Reclaiming Man

Episode 48 - Reclaiming Body: Pick Up Your Brother

January 29, 2024 Scott Silvi
Episode 48 - Reclaiming Body: Pick Up Your Brother
Reclaiming Man

But yeah, everyone's going to get NAMS this weekend in Anaheim.


Oh man, I would love to go to that. Have you ever been? No. Have you?


Yeah. I went twice. Wow. That'll be fun.


A few years back.


It's, it was really when I did go, cause it was about, probably about 10 years ago. And it, I don't know if it would be as cool or fun to go to nowadays because the sort of online way things work and the way products are just released. Online now, it's not quite the same. Like, all right, we're going to the ESP booth to see what's going to be new for the ESP this year. Like the vendors don't seem to do quite what they used to pre cope, the COVID changed everything. It seems like. To where a lot of vendors just, they couldn't go those next couple years. And it's like, Oh, we don't need to go spend a hundred thousand dollars on this booth. But it would be a fun thing to go to anyway, either way. Yeah.




Especially being a music head like you, like all the keyboards and everything. It's just like in guitars, it's like a music toy store. Convention. Exactly. It's


just, there's so much cool stuff that's come out lately.


All right. Welcome to the Reclaiming Man podcast. Episode number 48. 48. Preston Radomski here with Michael Beckwith, Z Mastermind, as he has written down there. We named him that because he decided to get this mastermind going in the first place. So, how you doing, Michael? Welcome to episode 48. Let's, get this rolling.


Yeah, yeah, absolutely. I will say, always try to start it off with a bit of a positive attitude. I'm like, oh, I'm good. I'm great. And We both came into this week saying, Hey, this has been a tough month. And so I want to be honest about that. And so, yeah, it's been a tough, tough week, tough couple of weeks here for me, but I'm really excited to dig into just sharing a bit, being, being honest and vulnerable, transparent with, with y'all about the process and, the kickoff to this year, which has been a little bit slower than perhaps ideal, but, looking forward to. Just checking in with you, Preston, about how we've been doing when it comes to reclaiming body. Let's get into it. Yeah, so, so today we had discussed we're on reclaiming body from a rotation perspective and I thought we'd check in on some of our, at least from my perception anyway, still failing forward in that I maybe haven't been as, no, not maybe, I haven't been as consistent as I've wanted to with. With working out, I think a lot of the, the sickness pieces, this month anyways, has been a detractor in my ability to do it. And I hate to use it as an excuse, but at the same time, there's definitely an impact where it's the same thing. You just feel like this isn't going to help me to go work out right now when my energy is already low from sickness, if it's without the context of being sick, then I'm like. If I'm feeling low energy working out, it's going to help me gain more energy. Right. Yeah, totally. But, the days have been long, so to speak, without having had that piece in it, just trying to, to fight through some of the sickness. But so I think we were just going to check in today briefly and talk a little bit about the beginning of the year and then, what are the keys to. Picking this back up and making sure that, we're aligned. Scott's sailing at the moment and when he comes back, I think he's full steam ahead. I think he, he worked out enough for the three of us. The first couple of weeks, he was doing like two or three workouts a day, every


day. So he was doing two a day and then he would, I think he was doing three when he would have jujitsu class. Cause like he'd have two workouts plus jujitsu. And it's like, yeah, like, jujitsu class is a frickin workout, like, whether you like it or not, like, Rolling around with a bunch of other men, it's like, you're gonna get your heart rate up, your muscles going, and


Yeah, so if anything else, a little bit of a selfish episode. From, from my perspective, because I feel like whenever I put stuff out there for the world, and I was actually having a conversation with my brother, my sister in law, nephews, earlier this week and shared about things and realizing that look, I'm saying this stuff. And so if I'm saying it, I don't just want to be the person who doesn't have the integrity and actually is doing these things. And, for. For lack of better words, I'm using this as a catalyst, this episode as a catalyst to say, okay, line in the sand. We're, we're not going back, we're not going to keep on, slipping here or slide and let it turn into a slide. It's, find some footing here and get back, to, to what the plan is for, this year and beyond. But how, how have things been going for you, man?


Yeah, they've been just not consistent at all. Although I will say my pull up game, I'm like getting like really good at pull ups. I don't know why I've been working. My wife started like working on her pull ups. Cause she, she can't do one yet, but she wants to be able to do one. Yeah. Do you have


resistance bands?


She has a resistance band, yes. But she's been doing all these other different kinds of exercises where like, she uses a chair and like holds herself up and lowers herself down. And she's following this program that's like. Two to four different ones that you do every day and then it for a week and then you start over And so our pull up bar we have it set up in one of our bedrooms just there all the time So I was like, well I just every time I walk by it like I try and crank out five and I'm doing the one I've started doing the ones Where like I'm just dead hanging and like slowly like pulling myself up at like with no leg momentum and stuff like that Yeah. And I'm, I'm getting like really good with them. I'm trying to do them now where I'm trying to do one with Bravanna on my back and she weighs like 50 pounds, I think. And it's like I can almost get my chin up over it, but it's like, I feel like I'm just like, it's so


hard, dude, I'm gonna have to let you know what my findings are on that. Because I was like, I could throw a rucksack on and try some with 45 pounds. Oh,


yeah, yeah. Well, that's the game. Because I found this, https: otter. ai Oh, I'm spacing on what it was called. It's this, former Navy SEAL. I forget what it's called offhand. And, he's got a YouTube channel and everything too. And he was, I think I might've sent the video to you and Scott and everybody. And it's what it was, right? No, no, no, no, no. But it's his. Combat ready workout that I think he used to do while he was in the service, because you know what you have to do sort of on a daily basis to load up Humvees and do all these things. It's like this workout basically encapsulates all of those things and it's It's like when you it's like a hundred push ups where you just got to do them all the way down and everything and and the And the pull ups are it's like I forget what the exact amount is but it got us both thinking like doing these exercises because they're They make you like really strong. I mean you'll look good, but it's not about like bulking yourself out It's just about being like physically Capable and strong to do stuff. And


that's my goal. I don't think I'm ever going to be, I mean, this isn't a negative limiting belief or anything like that. Preface it that way, but I don't think I'm ever going to be a huge, hypertrophy type of dude, like at my let, or Rogan. Right. But my, my hope is I'm more of a sleeper where I've got some crazy strength, but I look like I'm pretty lean and


well, I think too, you have to really consider like you're. Your body type, the way you metabolize stuff. It's like, there's no, in my opinion, there's no point in you, you could eat like an absolute fuck ton of protein


every day, eating 100 to 150 grams that I will say I've been pretty consistent at. Right. So there's things that have been going really well this year so far, but my, my physical exercise because of the sickness has been a little bit less than ideal. But, but yeah, I've been eating. I think it's hard to say what it'll be like. Yeah. For sure, because I haven't been lifting as much as I wanted to, but I thought, lifting slash rucking combined with the ideal or optimal amount of protein intake will hopefully allow me to put on some weight. And again, I put on like four pounds, which isn't really enough to say, like I've actually put on a weight. And then as soon as I was sick, I was right back down to 149 pounds. I was like, oh, gosh. Right. But,


when we have access to. Every crazy health benefit to grow yourself, but think about, The Spartans back in like the Roman days or like if everything falls apart. It's like there's peep There's men that are them. What is that the mountain guy from Game of Thrones that actor? You know who I'm talking about? I don't know his name, but like, he's called the Mountain. Like this, it's just like this man who's like basically a tree. Like he's massive. Yeah. And it's like, like you and I could never get that big. He would have been like that 2000 years ago. Like, and people would have been like, Oh, he's a God. Like, you know what I mean? Like, and so. Yeah, just like, just get, get as absolutely strong as you can be. Don't worry about bulking out because it's like, that's just your body type. Like mine's kind of the same. I'm a bit more kind of stout and stocky than you are. I'm a little overweight right now, but it's like.


Hapford Bjornsson is his name. Oh, is that his name? Hapford Julius Bjornsson. Yeah.


Yeah. Of course. He's like some kind of, I don't know, like inherited or something, whatever. But, point being, it's like getting back to the, yeah, I've definitely not really been hitting. Stuff hard in the new year either.


Yeah, and I think it was interesting as I was just as we've been having this conversation At first I was kind of coming into it with almost a little bit of like not a negative attitude but just I was really disappointed in myself and Just for it for some reason I was like a little bit of a pity party for getting sick And I'm just like, oh, I'm trying to be so healthy. Why am I getting sick? You know, and yeah kind of beat myself up about it for a little bit, but then in the course of this conversation realizing there's like a lot of other things I'm still doing that are really good for my body. It's just hard because you, I start to have the expectation as I've been stacking these habits over the past few years that, You know, the progress, you always want it to be up and to the right, so to speak. And there's a lot of times where you have to take that bit of a step back and, regain some support and regain your footing and keep on going. So I think that's probably what my, my key takeaways at the beginning of this year is that it's not a failure of a, of a resolution. I didn't like make this new year's resolution. And even when we were, Scott and I were talking about like, Oh, we're going to kick off 75 hard again. I remind myself, like, like I've, I put the asterisks next to that. I'm doing that like every quarter pretty much for the rest of my life. I don't have any intention of stopping it of some sort of iteration of a, of a 75 day challenge. And by not hitting it 100 percent of the time, it doesn't mean that I'm failing at it. It just means that I need to refocus and recenter myself and get back into the routine. And, Sickness is one of those things that pulls you out of it invariably.


Yeah, so if you're listening, and you have, maybe didn't make a New Year's resolution, or you did Or maybe you started before New Year's and now you've been kind of slacking off. It's like, Hey man, we're, we're not perfect, but we're calling ourselves out and we're calling you out and let's finish January strong and just get back on that horse tomorrow. And you know, 15 minutes, it doesn't have to be a whole hour. I mean, get an hour in it. That's exactly right.


And, and I think that's so easy for us to look at the standard or look at what we've done in the past and call it the standard. And it doesn't have to be that way at all. To your point, just like picking pull ups and saying, Hey, I'm going to get better at pull up form. And it's doesn't have to be something that's 75 hard aggressive. It can be something that is much more of the focus on the 1 percent incremental improvement. And I sometimes get away from that because when you have like the big. I guess sort of those big, like aha moments where you feel like it's an epiphany or as they call it, maybe a quantum leap, that's happened after a long time. And so it's sometimes hard to remind myself, like that's not the standard making a quantum leap every day is, is really not the realistic expectation by any means. And, so just, I don't know, I think that's to your point. If we have folks who are listening and have had a setback and in whatever way. Physically, mentally, the diet or work or whatever it is, it doesn't mean that we're failing. Right. That just means that we're making progress, perhaps a little bit slower. And as long as we take the time to reflect on it and hold each other accountable towards moving forward, as opposed to letting ourselves wallow in that. lower level of energy that comes from sickness, I think, I think we're in a good spot. Do you have a chance to I agree. Yeah, did you have a chance to listen to any of that, Tony Robbins live event today? Or were you pretty packed with work?


Oh, yeah, no, I didn't get a chance at all. We've been, I mean, it's So, to give you an example of our FedEx volume this week Our, our heaviest inbound day during Christmas was like 39, 000 pieces, which, we're a little station, which is not like, like a, my old station would get like 50, 000 inbound packages. That seems like a lot, yeah. Yeah, and then this week, like, we've been getting like 4, 000. 45, 000, 4, 000, 4, 500. Like we've been getting more than peak because we just had days where we weren't delivering stuff last week, but we weren't, like the whole country wasn't snowed in. Like there was tons of people across the country that were still shipping stuff to Tennessee and we just couldn't go out and deliver it. So it's just been. Catch up. I think today we finally kind of, I think are totally caught up, with all the stuff last week. But I mean, yeah, it's out here, like all the back roads, like we're just. Because it snowed for two days and then it kind of rained and like all the snow pack stuff just became like Skating rinks and it was fun. I mean, it really was quite fun. But


yeah, yeah I didn't mean to take a tangent too much, but I was just thinking about I mean, I'm going to go back and listen to day one just because work has been crazy. And I signed up for like, I just paid some money so I could get access to the recordings at least, as opposed to, if it's free, if you do the free version of it, you don't get the access to the recordings or some of those other things. But, it goes on like today, tomorrow and Saturday. And I just was thinking about like what his approach is to energy and how important changing our energy is like, or changing our physiology is when we're making commitments. And, so, so that's where I feel like in the context of our podcasts or as, as we walk away from this one recording, I, I'm just trying to remind myself how important it is, for the commitment to stick, we have to actually change. Our physiology, we have to change our language, like how we're talking about what we do, and we, we touched on it a little bit with just like, oh, it doesn't necessarily equate to failure, right? It's changing the language instead of calling yourself a failure for missing, in my case, 50 percent of the first 25 days of the year here, it's looking at, okay, but I, but I was still successful for 50 percent of the days. Yeah. And, um. And of those that I missed on my workout, I was still successful in other ways. And so just kind of re reframing where it's at. And it's not like a cop out by any means. It's just changing the language that I'm using to talk about it. So I don't emotionally get into that or mentally get into that spot where I'm starting to spin and kind of spiral downwards instead of put my foot down. And. Pick myself back up again and move forward. So, definitely would encourage, I know it's, at this juncture, no one who's going to hear this, being released is going to have had the experience to, or had the time to register and sign up for the, the Tony Robbins event, but, just. Good, good plug for the stuff that he has, because I think he's been doing this for the past couple of years where he'll do like a free event at the beginning of the year.


Yeah, I remember his from


last year. Yeah, did you go with any of that? I don't know, that was the end. No, but


I remember you doing that one. Well, you did a few of


these this past year. I did two of them, yeah. The first one was Unshakeable, and then the second one I did was Unleash the Power Within, and they're just both really highly recommended because I don't think there's anybody out there who, number one, has been doing it as long as Tony Robbins, and, number two, has like just impacted as many people and has a lot of truth that he preaches, so, Definitely encourage people to, to take a look into his stuff too. He was on Ed, my let last week, and even just listening to that, if you don't go to his conference, it's probably in a, everything that he's going to speak over the course of three days compressed down into an hour. But, he'll say, he'll say that the key, one of the keys to making lasting changes, like just full immersion, for a concentrated period of time and then spaced repetition. So not just doing it just once. so you don't get that mountaintop experience and then just come crashing back down. It's like putting those a couple types of experiences like that in, in the year. So he's got a couple other ones that I'm going to look into, this year, because I'll definitely listen to this one. But anyway, just kind of a, an encouragement to our listeners to, to check out the Ed Milet, Tony Robbins, interview that happened, I guess, you know, second week of January here. And, I don't know, Preston, what else you got as far as, the, the check in for this week?


Yeah, that's about all I got. Just know that we're, we're kicking ass along our little journey, and we're not always showing up 100 percent for ourselves, but, I guess you could say we are We're just regular human beings to just try to be better, go back to that 1 percent every day. Yeah.


Sometimes I find myself trying to be 100 percent better. And then unsurprisingly, don't meet those expectations. So yes, yeah. just Kind of bringing myself back down to earth is important sometimes even if it's hard to to feel like take a couple steps back, but Looking forward to having Scott back. Hopefully next week here on the podcast and like I mentioned have a couple of interviews that we should be Scheduling here for month of February and March and so look forward to those Otherwise that that should be it for this week. Sounds good to me, buddy. I don't


know Well Thank you for listening to, episode 48 of the Reclaiming Man Podcast. We will, we'll see you here next Monday. Have a great week, everybody. Stellar We should do a, should we do a, intro really quick to put, put on the front? Mm-Hmm. All right. All right.