The Mindful Birding Podcast

Episode 21: Gratitude for Birds II

The Mindful Birding Podcast with Holly Merker & Holly Thomas Season 2 Episode 21

In this episode, we honor gratitude for wild birds, by playing voices of gratitude from around the world, which some of our listeners and network members have offered.  We thank all that have contributed and those of you who listen! 
You will hear the voices of:

Arax, United Kingdom

Don Boyd, New Mexico

Pamela Lowell, Massachusetts

Pam Kolber-Zicca, New York

Mary, Colorado

Holly Thomas, New Mexico

Dave Edson, Massachusetts

Jo, California

Laurel, Michigan 

Holly Merker, Pennsylvania

Julie, Maryland

Susan Preston, New Mexico 

Jack Bruce, Georgia 

Amanda Booher, South Dakota

Lindsay McNamara, New Jersey 

Anne, Pennsylvania 

Poem by Mary Oliver:  “With Thanks to the Field Sparrow”

In the Mindful Birding Nerding segment: Holly Thomas explores the science of gratitude and joy

Spending Money on Others Promotes Happiness

A neural link between generosity and happiness

 In the Joy of Birdsong segment, Chris Benesh is back with the song of a Horned Lark recorded in Oaxaca, Mexico 

Intro music: “Inspired by Nature” by PlayAgain
Intro Birdsong & Clips throughout : Western Meadowlark
Outro music: “Inspired by Nature” by PlayAgain
Outro Birdsong: Eastern Meadowlark
Mindful Birding Network Website
Instagram: @mindfulbirdingnetwork
Produced by Co-hosts Holly Merker and Holly Thomas

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