming Man podcast. Thank you so much for listening, watching, and joining us today. Go do something

