LDS & Loving Life

Jordana's Probably Not Very Unique Money Mind-Set Adventure, That Might Help You

Jordana Thiessen Episode 51

Money. This can be a tough subject for some of us! I used to have a lot of struggles around money, and what I thought about monye.

To sum it up, deep down, I used to hold onto a belief that "Money is a necessary evil."

You may think that is funny, or absurd, or ridiculous. I won't argue with you on that. But we all have beliefs that don't seem to make a lot of logical sense.

Perhaps you relate 100% with that belief, and you are wanting to make a change.

In this episode, I share with you why I believe I came to hold onto this belief (you may find some that are the same for you), and what has helped me to grow out of those beliefs.

Ready to change your belief from "I'll never have enough" to "I am abundantly blessed?" Listen to my journey to get some tips that might help you. Listen for insights that speak to you.

Come work with me, and I will help you uncover the unhelpful beliefs that are keeping you stuck. Step into your limitless potential.

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