The Regular Guys Bible Study

John 13

January 08, 2024 Ken Strickland Season 2 Episode 17
John 13
The Regular Guys Bible Study
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The Regular Guys Bible Study
John 13
Jan 08, 2024 Season 2 Episode 17
Ken Strickland

Have you ever considered the profound humility in Jesus' act of foot-washing, or is it just an ancient ritual lost to time? As Ken and I reunite in this episode, we take you through the maze of symbolism in John Chapter 13, where the simple act of foot-washing unfolds as a lesson in servant leadership that still resonates today. I'll even share a personal peeve about modern misconceptions of this powerful gesture. We dissect the layers of meaning behind Jesus' actions, particularly the weight of His knowledge of the impending betrayal, and how this shapes our understanding of true service to one another.

As our conversation deepens, we tackle the complexities of using Jesus' name in prayer, aiming to strip back the rote repetition and restore its sincere invocation. The narrative of Judas' betrayal under Satan's influence and the disciples' bewildering reactions come under our scrutiny too, prompting us to question their understanding—or lack thereof. With Jesus' prediction of His betrayal, the dialogue swerves into the concepts of glorification and the timeless commandment to love one another, challenging us to grasp the intricacies of His message. Join Ken and me as we navigate these spiritually charged waters, seeking clarity and application for our lives today.

Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

Have you ever considered the profound humility in Jesus' act of foot-washing, or is it just an ancient ritual lost to time? As Ken and I reunite in this episode, we take you through the maze of symbolism in John Chapter 13, where the simple act of foot-washing unfolds as a lesson in servant leadership that still resonates today. I'll even share a personal peeve about modern misconceptions of this powerful gesture. We dissect the layers of meaning behind Jesus' actions, particularly the weight of His knowledge of the impending betrayal, and how this shapes our understanding of true service to one another.

As our conversation deepens, we tackle the complexities of using Jesus' name in prayer, aiming to strip back the rote repetition and restore its sincere invocation. The narrative of Judas' betrayal under Satan's influence and the disciples' bewildering reactions come under our scrutiny too, prompting us to question their understanding—or lack thereof. With Jesus' prediction of His betrayal, the dialogue swerves into the concepts of glorification and the timeless commandment to love one another, challenging us to grasp the intricacies of His message. Join Ken and me as we navigate these spiritually charged waters, seeking clarity and application for our lives today.


You are listening to the Regular Guys Bible Study Podcast, the Bible Study for Regular Guys by Regular Guys. We are your host, ken and Steve, and we are just regular guys studying the Bible together Theologians Alright, hey, steve, how you doing, I'm doing alright, welcome back from Christmas. Happy New Year. Happy New Year Did you have a good break. You know I did, but it seemed really short. It did feel really short.


Plus, my wife was sick the entire time.


So I bet it felt really long at the same time.


Yeah, I mean it felt like we couldn't do anything.


Yeah, oh, that's a bummer.


Is she?


okay, is she doing better? She's doing better today. Did you finally get the medicine that she?


was supposed to have, apparently, robotus and DM is over the counter. Yes, and the doctor called it in as a prescription and no one told us hey, go get this.


Well, we have it at our house. We do too. So well, I'm glad she's doing better. That's one good thing is. You know, we didn't always feel great at our house, but no one was ever really sick. But luckily we can do this tonight because the place I'm supposed to be tonight the host has COVID Excellent.


What a blessing.


Yes, a blessing. Now I pray that he gets better. So why don't we go ahead and get started? Yeah, we are in John 13. It feels like it's been a while. It has been a while because of my vacations, holidays and your vacations and all that stuff. So what just happened in 12? Do you remember? I don't.


The big headline says Jesus came to save the world.


Yeah, he tells people that and, if you remember, lazarus was reclining at the table with him, which and he had just raised from the dead the chapter before. Yeah, and they and Mary? No, no, no, I'm getting confused, mary washed his feet with her hair. Oh yeah, with the pound of Nard.


Nardly dude, and you made that joke, I did.


And then he had his triumphant entry into Jerusalem. Then he talked about how he's come to save the world.




All right, so why don't we start? You want to read the first section, steve Sure.


It's kind of windy.


Are you want me to read it?


No, I'm good, All right Now. Before the feast of the Passover, when Jesus knew that his hour had come to depart out of this world to the Father, having loved his own who were in the world, he turned them to the end. He loved them to the end.


I don't know where that came from.


Let me start over.


Oh gosh.


All right, no, I won't. He loved them to the end During supper, when the devil had already put it into the heart of Judas Iscariot, simon's son, to betray him. Jesus, knowing that the Father had given all things into his hands and that he had come from God and was going back to God, rose from supper. He laid aside his outer garments and, taking a towel, tied it around his waist. Then he poured water into a basin and began to wash the disciples' feet and to wipe them with the towel that was wrapped around him. He came to Simon Peter, who said to him Lord, do you wash my feet? Jesus answered him what I am doing, you do not understand now, but afterward you will understand. Peter said to him you shall never wash my feet, and Jesus answered him if I do not wash you, you have no share with me. Simon Peter said to him Lord, not my feet only, but also my hands and my head. Jesus said to him the one who is bathed does not need to wash, except for his feet, but is completely clean. And you are clean, but not every one of you, for he knew who was to betray him. That was why he said not all of you are clean.


When he had washed their feet and put on his outer garments and resumed his place, he said to them do you understand what I have done to you? You call me teacher and Lord, and you are right, for so I am. If I, then your Lord and teacher, have washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another's feet, for I have given you an example that you also should do just as I have done to you. Truly, truly, I say to you a servant is not greater than his master, nor is a messenger greater than the one who sent him. If you know these things, blessed are you if you do them. I am not speaking of all of you. I know whom I have chosen, but the Scripture will be fulfilled. He who ate my bread has lifted his heel against me. I am telling you this now, before it takes place, that when it does take place, you may believe that I am he. Truly truly, I say to you whoever receives the one I send, receives me, and whoever receives me receives the one who sent me.


All right, thanks, steve man. That was long, wasn't it? It?




It really felt long.


Especially how you were stumbling over it. I'm good at drawing things out and making them really painful.


So I really I'm really glad we're doing this, because I have a huge pet peeve about how people interpret this.




I do. Can you imagine what it is?


Why aren't you washing my feet right now?


Because that's, it means nothing to us. Do you think All?


right. So, jesus, I don't know, but it would mean something if you suddenly wrapped a towel around your waist and started washing my feet.


Is that something we do? Do we have servants that wash our feet when we come in, or you don't? I mean, of course, yeah, yeah, of course I do, but is that something we do? And it's called a shower, and well, no, if you're, if you are already clean, you know, if you've already had a bath or a shower see, I think you're clean.


The bath he's talking about here is the baptism.


I think he's talking about both Really. Yeah, because Peter's saying wash my whole body then. And he's going to shut up. Peter just calmed down, but he says do likewise, you know. And then I've been to these ceremonial things where people wash my feet or something. It's like, really, this is not, in my opinion, what Jesus is asking us to do.


What do you think he's asking or telling us to do?


Jesus is telling us to serve others.


Are you sure?


And he's telling us to make ourselves lower than others.


You have what? Oh, and if I, then your Lord and teacher, have washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another's feet.


That's pretty clear.


Can I?


understand the words.


I don't think you do.


I do understand the words, but I don't think he's talking about literal washing a feet, unless he's talking literally only to his disciples and not to us. Why? Well just like you said, his words were that he's also talking to his disciples.


Yeah, he talks to his disciples all the time and we take it as commandments for us.


Yes, that's true, all right, but in this case I don't think it has anything to do with feet. This has to do with humility and serving the people who are putting yourself beneath the people around you.


So you're leaving out the biggest point in your favor for this argument, which is the next sentence, where it says for. I have given you an example.


Okay, yes, I mean, that's the point, though the point of the example is that he is serving them, not necessarily that he's washing feet, but washing feet was apparently a very vile job.


I can imagine so, especially if I mean, even with shoes on and socks, your feet get kind of nasty. And I don't think they had socks and they were probably wearing sandals. I know, when you wear sandals and it's dusty and oh, feet get nasty.


That's true. What were the sandals? Made out of leather, I assume, or I mean skin.


That's what it is.


Well is all. Is also animal skin considered leather? I? Don't know that's, or is it just cow skin? I don't know.


I don't know you need that thing where you just look it up.


I wish I had one of those. Actually, you know what? I have a lamb skin. Lamb skin leather jacket.


Sounds like it's leather called leather.


All right, anyway, the point is, I believe, be willing to put yourself beneath. Not be willing to, no, that's, that's a cop out, but put yourself below the people around you and do the things to serve those people around you.


See, now I find I think that's probably a lot easier for you than it is for me, because you already are below everyone else.


It really hurts. It really hurts, steve. You know when, when, when jokes are too true. Yeah, yeah, yeah.


Do you need a hug?


No, please, all right, at any rate, go ahead.


Well, I think you're done with your point there. Right, I'm done with that point.


Yes, all right, so soapbox.


There are a couple of things I saw here. First of all, I always thought he washed their feet before dinner, but he actually does it in the middle.


Oh, let me see here.


He rose from supper in verse four.


Yeah, but now before the feast of the Passover, during supper this isn't the Passover feast, then? Oh, you're right, and during supper. Yeah, he rose during supper.


And then he comes back and did it. Well, we haven't gotten there, but OK, that's weird to me, although I guess maybe everyone was chilling around the table and he went around to each person and washed their feet. That could be.


Yeah, and actually you know how they're sitting at the table on pillows and their feet are kind of near the food that's kind of.


Oh, so maybe he first sat down and he's like oh, what is that smell? But you're right. Other thing I noticed. All right, there are multiple references of returning to the Father in both verse one and verse three, verse one when. Jesus knew that his hour had come to depart out of this world to the Father Okay and then In three and that he had come from God and was going back to God.


Yep. Now these are all. These are anecdotes from John, right, yeah, after the fact.


I guess he's just trying to make the point.


Yeah, so Jesus did not say those things right there.




Okay, so what else? Anything else from that?


So I did have a similar point in my notes that you did Like is it actually a call for us to wash each other's feet, or is this a call to be a servant to all and not get full of ourselves? Hmm, which you said, and you said be humble.


Yeah, I didn't say don't get full of ourselves, but yeah, that's the same thing, I think humility. Okay, and all right. I have one thing it says, but the scripture will be fulfilled. He who ate my bread has lifted his heel against me, and last week we talked about.


I have something in that same verse that you skipped.




Well, let me finish. It was a head of yours, okay.


Well, I'm going to finish mine first, because last week we talked about Judas and that sometimes, when we're not reading John, we felt sorry for him a little bit because maybe he was just trying to. He's a good guy at heart and just trying to push along the kingdom. But then we find out, okay, he's been stealing money. And here the prophecy is that he who ate my bread has lifted his heel against me, which means it's a true betrayal, not just trying to help the kingdom along, but not only that, in verse two, the devil had already put it into the heart of Judas.


You're right, the devil was there.


But the thing I was going to point out in verse 18 is that I am not speaking of all of you. I know whom I have chosen.


I know whom I have chosen, so he chose.


Judas. That's true, he did choose Judas.


And he chose the others, he chose all 12. That's interesting.


So, thinking that through, if there were five guys that he could have chosen from, would all five guys already have had the disposition and mindset that they were going to betray him eventually? Or was the betrayal something that was planted in him as part of God's plan, but done via the devil?


Hold on. What are the five guys? I don't understand. Well, he chose Judas, he chose 12 guys.


Yeah, but the other 11, he knew where their hearts were. I'm sure he knew where.


Judas' heart was.


I'm just saying if there were five guys to choose from to do this job, would all of them have the heart, or lack of heart, for God?


That is a rhetorical question that I cannot answer.




I do not know. I do know that Jesus chose this one person, so I think that was the plan to choose this one person and then God used the devil to put the idea in his heart. I sounds like it, yes.


Hmm, See, in the Old Testament it said God hardens Pharaoh's heart. I wonder if he used the devil for that too. I do not know.


I don't think so, because it said God hardened his heart. Yeah, but here it says Jesus chose him and. Here it says blah blah, blah blah. Where does it say the devil? It's up in verse 12.


It's up in verse 32.


During supper, when the devil had already put it into the heart of Judas Iscariot. So I don't know. I don't know how all that works, steve, that's in the spirit world that I don't understand.


It's a mystery.


Do you want to say more about that?


Because I can't go on with it.


So why don't we go on to the next section? I'll read it.


I did have something for verse 20. Okay, go ahead. Truly, truly, I say to you whoever receives the one I send, receives me, and whoever receives me receives. The one who sent me I think he's referring to the spirit is the one he sends, but he could also be talking about all Christians.


I believe he's talking about the Holy Spirit. But okay, I'm glad you brought this up because I wondered also is this a quote of God? Truly, truly, I say to you whoever receives the one I send, who is Jesus, receives me, and whoever receives me receives the one who sent me.


No, I don't think so. I think the one who sent me that that wouldn't work actually Would be God who sent Jesus, and then Jesus who sent the Spirit, which sort of gives a hierarchy of the Trinity like God's highest, Jesus' second spirits, third, or are they all equal?


They're all. They are all part of God.


So that's one of those things I'm never gonna understand.


Yeah, I don't think you can hierarchy the thing you can relate more. We relate more to Jesus because he came in the flesh, yeah, so, but yeah, they are all part of God, so I don't think we can put a hierarchy on them, which I sometimes get confused with who I'm praying to.


I'll go.


I'll go. God, Holy Spirit, Jesus, it's like.


Who am I?


talking to.


I don't think it really matters who I say Do you always end your prayers with. In Jesus' name amen.


In. I sometimes do. I don't always, but I probably normally do. I think I'm most of the time I do. And I like to jazz it up a little bit Again. The holy name of Jesus, amen, and I don't know that way I'm actually saying it. Do you know what I'm saying? Like, if you just say in Jesus' name, amen, you're kind of not. It can become just a thing you say at the end.


Like amen.


Like amen, and so I really do like to change the way I say it, because it provides more meaning to myself that I'm saying, that I mean what I say.


But I think the reason we do put that at the end is somewhere, and I don't remember if it was Jesus that said it or Paul that said it. I think it was Jesus, if you ask for these things in my name, yes, I think that's right. I don't know where it is, though.




But I think that's why we do it.


I know there's somewhere in the Bible. It's in this book we call the Bible. It says it indicates to say things, ask for things in his name.


Yeah, All right, let's move on to verse 21 through 30 and I will read that After saying these things, jesus was troubled in his spirit and testified. Truly, truly, I say to you, one of you will betray me. The disciples looked at one another, uncertain of whom he spoke. One of his disciples, whom Jesus loved, was reclining at table at Jesus' side. So Simon Peter motioned to him to ask Jesus of whom he was speaking.


So that disciple, leaning back against Jesus, said to him Lord, who is it? Jesus answered it is he whom I will give this morsel of bread when I have dipped it. So when he had dipped the morsel, he gave it to Judas, the son of Simon Iscariot. Then, after he had taken the morsel, satan entered him, into him. Jesus said to him what you are going to do, do quickly Now. No one at the table knew why he had said this to him. So some thought that because Judas had the money bag, jesus was telling him buy what we need for the feast, or that he should give something to the poor. So after receiving the morsel of bread, he immediately went out, and it was night.


So Jesus is troubled here. I'm wondering if it's because he thinks all his disciples are idiots because he just talked about. He who ate my bread has lifted his heel against me and they're going about the meal like nothing's happened because they don't understand half of what he says and they're just munching away on their roasted lamb or whatever.


Well, I think I kind of disagree with you One thing you said. You said he thinks they're idiots, he knows they're idiots.


And they prove it later, because no one at the table knew why he said this to him, even though John just asked him.


Yeah, john should have known. Okay, but it says he leaned back. He was already leaning against him.


John should have known.


Well, I don't think it's talking about John.


All right.


I think it's talking about everyone around. But I think the reason why I kind of read it the way I read it, because I kind of whispered Lord, who is it? And then you know, and he and you know, jesus answered him, probably quietly, and then he dipped it and gave it to him and maybe even Peter didn't know what he had told John.


It's possible, although Peter's pretty hard headed sometimes and doesn't catch on.


That's true. I'm surprised Peter didn't jump up right then. Jesus, I'll take that piece of bread.


No, no, it's not for you. But it says Satan entered into him, which must not have been all that noticeable.


Yeah, I don't know what that means.


I've seen the movie Exorcist. It's pretty darn noticeable.


I don't think his head spun around in a circle. There wasn't vomit sitting in front of people. Some thought he might have been sick because he was spewing vomit.


And his head was spinning around in circles and he was crawling on the ceiling.


I don't think that's what happened. All right, so you know, no one really knew why he had left, or but except maybe John. I think John knew, maybe Peter knew, but I don't think Peter knew either, because Peter motioned to him. He didn't even ask him. So he's probably he could have been quite a bit of ways. All right, I don't know what else to say about that, except that Peter did indicate to John who it was at that time. Oh and, by the way, the disciple whom Jesus loved is the same disciple who's writing this book. Yes, which?


He missed the whole humility part.


I think so All right. Well, why don't we go on to the next section, Steve?


All right. When he had gone out, jesus said Now is the Son of man glorified and God is glorified in him. If God is glorified in him, god will also glorify him in himself and glorify him at once. Little children, yet a little while I am with you, you will seek me, and just as I said to the Jews, so now I also say to you when I am going. You cannot come. A new commandment I give to you that you love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another. By this, all people will know that you are my disciples if you have loved one another.


All right, so this first verse. I'm sorry, the second verse is so confusing.


My note says what does this mean?


That's what you wrote. Yeah, okay, that's similar to my note.


I want to hear you read that sentence because I stumbled all the way through it.


Oh no, it's very simple. First of all, jesus says Now is the Son of man glorified and God is glorified in him. Right, so the fact that Jesus will be glorified makes God glorified, yeah, okay, now you explain the second part.


No, that's not even the second verse yet.


I know, okay, then he goes If God is glorified in him, so if God is glorified in Jesus, god will also glorify him, jesus in himself. So if God is glorified in Jesus, so is Jesus glorified in God and glorify him at once. That's the part that really just I don't know what that means.


That's the confusing part.


And glorify him at once. You know what maybe?


a different version.


Yeah, maybe a different version. I'm using one that I don't have different versions.


I think it probably just means at the same time. He and God will be glorified at the same time.


That could be Okay. I'm going to look at. I'm using a different Bible app now. Hold on All right. What verse is that, steve?


It is John 1332.


John 1332. All right, so people might give me a hard time for this, but I sometimes like to use the NLT when there's something I don't understand which is a paraphrase, but I think it's a. I've found it to be really good for most things. And since and okay, this is what it says and since God receives glory because of his son, of the son, he will give his own glory to the son, and he will do so at once. Okay, so he's saying he's going to do it now. So okay.


Yeah, that could be. He's saying this is going to happen now.


Basically it's down. It's time now.


Right, all right, I can go with that Yet a little while. I am with you and that's how he it's like. He's doing it now and then he talks about it. It's just a little while. So I think that makes sense. And where I'm going, you cannot come Now. He says a new commandment I give you that you love one another. Is that really a new commandment? No, okay, but okay, he does say that most of the commandments just as I have loved you.


So, of the 10 commandments, the first are about honoring God and loving God. The rest are basically about loving your neighbor.


And that's what Jesus says before when somebody asks him what's the most important commandment, and he says to love the Lord, your God, with all your heart and soul and strength, or something like that. Then he said the second is like it Love your neighbor as yourself.




So I give you a new commandment. I give you that you love one another. Now it's true that the 10 commandments never flat out said that it's just, it's implied, simplied. That's a good little clearing of your throat there, sorry.


Your mics are more sensitive with this new, yeah, jigawaki thing, the jigawaki thing.


Yeah, now you know. Now everybody knows the brand. I got Steve Jigawaki, all right. Anyway, by this, all people know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another. And do you think that people in our city know who the Christians are by the love that they have for people?


No, do you.


No way.


No way, I don't think we're very good at this commandment.


No, we're horrible at this commandment, that's why I bring it up.


And not only with. I mean, we're certainly horrible with the love your neighbor is your self part, but loving each other as Christians we're really not even good at that.


No, we're not. Sometimes, like right now, steve, I don't like you. And not only do I not love you, I don't like you, you have this thing on top of your head that looks like it and like I don't even know what to call it. So okay, just you know, with a podcast you have no idea what I'm looking at here, but Steve has headphones on his head and and the thing that that goes on the top has worn off because the cushioning, the cushioning yes worn off.


So Steve took the blue shop paper towel things.


Hey, it's just being resourceful.


They wrapped it around and then taped it. Is that duct tape? I guess no, well, I can't tell. It's probably painters tape, okay, painters tape. And so it's green painters tape with the blue.


But you know what, on my bald head it is so much more comfortable than just that hard plastic I'm sure that's true which I would think your heads bald enough that you probably have a mark when we're done. I have, I have the cushion on there.


It doesn't look like it. Oh, I don't have a cushion on there, do I? Oh, that's right. I had to tear mine off because it was leaving black flecks all over me.


Yours did the same thing, mine did.


You know what? No-transcript. Yeah, you're right, but I don't feel it really. Oh, I do. Huh, I guess I still have enough hair up there. My comb over is. All right, let's move on to the last paragraph before people sign off on us.


All right. Well then, let's move on In this section. It's very small. It says Simon. Peter said to him Lord, where are you going? Jesus answered him where I am going. You cannot follow me now, but you will follow afterward. Peter said to him Lord, why can I not follow you? I will lay down my life for you. Jesus answered, will you lay down your life for me? Truly, truly, I say to you the rooster will not crow till you have denied me three times.


So one thing I just realized from this that's interesting. It seems like Peter really does understand what Jesus is saying that he's going to his death.


I think so. Yeah, that's true. I think that Peter realizes and in fact, if you remember a couple, maybe there's a couple of chapters back, the Pharisees understood that Jesus was saying he was going to die because he was, but they were saying is he going to kill himself? Because he said something similar, where I'm going, you cannot go. And they took that as saying is he going to kill himself?


Nope, you're going to do it for me.


Nope, I'm not going to, but I'm not going to prevent you from doing it. But yeah, you're right. I think Peter does think he's saying that he's going to die and he would like to. You know, he thinks he would like to think that he would lay down his life for Jesus.


He eventually does.


He does, but he has a lot of work to do before he does he does Jesus, lets him know that you're not there yet, and that's a pretty powerful thing later on when he figures that out.




All right.


I think that's all I've got.


That's all that's here, All right. Well, this is a pretty short one, Steve Last do you know?


Well, the last one was really was over an hour. It was painfully long.


It was really long. By the end of that thing, I was about to die.


What time are we at now?


36 minutes. Oh, that's perfect. This one's quick, yeah, this one. I would say this is on the short side, I think are you making fun of my height? No, but we can. Shorty Bald, shorty person with a blue thing on top of your head.


Colorblind monkey face, man and that's rude.


Monkeys are colorblind.


And they have beards.


All right. Well, I think we've really jumped the shark now and we better sign off. So hopefully we'll get on track now and we'll be able to start putting these out every week, and hopefully we'll get on track. I hope you'll stick with us. All right? Thanks a lot, guys. See you next time. Oh and don't, don't forget John 14. Read John 14.


John 14, before you listen to the next podcast.


So you'll be ahead of us and it's actually a pretty short it is, and you can make fun of us because you're smarter than we are and you know what. I'm okay with that, all right, all right, all right, all right. The regular guys. Bible study is a chasm LLC production. All rights reserved. Thanks very much.

Symbolism of Foot-Washing in the Bible
Jesus' Name and Judas' Betrayal