LDS & Loving Life

Inspired Boundaries To Live a Life of Integrity

Jordana Thiessen Episode 61

What do you know about boundaries? 

Have you found that you are living personal boundaries at the cost of gospel living? Or perhaps, that you have been trying to live the gospel at the expense of having and maintaining boundaries?

I am in the thick of learning and understanding more about how to live the gospel and boundaries. This episode shares a little bit of what I have learned. I believe that boundaries are designed to help us live into our integrity, and that sometimes, we are pushed out of our comfort zone.

Hopefully this episode will help you know what you can do when you feel like a boundary and gospel living clash, and that you will find the way for YOU to live in integrity- which is the best kind of gospel living AND boundary maintenance. 

Ready to work with me, one on one? Book your "Try it Out" coaching session at

Thoughts and ideas about the podcast? Something to add or otherwise? Reach out to me at