Reclaiming Man

Episode 44 - Reclaiming Man: 2023 Recap

December 30, 2023 Scott Silvi
Episode 44 - Reclaiming Man: 2023 Recap
Reclaiming Man
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Reclaiming Man
Episode 44 - Reclaiming Man: 2023 Recap
Dec 30, 2023
Scott Silvi

The culmination of 2023, Scott, Preston, and Michael discuss some highlights from the year and a peak into 2024. Get ready for more challenges, more growth, and greater consistency as the Reclaiming Man podcast breaks free from its infancy.

Show Notes Transcript

The culmination of 2023, Scott, Preston, and Michael discuss some highlights from the year and a peak into 2024. Get ready for more challenges, more growth, and greater consistency as the Reclaiming Man podcast breaks free from its infancy.


I am losing my voice. My wife did first from screaming at her kids on the road trip home. Just kidding. They were amazing. I would like to highlight. When we used to travel from Maryland home, I calculated it one trip and for every two hours on the road, we had one hour stopping, which meant your 21 hour road trip took 31 hours of road time. I hated it. Wait, this was with your kids or when you were a kid? Yeah, no, with our kids. But we just did 14 hours. When we punched it in from my sister in law's house, it said arriving at 9, 11 p. m. We got home at 10, 11 p. m. with a stop for lunch, a stop for dinner. Gas stops, P


stops. That's pretty solid.


One, when you go 77 in a 70 sorry, police, I I went 70, but just hypothetically.


No, that's still. You make up a few minutes. A modern


day vehicle. I know, yeah. No you make up a few minutes an hour. So we probably had a little bit more stoppage time than that, but yeah, I was pretty happy there.


Yeah, so I guess the final podcast for the year. So I thought we could keep it short, sweet, and get everyone amped up for 24.


Welcome to episode 44. of reclaiming man podcast. I am your slightly lost my voice from a cold host, Scott Silvey. And with me as always actually not as always. We've had a lot of episodes lately where one of us has been preoccupied or otherwise indisposed. With me as often as humanly possible, Mastermind Michael Beckwith. How are you, buddy?


Better than


ever. Better than ever. And our friend from the North. The Southern Kuck and South Preston Rodsky buddy. How are ya? I'm doing great on this. Oh yeah. I want cha know. Oh yeah. Hey,


I, I'm doing great. Yeah. Last podcast of the year, you're just stoked for 2024. So you just, your mind is on next year, which is not, that's a great mindset to have. No, it's


not. My mind is on finishing this year strong, the year ain't over. I've still got shit to do.


We're ramping up for another 75 hard. So it's definitely, yeah,


it's a ramp. It's a ramp, like a longer ramp. Yes. One of my vendors, Joey Gilkey from Apex revenue, friend of the show. We'll have them on at some point. They just kicked off a new podcast. I forget the name of it. I'll plug it in some other time, but yeah, him and JJ Russell, who's our VP of sales. They had a podcast together for 70 or a hundred episodes or something. And they're relaunching it very similar conceptually, at least to a lot of things we talk about. So I've decided that I'm in a race with them to see who acquires who first, and probably should do the same for podcasts. So we, should just dominate them is really what it boils down to. Friendly way. I like that.


Let's throw down the gum. Up the


ante. Yeah. Yes, exactly. Yes. Joey pinged me and said, January one, 75 hard. And I was like, January one drank sad presence for his birthday. Oh, Hey. And then January 19th, I'm going sailing with some homies in Grenada and having done 75 hard with and without a sailing trip. It's way more fun when I'm not on 75 hard, I returned from said trip on, I think the 29th, 28th, something like that. So I'm planning a February 1st kickoff, but I will be doing 75 hard. For the first 18 days and failing intentionally on day 19. Sorry. Starting on February. I guess technically I could decide on starting on January 1st and then fail January 1st and start January 2nd.


Yeah I think that's good like rehearsal to just get you in the mindset for like when, the February 1st comes, you're like, you've already basically been doing it, but now you're like, because I know the whole concept is I'm


excited for this one. I just got my MMA gloves, my little six ounce gloves. So I'm, ready to, I'm ready to scrap, bro. Okay. I'm really excited about this one because it's going to be 75. Really hard. Yeah. My wife and I have not discussed this, so maybe she will disagree.'cause two workouts creates. a challenge in scheduling a lot for her. But my workouts are going to be a lot of both the times I've done it, there were a lot of like walking workouts. There won't be very many of those. There's gonna be a lot of rocking. There's gonna be a lot of lifting. There's gonna be a lot of getting after it. There will be 75 days of cold plunge.


I think, which I think you should have no walking workouts, and if you are recovering or whatever, and you need to just do a 45 minute walk,


do ruck. It's gonna be a ruck. That's what, yeah.


Dude, those are harder than


I thought. They're much harder than I thought in a really


good way. Yeah. That's what she said.


I did one the other day. I just threw two dumbbells in my backpack and it fucking sucked. That's exactly what I did. Yeah. That's exactly what I did. It was like, not, I feel like a purpose built ruck would be much more comfortable but it was pretty cool. Yeah. It


still sucks. Yeah. It's still, I think it still is going to suck, but it's more about the thought that it's, just, there's such a great alternative to the rest of what the rest of the world tells us is required. So even the fact that you're doing it with two barbells, which is exactly what I did, I just threw two 25s in there. And I, yeah the first one that I did as a practice, I did 20 pounds in there and that was nothing. Yeah, but I, so I went up to 50 and I'm just like, Nope, I'm just going to keep on chipping away at 50 pounds here until I'm up to the full 45 minutes because I want to be able to do a 45 minute rock. As one of my workouts, not every day, but many of the days.


Yeah. I've been thinking about getting the, the rocket plate carrier as well. Yeah. So that's, yeah, But it goes on your back. Yeah, so at some point I'll probably get that. I do only have the 30 pound plate though. And I've been thinking about getting a, a 20. So the reason I got the 30 is cause I wasn't really sure, how it was going to go, but now if I get the 20, then I can add that in and have 50. So that's, probably something I'll do before February one starts. But yeah, it's going to be, it's going to be getting after it. And one of the things I had considered before the challenge was throwing down my plan was 75 days, basically the same program, but instead of two workouts, I was going to do cold plunge. I was going to do, a full mobility. So that might be shoulder, it might be hip. It might be all of them. However, I'm feeling a full mobility and a full stretch. But then the other thing I'm looking at is I want to get a heavy bag. And then be able to work that in my gym or into my routine as well. I told you I got one. And I don't know if I, no yeah, actually.


Yeah. I got one for free and it was like someone was doing a tear down. And so I just expanded my gym area in the garage. So it's now a full 12 by 12 feet. And so I'm going to put that in one of the corners, but. I know the intention of this isn't to necessarily talk about the next 75 hard, but I think it's really exciting because it does give some insight into where we're at the end of this year and looking back at this year and obviously sharing with our listeners a little bit about what's driving us into next year.


Yeah I should, look at, I just pulled up Facebook marketplace and there's plenty for a hundred bucks. That I can go under that I could get to, yeah. All right. So let, yeah, let's talk about wrap up 2023 going into 2024. So yes we are doing another round of 75 hard or I am at least. But I think there's gonna be a lot of changes coming in 2024. I think for me, at least a lot of this year was figuring out the process, figuring out the format, Just getting comfortable with all of this, but I think we need to really recommit to, I want, this to be more additive where, as we go from episode to episode it's, weaving into a greater narrative. And I think to some degree, it does organically because all we're doing is talking about our own individual journeys and collective journeys. But, yeah, I just think to me, at least there's been a little bit of disconnect between week to week, what I'm gonna talk about, and I want that to be a little bit more cohesive and just be able to tell a more compelling story. So I think the story telling the, not that we're gonna editorialize this, but I feel like we're going to be just leaning into higher quality, consistent. The sort of looking for just better content is really what it boils down to is I think there needs to be a recommitment to better content for this and for our audience. And, so that's part of what will be coming. Without getting too deep into it. We're bringing on a studio out of L. A. To do a lot of production content, et cetera with us. And, so we're gonna have, I think, a lot more fun and a lot more content that will go out around reclaiming man, which I'm excited about. I know. Some of that might be a little bit surprising to these guys, because we haven't talked about a lot of it, the three of us, but I did have a great call today with them which I touched on a bit. So I think we're going to be able to leverage them to drive some, additional value to our audience and really get this game on lockdown. So I'm really excited about that. And then me personally, I'm starting Elevate 2024 in three days. So I'm, also really keen to see what I'm learning out of that and what I can bring back to this group here.


And, beyond this group, the broader audience and That's what I mean. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I think for a long time this year, I looked at reclaiming man as this separate Entity from the rest of my life and this and not in a negative way, but as an obligation, I was like, I made the commitment to do this. I'm going to do this. And even sometimes when it didn't feel as cohesive, certainly when it didn't feel as easy I was very, much. So I made the. Commitment. And I'm really trying to keep the promises that I made to myself as well as the two of you guys in our audience as well. But, I realized over these past few weeks as Scott, you were talking a little bit about what you were trying to do with your professional brand. And you talked about savagery across all areas of your life, just doing everything with that mentality. And I, recognized that this isn't really a separate thing at all for me. It's one of those. Really key components of from an accountability perspective, because it's one of the only areas where I'm really speaking out to the world because I'm putting it out there. It adds more weight to the commitments that I'm making. It adds more weight to what I'm saying. And so that's what when I look back at last year. At this time, I was saying, Oh I'm happy to read some books and share some of my ideas with you guys when you guys kick off this podcast in a couple months and then fast forward a few months. And it was the three of us kicking it off. And 40 plus episodes later, we find ourselves at the end of the year. And in a completely different spot and a completely different level of potential that I see for the three of us for reclaiming man for us individually. So I'm really stoked. Honestly, I can't when I said better than ever. I, I, truly mean that I, think part of it as silly as it was, I got it. I got in today from working out and I got out of the sauna and I was in some meditation and I got in upstairs. My, my wife is in the cold, is in my tub cold plunging. And I'm like, this is ridiculous. I was like, what are you going to be done? And she's I'm like, yeah, I'm like, I was like this is my, thing, and she's yeah, I'm doing it for six minutes today. And I was like, what is going on? Dang. Yeah. And, I just realized like that one little thing as trivial as it seems was I didn't push on it all year with her. I didn't say, oh, you got to do this. You got a cold plunge. Obviously she heard me talk about it plenty. Too much with everybody who asked me about it.


Of course, a recap is going to cover 75 hard and cold plunging. Of course it is. Yeah,


it has to. But my point is that 1 piece of evidence that. What we do impacts the people around us, especially the people who we love the most. And we don't have to shove anything down anybody's throat. We simply have to show up every day and do it consistently. And, yeah, I could go on for a little bit, but I'll pause there.


I think the thing that you said that I wanted to touch on was this idea of parallel tracks. And I felt that pretty hard. I talked about it a little bit, I think, last episode. Or two episodes ago with work life imbalance. But, what I'm really looking forward to is, that integration of this has been something that I've done for myself and for the three of us and any of our listeners, but it wasn't, this was a separate thread from what I've been doing in my business. And that to me I've talked about apex on here. Part of what I admire about them is. They've weaved all that together and they have who they are at work is who they are at home is who they are on their podcast. Like it's all just them and it's not about telling other people, to your point, Michael, what to do. It's about us living our fullest life and just sharing what we're doing. And people will take different lessons from that. It's not me telling anyone what to do. It's me saying Hey here's what I'm doing. And then. Here's the, results I'm seeing, whether that's in my relationships or my, body and fitness or in my business, it's really just about, we know we're doing the right inputs and we know that in time the outputs come together. So it's, let's just keep sharing the inputs that we're producing or that the inputs that we're executing against and then demonstrating the output that it can produce or it does for us. And I love that Preston. You should quiet down over there. I


know, sorry. Maybe let the rest of us have some good stuff. No, I just think it's really interesting to reflect on almost. Going back two years from when I first got to Tennessee and at the end of last year had really become close with you, Scott, and then met Michael and had no, had no idea the year before that I was going to be out of the corner of my eye and looked like you were drinking a wine bottle there, Michael. I was like, holy fuck, he's giving her. But,


it was falling off the wagon and I was chugging from a wine bottle on camera.


Getting ready for 75 hard, right? Thank you. And so today, here we come,


Just the where last year ended, I could have never predicted that I would even be doing a podcast with anybody, let alone. And now year two, I don't think I necessarily accomplished everything that I had intended or planned to do by the end of 2023. But when I look back, I did. Tenfold what I've done every year for the past 10 years. And so going into 2024, having done that, it's it wasn't, it really wasn't that hard. It's just a little bit every day adds up over a year and being a little bit more focused in 2023, losing focus in 2023, regaining that focus, going into 2024 with that experience and that knowledge. I already know 2024. I'm not in a rush to be in, in December, 2024. I can imagine this time next year when we have this same kind of recap state of the union kind of podcast, it'll be like. Boys, let me fucking tell you about 2024, and I will all of that to you guys. And I would say Zach and, Ryan as well, two of our other buddies that we have an accountability group for, it's just having that men to you mentioned Michael, just when you say something on the podcast, it has more weight cause you're accountable for it. Yeah. It just makes you want Not let your boys down, so to speak.


All right. Let's do. Yeah, sorry. I didn't mean to. Thank you. Yes. This has been quite a journey. Yes, sir. What I wanted to do was rapid fire some questions. Favorite book you read this year. Go first,




Favorite book is really, that's really hard, man.






a man thinketh.


Mine would, mine's kind of a tie between Tribe and, I forget who it's by offhand, and Think and Grow Rich. I read that for the first time this year, and I feel like that's going to be probably a yearly read for me for the next two or three years, because it's,


should be, yeah.


It's just, I feel like I got so much out of it, but I feel like I will get so much, I need to reread it to rediscover. There's a lot there. It's a really, fascinating book.


Too many books though to say favorite, but I appreciate the effort.


I'm going to go with, yeah, I'm going to go with it's, a very long title called a hundred million dollar offers. A hundred million dollar leads. Comfort crisis, essentialism. Great book.


Yeah. Great book. Great book. Is that the


one you guys are calling comfort crisis or you just, did you say


no, that I just listed four books.


Yeah, that one's on my list for next


year. Harmony is on my list for next year. Yeah.


Yeah. Those are, all really good. The harmony, my left podcast is my favorite podcast of the year. I don't know if you have one that sticks out to y'all.


No, I didn't.


Also, Ed Mylett had Lewis Howes Howe, Lewis Howe, Howes. I'm trying to remember, do I have a, there was something that came out of that.


It was, for me, it was definitely the, Dispenza. Ed Mylett and Joe Dispenza. That was probably my top podcast for the year. Even though it occurred a few years ago, but yeah, that one was


pretty impactful. I got to go back and re listen to that one. There was something in there that I, polo'd you guys. I was driving back from Memphis and I was just on fire from it. Like it was actually one that I think Michael, you had recommended or maybe it was Zach, but, favorite episode of, this podcast this year.


Ooh, for me, it's going to be I'm coming up with a tie again, but it's going to be when we had. Zach and Ryan on and when we interviewed Brad, I really enjoyed, talking to other people. Not that I don't like talking to you guys, I love talking to you boys, but those episodes where we can take what we've talked about on a weekly basis and either talk about it with other people live on air or also just learn about someone else's story and have a conversation is what was really unique and fun to me.


Yeah, this is a real hard question, but I think the first one that we did in growth mindset was really impactful for me because I kept on, I actually listened to it a couple of times, which most of the times I'll listen to ours on one and a half X or something like that. And I'll listen to 25 minutes and I'll be like, I'm sick of hearing myself. But, that was a really good one to me. And it was from an energy perspective, I felt like. All of us were pretty enthusiastic about it at that point, but I do agree, Preston, and perhaps a little bit of a glimpse into the future here, we will be incorporating interviews on a monthly basis. Into the podcast, because that adds such a different context and different stories. And that's ultimately what the show is about is the three of us, our stories individually, collectively, the audience, their stories. And then the people that we can interview and bring on and hopefully share some meaningful pieces that help our listeners help us.


Yeah. When you mentioned the idea of like people's stories there's all the big, names that interview and stuff. And you might think what did the reclaiming man boys have to offer? It's there's 7 billion people on this earth and there's so many people that have amazing stories that no one's ever heard of that will help and inspire. We're going to interview those people and you guys are going to fucking love it. So get ready.


How about you, Scott?


My favorite episode. My favorite. Yeah. It's the one where we talk about the old man in the forest saying we've been waiting for you. The right of passage, the right


of passage. Yeah. Yeah, you're going to say the five minute monologue that we had someplace in the thirties, the early, we're just like, we're just like, we're making that the, we're making that the episode.


Yeah, the one that was just me for five minutes. Definitely the best. Yeah, definitely. Whoever was on, they was just spitting straight bar. Yeah, I think there's a lot of them that I really liked growth mindset. Definitely. Anything about Massive Imperfect Action, I thought was really good. And Identity I think there's some really interesting things there. Yeah, that was the Take the Leap one. I do like that. Yeah. The Hulkman


and the Force that was a heavy That was good. I agree.


Yeah. Yeah. But all right, boys. I think, we wanted to keep this relatively short and sweet. I did tell my wife I would be done before the kid's bedtime. So we don't want to anger the,


Keep that promise. The the


wives. Yes. All right, gentlemen. It has been an absolute pleasure this year. Hey, there was an everyone, we cared about those things like desperately. Yeah. Everyone uses


them. We've gotten better this


year. Oh yeah, for sure. For sure. Just it has, been a truly a pleasure. We've a year ago, I think we were still very, early and this journey of self discovery and lacked a certain self awareness about who we were as individuals and who we were as a group as well. And, I spoke about this actually earlier today and how How different I feel now talking about these sorts of things than I did a year ago Preston has talked about it as, imposter syndrome, which is something I carried for a lot of my, twenties and even thirties professionally. And, if, the definition of a successful life is living a life of increasing difficulty and challenges that you must overcome, then by definition, you're always not going to know what you're doing, which means you can't be like unless all you're saying is like. That's not really the definition of success, but as we know, like success is all about pushing yourself and finding that edge and sometimes failing. And so he's, you're supposed to fail half the time. You're supposed to be hard. You're supposed to be pushing the boundaries. And if you're not pushing the boundaries and you're not getting uncomfortable, then you're not, pushing them hard enough. You're not, stretching yourself far enough. And it's, really been. An honor and a, incredible year of growth and observation of y'all and where you've been pushing yourselves in different ways. And I think there are certain aspects of all of this that we would all say, Scott's best at this. Michael's been best at this. Preston's been best at that. And not that it's so much like me versus them as much as it's like these, there are different areas. I say that more to highlight how there are different. We all operate at different paces and we there's certain things that we index on or certain things that we find easier or certain things that we're more successful at but it doesn't mean that you have to


be good at all of them. Yeah, there's certain things that we can lead at and that's one of the things like, Preston, the daily reader from John Maxwell, which is. It's just rich with leadership quotes and leadership advice. It made me recognize that being a leader, just about everybody can be a leader in some area of their life. And it doesn't have to be a leader at work professionally, it can just I think even more importantly, it can be a leader at home. And that's where I feel like we've all grown the most because. This past year, we've all gone through a lot of challenges with just the dynamics at home and having kids and having spouses and trying to do many things at once. So it's been such a success in that regard. We've all grown tremendously and the best part about it is The new baseline for next year is that much higher and we are at a completely different spot. So I'm thankful, certainly grateful for you guys this year.


Love you guys. It's been a fucking awesome year. Let's make I love


having best friends. Yeah. It's pretty


fucking cool.


Hey, this is the first year. This is the first year in many that I can say that I have best friends. So that's a huge accomplishment in and of itself, for sure. Hell yeah.


Oh yeah.


I forget how to play that thing, but I'll figure it out at one point. That's good


because you wrote it


I know I like wrote it on the fly and record it and then we put it on here and I've like never


played it again. All right, boys. That is a wrap on episode 44 of year 2023. Hell yeah, man. Cool. Let's let's do it again next year. What do you think?