The Regular Guys Bible Study

John 10

November 20, 2023 Ken Strickland Season 2 Episode 14
John 10
The Regular Guys Bible Study
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The Regular Guys Bible Study
John 10
Nov 20, 2023 Season 2 Episode 14
Ken Strickland

Ready for a spiritual journey? Buckle up and join us, Ken and Steve, as we traverse the intricate landscapes of the Book of John, focusing on Chapter 10. We'll dig into Jesus' analogies of himself as both shepherd and the door of the sheepfold, dissecting his declaration that those entering by another route are false prophets or anti-Christ. You'll walk away with a deeper understanding of this chapter's profound symbolism and its crucial role in the narrative of John.

We further examine the metaphor of Jesus as the Good Shepherd, highlighting interesting parallels with Old Testament shepherd stories, like those of King David. Our discussion expands to Jesus' mention of other sheep, not from his fold, who he also has the duty to guide. This resonates the message of unity, envisioning a single flock under one shepherd. 

As we reach the end of the chapter, we interpret the Feast of Dedication and Jesus' audacious claims that spark division among the Jews. We unpack Jesus' clever reference to Psalm 82 in his defense and outline the nuanced theological implications it carries. To enrich your comprehension, we also provide a historical background to the festival of Hanukkah. Listen in as we unravel these complexities and draw personal insights from these profound narratives. Join us on this journey and let's unravel the mysteries of John together.

Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

Ready for a spiritual journey? Buckle up and join us, Ken and Steve, as we traverse the intricate landscapes of the Book of John, focusing on Chapter 10. We'll dig into Jesus' analogies of himself as both shepherd and the door of the sheepfold, dissecting his declaration that those entering by another route are false prophets or anti-Christ. You'll walk away with a deeper understanding of this chapter's profound symbolism and its crucial role in the narrative of John.

We further examine the metaphor of Jesus as the Good Shepherd, highlighting interesting parallels with Old Testament shepherd stories, like those of King David. Our discussion expands to Jesus' mention of other sheep, not from his fold, who he also has the duty to guide. This resonates the message of unity, envisioning a single flock under one shepherd. 

As we reach the end of the chapter, we interpret the Feast of Dedication and Jesus' audacious claims that spark division among the Jews. We unpack Jesus' clever reference to Psalm 82 in his defense and outline the nuanced theological implications it carries. To enrich your comprehension, we also provide a historical background to the festival of Hanukkah. Listen in as we unravel these complexities and draw personal insights from these profound narratives. Join us on this journey and let's unravel the mysteries of John together.


Hi, you are listening to the Regular Guys Bible Study Podcast. We are your host, Ken and Steve, and we are just Regular Guys studying the Bible we are here to talk about theologians, we are here to talk about theologians. You started off on the right key for that intro. How did you do that? I'm not sure, because I don't think of you as like some mega perfect pitch singer kind of dude.


I'm not a great singer, but I did take piano lessons.


It's like a commercial. There used to be a commercial, for I'm not that strong a singer there was a commercial. I don't remember what it was for. I think it might have been for like a modium AD or something. It was something maybe.


That sounds like a crappy commercial.


Well, is that a yeah? That would be a crappy commercial. Anyway, he said he starts off with I'm not a doctor, but I play one on TV All right.


What do we have today?


All right. Today we are studying John, chapter 10. And you know, we hope to get through the whole thing, but I don't know the way it's starting off here. It's not looking promising. It's not not looking promising. I just had a great idea what you know how.


in chapter nine I read the whole thing. I think it's your turn.


I'm not going to read the whole.




Yeah, at least the first part. I can read the first part. But you know what, if I tap out, you got to be ready to go. I was ready to go if you had tapped out on the previous one.


You just, I'll be ready.


All right, all right, here we go, eye rolls just don't transfer well on you, they do not. Radio All right Radio.


Podcast, whatever you want to call this thing.


Okay, here we go, john, chapter 10,. Truly, truly, I say to you, he who does not enter the sheepfold by the door but climbs in by another way, that man is a thief and a robber. But he who enters by the door is the shepherd of the sheep. To him the gatekeeper opens. The sheep hear his voice and he calls his own sheep by name and leads them out. When he has brought all out, all his own, he goes before them and the sheep follow him, for they know his voice. A stranger they will not follow, but they will flee from him, for they do not know the voice of strangers. This figure of speech Jesus used with them, but they did not understand what he was saying to them. So Jesus said to them again, said to them, truly, truly, I say to you I am the door of the sheep.


All who came before me are thieves and robbers, but the sheep did not listen to them. I am the door. If anyone enters by me, he will be saved and will go in and out and find pasture. The thief, the thief comes only to still and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly. I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep. He who is a hired hand and not a shepherd, who does not own the sheep, sees the wolf coming and leaves the sheep and flees, and the wolf snatches them and scatters them. He flees because he is a hired hand and cares nothing for the sheep.


I am the good shepherd. I know my own and my own know me, just as the Father knows me, and I know the Father and I lay down my life for the sheep and I have other sheep that are not of this fold. I must bring them also and they will listen to my voice. So there will be one flock, one shepherd. For this reason the Father loves me, because I lay down my life that I may take it up again. No one takes it from me, but I lay it down of my own accord. I have authority to lay it down and I have authority to take it up again. This charge I have received from my Father. There was again a division among the Jews because of these words. Many of them said he has a demon, he is insane. Why listen to him? Others said these are not the words of one who is oppressed by a demon. Can a demon. Open the eyes of a blind you made it.


All right, I made it.


So he says, truly, truly, I say to you who is you?


He is talking to the Jews.


Yep, verse 40 of chapter 9. Some of the Pharisees near him heard these things and said to him are we also blind? Jesus said to them if you were blind you would have no guilt. But now that you say we see, your guilt remains. Then he goes into the truly, truly.


Yes, yeah, I guess I should have set that up where they were.


You normally do. I was surprised, you didn't, yeah, but normally you're the reader first. That's a good thing. I came back around and did that, yeah.


You did a good job there, Steve. Maybe you should be the primary lead and I should just be the.


Oh, you know what?


I just call me Ed McMahon.






And what am I, Johnny Carson? Yes, you can like hold letters up to your head and you know a lot of people that's going to be way before their time listening to this, because that's like early 80s.


A lot of people. How many people are listening to this podcast?


At least three, and I bet one of them has no idea what we're talking about.


OK, yeah, you're probably right.


OK, so on this first part, I think and I did this, I took these notes before reading the second paragraph.


So this is on the first paragraph paragraph or or or second, like the paragraph OK the paragraph OK got it.


So Jesus is the shepherd, that's pretty clear, and that any that enter by another way are false prophets or the anti-coast.


Oh, you're saying he's the shepherd. That's what's clear. I think he says it later it's also clear that he's the gate.


But who is the gatekeeper and the key master?


This is not Ghostbusters, but he makes it clear at the very beginning, before he talks about the shepherd, that he is the, the gate the sheep go through, which the sheep fold.


He says he who enters by the door is the shepherd of the sheep. And then later he says yeah right, I am the good shepherd, so he's definitely the shepherd.


He's definitely both.


Yeah, that's weird.


The parable he makes himself to be both.


It's not a parable, it's a figure of speech.




OK, that really I thought that was weird too.


Why do we call?


everything else parables. And then here it's, suddenly, a figure of this figure of speech.


This is not what I would call a figure of speech.


This is a story, so I don't To me it's a parable, but it sounds like a parable, ok, so who do you think the believers are?


The believers are the sheep and that follow him.


He calls them and they respond.


The ones that respond, and I put a note here, steve.


Does it say predestination? Because that's what my note says.


My note does not say predestination, what? Go ahead and say what you're. What you mean by that?


Well, only those that are called will come. Ah, I see. So it's kind of like predestination.


Yeah, but they're already his sheep. Are they already the sheep right?


Let's jump down a bit here.


And the sheep follow him, for they know his voice. No, it just says all the sheep. When he has brought us, brought out all his own, he goes before them and the sheep follow him, for they know his voice.


Where does it say that no one will snatch out of my hand?


Where is that? That is further down. That's the next paragraph In verse 12. That is the hired hand.


I think it is in the second half of the chapter.


We will get there. This is what I thought, Steve. I wrote a note down. Will I know his voice?


I am going to say yes.


I think I will.


I think, because you have accepted him as your Lord and Savior, you already know his voice.


I think you are right. It makes me think of people like David Koresh and Waco, who had a following of people.


I never understand that.


They heard a voice, his voice. They did not hear Jesus' voice.


What was he selling that they thought was so good that they wanted to drink the Kool-Aid.


They ate the fire. The Kool-Aid was a different cult. I pray that, as the world goes on and gets worse, as the world turns, that I will not be deceived by the voice of not God. I think there are a lot of those voices. I pray that about me and my kids.


I can see that.


Another thing I noticed In the second paragraph. Are you done with the first paragraph?


No, go into the gatekeeper. It seems to me like the gatekeeper should have been the priesthood, but I don't think it is.


To him the gatekeeper opens.


Because, if it were the priesthood, they would be accepting him right now.


He doesn't really talk about who the gatekeeper is, does he?


Well, later he says he is the door. I feel like he is the gatekeeper, the gate, the door, the shepherd.


I think the father might be the gatekeeper.


Hmm, that could be.


And the father opens the door for him to.


Who is the hired hand Is?


that the priesthood. I think the hired hand are the Pharisees.


Then who is the wolf Satan? The world Rome.


Death, eternal death.


I don't know.


Who could it?


be, I don't know, maybe Satan.


That's pretty good, steve. I'm sorry I interrupted it Because you're what are those called your church lady, your church lady interpretation.


Not interpretation what am?


I saying I have dementia or something. What's wrong with me? What were?


we talking about.


Impersonation. There you go what I'm trying to say.


Your dimensions is my dimension. Your dementia is catching my dimensions are growing. Okay, now I'm done with chapter one. Alright.


Which, by the way, my dimensions. Every time this in the fall, they start growing Because I just can't quit eating. I just I'm wanting to like put on weight.


Yeah, I know what you're talking about.


It's like crazy.


It's all that cold temperature here in Texas it is a little chilly, it's like freezing in my house all day.


You see how I'm dressed.


I had three layers on until a little while ago. Then I started playing with the dogs and I got hot Alright.


Well, let's go on. In the second paragraph I think it's interesting that he says I am the door and says some stuff. Then he repeats it I am the door. And then repeats it. And then later he says I am the good shepherd and then says some stuff about the good shepherd, and then again he says I am the good shepherd and another thing about the good shepherd. So in both cases he repeats himself about who he is.


Do you see that In?


verse 7 and 9, he says I am the door, and then in verse 11 and 14, I am the good shepherd. That is interesting Really. Do you really think I said something that's interesting?


Well, you know, for the benefit of the people listening, I have to be somewhat supportive of you.


I don't really think that. Oh okay, it's alright.


No, I didn't catch that, so I did find that interesting. Are you done with that? Yeah, go ahead. He who is a hired hand and not a shepherd here it's a shepherd, not the shepherd who does not own the sheep sees the wolf coming and leaves the sheep and flees. So that you know who I thought of for that.


You thought of Vanna White on the will of fortune.


Close, but no. Okay, because he tried to flee from God's instruction to go tell the Ninevites. Is that right? That is true. And then he got swallowed by a whale and vomited up on a beach. He tried to get away instead of going and telling the Ninevites to repent.


That seems like a stretch to me, steve. I'm sorry, it just seems like a stretch, well.


I was trying to think of who he's talking about here. And Jonah was a prophet and he knew that if he didn't go tell the Ninevites to repent, then they would face God's judgment and wrath, which would be the wolf in that case, in my little stretch. But if he did go, then he'd be protecting them from the wrath.


You know what I think? This is what? Because I don't necessarily think somebody has to be in this place, in this parable, because, like he in fact you pointed out that he doesn't he says a shepherd, yeah, and this is like just he's just pointing out some facts.


If I'm not saying that's the only thing that could be. I'm just trying to think of an example of who would have. Who was someone in the Bible that ran away to leave the sheep to the wolf.


That is true, he did do that, but I think, I think, if anything, the hired hand in this case would be the Pharisees, because, basically they are, they are useless in guiding the sheep.


Is that too harsh of a judgment?


Yes, no, no, it's not. They killed Jesus.


Fair Gosh, but I mean they were still teaching the Bible, yes, over over what mattered. This is true. You said they were useless. They weren't useless. People still knew the Old Testament Scriptures.


No but they were useless as they were very similar to a hired hand the hired hand. They weren't useless, they were helping keep the sheep gathered, but then when?


it's Because there was no trouble, and then there was trouble, and then, all right, I'll go with that.


But they might not. But I do want to say that maybe the hired hand is no one in this parable in particular. He's just pointing out that he's not a hired hand. A hired hand isn't any good and it's not going to care for the sheep, but he is a good shepherd who the sheep know, Knows the sheep and the sheep know him.


Oh, sounds like you're onto a song there, he knows the sheep and the sheep know him.


He knows the sheep and the sheep knows him.


Is that really a song, he?


knows. No, it is now Woo Copyright.


Please copy it wrong so that it gets better.


Man. That really hurt my feelings, all right, so anyway. So you know, the good shepherd is going to sacrifice for the sheep. In fact, what's interesting is, you know King David, who was, you know, one of the great Jewish kings, arguably the greatest Jewish king. He was a shepherd and he was known to have killed a lion with his bare hands. Or does he have bare hands? He used his bare hands. No wonder he was able to do it. He used his big bear claws, like a donut. What Bear claws? Yes, oh gosh. Yes, he distracted him with bear claws.


And then ate some honey.


I don't remember. It seems like he killed him with his bare hands, but maybe he used a sling, I don't remember.


There was. Yeah, I don't remember if it even said Maybe not. Who was it that used the jaw bone of an ass?


Watch your language. Now I've got to click the explicit button on this.


The jaw bone of a bleep. I don't remember it wasn't Samson, was it Samson? The TV? Maker that's who it was Samson Samson.


Yeah, it's hard to say now. It is I don't know, I don't remember, and that means marketing works. Yes, that's true. All right, let's continue. And then he goes okay, hold on. He says this and I have other sheep that are not of this fold. I must bring them also, and they will listen to my voice.


So there will be one flock and one shepherd.


Who are these other?


The non-sheep. I think they're from another planet are we going to get Tom Cruise on here? That's a special guest.


No, no. Yes, you're right, steve, it's not at Tom Cruise.


But you know, if there is life on other planets, there's no reason that what you said couldn't be true.


That's accurate, but I don't think that's what he's referring to here.


I don't think so either.


Even if what there is it was just a joke. Yes, the other sheep that are not of this fold, I think that's the Gentiles, the non-Jews. So there will be one flock and one shepherd. So all the people of Christ, all the people who follow Christ, will be one flock, and that's pretty cool.


And then he goes on to talk about the crucifixion.


He does, doesn't he?


Or not really the crucifixion, but the resurrection.


The death and the resurrection. Yeah, he has to lay down his life and take it up again.


No one takes it from him, but he does it of his own accord and he has the authority to take it up again.


That's right. And remember, you know, I remember when I was younger, listening to the story of him talking to Pontius, pilate, or and to Herod, and it's like, come on, dude, defend yourself. It's like. But you know that would have kind of defeated what he says here. No one takes it from him, he gives it on his own accord, his own will, all right.


So they were divided again and you know some say he's got a demon and is insane.


Yeah, all right, let's go on. I think we can do this, steve.


Let's finish your 10.


Okay, so why don't you read the rest of?


this, okay, but be ready to be tagged. Tagged, yeah, in case I can't make it. You mean it's?


called tapping out, Steve oh come on what kind of stupid jargon are you using? I don't even know what that means.


Tag what it means.


Oh, never mind, I guess that works, see, you know what it meant.


All right, verse 22. At the time I can't even read. At that time, the feast of dedication took place at Jerusalem. It was winter and Jesus was walking in the temple in the colonnade of Solomon. So the Jews gathered around him and said to him how long will you keep us in suspense? If you are the Christ, tell us plainly.


Jesus answered them. I told you, and you do not believe the works that I do in my father's name. Bear witness about me, but you do not believe because you are not among my sheep. My sheep hear my voice and I know them and they follow me. I give them eternal life and they will never perish and no one will snatch them out of my hand. My father, who has given them to me, is greater than all and no one is able to snatch them out of the father's hand. I and the father are one.


The Jews picked up stones again to stone him. Jesus answered them. I have shown you many good works from the father. For which of them are you going to stone me? And the Jews answered him. It is not for a good work that we're going to stone you, but for a blasphemy, because you, being a man, make yourself God? Jesus answered them. Is it not written in your law? I said you are gods. If he called them gods to whom the word of God came and scripture cannot be broken, do you say of him, whom the father consecrated and sent into the world, you are blaspheming, because I said I am the son of God. If I am not doing the works of my father, then do not believe me. But if I do them, even though you do not believe me, believe the works that you may know and understand that the father is in me and I am in the father.


Again, they sought to arrest him but he escaped from their hands. He went away again across the Jordan to the place where John had been baptizing at first and there he remained and many came to him and they said John did no sign, but everything John said about this man was true and many believed in him there. So don't you think it's funny that they say if you are the Christ, tell us plainly. And then he says I am the Christ and they go to stone him.


Yeah he has told him many times.


He has.


They've already been about to kill him so many times. So I did look up what is this feast of dedication, because I don't remember hearing anything about it in other books of the Bible, and I did find out it's because it's newer than the Old Testament, so Really. So it's also Hanuk Hanuk, it is Hanukah. I can't believe I did not know how to pronounce that.


It is.




Hanukah is known as the feast of dedication, the annual feast, celebrated eight days beginning in the 25th of Chislev, middle of our December yes, instituted by Judas Maccabees.


It's in the Maccabees, so if it's probably in the Catholic Bible, which we don't read, interesting Because the Maccabees, the Book of Maccabees, isn't there like a Book of Maccabees.


I think so. The Catholic Bible.


Yeah, yeah, we don't have those as part of the canon.


Is it a big Mac? A bees? You know, I know nothing.


It's a quarter pounder honey on it. What honey on it? The bees? I thought you're talking like a big Mac. Yeah a big Mac with honey on it. Okay, anyway, hanukkah did not start until 167 to 164 BC. It's not aware of that.


But is that 25th day of Chizov or whatever? Is that where we get? Christmas Day is the 25th of December.


Probably, but it's not. You know, ours is always 25th of December. Well, we're on a, we're on a different calendar. We're no longer calendar, not on the lunar calendar.


Really our calendar solar. I thought it was Roman Caesars making months after their own name the Roman calendar.


Hold on, hold on. Let me think about this. Oh yeah has nothing to do with solar. Yes, it's just the day and the year that is solar. Yeah, okay, yeah, the months are Roman, I guess Greek Roman you better catch them if the Roman. That's pretty pretty funny. All right, so anyway, it was winter, because it's almost Christmas or it's during the Christmas celebration, but not Christmas, it's Hanukkah. All right, so yeah, then again, like you said, they asked him how long will you keep us in suspense?


It's like I've is your mic breaking up there, you like?




Just don't know what to say, because I can.


I can a picture Jesus sitting there going. What do you mean?


Well, it reminds me of the, the blind guy going. I've already told you the story several times and you don't believe me. He's done numerous miracles, told him numerous times that he's the son of God. That's true, and he's like I told you. And you do not believe I've done all these works, the bear witness.


You know, it's like they just are searching For they want him to say something to make them mad. I think that's the whole point. You know, haven't you been in that situation with your wife before?


What you mean every day, where.


Where she obviously is trapping you to say something that is just gonna start a fight. It's like I Know what you're talking about yeah, yeah but I'm not gonna say anything because it's whether it's not gonna listen to this.


I plead the fifth I Want a lawyer. I.


Know, I know. By the way, I was just talking about your wife, no.


I'm sure she would never do no, my wife never does that.


She is always trying to keep peace.


Does she ever try anything different like green beans?


Nope, just peas. So so a couple of things here I noticed. So he says Then I get, didn't? Uh, you are, no one will snatch them out of my hand, right? So Jesus says no one will snatch them out of my hand. My father, who has given them to me, is greater than all and no one is able to snatch them out of my father's hand. So it's like my hand but they're also my father's hand. And then he says I and the father are one. It's like that's a drop the mic moment, right?


there it kind of is when does the Spirit get declared as also being God? I mean, this clearly equates Jesus and God, and I know that Jesus says I must leave, so that Something your helper or something great. Yeah, I don't remember exact verse, but does it ever explicitly state that the spirit is also God?


I Know you wouldn't bring this up without looking it up first, steve, so so let's. Why don't you tell me what you found about that?


Okay, let's move on. That I Was hoping you have.


When do you know me to be smart? Oh, do you remember the tagline of our podcasty?


Oh yeah regular guys. Bs.


That's stands for Bible study. Oh right, regular guys Bible study. We are regular guys, not the Allo. John the allo Jons right with Ken and Steve.


My point is I don't know all right, I just the question just now came to me, so I didn't look it up.


Yeah, okay, yeah, that is, I don't know. That's a. That's a good thing to look up, though. Let's look that up, are?


we gonna remember to do that.


Yes, all right. Yes, we will remember, all right. Um, actually, I'm gonna make a note right now. Okay, you do that, all right. So then they picked up. You know, like we said, drop the mic moment. And the Jews felt it as well. Right, they began to pick up stones right then. And you know, jesus is okay. You know which of the good works are we done?


No, we're not done. Just, it's just, just, just just me doing stuff. So this is you know which of the good works are you gonna stone me for? And he says you know, it's not because of the good works is because you're equating yourself to God. And now the truth is, steve, if you and I were to say that we are God, the, the Penalty for that would be stoning in the Jewish law.


I'm pretty sure we could get away with it here in.


Austin. Okay, I'm not talking about that. I'm saying if we were back in the Jewish law and we were to say that we were God, the penalty is blasphemy, because we are not God. So in a way, if the Jews do not believe that Jesus is God, then they are right. He should be stoned.


But then they shouldn't have asked up above. If you are the Christ, tell us plainly.


Well, they want him to say that, so they can stoned him.


Well, maybe, I don't know they were divided. Some of them wanted to believe.


Yeah, but that's true, that is true.


Maybe it's the other ones that picked up the stones.


Maybe so. So Jesus then answers this weird thing. He says is it not written in your law? I said you are gods. If he called them gods to whom the word of God came, the scripture cannot be broken, Do you say of him, who the father consecrated and sent into the world, you are blasphemy because I said I am the son of God.


So I'm glad you brought this up, Ken, because that is a reference to Psalm 82.


All right, you looked it up. I did look it up. I did too, because I was confused. Psalm 82, why don't you read Psalm 82? Or just that section, not the whole thing.


Well, I did read the whole thing to myself and came to the conclusion that it was a, a plea for justice, the Psalm as a whole.


Okay For a plea for justice. For who?


The week in the needy. Okay, if I trust the headlines in the Bible, Ah so we don't have headlines.


Headers Section section headers.


Headers. Yeah, Should I read it.


Are we out of time? No read it.


God has taken his place in the divine counsel, in the midst of the gods, he holds judgment. How long will you judge unjustly and show partiality to the wicked? Say, la, give justice to the weak and the fatherless. Maintain the right of the afflicted and the destitute. Rescue the weak and the needy. Deliver them from the hand of the wicked. They have neither knowledge nor understanding. They walk about in darkness. All the foundations of the earth are shaken. I said you are God's sons of the most high, all of you. Nevertheless, like men, you shall die and fall like any prince. Arise, o God. Judge the earth, for you shall inherit all the nations. Okay, some of that's confusing to me.


Yeah, that is confusing.


Verse eight arise O God, judge the earth, for you shall inherit all the nations. Fits Jesus to a T, but who is it? The I said in verse six, and then the quotes start.


That's yeah, that is confusing.


I said you are God's sons of the most high, all of you.


And who are the all of you?


I don't know.




Well, it does say up above, in the midst of the gods, he holds judgment.


In the midst of the gods. Who are the gods?


You wouldn't ask that question unless you had looked it up previously. So let's turn it back on you, Ken. What did you find?


I found that you didn't look it up and don't know what you're talking about, Steve.


Huh, how about that.


I don't know. All right, so we've got some. We got some studies to do. Yeah, you do. I think both of us do, I don't. I don't hear you having all the answers, mister nutty little genius. Okay, but anyway, that's the scripture Jesus is referencing and that's the point. Jesus is referencing scripture, that from Psalms where he says you are gods, because when he first, when I first read that, I thought that doesn't say that anywhere does it?


So right here he says who they are. Ah, he says, if he called them, them gods, to whom the word of God came.


Oh, it's the. I actually did know this. The prophets, it's the prophets.


Hmm, that's interesting yeah.


All right. So if I'm not doing, if I am not doing the works of my father, then do not believe me. But if I do them, even though you do not believe me, believe the works that you may know and understand that the father is in me and I am in the father. So it seems like if they believe in the works, if they believe the works, then they have to believe in Jesus, because he says that you may know and understand that the father is in me and I am in the father. So I don't think you can believe the works and not believe that Jesus is from God. I think that's his point actually.


But the devil believed the works and knew that he was the son of God. Yeah, so are you saying they would be saved if they believed the works?


or the no, I'm just saying, if they don't want to believe that Jesus is the son of God or that Jesus and the father are one, then believe the works. I mean, they've seen the works, the signs, and that will show them that Jesus is and the father are one. So, even if they don't want to believe what he says, believe what they see him do and they will know who Jesus is. But they did not like that answer.




And they tried to capture him again and where did he go?


He went to where John the Baptist was used to baptize.


Yeah, why do you think he went?


there. I assume this is after John was arrested.


It doesn't mention that, doesn't mention the timing.


Does John, the book of John, mentioned John the Baptist beheading? Do you know? I don't know.


We will find that out at the end of either either when it happens or at the end of the book. When it didn't happen, I would think it would be in John.


But I don't know, I don't think it is.


It may not be. They're not the same John, yeah, but I did think it was interesting because I never thought about this. John did no sign, but everything that John said about this man was true. So John did no miracle in himself, like with his disciples. He never did a miracle, but he did point people to Jesus. And what's interesting to me about that is oftentimes well, I don't know about oftentimes, but I know that sometimes it bothers me that, if I have the Holy Spirit.


Why can't I, do you know? Why can't I heal your like your bald, stupid head?


Cause there's nothing wrong with it. It's perfect.


Okay, all right. Well, okay, let's pick something else.


So my jaw hurts. Can you heal that? No, I can't.


I can't. You're no good. Exactly, I'm no good, I'm no good, I'm no good, baby You're no good I'm no good. But my point is John had the Holy Spirit before the Spirit was given to all men.


But there were a lot of prophets that didn't really do any signs, right, that's true. I don't think Jonah did and he got swallowed by a whale and he got a little bit.


Was John, though? An extremely important figure? Yeah, and he had the Holy Spirit. He pointed people to God, to Jesus, but he did no miracles on his own.




And we don't have to do miracles, miracles, miracles. We don't have to do miracles, Steve.


Miracle with.


I've been convicted of this lately. We don't need to do miracles, we don't need to seek the Holy Spirit's power, we need to obey. Remember up there it said will I know his voice? Because Jesus calls us today to do stuff? I mean, we're doing this podcast because I felt like God was calling me to do this thing. You felt like God was calling you To do anything. To do it to, there was some study or some. I don't remember the thing. It was like at a men's breakfast or something.


My dimensions are kicking in, so I don't remember either.


It was at a men's breakfast and the message was about oh, david Shieldbearer, jonathan.


That's right.


And you felt like God was saying that's what you're supposed to do.


It's funny that you remember that and I didn't.


Yeah, it means that I care and you don't.


No, I've always had a horrible memory.


But anyway, I thought that was really cool how God did that. And so God calls us and we need to hear his voice and obey. That's all I got to say about that.




That's not God's voice. That's Steve. No, I was just testing, Okay good. See, I know his voice in it. I know it's not that. All right, that's all I got, Steve.


Yeah, we're done.


All right, thanks guys.


Until next time.


Okay, remember, read John 11 before next time, so you'll be smarter than us. Do you think it sounds good? Bye.

Exploring John Chapter 10
Reflections on the Good Shepherd
Feast of Dedication and Jesus' Claims
Understanding Jesus' Reference to Psalm 82