Reclaiming Man

Episode 54 - Reclaiming Body: Energy Conversion

March 18, 2024 Scott Silvi
Episode 54 - Reclaiming Body: Energy Conversion
Reclaiming Man
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Reclaiming Man
Episode 54 - Reclaiming Body: Energy Conversion
Mar 18, 2024
Scott Silvi

In Episode 54, Michael and Preston revisit the importance of changing your state, how using energy to generate energy, while counterintuitive, is one of the keys to reclaiming your body.

Show Notes Transcript

In Episode 54, Michael and Preston revisit the importance of changing your state, how using energy to generate energy, while counterintuitive, is one of the keys to reclaiming your body.


Alright happy Friday, happy Monday, happy Wednesday to you all. And welcome to episode 54 of the Reclaiming Man podcast. This week you got me, Preston D. The, Southern Canuck Radomski and Michael the Mastermind Beckwith. We're doing a polo podcast and I'm in my car getting cut off by people trying to get on the freeway right now because they're in a rush on a Friday to get I don't know, wherever the heck they might be going. Hopefully they're going somewhere to get their body in good shape because, I believe Michael this week's episode is going to be on, reclaiming body. Hopefully we're on that kind of round table topic of the week. I'm definitely in the throes of reclaiming my body big time right now. Probably 75 hard again. Doesn't necessarily have to be about that topic, but just the idea of When your body is in tip top shape How good you feel and I'm on day 12 of 75 hard and I'm extremely sore and tired today. I did, basically I'm doing an active recovery day today. I did a yoga workout this morning and just like an easy. Walk this afternoon and It's interesting doing this program again, going a little, quite a bit harder than I did the last time around and just waking up today and just having that gut feeling of like, I got to take it easy today. My body was just talking to me it's just like, Hey bud, we know you want to go hard and, work on getting that. Two pack into a six pack at some point, but we need some rest. We need a breather here And just how important it is to listen to your body when it's talking to you it's like Sometimes we don't do that We just push through and we're designed to do that as human beings to push through hard things and we should and that's not a bad thing to push through and not listen to your body sometimes when you're when you know, You're in the throes of basically a marathon,, you normally don't go out of the gate and sprint. You're taking your time, listening to your body, because you're trying to complete the thing. That's where I'm at today with a recovery day. But even just in general, the last two weeks, not quite, but coming up on two weeks, Working out again. I've been really lacking the last month. As sore as I am, I feel so much better every day, even though there's some mornings where I get out of bed and I'm ready to go. Like I, I'm ready to go do my workout in the garage. And then there's some mornings, like even this morning, like I just woke up and I felt like I could sleep for another two hours, maybe even three. And I had a great sleep last night, but I could just use some more rest. And I was groggy, but about 10 minutes in to my little yoga guy, the blood gets flown and it's like, Hey man, I feel great. Now at the end of the day, I'm tired again because I worked all day at FedEx and as the day goes on you burn all that energy and ready for rest again. But I've always heard you, Michael mentioned the phrase, or you just talk about, you got to use energy to make more energy or maybe you can relay that. But it just makes so much sense. When you're tired, you'll go work out and then you're energized. You feel great. It's just good to be back, moving the muscles, moving the blood, pumping the heart, doing all the things.


I feel like also I've been making some good progress with this in my past couple weeks here despite some challenging circumstances, so happy to talk through a little bit of some recent successes instead of Some of the, the alternative. So episode 54 just covering some of the stuff that you just mentioned there one of the first things that you talked about was people cutting you off. And I'm thinking you said in a rush on a Friday. And I was thinking, how often is that, that the case where we're in a rush to get to the weekend and, or just in a rush in general. And. Is that characterizing my life or not? And so just thought about that when it comes to my body too am I in a rush, so to speak, trying to Move things at, paces that I shouldn't. And so just was, I thought that I had as you, mentioned that, and just getting your body in shape. It's just Such a incremental process that requires the same thing everything else we talk about commitment, consistency, discipline And a lot of that starts in your mind So it's a good transition this weekend to reclaiming body and talking about some of the things that we're doing you mentioned just being in the throes of 75 hard again and can relate to that from last year when I was doing it and then Thinking about this year and what I've tried to stack on to that You list. While I'm not doing two workouts a day, I have replaced most of those elements with what I feel like are more sustainable, what I hope is sustainable long term, balance when it comes to building my life building my Strategy when it comes to my body. Just to quickly jump into one thing. Just laying on my desk, the pyramid of mastery. I told you guys, I think in a previous episode here, I was going through some Tony Robbins materials from his Unleash the Power Within conference. Super great and recommended if you have the chance to do it, but he has this pyramid, seven areas of his, of constant growth for an extraordinary life is what he calls it. And the bottom of that pyramid is the physical body. And with good reason, right? If we're not strong enough to, to get through the day in a productive manner and to be making progress towards all of our goals we will definitely be moving a lot slower towards those goals if at all when sickness comes or when an injury happens or whatever it may be. So we've talked quite a bit about it in the past and, I've talked a little bit about my mismanagement of rest and sleep, but I think that's a really big component of taking care of the body. And lately, I would say I've been getting more sleep, going to bed earlier. It's meant that I've sacrificed some time from studying and reading. Still reading just not as much as I used to and I would say less for pleasure still more for study and growth, education So I do think that the rest and sleep component is important Even if you're just doing that yoga and meditation and stuff like that. You mentioned an active recovery so to speak Today I got a massage. It's another example. It's you know, taking care of your body and To some extent, you know that really does depending on the type of massage if it's deep tissue you're gonna get That release in a very similar manner to if you work out, which is good But all that to say i'm like I think about What is the way to minimize my time commitment to the body for maximum? output and outcomes and just thinking about the slight edge and some of those incremental one percent better types of methodologies or mindsets that we've talked about in the past compound growth I am convinced that just doing whatever we are doing consistently every day is going to be really beneficial. And the example that I'll give from most recent experiences, I called it the the walk by five for pull ups. And so anywhere from a minimum of five pull ups to upwards of 40 or 50 pull ups a day I've been doing since. I got that pull up bar. So that is one thing I would say has been encouraging because every time I do it, to your point Preston, it's something that generates energy. It creates energy even though it takes energy. And that's something that I think is so important when mentally we're going through something challenging to go do something physically that we can quickly do, execute, complete, it, It rewards us mentally with more energy. It rewards us physically with a sense of more energy and our blood is moving through our body more quickly and we're getting more oxygen to our brain. And then yeah, it's just combining that with the hydration and it gets us in such a good spot. But as always, Trying to keep this relatively quick and succinct, so I don't have too much additionally that I'd like to share this week, but yeah, let me know what you're thinking.


You were talking about creating energy and have that reward system to yourself. That's one of the things I'm loving about. Changing my mindset on this program this time around is that so much of doing the two 45 minute workouts every day, the picture like, all those things when you have those as your commitments that you have to do every day. The other cool thing about, while creating like managing your time correctly while doing those is, fabulous. Obviously getting stronger and healthier while doing those things is also fabulous, but, Doing what you are supposed to do, what you said you're going to do. It's like you, you're teaching your body that you can count on yourself. You're teaching your mind, your being that you can count on yourself. Hey I, if I said I'm going to do this, I'm going to do this. I'll give you a quick example. I went to this meetup on Tuesday. It was this thing in Nashville for a bunch of, Broadway musicians. It's like a hangout that we, that they do once a month and I'm starting to get on board with all that. And I went there and I'm in my car and I don't know any of these. I know one person like in real life and I know I'm friends with a few of them on Facebook. I don't, never really met anybody. There's over 2000 people in this group. I don't know how many are going to show up tonight. Obviously not all 2000 of them. And it's like I'm sitting in the car and I'm nervous. I don't, I'm not great at those kinds of situations yet. Like just going and mingling with strangers and connecting and networking, so to speak. But as I was sitting in my car, it's like you have to do this. Like you told yourself you were going to do it. And all of me wanted to just be like, ah, just go home. What, like who are you really going to meet? What's the big deal? You can just get gigs other ways. But I went in, it was really cool, lots of neat people in there that I met Obviously didn't meet everybody. There's not enough time and I mean there probably is enough time but it's like for my first kind of one It was still like a lot of nerves and anxiety about it all But like just doing it was like that's Building trust with myself that like hey, you said you'd do it. You did it next time we come to one of these You've already done it like we'll be fine We're going to get through all this kind of stuff. And I know that it's not necessarily totally related to like the reclaiming body concept, but it is also definitely linked in some aspect. The rest, dude, yeah, I feel so much better today having like an active rest day. I do notice when I'm on this program too, like not drinking and working out. There's some nights where I need like seven, eight hours of rest, but there's other nights where when I get sick because I'm like, just so Kind of firing. It's like that amount of rest really rejuvenates me and gets me going as well Still fall back on those ums every once in a while eh, so the other nice thing I was gonna say is I was doing my arm workout this morning and Starting to notice a little bit of a little bit of a vein in the bicep there as I'm doing the curls, baby That's you know, I'm losing some of that inflammation and kind of extra fat on the arms and stuff and building the muscles up underneath. It's, rewarding. Okay, progress has happened. This is getting good. We're moving in the right direction. So get out there. Even if you just go for a 45 minute walk, that's huge. So many people just don't even do that. You don't got to go do a two hour weight session at the gym and become Arnold Schwarzenegger or whoever your bodybuilder that you think of is. It's just get your body functioning. Help more healthily. Healthily? Is that even a word? Our bodies are designed to be out working and Using and being used. They're not meant to just sit around and do nothing Although that does feel nice every once in a while don't get me wrong a couple IPAs on the couch watching football that's not my favorite thing to do watch football, but that's a good thing That's a fun thing to do but we also need to be out there moving our bodies stretching our bodies strengthening our bodies because that's What they crave to do and when you haven't done that in a while It's it hurts to do that physically hurts, you know I'm still two weeks into this and when I do a leg day, it's like I'm a freaking mess for two days Maybe, I don't know, maybe leg days always mess you up. I've never done it consistently enough to build up super leg strength but that's where I'm at, Michael. So yeah, it was good talk, bud. Reclaim your body folks. You'll love yourself for it.