The Regular Guys Bible Study

1 Peter 1:13-25

May 27, 2024 Ken Strickland Season 4 Episode 2
1 Peter 1:13-25
The Regular Guys Bible Study
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The Regular Guys Bible Study
1 Peter 1:13-25
May 27, 2024 Season 4 Episode 2
Ken Strickland

Discover the threads that connect ancient prophecies to our everyday lives as Ken and Steve guide you through a riveting journey into 1 Peter 1. With a blend of humor and depth, we're not just scratching the surface; we're seizing the call to prepare our minds for action and live with a purpose that outshines our former selves. Tune in and transform your understanding of Scripture, making your spiritual experience with us rich and impactful.

This episode is a deep dive into the essence of grace and what it truly means to be holy. As we peel back the layers of Jesus's mission on Earth, we confront the real-life struggle of balancing grace with the call to holiness—particularly within the intricate web of family dynamics. Ken and Steve don't just talk the talk; they share their own hurdles, inviting you to contemplate the purity of your path in today's complex world.

Finally, we tackle the weighty interplay between judgment, grace, and mercy, shedding light on the profound impact of Christ's ransom. Our conversation flows from personal commitment to the collective experience, acknowledging the historical figures who sculpted the early Christian landscape. As we reflect on the growth of our community and God's role in our endeavors, we invite you to extend this heartfelt discussion to everyone in your circle—friends, foes, and all those in between.

Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

Discover the threads that connect ancient prophecies to our everyday lives as Ken and Steve guide you through a riveting journey into 1 Peter 1. With a blend of humor and depth, we're not just scratching the surface; we're seizing the call to prepare our minds for action and live with a purpose that outshines our former selves. Tune in and transform your understanding of Scripture, making your spiritual experience with us rich and impactful.

This episode is a deep dive into the essence of grace and what it truly means to be holy. As we peel back the layers of Jesus's mission on Earth, we confront the real-life struggle of balancing grace with the call to holiness—particularly within the intricate web of family dynamics. Ken and Steve don't just talk the talk; they share their own hurdles, inviting you to contemplate the purity of your path in today's complex world.

Finally, we tackle the weighty interplay between judgment, grace, and mercy, shedding light on the profound impact of Christ's ransom. Our conversation flows from personal commitment to the collective experience, acknowledging the historical figures who sculpted the early Christian landscape. As we reflect on the growth of our community and God's role in our endeavors, we invite you to extend this heartfelt discussion to everyone in your circle—friends, foes, and all those in between.

Speaker 1:

You are listening to the Regular Guys Bible Study Podcast, the Bible study for regular guys by regular guys. We are your hosts, ken and Steve, and we are just regular guys studying the Bible together.

Speaker 2:

Ken, why are you making?

Speaker 1:

that sound Okay. You know now it's playing over me, but we have our intro, Steve, and I think that's very inappropriate for you to be doing the ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch while I'm talking in the intro.

Speaker 2:

What in the heck is that? Oh, no one wants to hear that.

Speaker 1:

It's not about whether they want to. They have to suffer through it so that they can get the prize on the other side, which is what. Which is this. Wow, what a win man. I worked so hard on that intro and then you do little things like that and you know what? Do you know what happens to my hide? I don't, it gets chapped, it chaps my hide.

Speaker 2:

Maybe you should put some lipstick on your chapped hide. You can put lipstick on a pigstick on your chaptide. You can put lipstick on a pig it's still a pig. Okay, those are words that you said. I'm saying you're a pig with a chaptide wearing chapstick on your butt, goshy then.

Speaker 1:

Well, what a way to start. It is All right. So last week we only got about halfway through 1 Peter, 1 Peter 1, that is, there's not a lot left in this chapter. Well, that's what we're doing, though. We're just doing the rest of this chapter. Yeah, I did notice that if you go, you know we're doing the ESV. If you switch that sucker to NIV or NLT or most other versions, I mean most other translations Actually, not NLT, I mean not NIV. Sorry, where am I? I don't't know. I wish you could finish your thought. I'm in the wrong book. I'm sorry. I I went so I was studying something else, as far as you know first opinions all right, uh, first peter is what we're in.

Speaker 1:

So if, if you notice, if you go to NIV version, the section, you know how they add these section titles it doesn't end until 2 Peter 3. And that's how NLT is as well. And that's how NLT is as well. It's like they believe that the real thought ends after verse 3. So you want to go that far? We could, but it sounds like you haven't studied that part, because I didn't mention it, I didn't want to go ahead.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that's cheating.

Speaker 1:

That is cheating, I agree. I didn't want to go ahead. Yeah, that's cheating. That is cheating, I agree. So let's just stick with the chapters in ESV.

Speaker 1:

Well, the chapters are the same in both and all, but we'll just stick with chapters and go through the end of chapter one of 1 Peter. So, as always, if you haven't read 1 Peter, don't feel like you need to listen to this right now Go read 1 Peter. So, as always, if you haven't read first Peter, you know, don't feel like you need to listen to this right now Go read first Peter. I think you'll get more out of it If you have read it before you hear us reading it.

Speaker 2:

In fact, if you listened to last week's, you are definitely going to get more out of it If you read it first.

Speaker 1:

That's what I was about to say and you beat me to it.

Speaker 2:

Jerk, I mean Steve, I think they were just tired of hearing you talk. I know I was yeah, okay.

Speaker 1:

You talk now Go, I'm going to read it. Okay, all right. So Steve is going to read it. I have a little plug first. Finally, you need some plugs, not hair plugs.

Speaker 2:

Oh finally, you need some plugs, not hair plug, oh, you know, if you listen to this, yeah, and you enjoy it, or you have people you don't like and you think they would not want to listen to it as well, please, share.

Speaker 1:

Oh, spread the word. Yeah, yeah, don't. Don't, if you like this thing um, you know you're weird, um, first of all, but second of all, don't hold it in share the love better out than in. You said, don't hold it in okay, yeah, don't hold it in, share it and let other people know. I know we've had some growth lately. We've had some little little peeling off of the growth, so but it's okay, you know what this is. God owns this thing, not us. Yep, all right. So why don't you read the first word, steve?

Speaker 1:

therefore ah, therefore, and what do we say about, therefore, what? What's it there for? Okay, so what is it there for Steve?

Speaker 2:

You're the one that wanted me to stop there. You tell me.

Speaker 1:

Okay, all right, so just a reminder. So Peter was talking about the prophets and how they longed for this time when the Christ was come. And they prophesied about the Christ, but they knew that the Christ was not going to come. It was not what they were saying was not for them, but it was for this time. And I'll read the last verse. It says it was revealed to them that they were serving not themselves, but you, and the things that have now been announced to you through those who preach the good news to you by the Holy Spirit, sent from heaven, things into which angels long to look.

Speaker 2:

And then he says, therefore, therefore preparing your minds for action and being sober minded. Set your hope fully on the grace that would be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ. As obedient children, do not be conformed to the passions of your former ignorance. But as he who called you is holy, you also be holy in all your conduct. Since it is written, you shall be holy, for I am holy.

Speaker 2:

And if you call on him as father who judges impartially according to each one's deeds, conduct yourselves with fear throughout the time of your exile, knowing that you were ransomed from the futile ways inherited from your forefathers, not with perishable things such as silver or gold, but with the precious blood of Christ, like that of a lamb, without blemish or spot. He was foreknown before the foundation of the world, but was made manifest in the last times. For the sake of you who, through him, are believers in God, who raised him from the dead and gave him glory, so that your faith and hope are in God, having purified your souls by your obedience to the truth for a sincere brotherly love. Love one another earnestly from a pure heart, since you have been born again, not of perishable seed but of imperishable, through the living and abiding word of God, for all flesh is like grass and all its glory like the flower of grass. The grass withers and the flower falls, but the word of the Lord remains forever, and this word is the good news that was preached to you.

Speaker 1:

Okay, thank you, steve. You're welcome, ken, and you know what I think you practiced, because you were embarrassed from last week.

Speaker 2:

I didn't, but I actually did pretty well that time you did really well, I swear, you practiced. I didn't.

Speaker 1:

Will you swear by it? You need to make an oath of some sort for me to understand.

Speaker 2:

I don't. We read that before, really, yeah, oh, don't make oaths. Oh, let your yes be yes and your no be no.

Speaker 1:

Oh, so did you practice, steve.

Speaker 2:

No Wow.

Speaker 1:

Excellent, all right. Wow, excellent, all right. So there's this first sentence. Other than the, therefore, it has some things. It says, therefore, preparing your minds for action.

Speaker 2:

What does that?

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Well, you know, there's a little note in mine that says the Greek is girding up the loins of your mind. I don't know what that means.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so you know what a tenderloin is. Right, steve, I do. Okay, so you need to gird those up, the ones that are in your brain and don't strain your….

Speaker 2:

So I know how to smoke one. I know how to sous vide one. Okay.

Speaker 1:

Well, this is a different form. This is girding. Okay, I'll have to look up girding.

Speaker 2:

Okay, that's not helpful, steve See.

Speaker 1:

Look, we have an arrangement here. I ask questions, you make answer, see.

Speaker 2:

Me Steve, you can Exactly you can. Exactly. I think this means that they need to prepare themselves, especially their minds, to follow Christ's example, be holy, as he was holy, which takes a lot of concentration and focus.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I think it's pretty simple really. It's just be ready. It's simple to be holy. No, I mean, what he's saying is simple. It's like hey, get ready to do stuff. It's not just about your mind, I don't know, I don't know about you, Steve, but if my mind is not prepared for action, my body ain't going to be either.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

And I always like to use the word ain't. That's a really big part of my vocabulary.

Speaker 2:

Oh, that's good.

Speaker 1:

All right, so prepare your minds for actions.

Speaker 2:

Good thing, I read it today.

Speaker 1:

I think so, and being sober-minded, what is that?

Speaker 2:

Well, I could see how you might think. That means don't be drunk.

Speaker 1:

I don't think it means that, but I don't think it means that.

Speaker 2:

I think it means level-headed.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, like I gave you that.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, destiny, yeah what is it called it is level-headed.

Speaker 1:

I know, but what is it that I'm giving you?

Speaker 2:

Accolades or something, I don't know. Anyway, no one knows what you're talking about I know.

Speaker 1:

Anyway, yeah, I think it's about being level-headed. So be ready to act. Be level-headed. Set your hope fully on the grace that will be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ.

Speaker 2:

So I have a question here. Yes, will be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ. They've already had the revelation of Jesus Christ. Why is it will be.

Speaker 1:

This is the second coming of Jesus Christ, is it yes? Okay, do you have another?

Speaker 2:

answer no, that's what I had to.

Speaker 1:

All right, okay, so let me back up a little bit, because those first two things preparing your minds for action and being sober-minded these are preparation for what he's going to tell you to do and what he's telling you to do so get ready, be level-headed, so that you can set your hope fully on the grace that will be brought to you at the revelation of jesus christ. All right, so?

Speaker 1:

so it's hope yes and preparation, so you might say it's preparation h you know, steve, we prayed before this that we wouldn't um blaspheme the holy spirit or say anything heretic. Heretic, no wonder we can. I can't even say it heretical, I don't think that's no, I don't either, but I, I think that I knew it was coming, though I it's the word preparation and or prepare, or where was it Preparing? Yeah, and hope, hope.

Speaker 2:

I knew it was coming, I was going to use holy, but we hadn't gotten that far yet. Ah, okay.

Speaker 1:

Just couldn't wait. No, all right. But it says, set your hope fully on the grace. So what does that mean, to set your hope fully on the grace?

Speaker 2:

So what does that mean? To set your hope fully on the grace? Hmm, the first thing that comes to my mind is that we can't get there by works, and it's only by grace that we are saved.

Speaker 1:

That is true, that's a good point.

Speaker 2:

Do you have something different?

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Do you have anything?

Speaker 1:

No, I got nothing.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Well, I mean, that's not.

Speaker 2:

You're supposed to have an answer when you ask a question.

Speaker 1:

No, I just asked, I ask question. You make answer me answer. Um, no, I think that's good. Um, I don't have anything different than that. Um, but grace, uh, you know what? What? Why did jesus come?

Speaker 2:

Why did Jesus come To basically redeem our souls? Because we couldn't do it ourselves, Right so?

Speaker 1:

that's his whole purpose. Grace is the purpose for his coming, if you think about it, because that's how our sin is forgiven.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

So if our hope is not on that grace, then I've where should you go? Yeah, I don't know where it would be Okay. Um, let's see what else do you got, steve?

Speaker 2:

Well, I don't really have anything on the next couple of sentences. I don't think. All right all right. Well, there's oh, it's actually way through, it's actually pretty dense.

Speaker 1:

Oh, I do have some as obedient children. Do not be conformed to the passions of your former ignorance. Okay, so who is this to steve? Is this to Jews or Gentiles? This letter, oh I don't remember.

Speaker 2:

It's to Jews, I think it's. Yeah, the dispersion.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's to Jews who became believers. I mean, I don't know what to call them. They're completed Jews. Maybe you could call them I don't know, but these are Jews, yep jews. Maybe you could call them, I don't know, but these are jews, yep. And.

Speaker 2:

and he says as obedient children, do not be conformed to the passions of your former ignorance so, which I think you have to go further than that, and I'm going to fast forward go ahead to halfway through 18, from the feudal ways inherited from your forefathers. I think those two things are the same.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

The forefathers had their 600 and whatever laws that you had to follow and they'd stone you if you didn't. You had to follow and they'd stone you if you didn't, and they were ignorant about.

Speaker 1:

Jesus when he was right in front of them. But now, today, we only have one father. How did they have four fathers back then?

Speaker 2:

That's not what that means, ken. Oh, okay, it's like the fathers from before them ah, okay, thank you for that explanation. Spelled differently okay, it's spelled the same as before.

Speaker 1:

There's four ah, man, I'm learning okay shouldn't it be before fathers I?

Speaker 1:

I wonder if it comes from that word, I don't know. No, okay, I okay, that's interesting. Squirrel, um, okay, yes, I think that is true. So the passions of your former ignorance and the feudal ways inherited from your forefathers you're saying those are related to each other, if not exactly the same. So one thing that's interesting to me is passions of your former ignorance, and it makes me think about what is that I mean? Initially, when I first read that, I would say cause passions. It's like, okay, it's like sexual sin or something. But I don't think so.

Speaker 2:

Or lust for search, quest for gold, or, you know, riches when I read this, I and connect it with the uh, the jewish laws and the pharisees and stuff. I think of how they'd get all upset because you carried your bed on the sabbath.

Speaker 1:

well, that's what I think now, I mean I'm saying, the very first time I read it I thought that and then I started to realize hold on, this is passions of your former ignorance, which was a life in the law, and so the passion was for this law, like Jesus' disciples picking grain on the Sabbath, or healing someone on the Sabbath talking to a Samaritan. You know those sorts of things.

Speaker 2:

But for some reason overlooking selling the animals in the front area before the sacrifices. You know where he overturned the tables.

Speaker 1:

For some reason.

Speaker 2:

They just overlooked that one.

Speaker 1:

They just overlooked it for some reason. Cha-ching, cha-ching.

Speaker 2:

Gagreed, gagreed.

Speaker 1:

Yep, and you know what Steve Do? We do that same sort of thing, I'm sure we do I know I, I guarantee you I'm guilty of that same thing at times yeah, it's easy to justify anything yep, um, all right, so it's a good thing. I put my hope fully on the grace, so all right. So this I did not want to pass this up because he just said, put your set, your hope fully on the grace.

Speaker 1:

So all right. So this I did not want to pass this up because he just said set your hope fully on the grace that will be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ, right? So grace, that means we don't have to do anything for that right. I mean, god gave it to us, it's a gift, all right. Then he says here you as part of that um, you know the former ignorance stuff he says. But as he who called you is holy, you also be holy in all your conduct. Since it is written, you shall be holy, for I am holy. All right. So our the grace is given to us, but we're commanded or called commanded to be holy, as christ is holy.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so what is? How does, how do those mix Well?

Speaker 2:

I don't think the Old Testament laws that God gave were there just for giggles. I think there's good reason behind them. Like the whole sex before marriage thing, it ruins or stains your wedding with your future wife. I mean, you're coming with baggage. You have something to say, ken.

Speaker 1:

No, Nope. Yep, you're right though, Steve. I agree with that. I have five kids. None are married, All are in their Twenties. Last week All are now in their 20s, and so, you know, that's one of those things that I can just pray that they. I mean also, I do talk to them about these things and I hope they care, and I think they do. But my point is yeah, what is your point, Steve the?

Speaker 2:

rules are there to protect us, not to be a burden.

Speaker 1:

All right, so but yeah, well, some of those rules make you holy, some are just rules.

Speaker 2:

True and some of them are no longer applicable, like I don't have to go sacrifice a pigeon or something and why not? Because it's already been done for me through Jesus.

Speaker 1:

Exactly Okay. So, all right, so we are to act as holy people. And then he says If you call on him as father who judges impartially according to each one's deeds, conduct yourselves with fear throughout the time of your exile, knowing that you were ransomed from the feudal ways inherited from your forefathers not with perishable things such as silver or gold, but with the precious blood of Christ, like that of a lamb, without blemish or spot. Okay, so here he goes again, talking about now he's talking about judgment. And he says all right, first of all he talked about this grace that we have our hope in, right, but now he says the Father who judges impartially according to each one's deeds, Okay, Okay. So that sounds like now we're being judged based on our deeds, not by the grace of Jesus.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that's tough. I do think there's still a judgment for those who are saved, there's a judgment for all, but Christ is our intermediary and steps and takes our punishment.

Speaker 1:

All right. Well, it is not listed here. Let me see where is it. I should have made a note of where this is, but shoot, what an idiot I am. There are. The Bible refers to two judgments. There are. The Bible refers to two judgments. The one that I'm familiar with is in Revelation oh come on.

Speaker 2:

I'm sure glad you prepared for this.

Speaker 1:

Ken, yeah, you know, sometimes I just think oh, I'll remember that one, I do that all the time, and then I look at my notes and I'm like nothing there, I write it down um, okay, um, the final judgment.

Speaker 1:

Um, all right, so there are two judgments, let's see. Uh, and there are two judgments, let's see. Let me look at this one. All right, the seventh angel sounded, and this is in Revelation. Seventh angel sounded, revelation 11, 15 to 18. Then the seventh angel sounded, and this is in Revelation. Seventh angel sounded, revelation 11, 15 to 18. Then the seventh angel sounded and there was a loud voice in heaven saying the kingdoms of this world have become the kingdoms of our Lord and of his Christ, and he shall reign forever and ever. And the 24 elders who sat before God on their thrones fell on their faces and worshiped God, saying we give you thanks, o Lord, god Almighty, the one who is and who is and who is to come, because you have taken your great power and reign. The nations were angry and your wrath has come. Oh, shoot, this isn't it. I'm just reading. I'm just reading stuff. I think we call that rambling, rambling, rambling, rambling and the time. Rambling, rambling, rambling and the time, uh dang it are you helping me find it, steve?

Speaker 1:

you're not helping me find it, are you? You're just whistling boom, boom. Let me why aren't you helping me. Steve, I don't know what you're looking for the two judgments in Revelation. Revelation there is a. There is a. The two judgments. Maybe I'm wrong about it being in Revelation. Maybe that's my problem.

Speaker 2:

It's a long list.

Speaker 1:

The Bible speaks of two great coming judgments, though we also recognize specific judgments for Jews and Gentiles who live in or through the tribulation. All right, revelation 20, 4 to 5. And I saw thrones and they sat on them and judgment was committed to them. Then I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded and their. That's a different judgment. Ah, here we go, the final judgment.

Speaker 2:

The nations raged, but your wrath came. Came in the time for the dead to be judged and for rewarding your servants. So you could still get rewarded, yes, all right, here we go.

Speaker 1:

Um, revelation, uh, chapter 20, verse 11 to 15. Then I saw a great white throne and him who sat on it. For those who face the earth and the heaven fled away and there was found no place for them. And I saw the dead, small and great, standing before God, and books were opened. And another book was opened, which is the book of life, and the dead were judged according to their works, by the things which were written in the books. The sea gave up the dead and who were in it, and death and Hades delivered up the dead who were in them and they were judged each one according to his work. Then death and Hades were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death, and anyone not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire. So the first judgment is the judgment of deeds, and then the second judgment is if your book, if your name, is written in the book of life. So did you learn something today, steve?

Speaker 1:

yes, okay that you didn't make good notes all right, I did find it, though you did. It only took me about 30 minutes, all right, speaking of 30 minutes, that's where we are right now in this podcast.

Speaker 2:

Wow, we've really stretched this guy we have stretched this thing.

Speaker 1:

It is pretty dense, I think.

Speaker 2:

It is.

Speaker 1:

And I'm glad we're taking the time to find it. But that's one thing, though. I think it's important for people to believe or to understand, because there's talk about being judged in the Bible for what you've done, but there's also talk about grace and mercy, and they are not counter to each other. They are not counter to each other. There are two judgments that if you have believed and confessed in the name of Jesus Christ that he is a son of God and you have put your faith in him, then at that point your name gets written into the book of life. And now, as we read with James, and now as we read with James, once that happens, it's not like you'll go okay, I can do whatever I want, because once you've actually done that, you don't want to do whatever you want, you want to live for Christ.

Speaker 2:

To do what he wants.

Speaker 1:

Right, and so it's. You know. You just can't say the words yeah, that's not accepting Christ, all right, so why don't we move on, steve? Well, I have a question for you.

Speaker 2:

Yeah go ahead. What does ransom mean?

Speaker 1:

Ransom means if you have like, okay. So I have a company that sends out these little pieces of software and if somebody accidentally clicks on it, then it encrypts their whole computer. It's awesome. Okay, I don't really do that. That's a joke.

Speaker 2:

But you didn't get to the ransom part.

Speaker 1:

Okay, and then I tell them that I am holding their data for ransom and if they pay me, then I will unencrypt their computer.

Speaker 2:

And sometimes that works.

Speaker 1:

Sometimes it doesn't.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that's how I think of ransom as well in a negative connotation.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Is it not? Well, it actually means to redeem or liberate.

Speaker 1:

Holding somebody for ransom. Something for ransom.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, holding that to be redeemed. The money is to liberate them. Yes, that's interesting, so the word itself is kind of positive. It's just always used in a negative way.

Speaker 1:

That is true, because normally it's a bad guy holding you, holding something, but in this case I guess sin is holding us and Christ has ransomed us. Where does it say ransom?

Speaker 2:

18, knowing that you were ransomed from the feudal ways inherited from your forefathers.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

With the precious blood of Christ.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

All right, you can move on, all right.

Speaker 1:

So what else do you have, Steve?

Speaker 2:

Not much.

Speaker 1:

You don't have anything. What about notes and stuff?

Speaker 2:

I thought I would remember.

Speaker 1:

You were making fun of me, are you kidding?

Speaker 2:

me. I am making fun of you right now. Oh gosh, but really I have nothing.

Speaker 1:

Oh man. Okay, All right, let's see, Because I don't have anything for that section. All right, let's see. And, of course, the last section. It was so short. Why did I need to write any notes down? Okay, I am making a commitment right now to write down every note. Every thought, every thought that comes into my brain dot and tittle, no, but every meaningful thought that comes into my brain while I'm studying this. I'm making a commitment. Do you hear me?

Speaker 2:

all right. So here's a question for you. All right, have you purified your soul by obedience to the truth, and do you love one another earnestly, from a pure heart?

Speaker 1:

All right. Having purified your souls by your obedience to the truth for a sincere brotherly love, love one another earnestly from a pure heart. Having purified your souls by your obedience to the truth, I believe my soul has been purified, steve, but that's not saying I'm 100% obedient. I try, but I fail.

Speaker 2:

Do you try to love one another earnestly, from a pure heart?

Speaker 1:

You know what, steve, I actually don't struggle with that. Even the people I don't care to be around.

Speaker 2:

There's some days where I just wake up on the wrong side of the bed and I think everybody's an idiot, where I just wake up on the wrong side of the bed and I think everybody's an idiot.

Speaker 1:

You know, gosh man, you just really bored me a lot, right then, apparently, gosh, Good yawn though.

Speaker 2:

Thank you.

Speaker 1:

Um, I have a tendency to. You have a tendency to. You have a tendency. I have a tendency to give everybody, like the Benefit of the doubt.

Speaker 2:

Benefit of the doubt, yeah, that's really annoying to my wife.

Speaker 1:

At times it's like you're just like taking, taking you're being the devil's advocate. No, I'm not. I'm just trying to think of why they might see it from both sides.

Speaker 2:

I'm trying to see it from both sides I do the same thing, but I also do it in the other direction, oh yeah, where I try to see what their impure motives might be oh man, I never assume impure motives and it's gotten me in trouble all the time, but I think that's better see, my wife calls me negative because I'll point out stuff like that yeah, I would say that is negative, my wife.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, calling me negative she's a bit of a negative. I'll quit it. Maybe sometimes, but we all are sometimes that's true. Um, so yeah, I, I, uh, I never seek for the impure motives of people, and I don't know why People have called me naive before and it's because I really am, um, I don't know why. You just naturally trust everyone you know, you know what I think it is and I'm being serious about this, Steve. I think it means that sometimes you have impure motives.

Speaker 2:

I see where you're coming from, but I don't feel like that's the case it might not be I think it's more of an analysis of I mean, actually, you might be using better logic than me. I just try to see both sides, but yeah.

Speaker 1:

I have. I struggle with that side, though I don't know how to see from that side, because the truth is.

Speaker 2:

You must come to the dark side.

Speaker 1:

The truth is about me and I'm not bragging, but I rarely have, if ever have, some ulterior motive than what I portray, and I don't know why it's it's. I don't think it's. You know, people could say it's a spiritual gift. Did I do that? But I don't think so. I think that's the way I am. I think I was that way before I accepted christ. Um, I don't know why it it could just be rooted, deep-rooted naivety.

Speaker 2:

Maybe you've just had such a blessed and cushion-covered wall sort of life that you've never been beaten down and pushed into those places that are dark and dingy that you have no reason to think that there's such a place that makes me sad, but you might be right.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I am the youngest of four boys, so I'm a spoiled brat growing up, so I don't know. Now I feel guilty. Thanks, steve, guilty for having a blessed life.

Speaker 2:

Yeah pansy, you're like the flower of the grass, just gonna wither alright.

Speaker 1:

So let's see, since you've been born again not of perishable seed but of imperishable, all right. So this is being born again to eternal life, right, um, through the living and abiding word of god, um. And then he talks about. You know, we're like the grass that withers and the flower that fades.

Speaker 2:

Basically, I think it's just saying our time here is pretty short.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I think it was. They were kind of imitating a Kansas song there.

Speaker 2:

Dust in the wind.

Speaker 1:

All we are is dust in the wind. But the word, but the Lord, but the word of the Lord remains forever. You know, I find it interesting that they that in the ESV at least, they don't capitalize word right there, but the word of the Lord, and they don't capitalize it in NIV either, I guess because it's of the Lord instead of the Word.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's not the Word, as in.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Is it Matthew opens that way?

Speaker 1:

Or is it?

Speaker 2:

No, it's John. We just did John it was our?

Speaker 1:

Was that our second book, second book, and this is the good news that was preached to you? And who preached the good news to them originally? Do you remember? Do you know? I have a horrible memory oh, come on, man, we're going through this book in acts right now. I mean this book acts, the book, the book.

Speaker 2:

Well, my guess would be Paul.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

No, who is it? Peter? He went all the way up there.

Speaker 1:

No, these people were in Jerusalem. These are the people who were dispersed.

Speaker 2:

They weren't dispersed in the Old Testament dispersion. They were dispersed in the newer.

Speaker 1:

I'm assuming these are the people who were dispersed in Acts After they became Christians? Yes, but I could be wrong, but I don't think so. The letter would be completely different.

Speaker 2:

No, you're probably right, it happens.

Speaker 1:

Not very often, but sometimes I score. So anyway, he's saying this is basically what I preached to you. He's not the only one that preached, but he's the one that is spoken about preaching. But it says I believe in Acts that the disciples did preach, Other people preached, and we know actually that Philip preached and was stoned for it, right.

Speaker 2:

Is that?

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Stephen was stoned, sorry.

Speaker 2:

I don't know which other ones were stoned, but I know Stephen was, that's who I meant.

Speaker 1:

Anyway, that's all we got.

Speaker 2:

All right, so 2 Peter Coming up.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, we're not going to move on to more, but please read 2 Peter. Let's see how long is 2 Peter 2? I mean, no, not 2 Peter, 1 Peter, chapter 2.

Speaker 2:

1 Peter, chapter 2. Two I mean no, not second peter. First peter chapter. First peter chapter two.

Speaker 1:

um, it's not terribly long, but if it's dense it might get split into two chunks yeah, I would say, go ahead and read the full chapter, but, you know, focus on the first half, because we could get stuck in that. Uh, there are a couple of quotes that we might want to spend some time on. I haven't looked at it yet, though, so, anyway, I think that's all we got. All right, guys, I really appreciate you sticking with us. Like Steve was saying earlier, tell your friends.

Speaker 2:

And tell your enemies yeah, stick. Tell your enemies, yeah, stick it to them.

Speaker 1:

The Regular Guys Bible Study is a Chasm LLC production. All rights reserved.

Regular Guys Bible Study Podcast
Discussion on Grace and Holiness
Discussion on Grace, Ransom, and Judgment
Discussion of Acts and 1 Peter