Not Your Parents' PR

How To Make Authentic Content With ChatGPT

October 10, 2023 Marla, Mads & Erica
How To Make Authentic Content With ChatGPT
Not Your Parents' PR
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Not Your Parents' PR
How To Make Authentic Content With ChatGPT
Oct 10, 2023
Marla, Mads & Erica

Ever wonder how AI can up your PR game?

Meet PR pro Erica Mechlinski, the ChatGPT whisperer. In her first-ever episode, she sheds light on how this handy tool can revolutionize the content creation process. She likens AI to an 'interior designer' for your content, laying a foundation that you can refine and personalize. It's a collaborative brainstorming session, not a robotic exercise.

Tune in for valuable tips on how to set clear goals, define your tone, and tailor content to different audiences using ChatGPT.

Show Notes:
Follow Erica on LinkedIn here.

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Show Notes Transcript

Ever wonder how AI can up your PR game?

Meet PR pro Erica Mechlinski, the ChatGPT whisperer. In her first-ever episode, she sheds light on how this handy tool can revolutionize the content creation process. She likens AI to an 'interior designer' for your content, laying a foundation that you can refine and personalize. It's a collaborative brainstorming session, not a robotic exercise.

Tune in for valuable tips on how to set clear goals, define your tone, and tailor content to different audiences using ChatGPT.

Show Notes:
Follow Erica on LinkedIn here.

That's all for now!

Follow Us:
LinkedIn: 212 Communications
Instagram: @notyourparentspr, @MarlaRose__ @MadsCaldwell

Speaker 1:

This is Not your Parents PR, and my name is Erica McClinsky. Thanks to Mads and Marla for letting me guest host today. On this episode, we're going to cover the intriguing intersection of PR and technology, specifically crafting authentic content with AI tools like Chat Shaped. I've been in PR for a couple of decades now and I've learned the art of clear communication, and the same principles apply when chatting with AI. Working with AI can certainly be intimidating and if it's not done right, it may feel too robotic and tone, but for thought leaders and communicators, this tool could really be a game changer once you are open to getting to know it.

Speaker 1:

One of my dad's favorite expressions used to be work smarter, not harder, and I find ChatGPT to be a tool that allows me to do this. So for those of you still on the fence about this tool, let me offer a simple comparison. I don't have the best design sense, but I know what I like when I see it. I have a vision for my home. It should be cozy and I recognize the essentials, like a sofa or a lamp that needs to go in my home, but making it all click in a room, that can be the tricky part for me, and it's similar to content creation. However, once an interior designer sets the stage, I can typically build on that foundation and similarly, chatgpt serves as your content designer. With the right prompts, it lays down the groundwork, allowing you to then refine and personalize the content. So I'm going to walk you through some quick tips to maximize your collaboration with ChatGPT.

Speaker 1:

First, clarity is key. What do you want ChatGPT to do? Is it draft an email, create a blog post, a social media caption? Whatever it is, you need to say it simply. A well-defined goal is the starting point for authentic communication. You want to also include the tone you're going for. Is it casual, conversational, playful, approachable, professional, formal? You get it. I like to use prompts that ask for a more personal touch, like write this as if you're chatting with a close friend, or avoid sounding too formal or textbook-like. I also like to encourage emotions for authenticity, and we know ChatGPT doesn't have feelings, but you can still ask it to simulate them, and I'll give you a few examples here.

Speaker 1:

One prompt could be how would someone excitedly explain this? Another could be explain this concept like you're having a casual coffee chat with someone, or tell this story in a lighthearted and humorous manner, like you're talking to an old friend, just like in PR, knowing your audience matters. Are you talking to tech experts, ceos in a specific industry, maybe moms? Let the tool know who it's helping you talk to. Another important tip don't shy away from sharing your unique voice. It's important to give it an example sentence or two, or a past content piece in your voice that you want it to emulate.

Speaker 1:

And remember it's okay to iterate. There aren't many first drafts that hit the mark. With ChatGPT, you can regenerate responses and I usually do that a few times. If it's still not coming close, it means I haven't prompted it correctly. So tweak, modify and have an ongoing dialogue with ChatGPT until you get what you're looking for. And if you're not sure the right direction for your prompts, just ask.

Speaker 1:

Ask ChatGPT what it needs from you to prompt it more effectively. And I'll give you a final example. Let's say you're trying to create content targeting moms. You might type in if I'm going to prompt you to create content for moms, what do you need for me? In this case, it responded when prompting me to create content for moms. The more specific you can be about your requirements and the audience, the better output. Here's a checklist of things that would be helpful, and it goes on to provide nine things it needs from you to get the job done.

Speaker 1:

Like some of the things we've covered here today, specific audience right Moms can be pretty broad. Are you talking to a new mom, a working mom, a single mom? What's your content type? What are your main objectives? Are you educating? Are you entertaining? Are you selling something? Is there a call to action or sensitive topics to avoid? When you're able to identify these things up front in a prompt, chatgpt's success rate and efficacy rate increases significantly. All right, thanks for listening to this brief ChatGPT primer. All these AI tools can be incredibly versatile, but they do require a thoughtful human input. So next time you sit down with ChatGPT, consider it less like chatting with a robot and more like a collaborative brainstorming session with a colleague. Until next time.